The Void

Name: Lliam Boyzcott (Lee-um, Boy-z-cott)

Nickname: prefers to be called by his first name

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Specialties: After spending time in the void, he became proficient in the art of using daggers. He has high enough accuracy to hit a target that's within a decent range. He is also agile and quick, his agility is often compared to that of a martial artist, however he is not one. He can physically fight, but the majority of his strength comes from accuracy and precision.

Abilities: Water

History: Lliam is the type of person who had a fairly average childhood. He was lucky enough to have two parents who love him, a decent sized house in a decent sized neighborhood. In school he was semi-popular, everyone knew him because he participated in track and was kind to the majority of people; the only exceptions to this rule were those who were disrespectful to people he was close to. On the side of his school life, he participated in gymnastics and despite it all he lead a moderate academic life. One could even say he had a teenage dream life. However, he always felt that he could never completely be himself. On the inside Lliam wasn't all roses and sunshine, he was prideful and stubborn, and quite frankly a bit rude. Nevertheless, he held everything in because he desired an easy life. He knew that if he acted like he wanted to, he would have a lot more trouble in his life than he needed. Most of his days, he spent silencing himself and forcing himself to remain the calm. Lliam is a smart yet, oddly lazy guy and tends to avoid trouble at all cost. Therefore, he knew he needed a persona that could please society, thus his kind persona was created.

After high school Lliam proceeded to attend college, however it was the same process. In order to get out and live his life he would make college go as smoothly as possible. Nevertheless, at the end of his third year of college he was sucked into the Void. His life was thrown into chaos as he was tossed into this unknown world. All ways of life he learned were completely useless and if he wanted to survive he would have to change himself as well. After surviving in the void for a few days, he felt like he'd been there for years. He could be himself and not worry about anything except surviving - he was finally free of the confined rules of life. Needless to say he enjoyed the void, and honed his survival skills.

Personality: Lliam is a relatively kind individual who has a tendency to protect those he is fond of. However, the only tricky part is that he doesn't open up to many people. If he opens up to a person, he generally considers them a friend for life and would do anything to protect them. Lliam is very opinionated and typically doesn't hold back when he knows he is right. This trait tends to manifest itself due to his stubbornness and prideful nature; however, he will admit when he is wrong if it is proved. Nevertheless, he has a empathetic and kind side to him. He has a soft spot for children, and loves to eat. He typically isn't the rude and overbearing type unless someone has shown him disrespect first. Although he usually doesn't hang around groups he can be polite and considerate if the party does the same. His motto, "You give respect to receive it."

I am making it now. Will finish it after I make my character...

Yuuki18, accepted, but just remember, your abilities do not manifest until after you exit the void.

Name: Kikinei Mitsu

Nickname: Kiki

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Specialties: Parkour in her spare time, and a strange fascination with daggers and swords.

Abilities: Shadow

History: Kiki was an author, and an entrepreneur. She had everything set for her, even at the extremely young age of 20. Everything was going perfectly for her. Her family was extremely healthy, no medical issues to speak of. Her parents were sweet, understanding, and well off. She was the only child that the lesbian couple had. That's right. She had two loving mothers. Kiki thought that nothing could go wrong. That her life was on the right track. She was in college, getting a degree in marketing, and one other major. Then the void sucked her in. During her time in there, she was extremely kind to everyone. Beneath her calm demeanor though, her worry was clawing at her sanity. Kiki had never had to deal with anything negative her whole life basically, and now this. She didn't know how to deal. Even though the time spent in this in-between world was short-lived, Kiki was split by it. Her personality split into two. One a little crazed, the other her normal kind self.

Personality: Kind, caring, and overall a good person, until her personality shifts, and then she becomes a sarcastic girl, with nothing to lose, and a "get the job done" attitude.

Appearance: (Pic refuses to work....) She is Blonde, and looks considerably younger than twenty, making her the butt of many jokes. However, she is beautiful. Her eyes are a crystalline blue in color, and her hair is ringleted to perfection, even though it is natural. Her figure is petite, besides her DD size chest. Her skin is ivory pale, and there is a slight blush that touches her cheeks. Kiki looks like a porcelain doll, in essence.
Name: Li Shengshun

Nickname: Hei (Prefers)

Age: 18


Specialties: Assasination, Weapon and Hand to hand combat.

Abilities: Electricity

History: Hei was a caring brother who looked after his little sister Bai. Despite his age Hei seemed to be the guardian of Bai. He was always protective of his younger sister.Hei and his sister bai was almost inseperable and he always made sure she was safe. One day his sister came up missing, he didn't know why or how. He was worried about how his sister had came up missing. At the age of 16, He ended up joining a syndicate as an assassin as he continued to search for his sister. At the age of 18, He became known as the black reaper for his reputation of killing people. He struck quick and never left any witnesses. One stormy afternoon, Hei was sent out on an assassination mark for his client when he noticed something different from the other missions. Suddenly a dimensional rift opened up and he was sucked into the Void. While in the void, he only questioned where his sister was and when he would find her. He was kind to the others inside the void, but unless confronted he kept to himself. Finally, the void spit him out along with the others. He noticed something different an almost eerie static feeling. He had the ability to manipulate electricity through objects. He wondered why he was sucked into the void and what would happen next.

Personality: Kind, Helpful, Polite. Rash when it comes to his job, refined to himself unless confronted. Hei is basically a nice guy unless tempted otherwise. If you are on his assassination list, It sucks to be you.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/hei___darker_than_black_by_hyuugakarasu-d4zyqyo.png.73191b29f6244adc04112e7906786e28.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/hei___darker_than_black_by_hyuugakarasu-d4zyqyo.png.73191b29f6244adc04112e7906786e28.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • hei___darker_than_black_by_hyuugakarasu-d4zyqyo.png
    436.2 KB · Views: 64
Name: Zack Wilson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Specialties: Agile,Hand to hand combat and a quick thinker

Abilities: Ice

History: Zack was an average teenager with an average life, he done well in school (although he did get into a few fights due to his short temper) and had some friends a loving family and he lived in a nice neighbourhood.Even though his life was better than others he got bored of it, nothing interesting happened and it was always the same routine until when he was on his way home from school he got sucked into the void.At first Zack was both scared and excited that something interesting was happening in his life but scared he'd be stuck there forever.While he was there Zack tried his hardest to stay calm but also talked too the others trapped there, trying to keep his sanity.

Personality: Zack is very loyal to his friends and is very determined and will not let anything stop him which also makes him very stubborn


(sorry if the pic is a bit small it wasn't wanting to work)
Name: Nixon Veltor

Age: 19 almost 20

Gender: Male

Specialties: Nixon is very persuasive and is a great public speaker. He knows a few card tricks and won't hesitate to show them off when he gets the chance. He likes to tinker with watches and tends to get old clocks back into working gears.

Abilities: Metal

History: The first born of the Veltor family, he has it all; the job, the money, and the estate. Two other siblings were born after him though and are much better at the business than he'll ever be, but the business is his; selling gasmasks and hazard equipment for labs.

As a child Nixon was always a bright boy who could fix the small things in the house and convince guests at parties to get things for him. He'd always end up screwing up later on though, making jokes that aren't funny or knocking over wedding cakes on accident.

People would tell his parents about how strange he was. This made Nixon feel the need to prove himself. He often found himself doing that in front of his younger brothers. Ultimately Nixon just ended up making his younger brothers hate him for trying so hard to be perfect.

Nixon grew up to be a handsome young man taking on this gasmask company even though it wasn't his passion. One fateful day in a lab in Texas, Nixon flew down to personally give a shipment of protective gear for toxic events.

Nixon was signing off a contract when all of the sudden there was no paper in front of him. All he had left was the pen. He was very confused about his situation, but just like his surroundings, his mind was blank. He later began to see the metal pen begin the quake at his touch. The pen bending and moving with his hand.

Maybe he's found something that won't bore him.


Good: He is passionate. There is something in his eyes that says "Leader" His laugh tends to make other people smile and when they smile he feels accomplished

Bad: He tries too hard. Sometimes he has to realize that he's done enough and that he can stop. Even though he likes to see people smile he sometimes leans on the selfish side due to having everything handed down to him


Name: Jackson O'laenter

Nickname: Jack which he pefers but he hates to called Jackie because it makes feel like child

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Specialties: dirty fighting

Abilities: Water


Jack was the second child of upper-society family which made him always in shadow of his successful brother Logan because of this he lash out in by being delinquent and skipping school. the only one in family he likes is his little sister who always happy to see him and accept him for who is and not trying to turn him to second Logan.

Before he disappeared into The Viod, He was arrested by police for vandalism but bailed out by his brother who scolded about his foolishness but jack wouldn't have it which led to a fight which he hit brother unconscious. Afraid that he might done something horrible he ran and just as he was about return home he got sucked in to void.

in void he spent most his time alone and scared specially since he thought he was in hell and this was his punishment which tormented himself which he pray for forgiveness over and over again.

but he left void he thought this was chance to repent.

Personality: Happy go lucky but same time distant but really just afraid that he hurt people come close to him that why he joke about everything but always helping people since he believe that way he will repent his sins


Name: Sedrian

Age: 18

Gender: male

Specialties: incredible marksman, can shoot you in between the eyes while looking the other way.

Abilities: Shadow

History: when Sedrian was born he didn't get any attention from his folks, they were bitter drunks, they constantly beat him until he turned 15. When he turned 15 he murdered them in cold blood, with a wide grin across his face as he did so. From age 16 to 18 he was a loner, he mostly avoided people, and stole food to survive. When he was sent into the void, to him it was bliss... Except for all the other people. Sedrian kept his distance from them, wanting to be left alone. When he returned and realized what was going on, he was outraged.

personality: Sedrian is very deranged, and detached from society. Sedrian does things that even demons would find questionable. From birth all the way to age 18, Sedrian was very detached, and hateful towards the world because of his life. At 15 he developed a killer impulse when he murdered his family in cold blood. Ever since then he has developed a taste for slaughter, and relishes every opportunity to cause someone pain. However he is very trustworthy and doesn't go back on his word.

Name- Calico Scar

Age- 15 years old

Gender- Female

Specialties- High diving and amazing at drawing animals especially mammals

Abilities- Her animals in the drawings can come to full size life when she pricks a drop of blood on to them. The animals can't talk or anything, but they follow her lead.

History- Calico grew up in a home near Palo Alto, California. She was born to a rich family with a younger sister named Winnie. Her parents were both scientists at a Stanford research. They were extremely loving and they kept her innocent for as long as possible. She, her younger sister, and several other children of Stanford college professors were part of a small school system in an empty Stanford classroom. Calico constantly drew detailed animals sketches in a blue notebook. When Calico was fourteen she was playing games on her fathers iPhone when a suggestive message from another professor popped up. She never confronted him but it always bothered her. This was when her prolonged innocence was completely shattered by the realization that someone could betray her mother like that. A few months later after her fifteenth birthday dinner, they got into a car crash and the family car flipped three times. Her mother, father, and younger sister were killed instantly. This crash left tiny scraps of metal on the left side of her face that poke out slightly. (she uses them to prick her finger and bring animals to life after escaping the Void) Her notebook was never recovered from the crash. After learning that her father had alcohol in his system, she began to despise the idea of him. After she was orphaned, she moved in to a Stanford dorm and continued to attend the special school for the children of teachers. At the funeral, Calico walked away from the ceremony into the woods to escape all of the people feeling fake emotions for her losses. She stumbled down a a hill and slipped into a dark tunnel where she appeared in the Void. Oddly, when she appeared in the Void, the notebook was with her. In the Void, she stayed in the portion of the tunnel that existed in the Void. She lived off of the land and stayed to herself. Some of the guys in the void approached her, but she did not seem interested so they left her alone again.

Personality- Calico can appear extremely distant and cold. In reality, she was very hurt by her father betraying the family and tries to prevent feeling betrayal by not making the connections at all. Her trust can be earned, but it is quite hard to do. One must spend quite a lot of time getting her to trust them. One of her major flaws is her bluntness in conversations concerning sensitive topics.

Appearance- Calico has navy blue hair in a pixie cut with steel gray eyes and very pale skin. She has small hips, almost no chest, and a badly defined waist. She stands straight at 5 feet 8 inches, but she generally bends her knees inward to appear shorter because her height bothers her. Calico's signature outfit is tall black boots, black leggings, a blue button down shirt and a black blazer.
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