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Fandom The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Nobushige groggily shook his head at Yuuki.

"Oi, Nobu-sensei, you're not gonna sleep the whole day again are you?"

"I am not a morning person, Uchiha-boy. I tend to work the graveyard shift."

Nobushige chuckled dryly at his own pun, though he moved like the undead. Until he spotted something out the corner of his eye.

"Good morning, mummy sensei!"

Reflex took over, and a series of handsigns started from the man, far to fast to follow. A jut of earth shot up from beneath the flying boy, which, unfortunately shot straight up beneath his legs.

Earth release: Earth Glaive

Nobushige even flinched from it, looking away before it landed, not seeing the effect or even if it hit. At least he hadn't used jagged rock.

"Yeah.....kid, startling me early in the morning ain't a good idea. Hitomi's right, announcing it tends to defeat the purpose. I'm not a battle expert, but my reflexes are faster than yours. Even if they weren't, screaming out after you kill someone will get you caught.

Now, a quick lesson, if you want to pull an assassination on me off, even a mock one, the village gate is behind us. It's a bit riskier to your health, but as an assassin, getting caught is risky in and of itself. You have to be a bit crazy. Though, if you drop down on a target, be mindful of your shadow, do not drop directly on them.

Now, kids, the more effective way though is to just walk up to me. No one expects their friend to kill them. If you look like you belong, you aren't my enemy. Now, Hitomi, your medical jutsu might come in handy. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say Dotou needs it."

Nobushige still didn't look at the aftereffect. Instead he cracked his neck, found a tree stump, and sat down to explain their mission.

"Now, mission briefing time, Dotou's in-charge of departure. We're stealing back a scroll. The Hokage's been informed I'm taking you on an extended training. That's because this mission isn't being recorded. Sometimes being a ninja's doing what's right, no matter orders. For the sake of the village isn't always black and white. Some brigands stole this scroll, we're stealing it back. Now, stealth is the name of the game. If we're seen, all our asses are at stake. You'll get extensive training on transformation jutsu during this. Mostly when NOT to use it. It's hard to maintain for hours.

From what I've seen, Hitomi has the best control, she can maintain the jutsu the longest. We'll be going over acting on the way. This means she has the parts we have to been seen the most. Next is Yuuki. You'll be covering our escape route, and if things go south, you'll cause the distraction. Last is Dotou. I've noticed your footsteps are oddly hard to hear at times. You get the fun job. You get to swipe the scroll. I'll be covering your parts as needed. Long term, I can make two clones max while maintaining cover. Oh, and happy three week anniversary."

Nobushige lazily reached into his pouch and produced three earpieces for each.

"Those are basic instructions. Any questions? Who we're swiping from I'll tell you on the way. Dotou, tell us when to move out. This is your first real mission, don't be afraid of messing up, but I'm leaving you in charge."
Hotaru Hagano
-Team Mako-
Makorama lost his friendly smile, it was replaced by a much darker air, his eyes brooding as he tone became serious, "–Don't be scared of your enemies, because from now on... I am your worst nightmare"

Deeefinitely weird Hotaru thought, leaning backwards slightly, although smile #14 remained more or less intact.

"Well that's hmm... Reassuring? I guess?" she said, following after her sensei at a safe distance. It was too early too to form a solid opinion at this point but Hotaru's initial impression was that her new Sensei was eccentric and unpopular, but obviously competent enough to become a jonin and be trusted with a squad of genin despite all that. Hotaru was still figuring out how adults ran things but it seemed to her that most people could do well if they kept their heads down, worked hard and were reliable. If you wanted to succeed despite being an annoying weirdo then you had to go above and beyond what other people were doing just to be tolerated. Since the other jonin seemed at least somewhat dignified if not entirely normal theoretically Makorama sensei was the most incredible on of the bunch.He might just be an idiot though, hard to say.

Then there was the boy her age, Kuren.

“Hello to both of you. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you. My name is Kurēn Kinoko and It’s an honor to have both of your teammates. Hopefully we can be successful together and help each other accomplish our goals.” Overall Kurēn Kept a stoic face, but he did let some slight nervousness come through his voice.

He seemed like the opposite type to their sensei, polite overly serious, his introduction could have been the example from an etiquette manual. Hotaru decided she'd have to mess with him a bit if she wanted to really find out how interesting he was. Strengths, weaknesses, temperament, desires, if they were going to be teammates then Hotaru could take her time slowly uncovering all of these facets. Usually people tended to start avoiding Hotaru after a while, preventing her from properly investigating them but Kuren was more or less stuck with her, making him a valuable subject.

"So what sort of caravan are we escorting?" Asked Hotaru, speeding up slightly to match Makorama's unusual gait. "What's in it? What sort of route are we taking? Is there likely to be trouble? After all they hired us as guards so it must be at least possible? What's the weather going to be like? Are we going to have to walk the whole way?" The questions erupted from Hotaru like a geyser, betraying her enthusiasm. Besides being a valuable opportunity to observe her new teammates, Hotaru was looking forward to seeing how her moths handled travel and a new environment. Of course in order to gather useful data it was important to eliminate as many extraneous variables as possible. It was therefore necessary to bombard her Sensei with as many questions as possible. Besides, maybe if Hotaru pestered him enough her teacher would do something interesting.

Retro-Grey Retro-Grey loyalwolf loyalwolf
Sei Teshima, Squad 5

Sei watched her sensei scale the side of the building with little difficulty. Honestly, she wondered why he didn't just walk straight up the side like most of the other jounin. A question for another time. She looked down at Kuro, loosely curled around her wrist. "Can you hang on while I climb or do you want to rest in my pouch?"
"Let me ssit around your neck. I promise not to sstrangle you."
Lifting the snake to her shoulder, she waited for him to slither into position before approaching the building. She examined the surface. There were a few cracks and divets, but not enough for a good hand hold. Koma had started them on tree-climbing chakra control but none of them had really perfected it yet. Still, I know the theory. If I plan my path just right, I should be alright.

Backing up for a running start, she built up her chakra and focused it into her feet. "One, two, three . . ." She ran at the building and jumped, racing up the side for a few feet before her chakra wavered. Grabbing a kunai, she gave one more burst of chakra and jumped, sinking the kunai into a crack just below a window. It held. Letting out a breath, she looked back down. She wasn't that high up. It was actually a little embarrassing.
Kuro snickered, his tongue tickling her ear. "Sseriously?"
"Sh-shut up," Sei muttered, mocking his speech. She reached up and grabbed the window ledge, pulling the kunai out as she lifted herself up. Glancing inside, all she could see was an empty hallway. Another hand up and she was above the window, her toes barely resting on the edge. She looked up for her next possible resting place. Below and beside her, she could hear her teammates doing something similar. "Either of you have a plan or are we just hoping for the best?"

KageYuuki KageYuuki WickedDreams WickedDreams
Nisekuru, KōtakuEn Route to Mission
Despite her initial response striking him as a bit boring, Kōtaku hid his disappointment well. He was rewarded handsomely as Kiyoshi and Kazu arrived and another jounin apparently caused their sensei distressed. He tilted his head ever so slightly and his smile remained, as if he was a cute confused animal rather than a devious boy. He chuckled internally at the mental image, and then Umichi was fleeing—for that was really the only thing he could call it based on her behavior prior. She was never that sing-songy with them normally. Never that cheerful, must've been overcompensating.

Swiftling following her as she took off, his teammates seeming to follow suit, he listened as she debriefed them on their mission. He had to admit that he had been a bit excited and that this sounded kind of disappointing. Granted, a bandit or two could be fun and he wouldn't mind using the transformation technique not to mention testing his investigative skills while they were in the village.

Then Umichi made an effort—fruitlessly really—to threaten them into helping her prove that she wasn't deserving of the nickname they'd given her. He had been running more or less alongside her for the duration of their trip so far, though he had given her about 5 feet between them as if to put her at ease. He closed half that distance and beamed up at her as he responded, “I'll take you up on that offer Umichi-sama!” As he opened his eyes from what had been a close-eyed smile, there was a challenge there, as if he were saying Try me~

She'd seen the look before. Right before he'd messed with her water.

Sadly, his teammate interrupted the moment and his attention was drawn to him as Kiyoshi pushed past them, speeding up. A brief look of worry crossed his features before he smirked, “Alright, let's make it a race there then!”

Once the words were called out he took a deep breath, charged his body with chakra, and shot forwards, sometimes stepping on what appeared thin air to increase his momentum. Kiyoshi was faster than his two other teammates when it came to raw speed, but Kōtaku had something else over his teammates.


The question was, how would he use them?
Ashi (Tsukiashi) Inuzuka
Team Mako

The head peeked out from the side glancing forward. Her long brown hair rested on her back a little bit messy having been perched in her spot for some time waiting. She shook her head a little, rubbing her eyes from the small nap she had taken while waiting for her ambush. She still hadn't quite mastered the art of patience, but today would prove she didn't need to. She felt as if people doubted her, looked down upon her as a weakling. She was going to prove everyone wrong. It was her goal to do the one thing that would rocket her to the top, she would take out the Jounin she was suppose to be assigned to!

She perked up, resting on all fours. The Inuzuka girl was unlike most in her clan, lacking a Ninken companion. Still, she had learned to master her clan's techniques. She sniffed the air, her extra sensitive nose able to pick up smells far beyond what a normal human nose was capable of. She kept a low stance, standing at the ready waiting for the one who she was suppose to follow to walk by. His smell she had already got a good whiff of from... means that are best left not discussing... but that was beside the point! She was going to take him out and get herself promoted instantly to Jounin!

She suddenly caught a strong smell coming her way. It was just the one she was waiting for. She learned back, preparing herself standing a short distance away from where Makorama Senju should come walking in. His overly enthusiastic march all but reached her eyes as she leaned back, looking more like a prowling cat then an actual dog preparing to jump out and strike. This was it... this was the moment she would prove herself as a skilled shinobi. No one could make fun of her after this point. With that she leaned back, preparing to dart forward when....

"Ashi Inuzuka is going to take you down!" She shouted out in what was probably the most reckless thing you could do in an attempt to ambush someone. It seemed completely counterproductive to the process that no one would believe someone might announce their attack yet Ashi being as brazen as she was did so as she began to spin utilizing a technique of the Inuzuka clan known as Passing Fang. Her body spun around rapidly in a rolling motion traveling through the air in what to most would look like a windy blurr created by a small figure hard to make out from the vortex.

She veered slightly off from her path instead moving to the side of where her supposed Sensei was suppose to be. Her hands extended out like claws, her nails sharpened from her stance as the spinning girl attempted to grab her sensei and pull him with her into her rapid spin around.

((Attacking your Sensei through an ambush where you yell out loudly about it is how you are suppose to start your first meeting right? ))
Retro-Grey Retro-Grey loyalwolf loyalwolf AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Yuuki Uchiha: Squad 4
Yuuki rolled his eyes at his sensei's response. He just couldn't resist, could he? "Hilarious..." the genin muttered under his breath. He reached into his jacket pocket when both of his teammates called out. Dotou once again trying a surprise attack and Hitomi chiding him for it. Yuuki was half tempted to glare at the kunoichi, she had been practically nonexistent the past three weeks.

He likely would have too, had he not seen the jutsu from the corner of his eye.

It took everything in Yuuki's power not to drop in empathetic agony. He didn't care if Nobushige was reacting on instinct or if he was a ninja, that was a low blow...



Focusing on their quick mission briefing wasn't any easier. "I guess that new jutsu will be good for distractions." He took the earpiece, slipping it on before rummaging in his pocket once again. "While we're uh... waiting..." He still couldn't look in Dotou's direction. "I picked this up for you."

It was a newspaper clipping, the article talking about the theft of the Scrolls of Tenjin and how the museum had acquired clay tablets from before the Warring Clans Period. There was also a special mention of them hiring a Jounin escort in addition to their normal security detail. 'Due to outside pressure,' it had said.

Ganryu Ganryu CactusJuice CactusJuice General_warNpeace General_warNpeace

Yukari Hyuuga: Squad 5
Yukari quirked an eyebrow, casting another glance towards the academy building. "Sneaking into the Academy?" She asked, her tone incredulous. "Seriously?" Naturally her words fell on deaf ears as Koma scampered up the building. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Tch, three weeks and I still can't even start to figure him out."

To be able to use the Gentle Fist style, one needed to have rather decent control of their chakra. Too little and it did nothing, too much and you wouldn't seal off the opponent's chakra flow or hit with any accuracy. While she wasn't great at using her chakra to climb a wall, she didn't need to be driving kunai into the building.

"There's no hope in even trying to plan for him," Yukari muttered beside Sei. "Why does this office need to be on the highest floor?" She quietly growled. She spent the rest of the climb in silence, pausing once to snag Sei when her kunai had failed to take hold.

The windows on the highest floor were far larger than the ones on the rest of the building. Getting inside was easy enough. Aside from Koma, there was no one there. Yukari clicked her tongue, letting her milky white gaze study the office they were led to. It was fairly empty aside from the desk and chairs.

Even the desk was bare aside from paperwork that asked to be snooped through and the banner with the village emblem. There was also a single kanji painted on it.




Yukari's eyes widened in realization. He couldn't have possibly led them to sneak into his office, could he? "Inazami dammit all."

Orikanyo Orikanyo Kimiwriter Kimiwriter WickedDreams WickedDreams

Takara Himura: Squad 6
Takara quietly groaned at Mai already looking for ways around her order. Instead of fighting a fruitless battle, she focused on the question. "The village depends on the mine for their livelihoods. Sealing it off for several weeks isn't exactly an option for them." She rubbed the bridge of her nose again, "I expect you to listen and not try to take them all on by yourself." Her tone lowered slightly, "I will stick you in the dome again."

She glanced back at Aiko, "We will at least be scouting the mine once we arrive. Don't squander your chakra." The Jounin picked up her pace slightly, leading her charges towards the village.

It was several hours before they reached the outskirts of the village, the sun resting high above them. "We'll be resting here for a couple hours before continuing to the mine." Takara started down the hill for the small village. Had it just been her or her and a few chuunin, she would have continued on. But these were fairly young genin, a little time to rest would do them some good. "Why don't we find something to eat first?"

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum
Kurēn observed his sensei Mako very closely. He is correct about being a top Jonin in the village. From everything I read and heard about him, he has an impressive resume. On top of that he from a very powerful and well-respected clan. But still…. Kurēn was confused with the man’s strange personality and the quick change in attitude he had shown. Kurēn was left speechless and choose to be silent, so he didn’t say anything offensive about his strange new sensei. When he imagined his sensei, the last thing he imagined was someone who acted as strange and different as Makorama. Either way, as long as Mako helped their team succeed and help Kurēn become the best ninja in the village, then he would accept the odd man as his sensei. "Understood. I fully trust in your leadership and wisdom sensei."

He then turned his attention to the overly curious girl. She was asking a multitude of question and seemed to want to know every little detail that she could find. He was taking a slide glance at her and noticed that she seemed to be constantly thinking and locked away in her own head. Again, Kurēn was not expecting such a person as his teammate. Then again, when it came to teamwork and working with others, Kurēn had to admit he was no expert. No matter who he’d been assigned as a teammate, Kurēn was sure he wouldn’t feel comfortable with the pairing. Might as well try and get along with everyone. He was about to ask his own question when he saw an attack come out and go for their sensei. He heard the girl yell out something but his mind picked up on one word “Inuzuka”. “He turned to Hotaru “It seems someone from our village decided to attack us. I think it best we help sensei, but try not to injure the attacker.” With that, he moved quickly to try and get an in-between Sensei mako and this Inuzuka clan member as she tries to reach for their sensei. Alright all I need to do is gauge the strength of my opponent and from there I should easily find a way to neutralize them. Retro-Grey Retro-Grey Hanarei Hanarei AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Hotaru Hagano
-Team Mako-

"Ashi Inuzuka is going to take you down!"

Hotaru's interrogation of her sensei was rudely interrupted by...some kind of vortex? No there was a blurry figure in the middle of the shape, Hotaru had heard vaguely of taijutsu techniques powerful enough to generate winds like this.

“It seems someone from our village decided to attack us. I think it best we help sensei, but try not to injure the attacker.”

"Mmm, good luck with that!" replied Hotaru brightly, stepping back a few paces to better observe the altercation. It was Hotaru's opinion that their sensei could probably handle an ambush from what looked to be another genin, especially one as... unsubtle as this. Hotaru was more interested in observing how Makorama responded then intervening herself. Besides out of everything Hotaru had learned at the academy taijutsu interested her the least. It absolutely boggled the young girl's mind that anyone would want to waste their time punching things when there was the potential to learn and do so many more fascinating things. It obviously had nothing to do with the fact that she was terrible at it. Nothing at all.
Makorama Senju
Team Mako

The air stood still. Three things happened at once and Mako took it all in at a single glance. One student was a coward, another was naive, the spinning one? Reckless. He closed his eyes after this lone glare and continued on to intercept the cyclonic child aiming for him. Kurēn jumped into the path of trajectory. Hotaru backed away to "study" this attacker. And this attacker was off by a few inches. Pathetic.

Mako continued on his way, pushing Kurēn out of Ashi's path. It probably happened too quickly for the genin to really see, but Mako had weaved a single hand sign. In another single instant, a thick root had sprouted from the ground between Ashi and Mako.

"Better luck next time~" Mako chuckled lightly before tripping over his own feet, very unninja-like. He didn't see if she had hit the root, but he knew she missed him.

He got up fairly quickly and brushed himself off before continuing with his onward march. Tsukiashi Inuzuka was already looking to be a challenge to try and teach. Mako didn't really know if other Jonin stal–studied their students, but he sure as hell did. He wanted to make sure he knew what he was working with beforehand, so he can avoid blindly marching forward. Like right now.

All the Senju had known about the current mission, was the fact that he had to accompany a caravan to another village. It was moderately ranked, and with a shinobi of his own stature, it was surely simple. So bringing the kiddies wasn't a bad idea at all, if anything they could witness the greatness that was Makoram Senju.

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Hanarei Hanarei loyalwolf loyalwolf
Mai Sanada

Mai shrugged as her argument was countered. She wasn't convinced.

"Eh, I think they're just lazy. They had to write to our village, negotiate the rank, wait for someone to accept, then pay for ninja's, then wait for us to show up. That's gotta take a while. A paper bomb, some shovels, and all their problems would have gone away. Poof! People just think ninjas are cool. I agree!"

Mai kept up with the group just fine, the walk wasn't that bad. Almost concerning, Mai had been a good little girl the entire time, the only thing off was Mai was shaking the entire time. Aiko was uncharacteristically excited too? Mai was going to have to pass on extra training though. She was saving up every little bit of energy she could for that one punch. It was her first chance to see just how far she'd gotten. The mission didn't matter to Mai. If it did, she could get rid of the bandits any number of ways. Just mentioning they were ninjas would probably do. She refused to give that any thought. She was going to punch them, and punch them hard.

She didn't have anything against them, they were people too. She just had the chance to show her stuff! Bandits, ninja, wild animals, didn't matter. Mai dreamed of that moment when time would stop, when things would inch forward as she punched, and her opponent punched back. Who would win? It was so exciting.

""We'll be resting here for a couple hours before continuing to the mine."Why don't we find something to eat first?"

Mai pulled out jerky from her backpack, and wolfed it down.

"I'm good. Don't want to waste a single minute. Resting's good. Tell me when we're going!"

Mai without a second glance held her backpack to her head, and fell over. Within minutes she was snoring.



R E I ○ S H I

Rei watched bewilderedly as their sensei climbed the side of a building and disappeared into one of the many windows that adorned the side of it, one eyebrow raised in appraisal. His directions had been rather abrupt and left her slightly dumbfounded as she turned her attention back to her two new teammates. The other had arrived a little later, and at the moment, seemed to be talking to a snake. Not that Rei minded, it was just a little odd for her to see two summons in one day, when she had never really laid eyes upon any before. She knew about them, of course, but it wasn't as if any of the Academy kids had been walking around with them. With a shrug, she turned her attention back to the Academy, sizing it up and preparing herself. Her nerves had been on edge just a bit before, so she wanted to make sure she was completely calm and focused to start on the task at hand. When she felt like she was ready, she walked up to the wall, idly brushing her gloved hand across it, and placed the ball of her foot against it. Just as she was about to start the trek, however, fast movement to her side caught her attention and she turned just in time to see one of her teammates dash right up the wall in a quick burst, before losing her momentum and placing herself in a precarious position.

The girl called down an inquiry, just as the Hyuga started her climb, and Rei found herself, once again, bewildered by her team. Without answering, she turned her attention back to making her own progress, and began to walk up the wall. Just like that. Internally she was giggling at how simple it was, which she knew was a bit conceited of her, but she figured it was okay as long as it was in her head. Chakra control was something she liked to think she was good at...or, more like, knew she was good at. So while her walk wasn't just a stroll in the park, as it required her to focus mostly on the task and not let her fickle mind wander too much, it was still much more convenient than climbing by hand. That required a great deal of upper body strength that would leave you, at the very least, just a little sore. Too many windows for that.

As she strolled by the window Sei was at, Rei allowed herself a few words in the confidence it wouldn't noticeably affect her own concentration.
"This is pretty much the plan, nure-onna," she simpered, covering her mouth in an affected gesture. Having not stopped, even during her rather late answer that was simply for show, Rei let her gaze sweep the wall and noted that Yukari had disappeared. More than likely she had beaten them both; though, likely with much less style. Perhaps she took a more direct route and was less showy about it.

When Rei reached the window, she pulled herself up on the ledge of the window to peek into the room, no longer relying on her chakra control to stand atop the wall, and knew she had to make an entrance. She had failed to do so earlier and she wouldn't let the opportunity pass now. Reaching with one hand into a pouch beneath her dress, she pulled out a smoke bomb and tossed it into the room. It was perhaps not the most sensible nor subtle thing to do, especially with a fellow teammate already within the room, but she had been thinking up the plan since about a quarter away from the destination. As the smoke quickly filled the room, Rei launched herself completely through the window in a dive roll. Quick to get back on her feet, she posed dramatically in what could only be called the 'ta-da' pose, and stayed like that; a pseudo smile on her face.

It was a few moments later when the smoke cleared, having no doubt confused the other occupant of the room. Actually, the two other occupants of the room! When Rei had peeked into the room she had only seen Yukari, as the girl's position blocked their sensei from her view. But now she had a clear view of the eccentric looking man sitting in a chair at the head of the desk, whom she had assumed would've disappeared once he went through the window. Truly, she had expected some kind of team exercise that involved him staying hidden once they reached the top and for the mission to be a hoax. She had clearly been wrong! Instead of acting as if anything was out of the ordinary, Rei smoothly dropped her pose and walked closer to the desk, standing beside the other girl. Pseudo smile still on her face, she tossed her pale hair and snickered haughtily, "Did you expect us to get here this fast?"

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Ashi (Tsukiashi) Inuzuka
Team Mako

The Genin came flying toward nearing her sensei. I'll get him and then I'll be viewed as the best! Then I'll... Her thoughts were suddenly screeched to a halt as her Sensei moved as a root came flying up from the ground. She blinked her body continueing forward. She wasn't at all prepared to hit anything, already preparing to grab him disrupting her spin a bit making it's over-all power weaker. She struck into the root, digging through part of it before being stopped dead in her tracks, bumping her head on the root. Her body ragged dolled a bit fumbling as she fell to the ground. A large bump formed on her head as the Inuzuka girl twitched on the ground having being blacked out briefly from the wack on the head.

Ashi twitched on the ground before suddenly jolting back to life. She shuffled quickly getting on all fours glancing around like a lost puppy having taken a little fall from a couch being harshly awaken from a nap. She looked so lost trying to piece things together before finally snapping back fully to reality and what had happened. She shook her head out, very much taking after a dog in her over-all demeanor keeping on all fours as she stumbled forward a little. Her eyes focused on Mako half convinced it was some fluke he had escaped. She wasn't stupid exactly, but her own desire to prove herself as being strong often helped to make her far more confident in her own abilities then she should be.

"I'll... I'lll get you! J... just you wait!" She spoke her words a bit fragmented as she seemed to of bumped her head a bit harder then she initially thought, her thoughts just finally sorting themselves out as she slowly stood up, straightening herself out. Her eyes darted around looking over at the other two Genin, looking up as she seemed to try and put up as strong front. "I was just distracted was all thinking I'd hit the wrong person was all... yeah!" She spoke tossing together the excuse and doing a poor job being convincing with it not wanting to embarrass herself and make herself look weak.

Retro-Grey Retro-Grey loyalwolf loyalwolf AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Sei Teshima, Squad 5

"This is the plan," Sei sneered under her breath, being careful to wait until her teammates were out of earshot before mocking them. It isn't my fault I'm not that good at climbing the wall. She'd spent hours practicing everyday. It's not like I have anyone in my family who can help me train. She shook her head; that wasn't fair. They had to practice just as much as she did. Balancing on a ledge, she built up her chakra again.
"Jusst a few more jumps," Kuro hissed, looking up at the office window. "Ssee if you can get all the way up thiss time."
"Shut up or I'll paint you bright pink." Directing the chakra to her feet she jumped as high as she could, and ran up the wall. The window was higher than she up than she thought.
"Don't sstop."
Sei growled and put on another burst of speed. She passed the lower ledge and kept going. If I can't make it, I'm going to have to fall and grab that on my way down. Her chakra wavered. She stumbled. Her foot started to slip. "No." Forcing her chakra towards her feet, she struggled to go higher.
The office window was still above her. Sei's chakra gave out, she jumped and grabbed the ledge. Her fingers just barely gripped the wood. She sighed. Finally. Struggling, she pulled herself up and through the window.
"Good job," Kuro said.
Sei huffed.
Yukari and Rei were just standing around while Koma sat in a chair behind a large desk, grinning away like he always did.
I'm going to slip something into their water. She shook her head. No longer being the top of her class-- which she had to admit wasn't exactly the case back at the academy-- was a petty reason to make them sick for a day or two. But that didn't keep the thought from crossing her mind.
Getting to her feet, she tried to slow her breathing. "So . . . what now?" Looking around the office, she began to wish she'd stayed outside. "Sensei. What are you getting us into?"

KageYuuki KageYuuki WickedDreams WickedDreams Orikanyo Orikanyo
and friends

Squad 5​
Kimiwriter Kimiwriter WickedDreams WickedDreams KageYuuki KageYuuki

Koma took a moment to… well.. Get the smoke out of his lungs, while he knew Rei would be a wild one he didn’t fully expect her to toss in a smoke bomb… And pretty much alert the whole place to their presence.

Regardless, his wonderful students finished their first task.

“Well done~! Now, please do take up a seat.” he motioned to the few seats across the way from the desk. “He should be around any second- Or.. hmm. She will get here first it seems.” he spoke after the small sound of a sniffle came from him.

“Most certain isn’t Ayame… perhaps…”

The tip of a kunai lightly pressed into the side of Koma’s throat. Three clones seizing the trio of students. Yukari tensed, recognizing the armor and mask the woman wore. A member of the ANBU had found them.

And she seemed less than pleased.

“Oh! you must be his little Tsu-tsu~! Nice day we’re having?” the man was utterly unfazed, as per usual, with the weapon currently pointed at his throat. “You know, your father and I pulled this trick a long time ago too, we got caught in the exact same way! Though, we didn’t use a smoke bomb naturally.” he rattled on for a minute before looking(Rather hard to tell to be honest) at the knife at his throat.

“You have ten seconds to tell me why you’re breaking into Lord Hokage’s office.” The ANBU’s voice was cold and low. Thick scars coiled around her right arm.

Yukari tensed, listening to them talk. The woman’s face was unreadable behind the mask she wore, though one could swear there was a faint red glow coming from her eyes. She likely wasn’t going to kill them… right?

“To visit, also to prank him. I do so love doing this to him, usually i’m able to get past unannounced.. Oh well, guess that's what happens when i bring my students along. No offence girls, soon i’ll teach you my special tricks… hmm? Oh, hes coming!”

Gou only made it a few steps into his office before he looked up from the file in his hand. Dark eyes studied the scene playing out before finally resting on Koma. He slowly raised an eyebrow at him. “If it weren’t for the genin, I’d be half tempted to let her take you away.” A slight nod to the ANBU, “You can let them go, everything’s fine.” As much as he wanted to properly introduce his daughter to Koma, whenever they wore their masks they were shinobi without an identity.

Not that Koma wouldn’t be back.

Returning her weapon to its pouch, the ANBU dismissed her clones before offering a quick bow and vanishing.

“L-lord Hokage!” Yukari gave a low bow. This wasn’t exactly how she planned on starting the morning.

Gou offered her a small smile, “Relax a little, no harm done.” His gaze returned to Koma, “Though if you don’t get out of my chair…”

“Always so territorial, still, this beats the days you attempted using your dojutsu to chase me out… “ the priestly man sighed, stood up and straightened out his clothes. “Now then, my students, I would like to reintroduce you to my good friend, and your village leader, Gou Uchiha.” koma motioned to the man, before waltzing his way over to his students.
Kurēn wasn’t sure how it happened, but he was no longer in the path of the attacker. He assumed sensei Mako had somehow interfered with his plan to intercept the attacker. I can’t believe he didn’t have faith that I could block and take on such a weak attack. I mean, that girl wasn’t even on a good trajectory and on top of that she seemed completely dim-witted. His thoughts stopped when he saw the ungraceful fall of his sensei. He let out a very awkward chuckle at how foolish the man looked during that very moment. Even with the ninja tripping on his feet, he had to admit the way he counters the ninja’s attack was impressive. Looking at Hotaru with his usual stoic face, but you can notice the slightest look of annoyance coming through. “Glad to see your very reliable when one of your teammates are attacked. I make sure to keep that in mind during future mission.” He then turned his attention back to Ashi. “As for you, I am not sure why you tried to attack sensei mako, but it's clear that you are nowhere near his level. Don’t make yourself look even more foolish and annoying by slowing us down more.” Kurēn continued on following right behind makorama. How am I possible going to be my clan back to its full glory with a team like this? I really wish there was a way I could just be my own team. After all, the only real person I can trust is myself. Everyone else will just let me down. Retro-Grey Retro-Grey Hanarei Hanarei AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Hotaru Hagano
-Team Mako-
Being able to perform one hand seals while shoving someone away was pretty impressive and so was the Senju Wood release, being able to see it in action, up closes so early gave Hotaru the same warm feeling she used to get upon finding a new bug out in the forests. Of course Mako Sensei had to go and ruin it by tripping over his own feet. Maybe he was doing it on purpose to get people to underestimate him? Or maybe he was just an annoying weirdo who also happened to be crazy strong sometimes.

One thing was certain, Mako sensei came out of the exchange looking a lot cooler than his attacker. Hotaru tried and failed to suppress a laugh at the sight of the stunned genin looking up at them from the ground and it came out as a little snort. She definitely wasn't lacking in spirit that was for sure although what goal she was all fired up to accomplish was still uncertain to Hotaru. Blindly attacking a jonin seemed counter productive at best.

Looking at Hotaru with his usual stoic face, but you can notice the slightest look of annoyance coming through. “Glad to see your very reliable when one of your teammates are attacked. I make sure to keep that in mind during future mission.”

Hotaru wondered how to handle this. She was still figuring out Kuren but her initial impression lead her to believe he would not appreciate and honest explantation like "But watching was way more fun." A little diplomacy was probably in order.

"I couldn't be sure anything I did wouldn't just get in the way," Hotaru said, counting off her arguments with her fingers. "I don't know anything about Sensei's capabilities except that as a jonin he's more than capable of defending himself. Without knowing how he was going to react I can't really support his strategy and rushing in blindly would have just complicated the situation for him. What if my jutsu interfered with his? what if he had already set a trap and I prevented it from activating properly? What if I had underestimated the strength of the opponent and Sensei was forced to modify or even abandon his plans in order to see to my safety? All in all I decided my intervention was more likely to hinder rather than help so I chose to focus on gathering information and taking up a better position for my skillset," Hotaru smiled sweetly. "If you're concerned for your safety Kuren then I promise I'll take a more proactive approach in your case."

With that Hotaru turned back to Tsukiashi, offering her a hand up. "I'm Hotaru, because of you I got to see something interesting. Is your head okay by the way? There's something I want to try out."

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Dotou Hayashi-squad 4

The whole world seemed to slow down as it happened. As the stone hit his stones, the voice of his comrades seemed distant. His eyes teared up. He knew their sensei could be cruel, but this was on a whole other level. "...Sensei, how could you?" He let out a betrayed whisper before he tumbled across the ground dramatically. Dotou wouldn't have done this to his worst enemy let alone his student. He didn't move for a few moments, but then the pain flooded through his body. His face quickly drained of color, and he rolled back and forth cradling his injury. The pain was intense. He would have rather be holding the whole teams' paper dolls at once. His face slowly changed from pale to green. "...I think I'm going to be-" He quickly brought one hand up to cover his mouth. After he stopped gagging, Dotou stood up shakily with one hand on his mouth and one in between his legs. He did his best to listen to their mission brief.

He couldn't believe that his sensei had entrusted him with such an important task. Yuuki was quite skilled. In their training, the boy had really lived up to the stories. And Hitomi... He looked at her. Well I still don't know much about her, but she seems more like leadership material than me. The green died down from as his face returned to a more natural color. "Well if you're sure about this mummy sensei, then I'll give it my all!" He smiled and gave a thumbs up though his legs were still shaking a bit. The smile lasted only a moment though, and his face quickly turned green again. He hobbled over to the nearest alleyway, ripped off his bandages, and the ensuing sounds that could be heard weren't pretty. So much for my free meal. He wiped his mouth off and began putting on new bandages. Dotou was glad he'd packed extra.

He walked back over to his squad casually as if that whole embarrassing scene had never occurred and looked at the newspaper. He nodded, took an ear piece, and thought for a moment. "We really have no idea what exactly this guy can do. Not to mention the fact they could have many more defenses we don't know about. If we're not careful, they'll see us coming from a mile a way." He tried to sound sure of himself, but he kept glancing at their sensei hoping he didn't sound too stupid. "So maybe we should travel in a battle formation in case we're attacked?" He looked around at his team mates trying to tell if they thought it was a good idea. He thought over team placement for a moment but then shook his head. "No, this is a stealth mission. Traveling in formation could draw unwanted attention, and if we're attacked it means they've sensed us and we've failed." Despite his smiling face and recent actions, Dotou was taking this mission very seriously. Perhaps a bit too seriously.

He paused and looked a bit unsure."...so uh...I guess we should just do our best to blend in?" He pointed forward with a grin on his face. "Yeah, let's head out!" Dotou was both very nervous and very excited about this mission. It was his chance to prove himself. Who knows? Maybe if this goes well I really COULD be Hokage!

General_warNpeace General_warNpeace KageYuuki KageYuuki Ganryu Ganryu
Makorama Senju
Team Mako

"You three sure are dysfunctional. Reminds me of my good ol' days training with Grandpa Ryo... Especially the crashing skull part." Mako smirked slyly as he continued onwards to his destination. His head turned slightly as his stride broke.

"Heed my words children, this mission will cost you your lives if you all behave like you have just now. That's your second lesson so far," It was that serious tone again that Kurēn and Hotaru had already witnessed. Except now it was definitely more grave, more grim. That dark aura was even darker than before. But just as quick as it came, it was gone.

With that, Makorama began stepping forward once more. But of course, he stopped again, only to start patting himself down. He sighed and let his left arm hang at his side while his right hand rubbed the back of his head.

"Seems I'll have to record this mission by memory when we get back," His body completely turned so he could face his students before he spoke again, "Now I hope you three will be able to keep up."

The Jonin body flickered to the nearest branch and gave his students a smirk before he began to leave. His figure was becoming smaller by the second as he increasingly grew farther and farther away.

Hanarei Hanarei AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy loyalwolf loyalwolf
Hitomi- squad four

"Now, Hitomi, your medical jutsu might come in handy. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say Dotou needs it."
It seems her warning came to late. That's got to hurt. Flinching as she watches Dotou's painful and dramatic failure she can't help but pity her team mate a little. That was cruel sensei, very cruel. Shaking her head as her sensei mentioned Dotou needing her healing skills she decided to wait until she could get Dotou alone before healing him. He most likely doesn't want to draw attention back to this and be even more embarrassed. She did dig out some mint leaves from her herb pouch for him to chew on when he came back from his vomiting trip to get the taste out of his mouth. She was the only one that needed to know of the strands of leaves mixed in that weren't mint but were a weak pain reliever. He had to be able to function for the mission after all.

"From what I've seen, Hitomi has the best control, she can maintain the jutsu the longest. We'll be going over acting on the way. This means she has the parts we have to been seen the most. "
Nice to know sensei has been paying attention to our skill sets. Taking her ear piece she slid it into place making sure it was covered by some loose strands of hair. Maybe being in charge will boost Dotou's confidence a bit. Now to help make sure the mission is successful so his confidence doesn't wane. It will be sad if we failed our first mission after all. Smiling at Dotou's obvious and rather contagious excitement she nodded in agreement more then ready to begin the mission.
Aiko Uchiha
Squad 6

Aiko's water Clone disappeared mid-leap, dissolving into a puddle of water. She held on to her ice shuriken. "Got it, chakra conservation..." she confirmed, slightly disappointed. If sensei said to stop, it was best to stop. Fighting bandits was a big jump from the mundane tasks they had been assigned in the past. Aiko couldn't s too picturing what these brutes would look like in her head. Would they be an organizers group of discliplined thugs? Or would they be a simple group of grunts trying to survive by crime? Which ever it would be, they wouldn't be a problem.


When Takara told the group to take a rest, Aiko was surprised. She had thought they would have to walk until their feet felt weak. She watched as Mai dropped to the ground, falling asleep in an instant. Aiko rolled her eyes, and sat down cross-legged. She sat silently for a moment, before setting her gaze on Takara-sensei. "Sensei, I think we should form a battle strategy while we're here," Aiko stated firmly. Aiko's nerves refused to let her relax.
Ashi (Tsukiashi) Inuzuka
Team Mako

Ashi looked to Kuren, her eyes seeming to shoot daggers almost instantly at the mentioning of her not being on their sensei's level. Truthfully Ashi knew what he was saying was true though it was nothing she would admit, not even to herself. She could be quite block headed when it came to her own ambition. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but she wasn't a complete moron either. She was just far to swept up in her own ambition for her own good. Her fierce expression was cut short hearing a much more friendly voice looking to her side as Hotaru began to start rambling on about the situation. It left Ashi staring blankly just completely lost in response.

The genin blinked as she suddenly saw her offer her hand. She shook her head shuffling up getting out of her stance taking a much more human way of standing. She looked at the girl curiously a bit of her fierce nature seemed to calm down a bit. "I'm fine, it was nothing bad I can't take. Hmmph thanks though" She spoke crossing her arms attempting to put a strong front with a light blush from her rather calming tone not wanting to be completely rude to her while keeping her tough act attempting a more awkward middle ground.

"I'm fine alright, thanks. Nothing to worry about. Such things don't even effect me!"
She spoke gloating as to just dismiss the concision she just got as if it was nothing. Her head still ached from colliding roughly into the root. She hadn't at all expected her passing fang to be stopped that easily by what appeared to be some root. Her eyes shifted over to Mako looking at him as she made a light audible growling noise in distaste to his words calling them dysfunctional while playing off lie nothing had happened.

His more serious tone didn't seem to have much effect on Ashi, shrugging it off as if it was nothing. She suppressed any sense of fear she might have even if it was a light tingling in the back of her mind. He was just bluffing, she knew it.... she was certain of it! In her moment of thought she was taken back as suddenly he began to travel ahead fast practically leaving them behind. She seemed a bit startled, suddenly jumping ahead trying to catch up.

"Wait you idiot! How are we suppose to keep up with a... your moving so far ahead of us!" She spoke nearly admitting him to being superior to them though pulling back not seeming to show respect for him keeping up her defiance as she tried darting forward to keep up. Fortunately when it came to speed, it was the one thing Ashi was good at managing.

Retro-Grey Retro-Grey AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy loyalwolf loyalwolf
Squad 6
And without a word Aiko jumped the gun... he was more suprised that mai didn't run up and punch here considering she started training... he learned quickly to duck whenever mai came to him to "train." it was more like him running and hoping he can counter her flurry of attacks... Plus, she wasn't exactly careful with her jutsu either, he remembered last time they fought he had to block that fireball, if pluming earth didn't work well enough he was likely going to get his bacon burnt... he has yet to fight Aiko, but he imagines it'd be likely the opposite... but with more ice.

likely lots of it.

Well, he'd much rather being abit cold then burnt to a crisp.

Though, after some time the group managed to calm down yet again, and Hideki was less thinking that he should watch incase Mai tries to get off another surprise attack. Each day is a struggle, watching for Mai, keeping track that she doesn't try something, also keep an eye on aiko as shes still a wild card, hope Mai doesn't rush into something and get herself killed, or worse. He had lots to worry about, he almost felt that he should become a medical nin just to keep her living to see another day...

Well, so far it's been fine.

perhaps they wont have to deal with her having near death experiences just yet?

'Food sounds more interesting, I can probably get up a few snares for rabbits, but thats relying on luck, could go hunting, but we don't know whats out there just yet. Kunai can't exactly take down a bear or boar, not unless you have some jutsu to do it... And if we send Mai to hunt she'll just burn the meat to ashes." the young man cracked his neck, thinking about their options. "...I mean we COULD talk strategy, but without food in the stomache theres not much that'll stick."
Hotaru Hagano
-Team Mako-
"I'm fine alright, thanks. Nothing to worry about. Such things don't even effect me!" She spoke gloating as to just dismiss the concision she just got as if it was nothing. Her head still ached from colliding roughly into the root. She hadn't at all expected her passing fang to be stopped that easily by what appeared to be some root.

"Ehh really?" Hotaru said, looking a little more disappointed then she probably should have for someone hearing that their comrade was in fact fine. "But I wanted to try my thing though, nevermind," Hotaru thought about trying out her idea anyway and just not telling Tsukiashi but that would make it difficult to gather reliable data from her and as it turned out she had more pressing issues to attend to.

All of a sudden Mako was gone, reappearing an instant later on tree branch. Worst of all he plainly expected them to do something similar, the new girl was babbling angrily at him for it but Hotaru just sighed. Hotaru never got around to figuring out that whole body flicker thing, her early training had been under her Mother's guidance and hence focused primarily on perfecting her hiden technique into a useable weapon. Hotaru had learned a few other things on her own initiative but those were all things that interested her and fed into her strengths, without anyone to learn from the body flicker had seemed like an inefficient use of her time.

That didn't mean Hotaru was completely at a loss though, as a dedicated proponent of self preservation she had a few strategies for quickly covering ground. After running a few paces to gather some speed Hotaru simply bent at the knees and then jumped, grabbing and swinging from a branch above to propel herself forwards and up. In this manner she followed Makorama, bouncing off of trunks, swinging from branches. At one point she appeared to have misjudged the distance and it was obvious her momentum wouldn't carry her to the next tree but as she flew through the air a kunai flicked out of her sleeve and tangled itself around the branch thanks to the wire tied to its handle. Hotaru swing through the trees, untangling her kunai with a deft flick of her wrist and pulling it back into her hand.

The gap between Hotaru and Makorama closed, but slowly. Hotaru didn't really have any illusions of catching or overtaking her Sensei with this method. Rather than raw speed Hotaru was mainly aiming for efficiency, trying to preserve and add to her momentum without wasting energy. After all Hotaru wasn't sure how long her sensei intended to keep up this little game of tag, presumably until they met up with the caravan but who knew where that was? Even if she lost sight of Makorama Hotaru could probably keep track of his chakra with her moths but it would be embarrassing to run out of steam before they arrived.

Retro-Grey Retro-Grey Hanarei Hanarei loyalwolf loyalwolf
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Shikakazu Nara
Team Umichi

As the last member of Team Umichi to arrive at the gate, the sudden departure caught Shikakazu off guard.
"♪We could neeever do that. Alright, now that all of us are here, let's move out.♪" Her voice dropped. "Now."
"Oh, shouldn't we get a briefing or something before we- And they're off." he said with a sigh as he sprinted off to follow suit. He was probably the slowest of the team, Kiyoshi easily beating him and Kotaku in pure speed. But he kept up easily enough with Umichi who soon began giving the team the mission briefing. Shikakazu listened intently to their Sensei's first real mission briefing, but only the interesting points stuck in his memory. Possible bandits and transform to look older when they get closer to the village. Umichi also made a comment regarding her status to them as Lazy-Sensei, seemingly threatening them. "How much older? And maybe we should all try training until we break. It could be good for all of us, including you Sensei." he added the last bit with a laugh. If the three of them trained until breaking, he wasn't sure which genin would break first as they all seemed to have an even chance.

The first part of his question was largely ignored due to Kiyoshi's sudden stop and Kotaku's subsequent challenge to a race. "What the?- Hey! Wait for me! It cheating if you get a head start!" he yelled at his teammate as he rushed through Kotaku and him. Shikakazu gave a heavy sigh as he watched his two teammates sprint off. "Why should I even bother?" he quietly wondered aloud as he took off to pursue the other two. It seemed like Kiyoshi knew where he was going already, but Shikakazu wasn't sure if he had even heard of the village Umichi mentioned. I wonder what is going on in his head, he wondered as he continued his pursuit and began slightly closing the gap between Kotaku and himself.

I'll have to do something to knock them off balance and catch up, the Nara thought as he scanned his surroundings and mentally checked his inventory to formulate a plan.

Ganryu Ganryu Retro-Grey Retro-Grey yoshua171 yoshua171
Sei Teshima, Squad 5

Sei only had a second to realize exactly where Koma had led them. A sense of dread formed in her stomach just as a woman appeared, one of her clones grabbing a hold of Sei's shirt collar. The sharp edge of a kunai touched her throat. Sei froze. Moving her eyes around the room, she saw Yukari and Rei in similar situations. Don't panic. We're only genin so we're not much of a threat. If something happens, Kuro could probably bite her hand. That would at least give me time to get away from this clone, but there are three more . . . She stared at her sensei with wide eyes.
To her relief, the Hokage entered and dismissed the anbu shinobi. Sei couldn't help but sigh. "That wasn't very nice, sensei," she muttered.
Yukari bowed to the Hokage and Sei decided to do the same. After breaking into his office, showing respect is probably a good idea, even if he is friends with Koma-sensei.
Straightening, she watched her sensei. A thought occurred to her. "Koma-sensei, what does this have to do with our mission?" She looked at her teammates. Maybe one of them noticed something she didn't or maybe Koma had told them something while she was still climbing the building. Neither of them seemed to have an answer, though Yukari looked the most collected out of the two. If anyone had an idea of what was going on, it would be her.

Orikanyo Orikanyo KageYuuki KageYuuki WickedDreams WickedDreams

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