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The Vanishing Castle (Just For Kitty)

The monk looked at them before looking around and pulling them inside. He led them to a room deep inside the monetary. He closed and locked the door. The monk looked at them sternly again before speaking. "Are the two of you reassure hunters or...is there...someone in the castle?" He asked, eying them. "I can give some aid in finding it, but it will only work for a few months."
The Monk nodded and took an orb from a chest and set it in Kane's hands. "Speak the name of someone who's been in the castle and the orb will lead you to it. But it will only last for two months once activated. It will glow red when you're close." The monk whispered into Kane's ear.
He nodded in gratitude at the monk before turning toward the door. Kane dropped the coins he had offered into the charity box before leaving. He stood at the top of the hill, holding the orb in two hands he whispered to it and it instantly light blue and flew into the sky. It floated slowly north before stopping.
"Whoa! Are you a treasure hunter?" Amy blurted in amazement. She found it interesting that she tag teamed with this guy. It was no wonder he was so well on his guard. She watched him in wonder. "You know...I could travel with you a little further than off the mountain and maybe help you...?"
"I suppose I could use the help. But that doesnt mean I trust you" he said. He walked towards the orb, the closer he got, the farther away it moved. He gestured for her to follow him. The followed the orb until the sun began to set. "We should camp here for the night"
Amy quickly unpacked two roll up beds and set them up, desperate to prove herself. She had to be careful of her words now, as she was forgetting her lies. She then went to gather fire wood. She looked at him a bit quizically. "Do you have any food?"
"There is some bread, we will need to go hunting in the morning". He reached into his bag and pulled out 2 loaves tossing one to her. He warmed his hands over the fire. "Its cold tonight"
"Yeah it kinda is."she looked him up and down before looking back to the fire which she now used to warm her hands. "So...you never answered my question. Are you chasing down a treasure? I've always dreamed of going treasure hunting." She said through her teeth.
"Something like that. I'm looking for the vanishing castle" he said poking the fire with a stick, sparks flying up. "I've been searching for quite some time" He finished his bread and swigged some wine from a flask.
She nibbled on the bread she was given as she thought about what he said. If they indeed find the castle she could finally settle down and live comfortably. "But no one has ever successfully found it right? This gift from the monks is...our map right? Does it really work?''
"I guess we will find out wont we? I'm turning in for the night" He layed down on the bed and drifted asleep. He awoke Amy at dawn by kicking her foot. "Hey, ready to catch some breakfast?"
Amy had never hunted before. She was used to raiding the local market for her food. She sighed and rose from bed. She rolled up and packed up their beds and followed after him. "Okay then. Let's hunt. I can hunt. I'll learn to hunt. I am not a bump on a log."
Kane tapped the end of his staff on the ground and a spear head sprang from the end.

"Let me show you spear hunting".

They tracked a deer for a couple hours before Kane stopped Amy and slunk behind the brush.

"Only get one shot, so patience is key"

He sprung from the bushes throwing his staff before the deer could even look at him. The staff sunk into the deer's heart. Killing it instantly.
Amy flinched, a bit shocked by all of it. "You're a great hunter." She complimented. Now came the nasty part that she did know how to do. She cringed and drew a knife. "I-I can skin it if you want? I do have some experience with this..."
"Go ahead" he said ripping the spear from the animal. He shook it clean.

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Amy winced as though the act was painful to her. She skinned the thing like a professional. You see Amy was actually raised by a poor trapper. She didn't do any of the hunting, but she did all of the skinning.
After breakfast, they continued following the orb. After a couple hours Kane stopped abruptly. He looked around at the bustling leaves.

"Something doesnt feel right"

Just then three men came out from behind the trees.

"We've been looking for you miss Amy" the leader said.

the leader
Amy flinched. She was in trouble now. She scooted close to Kane. "Me? Why me? I have done nothing to bother you! I mean... Did my Master send you after me? Oh no, Kane, my Master is already trying get me back. He must be so angry I left. Please, don't let them take me, Kane!"
"You've racked up a nice little bounty on your head" he said with a smile. "5,000 pieces, you have been a bad girl havnt you?"
"Kane, do something. My Master is paying them a large sum to take me away!" She scooted closer. "Take their leader and one of the goons while I take the other two. We need to get rid of them." She whispered.
"OK I don't know who your master is but we are being payed by the sheriff. Evidently people don't like it when you steal from them and lie" He said drawing his sword. He charged in slashing at Amy. Kane blocked the sword with his staff a few inches from Amy's head. Kane kicked the leader in the chest sprawling him backwards.
Amy cheered before drawing two daggers from her sleeves and attacking the two she said she would. She was talented with her daggers, and surprisingly quick.
The third opponent jumped on Amy as the leader had Kane entertained. They slashed back in forth Kane stabbing, blocking and parrying with his spear.

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