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The Vanishing Castle (Just For Kitty)

Amy fell to the ground as she pounced was pounced on by the female member of the group. Amy stabbed the woman in the shoulder and then kicked her off. She did a kick up and then threw a dagger, stabbing it into one of the other attackers and sending him to the ground writhing.
A Sonic explosion came from Kane's staff as he stabbed it into the ground. It blew everyone off their feet, throwing the leader into a tree knocking him cold. Kane was the only one still standing.
Amy scrambled up a little ways away from Kane. The bounty hunters seemed to all be unscious. She sighed in relief as she gathered up her things again. "Great power you have there! Now lets get moving before they wake up!"
Sorry Brooklyn, this is just a two person game. But if you would like to RP with me send me a message with some of your interests and we can start a new one.

Kane got to his feet, he looked like he age 20 years. Slowly the stress lines, bags, and wrinkles disappeared. He looked like a young 20 year old again.

"Shall we go?" he said leaning on his staff.
Amy yelped in surprise. "Your face! I mean..er yes, let's be off."a few hours after they put the bounty hunters behind them she spoke again. "I suppose you have some questions concerning the bounty hunters back there, and my skills..?"
"I don't particularly care" he said trudging forward after the orb. They traveled till dusk, they were within eyesight of a town.

"We should camp and continue on in the morning"
"Good idea." She said and got out the bed rolls. She eyed him a moment as she set up. "You really don't care? And you're still letting me come with you? Kane, sir, you are incredible."
Kane piled logs near the beds. He then pulled out a pipe, stuffing tobacco into it. He light the pipe, afterwards lighting the wood.

"Would you happen to know which town this is?" he said lying on his bed, smoking his pipe.
She looked towards it. "Cobbleston Town, I believe." She said. "I think we should make our time there as short as possible." Amy remembered the places she caused all the most trouble and would normally avoid them. However this wasn't normal for her. She never traveled with someone else before. She yqwned and reclined on her bed.
Morning came quickly, Kane had fallen asleep with the pipe in his mouth. The pipe was filled with ash, as Kane woken he took a deep inhale and ended up choking on some of the ash. He banged on his chest before swallowing the ash.
Amy sat up with her daggers drawn when she realized that the sudden noise was Kane choking. She rubbed her eyes and looked at him. "Are you OK, Kane?" She called while rubbing her eyes.

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