The vampire's love

-Finds these beautiful white and yellow tulips and puts them in her basket and looks over to see these orange/red tiger lillies- Oh My Goodness! Oh look how beautiful they are! I'll get those too! -puts 5 of them in her basket and 10 minutes later....- Alright Time to go! Get in the Car! -pays for the flowers and gets in the car and waits for (what is your character's name? I'll just call you yullen for now x3) Yullen to get in the car.- Hurry up! I got the engine running!
-takes the roses and tulips into the house and places them on the counter in the dining room and finds a vase to put them in- i like this vase it'll look very good with the flowers don't you think? -looks at yullen-
-cheers for a second and then places the vase in the middle of the dining table and goes to get some water in the kitchen........... places the water in the vase then carefully puts them in the vase and steps back to look at it- Oh i LOVE it! -claps a little bit and sighs happily and goes to sit on the couch, exhausted-
-looks at a book that she was reading earlier and picks it up and starts to read it and forgot what the title was so she read the title first and it was "Icy Flames" by Simon Petrikov (lol)
-puts her hand on her head and laughs- Silly -laughs and then goes to her room to read and tries to stop laughing but can't then stops laughing after about 5 min.-
That is good -smiles and then thinks- wait a minute, did I ask you that earlier i cannot remember if I do want to be honest -laughs in a questioning voice-
-finishes her meat and goes to the computer to find out if the mall was open for tomorrow so they could go to a movie but she makes sure that no one finds out so it will be a suprise-

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