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Fandom The Vampire RP

(So sorry I missed so much! I did read through it. Are we doing a time skip or would you like me to continue where I left off?)
Vampiress looks at things she broke. "I don't deserve to live I admit I set up my parents death!"
Vampiress: "My parents are dead because their heir to the throne set up there Murder and you don't say cause you are an idiot you would rather live in the guilt!
Vampiress:"Um I can't quite rember I think 2nd. and Get the hell out of my Head!!!! You don't know my guilt you did assit in your parents death!" Throws stuff screaming.
@Vampiress Me: "I didn't. My mother died from cancer and my father was murdered by one of our biggest enemies while I was held captive by the Sultan in Edirne. Father was at home in Wallachia, hundreds of kilometres away from me."
Vampiress: "I said get out of my Head Vlad or Count or whatever the hell you want to be called I assited MINE and MY sister's Mom and Dad's MURDER and I have to LIE to my SISTER my own Little Sister! Now get the HELL out of my head or You'll regret it!" Throws stuff at the wall breaking the stuff and screams out in guilt and rage.
Vampiress: "Vlad I said out of my head put me in the prison or somewhere where I don't have to see my sister's eyes begging for the truth that will kill her!" Throws more things and screams again.
@Vampiress Me: "Don't call me Vlad... by the way, I understand how you feel. Killing is always hard in the beginning... but are you sure your parents are really dead? I mean, Father, Mihnea and me also have been murdered and yet we aren't."
Vampriess: "No you don't and they were human not Vampire so yes they are dead, and not until you put me somewhere my sister can't be Vlad!"
She groened because of the pain of being turned. After a while mumbling curse words she opened her eyes noticing being in a completely strange place.

"Oh sh*t, I should had heard my producer when she said Romenia wasn'ta good place to go on vacation."
@Vampiress Me: "Fine. And yes, I do. I was 9 when I killed someone for the first time. It was in battle. I saw that someone was about to kill my brother, and so I took my sword and beheaded the guy. I knew I had saved Mircea's life, but still I felt guilty... I felt really sick for some weeks, to be precise... so I can imagine how you feel..."

Count Dracula has her sent to a cell in his castle's basement.
Vampiress:"Now get out of my head please Count Dracula." Vampiress doesn't resist the gaurds that take her to the prison cell.
Svea woke up from what seemed like a deep trance on a cold floor, head pounding, lips swollen, and vision blurry. "Var är jag? (Where am I?)" She spoke in her native language, unaware of where she was currently located. But she knew that it definitely wasn't her home.
@Vampiress Me: "I already did." Count Dracula's guards bring her to the said cell.

(What was your name in the RP again? I keep forgetting :/ )

@Julieta Count Dracula watches her from his bed. Me: "That's how most people react... although being a vampire isn't bad at all, actually. You just have to get used to it. What's your name, btw? You probably won't believe me, but I'm Count Dracula."


Count Dracula's father takes a look at the lake when suddenly hearing a desperate scream. He runs into the direction the scream came from and sees a little girl floating lifeless on the water. The father gets her out and instantly starts giving CPR while some bystanders call an ambulance. 
@nynja Count Dracula also speaks in his native tongue. Me: "Ești din Europa de Nord?" (= "Are you from Northern Europe?")
(Ivy I think) Ivy doesn't resist the guards "Then get out of my head!"

Sabrina(Ivy's Sister) Sabrina coughs and coughs up the water. "How can vampires drown?"

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