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Fandom The Vampire RP

" Yeah..its great...goodnight" she spoke mentally. Closing her eyes.

(sorry! I didn't know who you were talking to..her or Toma)

Without pain...we cannot love
Kathryn laid curled in the bed, not fully able to sleep, but not wanting to be awake.

Without pain...we cannot love
Kathryn sat up, she couldn't sleep. She crawled off get bed and headed towards the bathroom. Hoping that a warm shower might help her sleep

Without pain...we cannot love
Kathryn closed the bathroom door behind her. She undressed and turned on the shower slowly stepping in.

Without pain...we cannot love
Around 15 minutes later Kathryn is back in her clothes and walking out with wet hair.

Without pain...we cannot love
Me: "Me too. I need to go to Edirne later. How much I hate this place..." Count Dracula sobs, thinking of his youth. Me: "I..." He cries. Count Dracula's father feels that Count Dracula feels bad and comes to him and hugs him. After a while, Count Dracula notices that Mihnea has taken the Turkish statute book, so he decides to go and get it. When Count Dracula knocks on Mihnea's door, no one answers. Entering the room, he sees that Mihnea is still asleep and sees that his nightdress has got out of place, denuding his chest and stomach. Count Dracula gasps, seeing all the scars. Me: "Dumnezeul meu... I knew he had been stabbed, but I didn't know it were so many stabs..." Lost into thoughts, Count Dracula slightly traces the scars with his finger. Mihnea doesn't seem to notice anything. Me: "He must have suffered terribly :( I count 72 scars :( "

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