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Fantasy The Vampire Lee Plaza Hotel.

Once the lobby had pretty much cleared out, Lilith made her way to the front desk to get her room in order. She had never been much of a talker to others she didn't know even if they were all vampires. The red headed lady was no longer there but in her place was another worker. "I am here for my reserved first class single room, Please. It should be under Lilith Grayson" Quietly Lilith placed her luggage on the floor beside her as she waited for her assigned room that her parents had booked for her already. There was never a time when Lilith had to pay for anything, her parents always did so. But that was going to change, Lilith was going to get a job while staying here at the Lee Plaza Hotel.

A slight smile played across her face as she was pleased with herself for trying to be independent. The desk clerk handed Lilith a key and told her the room number was sixty three.

"Thank you,"

Lilith flashed him her sweet smile and went to the elevator to get situated in her room. There was no need for a lobby boy for her, since she only had her one bag with her. It was always like her to travel lightly, though she probably wouldn't return home that way.

Once she had gotten situated in her room, placing everything that was in her bag neatly into the correct drawers or counter space. After she had finished, she left her room closing the door lightly behind her as she made her way to the lounge on the second floor. Lilith took a seat in the back, farthest away from the stage. the bartender asked her for her order, she motioned her finger in a come closer motion. Patiently he waited for him to bring his head closer to her lips so she could whisper what she wanted only to tell him, "Please bring me your most popular drink." He nodded and went off to get her drink. Placing her hands lightly in her lap, she waited for everything to start.
"If you're asking when I was embraced and became one of our kind...goodness, let me think. The time I lived as a mortal man was somewhere in the early 1800's. The precise time is lost to the past, not that such exactness of time is all that relevant when experiencing the splendors of the ages. I take it your mortal life was far closer to the present than my own?"

A part of him wondered who this 'beloved' or 'master' that Jodie continued to mention, but he felt it would be rude to press him for such personal details, especially since they had just recently met.

He lifted his glass to his lips, closing his eyes to better focus on the flavor as it graced his taste buds. "By removing one of the base senses, the others become heightened." he commented as he let the glass sit on the surface again, eyes slowly opening.

Blanche rode in the back of her limousine staring out the window as the hotel came in view causing her to tense. The car stopped and after a moment her chaffur opened the door. Stepping out she looked at the hotel, bitting her lip as she walked forward. The door opened for her as she stepped inside waving off her chaffer to go back to the limousine, walking up to the front desk as she looked around. Because of who she was her power radiated from her able to alert others of here presence even if she did not want to be known.
Seeing that everything is good in the bar I head back into the lounge where the band had finished tuning their instruments. Guests started to fill up the room, they ordered drinks and waited at their tables for Kat to go on the stage. I sat down at the right hand side of the room on my lovely vintage couch, I lied down and looked up at Sebastian who was looking at the empty stage. "Sweetie, darling" I said to him as I pouted. "Yes, Mistress?" he replied. "Lend me your lap." I said patting the couch seat. he let out a sigh as he looked away. "Please...?" I asked pouting while tugging on his suit. "yes, Mistress.." he slowly sat down on the couch and without any hesitation I rested my head on his lap, smiling happily. Its not the first time he's done this for me. when he was little I'd ask him to do this, he was so cute, although he really hasn't changed a bit.

The guests applauded as Kat walked on stage. She cleared her throat and then nodded to the band saying that she was ready.




"Indeed, undesired,unwanted,unloved." In his hand he gripped the Pretty Bottle some how he had gotten it off the shelf & already finished his drink, most mental patients were treated very poorly in the 1950's & sometimes there was nothing even wrong with their mental state, It could have been depression or being anti Social.


he began drinking from the bottle, its contents going down his throat quickly, he finishes & drops it down onto the counter of the bar, his ears peak at the sound of the Jazz music his eyes looking droopy, he reaches for another bottle unscrewing the cap " 1 ring for my lover, 6 drinks for the sailor, 10 cats for the pie shop & 2 suns in one sky, what do you get?"

his speech seemed slurred & slowed as he waves the bottle up sloshing a bit onto the floor & his chest as he aims to drink out of it.
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Blanche followed the music, keeping her hands behind her back as she walked. Finding her way she looked around watching the singer up on the stage and smiled slightly. Making her way around she sighs as she finds a seat at the bar. Sitting down as she turned towards the singer, happy with her view. She stayed there watching quietly, having small glances passed her way every now and then.
Through the cold fog of the streets, a single black unmarked car pulled up in front of the Lee Plaza Hotel. Even without its occupants exiting the vehicle, there was a strong dark aura .

Two figures came forth from the car, both males, each around 6 ft tall. They were dressed in black suites and their eyes were
solid black as the void. Another stayed in the car while the two men walked up to the hotel. Black tendrils of darkness wrapped around the doors handles opening them for the two men. As they walked inside their tendrils disappeared and the door closed behind them with a silent thud.

The two men
approached the main desk, their dark auras filled the room. The man looked for some sort of bell to alert the staff to their presence; finding nothing he snapped his fingers. They waited the for the staff to attend to them, however, for beings of their nature they would not wait for long.
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Blanche decided it was best for her to go to her room to study, after all that is why she was sent here. Upon entering the lobby she stopped looking at the group who entered, her nose wrinkling to the aura the expelled as she pursed her lips. Letting her short blonde hair cover her face as she looked to the ground almost forgetting her bags, which were by the main desk. She cursed herself, standing a bit taller like how her mother had shown her. She knew this man was dangerous but didn't know how, therefore she assumed that she would be fine. "Excuse me." She tried making her words sound strong but they faltered at the end. She still had a lot to learn before she could sound as powerful as her brother. She tried stepping past them to retrieve her bag, pursing her lips as she tried not to breathe in for their aura suffocated her.
When the song was finished all the guest gave her a round of applause. waiters and waitresses gave out alcoholic beverages as Kat got ready to sing the next song. As they started the next song, I felt a dark disturbance in my dear hotel. I let out a sigh as I got up off Sebastian's lap "I have to go down to the Lobby, I think it would be better if you stayed up here..." I said as I stood up off the couch. He hesitantly nodded and said "If that is what you wish, Mistress" I flicked my hair and walked over towards the elevator as I said "I'll be back".

I placed my right hand on my hip as I pressed the button on the elevator sending me down to the lobby, once the elevator doors opened the dark aura felt stronger, it made me feel a bit sick. I walked towards the reception desk, seeing two men that were waiting for service.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" I asked as I made my way around the desk, brushing my hand against the wooden frame. I did not fear the two men, they both seemed younger than me, as if they were just made a few months ago.

@Lord Anubis
@Lord Anubis[/URL]
One of the men looked to the lady before him no doubt the owner of the hotel. He handed her a letter sealed with the insignia of Kain. It was a Angle hovering over a bed of skulls in-bedded into a wax seal. The male stood tall, hands behind his back" Our master has made reservations for his lord to be housed here till he awakens in the coming night. This is the payment for the lords stay here he shall arrive shortly the room should be The emperor suite." he said in a calm collected tone. The two men turned on their heels in sync and proceeded to leave the hotel, no more words spoken. The car proceeded to drive off into the night and their dark aura disappeared, along with their departure.

@Wanda Maxy
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The music sounded lovely to Lilith's ears, making her close her eyes and concentrate on nothing else but the lady singing on stage. When the song ended, her eyes opened slowly but her long, skinny fingers gripped at the glass in her hand, crushing it in her grasp, making the liquid flow over her hand. Her gaze on the elevator as the owner of the hotel went down to the what she assumed was the lobby. The darkness in the hotel made her very uneasy. In the many years that Lilith was well.....existing she had never encountered anything like this but it was not a good feeling.

In no time though the darkness was gone and Lilith relaxed once again in her seat. The music had started again without her even noticing it right away. The bartender had brought Lilith her new drink, and cleaned up the one that she had made a mess with. Before he could leave, she apologized to him for being so rude and breaking a glass. She offered to have it put on her tab if it needed to be replaced.

This was a place for her to relax, not a place where she needed to feel uncomfortable. The music helped sooth her as she once again closed her eyes and listen to the sweet music being played. Maybe later on there would be a piano for her to use. The very existence of pianos pleased Lilith, it was the only thing that made her happy as she could play her classical music.
I raised an eyebrow at the two men as they turned on their heels and walked out the hotel doors. "Hmpf" I looked at the letter and said to myself "Emperor suite room? he'd be lucky if he could get his hands on a first class room" I let out a sigh as I opened a draw and dropped the letter inside along with other letters just like it. "they could of called instead of coming here just to hand me a letter and bothering my other guests with their presence... Ah! so annoying..."

I shut the draw and made my way back towards the elevator, when some came through the door yelling "MISS MARGUERITE!" I growled to myself, recognizing the voice. I turn around with a fake smile pasted on my face, "Ah, Mr Buskin... what a charming surprise. what brings you to my lovely hotel?" his face was red with anger and his wig looked as if it was going to fall off. "you know very well why I'm here!" he yelled as he came towards me waving around papers in his hand. I let out a sigh as a placed my hand on my hip, staring down at the angry wrinkly man.

"You are not paying your bills off in time for this damn hotel!" he yelled waving the papers in my face. My eye's widened at his words, I snatched the papers from his hands and said "Mr Buskin! Do not talk poorly of my dear hotel!" the sad man slightly cowered before me.

Since he is an important role among the humans I can't kill the man even if I wanted to. I turned him around facing the hotel door and placed my arm around his shoulders. "Now, I am sorry that I haven't been keeping up with the bills, Its just that I have a lot going on in my hotel that I simply forget. And besides! you know I hate paperwork... So I'd really appreciate it if you could take care of it for me" I handed him back the papers and pulled a few hundred dollar note from my cleavage and handed it to him. He was speechless as he took the papers and money. his face was a now a flushed shade of pink and his wig was falling off even more as he started to sweat. I pushed him out the door as I said "thank you Mr Buskin!" I waved my hand playfully as he walked to his car, got in and drove away.

I let out an annoyed groan and said "Ugh, he's such a downer!" I moved towards the elevator and saw one of the workers going in the elevator as well. He was pushing a cart carrying boxes full of holes. I was heading back up to the live show, while he was on his way down to the underground rooms. When it came up to my level, I silently nodded to him as I walked out of the elevator. He placed his hand over his chest and bowed to me as the elevator doors closed. "Such a gentleman" I said as smiled and made my way back over to Sebastian, who was still sitting on the couch waiting for me. I quickly lied back down and rested my head on his lap, "ah... it's good to be back" I said as I got comfy. he smiled at me and said "welcome back, Mistress".

Thankfully I didn't miss the rest of the show.



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Serena arrived to the Lee Plaza Hotel after her four day 'exhausting' voyage here, looking forward to clear her mind but she was mainly running away from the fears that haunted her. A few days before her voyage here she was suppressed with the command of marrying a noble from the community but she refused to do so, since she did not want to marry a man she did not love. Her parents were furious considering the fact that she has to get married some day and fend for herself. Later on during the argument that went on for days they finally understood that she needed some time alone but she promised them to keep an open mind about the marriage proposal. In return they booked a room for her at the Lee Plaza Hotel which is where her parents used to stay when they came for business meetings to meet with the council.

She opened the door of the vehicle that let out a creaking noise and stepped out of the car and looks around, the hotel towered over her and looked as if it was touching the big white puffy clouds. The driver got out of the car leaving his door open and popping open the trunk as he removed her two luggage's from it. He placed the luggage's to the side of her and offered his help again to her so that she wouldn't have a hard time going up the stairs with the luggage's in her hands, "I will be fine, thank you." She told him and paid him on the spot. He got back in the car and left her standing in front of the hotel. She proceeded to walking towards the hotel. She walked up the steps and placed once luggage to the side of her as she opened the cold door by the handle bar. She picked her luggage up again and walked in and closed the door gently behind her with her foot.

Serena looked around the hotel lobby and she watched as the candles danced when she passed by them; making way to the front desk. She looks left, she looks right but does not see a 'living soul' in sight.

"Where is everyone?" She muttered to herself as she put her luggage's down on the side of her.

A man appears out from the door near the desk and greets Serena. He was wearing a nicely fitted tux with a name tag to the side of his chest, "I have a room under the name of Fucillo," She told him as he flipped through the reserved book full of names of people and he points at her name, "Serena?" He questioned and looked up, "Yes that would be me." She told him and he checked her into her room. She paid him up front for the room since she was going to spend a while at the hotel and he gave her a key and showed Serena the way to her room.
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"Engaged to a man who loves drink more than you, meat pies, missing pets and a lot of sunburns." His tone was gentle yet playful as he made an attempt to answer the cryptic questions. They were likely not the right things to say, but it would be more impolite and less interesting to just decide against answering.

Seeing the alcohol slosh over the other vampire, Kei took the bottle from him and set it down. "I think you should take a little break before you sprout gills and swim with the fish." He took a moment to imagine the large eyed boy becoming a fish and found it a rather charming thought. Of course, such things were highly improbable, as a form such as a fish wasn't the most practical choice if one was lucky enough to have the ability to change one's form.

Getting a brilliant idea, he stood from his seat at the bar, twirling once before bowing, one hand gracefully outstretched. "However, the night is young. Would you care for a dance? I've been told I'm quite the partner." there was no need for modesty when it came to grace. He was well aware when it came to pursuits such as singing and dance, that Kei was a gifted man. A true toreador among the greats, or so he'd like to someday be known.


Jodie stared blankly as Kei Answered, then a smile spread across his face & he begins to laugh, it was not the answer he was going to give, but he thought this one was better.

as the bottle is taken away an expression of disappointment soon spreads "Oh...I Have never puked From throwing up!!" he clambers for it until Kei told him he would turn into a fish, it froze him on the spot, * Me? a fish?, but I can't swim! oh the humanity!!! & tragedy!!! a merman? no I am not so graceful.* he thought.

He flinches as Kei stands up watching in astonishment while he twirls then looks down as Kei bows & extends his hand Jodie hesitantly takes Kei's hand "it honours the cockles of my heart to be the partner of which you choose to dance with." Jodie didn't dance very often Jodie & his Beloved master would dance at vampire Balls & such or when Master would remanice old songs & sing them out loud while slow dancing.


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Some might call the way Kei danced flashy or gaudy, a few Ventrue even called it a 'vulgar' display. His movements were executed with grace, yet he was a fan of little flourishes like spinning or lifting his partner to keep them on their toes and keep any onlookers entranced by the sight.

When Jodie took his hand, a toothy smile found it's way to his lips as he ushered the other vampire to an area that was a bit more clear of people or chairs, practically gliding across the floor when he began to dance. It was clear that the other had danced before as well, though it was unclear whether he held actual fondness for the act or was simply accustomed to it.

"It has been many years since I've danced with a partner, so my apologies if my skill is a bit lacking in current." He was more accustomed to solitary displays of song with accompanying dance or piano. Humans were such fleeting partners and aged much too quickly to be a reasonable stage-mate, and vampires with the passion tend to flit from pursuit to pursuit at such an indeterminable pace that it made things rather difficult for him. Still, a leisurely dance like this on occasion was refreshing.


he grips upon Kei's clothes, His eyes wide "Ghostly fantasy's glided across this floor long ago, they watch & judge on how well you preform, if you hear the clinking, don't move." he danced to the songs melody he seemed to be enjoying but after that cryptic message it was hard to tell, but at least he was smiling.

perhaps the Ghost's are all in his head his eyes would often watch part of the room then look back at Kei's face " tread not long in their plain lest you wish to stay." he rests his head on Kei's chest hiccupping.

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