The Useless Student Council


The Fool
The sound of the school bell rang out throughout the school the Second week of school is over. A shortened school day now brings the time to 1:50 pm. The students this week had all participated in club rush choosing which group and activity that they would want to perform while at high school. This also was the week that the students elected their Student Council officials. Earlier in the morning the winners were announced during the school announcements over the PA system. Only names on a list to the reader, But with each name read a roar of cheers and laughter swept throughout each classroom as they were announced. Most students cheering their new elected leaders some cursing them and others finding it hard to swallow that their new student council was run by a clown.

The PA system cracked as a voice overtook the students moving from their seats and packing up ready for their life after school.

"Attention all students attention, Please report to your first meetings of your elected club. All Student Council members please report the the Student Council room on the 3rd floor.... The Culinary Arts club's meeting has been moved to the classroom 2A-109. All other students, please report to your respective club rooms."

The PA system kicked off now the once quiet hallways were swarmed with student pushing and shoving their way to get to their club meetings. Seniors on their last year of being children and freshman who just wanted to be adults, they shared these halls as they flowed to find a spot in this new school year. To find laughs and friends but most importantly build memories.

The student council sat on the 3rd floor a large room that overlooked the school grounds. From the room that was located in the middle of the school building you could oversee all student activities. To the right you could see the Field and stadium. To the left you could see the Pool and club rooms. In the middle it overlooked the Kinto Academy school court. This is where most students spent their lunch eating on the various benches or sitting on the grass plots, some even found seats on the planters around the flowers. The was now school was a hive of excitement as the grounds were littered with students who were lost or running hoping to find their location, others walking and chatting to their peers. Getting ready to have fun before their weekend break.

A lone boy stood looking out the window taking in this sight. He watched as life outside seemed more fun then being alone in a room. He looked over at the closet to his left that was filled with props from the drama department... a grin crept across his face.

EPISODE 1: I am your king,

But I didn't vote for you...

Juno rummaged through the different boxes with a grin strapped to his face. It would be only a matter of time until the other candidates would show up. He would have to show his dominance he thought to himself. He opened another box. He had found what he was looking for...

He sat at the head chair of the table that faced the window. There he rested a crown sat firmly on top of his head a draping red cloak with white fluffy cloth lining the edges of it. He had a golden scepter with a red gem at the top of it brandishing it in his right hand. He was ready to show he was in charge and no one would be able to question his authority. He Sat in the chair watching the clock above the door the seconds hand clicking and clicking and clicking. Thinking to himself what a great idea this was.
Cana rushes through the hallway trying to get to the student council room. I can be late...!! she thinks.

She heads up to the 3rd floor, running pass a room and she notice a boy wearing a strange outfit. What the..?

Cana walks into the room, looking at the boy and his outfit, trying not to laughs.

"Um...what are you doing?" She chuckles.
Essie was in no rush to get her butt upstairs. She went to the bathroom, spending more or less ten minutes only to see if she had enough mascara. Once she knew what she had on would suffice, she spent another 5 minutes simply to reapply her favorite cherry flavored lipgloss. She fixed her blonde hair into its usual sky-high ponytail and looked in the mirror. Perfection is my middle name. She blew an air kiss in the direction of her reflection and gave the mirror a wink before stuffing her things into her blue designer purse. Pink is sooo last school year.

Student council was definitely not her thing.
What does a historian do, anyway? God, I just wish it doesn't have anything to do with the 3rd world war or the Black people in America... But she had to. It was only the 2nd week of class but she was already anticipating F's from trigonometry, world history and chem. Well, what better way to get extra credit than through something ruled entirely by popularity and pure charisma?

She knew some responsible snot nosed officer would do her job for her anyway. She knew Student Council would be a snooze. She took culinary club last schoolyear, thinking it'd be a great way to always have gourmet in the afternoon but when she found out that they actually
had to cook, she bailed.

As she listened(ish) to the PA this morning, she heard she was with a bunch of sophomores and freshmen.
Mhm, fresh meat... she thought Ew, I just hope this doesn't go in the way of my whole South Beach thing...

She sighed and glanced at her perfection in the well-polished lockers as she made her way upstairs. She strutted to the 3rd floor where she saw a girl at the doorway of the student council office.
"Move it, juvenile," she commanded as she pushed her way into the room. She took one glance at their costumed president and rolled her eyes before sinking into her seat. "Oh, sophomores..." she groaned. "How precious." Then, she pulled out her phone just as she popped the banana scented bubblegum she'd been chewing for hours now. She texted and Tweeted about her boredom (though she'd been there for barely a minute) and twirled her hair with the other hand.
Rinako clutched a small bag of cookies in her hand. "My, my,"She said, "These students are a bit rambunctious." She felt a bit annoyed, and clicked immediately, pushing groups of people, that were also taking the stairs from the first floor, out of her way saying, "Maintain order!" This one staircase remained silent, letting the small groan of a student stand out.

"Excuse me, but did I hear a complaint?" Rinako asked, pinching the back of his neck while the other students moved up the staircase much more orderly than from before. "No, -ow-, Miss -ow-." "That's what I thought," she replied, jumping in line with the much faster, orderly line as she climbed up the stairs, making her way to the second floor, then continuing up to the third. She was back to normal now.

She made her way to the student council room, and when she opened the door she saw the caped and crowned Juno, standing on the other side of the room, as well as almost all the other members, as she slipped in, taking a small platter from out of her bags and set the cookies out on top of them, not separating the different types, so that no one could grab just what they wanted, but since they were hand made they were all pretty good.
Cana narrows her eyes at the girl who pushed her, "I already don't like you.." She says to the snot nosed girl before taking her seat.
Coko is leaning back against a dark corner. His deep voice filled the room. "Heh heh...hello, Mr. Tyrant. He says in a mocking tone.
Juno watched as a girl with light brown hair with ribbons tied to either side stepped through the door breathing heavier than normal... Did she run here to try and get here on time? Great a goody two shoes whose going to make my life a little harder. He let out a heavy sigh. As she asked him what he was doing. Great she is also an idiot, I mean wasn't it obvious? He was showing his dominance and power over the group. Another girl forced her way into the room this one was blonde with her hair all tied up in a ponytail. She was older then the other one that's for sure. Pushing the brown haired girl and calling her a juvenile... great a delinquent. The blonde made her way to the seat pulling out her phone instantly. Juno's eye started twitching out of sheer annoyance as he watched her. Another person clamored into the room a white haired girl with bows... He counted the people in the room... 1,2,3 they were missing one more... Suddenly he made a realization


his eyes darted about the room his gaze was not hidden or subtle he looked at the bust of each person in the room. He was trying to ascertain if they were in fact girls and not overly feminine boys.

THEY'RE ALL GIRLS! wait am i the only guy on the student council! This is bad... This is bad!

A cold sweet dripped down the back of his neck. He placed his head in his hands.

This cant be happening! this cant be happening! SUCH MISFORTUNE! The spawn of Satan have gathered here in order to destroy my chances at a happy life..

He began to bang his head on the desk his crown spilling onto the table, WHY! *thud* WHY! *thud* WHY! He stopped... his forehead now pressed against the table. He slowly raised his head from the table.

(Coko if you would like to join fill out a character skeleton please.)
Coko notices that the crowned one looked at him like he was a girl. He got infuriated. "HEY!! I'm a dude!"

((And where is that?))
"My Deal!?" Juno eyes zeroed in on her. "I will not have you hags ruin my youth!" He now swung his arm up, finger pointed at her. "This is not cosplay you idiot! Obviously I am your king, and you are my slaves. You must do what i say!"

Juno began to laugh maniacally. The power went to his head. He swung his arm towards the blonde girl "You there bimbo, stop texting while your king is speaking!" he then flung it in the direction of the white haired girl and in a low and devious voice "And you there, bring me those cookies." He began to laugh again like an evil villain as he enjoyed placing those feministic creatures in their place.

(In the character sheet section of the forum.)
This freaking guy..!! Cana thinks, her fists ball up tightly as she hears his annoying laugh.

"I've had it with you already!!" She swings her fist hard, hitting the annoying guy in the nose hard.

"I am not you slave and you are NOT my king!! Only little boys and little girls play dress up and I'm still trying to figure out which one you are!!"

Cana yells
Juno grabbed his nose after being hit. She would have to do better than that he is used to far worse. His sisters beat him senseless all the time. His voice was a little nasally and muffled now "AND ONLY IDIOTS AND BARBARIANS HIT PEOPLE!"

He removed his hand and pressed his forehead against hers pushing hard against it. "I'm OBVIOUSLY a boy you moron anyone can see that! But you it's harder to tell!" She could see his pupils wander to the lower part of his eye signaling like he was looking down. a wide grin grew across his face.
Cana narrows her eyes at the boy, pushing her forehead against his harder.

"Well, I rather be a barbarian than a little boy who likes to play dress up!"

She smirks at him.

"Oh and for the record.." Cana grabs her breast, "I'm a girl.."
Juno was getting to fired up his brain became a mess of rage and testosterone. "OH REALLY!? he shot his left hand forward it was right on target and he squeezed a soft mound it was light and fluffy with just a tich of squishy. He released his hand... He then quickly backed off from the head push and stepped back his hand still pulsating in the air like he did, when he squeezed the brown haired girls chest. He said very calmly. "Hmmm yea I guess you are." he took his left hand that was still gropeing at the air and started scratching the back of his head. With a big smile on his face he started to laugh.
Cana blushes a deep bright red, crossing her arms over her chest, "You prev!!" She yells.

Kicking him hard in the crouch.

"Unless you want to keep your head, you better not touch me again!"
A grunt escaped Juno's mouth followed by his soul. His eyes became cross and his forehead turned a shade of blue. Juno made a slow and hard crumble to the floor holding his crotch. His shaky hand raised up slowly as he grabbed on to the skirt of the girl. He slowly arched his head to look up at her. His voice sounded very airy as he softly said to her "You cant do this................. I am your king." His eyes closed, His hand went limp and fell to the ground with a thud followed by his head.

His vision went dark as he laid crumbled on the floor.

In his thoughts there was all black with an empty white rectangle and on top of it it said reboot. The bar was slowly filling like a load timer. He has learned to recover fast from these things.

She would have to throw much more at him in order to kill him. This wasn't even a flesh wound...
While those two had there fight, Rinako picked up the tray and offered the other members of the student council cookies, ignoring the bickering students on the other end of the room with a calm, friendly smile.
Cana looks down at him in disgust. Picking up his crown and stepping on it.

She notice a girl walking around with a tray, "Excuse me but may I have on of those cookies?" Cana smiles.
"Charging at 75%" A computer voice in his head rang out as the bar filled.

He vision was blur as his eye open he saw his destroyed crown laying on the floor crushed by something. A girl handing out cookies and then he saw her the brown haired beast...

His eyes closed once more.
"Sure," Rinako replied, setting the cookies down in front of her. "Please put them back in the middle after you've chosen." Rinako looked at Juno on the ground, picking him up and setting him on the couch, then going back to the table and sitting.
"Reboot at 100%. Reinitializing" The computer in his mind echoed as the screen turned a black. Juno shot up from his laid down position gasping for air, he heavily breathed for a few quick breaths.

where am i?

He surveyed his surroundings... he was in the student council room everything seemed normal, Juno looked down.

Since when did we get a couch?

He looked at the three girls all around the room.

Wait who put me on this thing. The brown hair girl may be a brute but i doubt she would do it.

He laid back down on the couch, the back of his hand resting on his forehead. He closed his eyes and let out a little whimper

Im going to die here...

Cana took a bite of a cookie, "Mmm these are really good." She looks over at the couch.

Seeing the annoying boy getting up. She walks over and looks down at him with a serious face..

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry for kicking you in the crouch nor am I going to say sorry for breaking your crown."

Her eyes stead on his, "You got what came to you because of your actions and the way you talked and treated me. I don't like it.."
Rinako got started on her homework since it seemed that they weren't doing anything at the moment. She worked quickly, easily solving the first question.

What is
if g(x,y,z) = x + y and S is the first octant portion of the plane 2x + 3y + z = 6 ?

She was going through math problems fairly easy, getting caught every now and then. She was really into her work, so it'd probably wouldn't be easy to awaken her from her state of mind.
He opened one eye to the girl standing over him. "You don't need to apologize to me about the crown. It's not mine its the drama clubs." He smiled at her an evil smile. "And if you don't like how i treat you, you can leave. I wont complain, im sure people will understand that it was too hard for you and you couldn't handle it." He sat up and looked at her "I am in charge here. So you better get used to it."

[MENTION=4525]Titania Heartlex[/MENTION]
Sky opens the door to the room, while balancing a pile of books in his hands. What a bother. He said to himself as struggles against gravity and physics that's playing that's playing with him. "Sorry I'm late." He announced, his face hidden behind the books. "But then again, I don't care. So, whatever." He added as he walked towards a small desk in the corner of the room. He dropped his tomes of Arithmetic, Science, English, and History with a loud thud. "I want to sleep." He muttered as he whirled around, only to see the Student Council piling on the couch.

Where am I supposed to sleep?He looked at them for a moment before spotting the plate of cookies. Without asking permission, he marched towards it and grabbed the plate. "Cool. I was getting hungry." He grabbed a handful of them before carelessly placing it back on the table.

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