Vive la Republique!
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- Nation Building
Marianne stared down at the ground. "I'm... not a monster." they whispered, voice quivering slightly. "if I am one... if I am a monster for being different... for not being that compliant good girl, then perhaps the world ought to re-evaluate what makes a monster. I am a criminal, a doctor, but I have hurt no one save for myself. and I do not regret my supposed crimes." the anarchist shifted slightly, taking a step closer to the doctor.
"my body has warped itself... but it has never been kind to me. but then, perhaps it is unfair to place all the blame on my body. you... you just admitted it... didn't you?" Marianne suddenly began to laugh slightly, one hand reaching up to clutch at their head "you... just admitted that... you know what is going to happen to me... this whole damned affliction was made by you, by the government. the disappearances were a cover-up for this... experimentation. so when I published the article... no wonder I was taken! and... of course... I hate to play the Comparing Things To The Holocaust card. but... think about it. civilians" Marianne pointed out the window to other prisoners "and undesirables and dissidents" they pointed to themself "have been taken prisoner. experimented on. tortured. dissected. MURDERED! and for what reason? supposedly in the name of science, but rather in the name of control!"
lurching forward slightly, Marianne moved to within arms reach of the doctor, staring down. "Now, I wouldn't quite think you to be the mengle here... but that does not mean that you can simply get away with the excuse that you were Just Following Orders. You'll surely remember that Eichman, who used that same excuse, was found guilty. because he was. and so are EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" Marianne practically screamed, one hand digging into their own scalp, tears in their rage-filled eyes. "you are... the real monsters" Marianne whispered, voice dropping.
"my body has warped itself... but it has never been kind to me. but then, perhaps it is unfair to place all the blame on my body. you... you just admitted it... didn't you?" Marianne suddenly began to laugh slightly, one hand reaching up to clutch at their head "you... just admitted that... you know what is going to happen to me... this whole damned affliction was made by you, by the government. the disappearances were a cover-up for this... experimentation. so when I published the article... no wonder I was taken! and... of course... I hate to play the Comparing Things To The Holocaust card. but... think about it. civilians" Marianne pointed out the window to other prisoners "and undesirables and dissidents" they pointed to themself "have been taken prisoner. experimented on. tortured. dissected. MURDERED! and for what reason? supposedly in the name of science, but rather in the name of control!"
lurching forward slightly, Marianne moved to within arms reach of the doctor, staring down. "Now, I wouldn't quite think you to be the mengle here... but that does not mean that you can simply get away with the excuse that you were Just Following Orders. You'll surely remember that Eichman, who used that same excuse, was found guilty. because he was. and so are EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" Marianne practically screamed, one hand digging into their own scalp, tears in their rage-filled eyes. "you are... the real monsters" Marianne whispered, voice dropping.