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Futuristic The Blight

Plot background (The year is 2061 btw)

The blight effected plants first, changing the DNA of most domesticated crops at the base level, killing the food sources of the human race one by one, driving humanity into starvation and desperation with each passing month. Everyone, from local farmers to scientists, both domestic and abroad worked tirelessly, searching for a cure, but the ever evolving nature of the virus stumped the combined efforts of humanity and soon a new reality had come with the dying of the final few crops. A reality dominated by hunger and death, where the lucky half who lived survived on sustenance bars made of processed insects and synthetic fats made in factories, where fresh food was a delicacy for the super rich, where dust storms raged as a result of topsoil displacement, where there was no hope.

Those who survived the initial wave of famine, approximately half of all people that is, continued on in the depressing reality that was the world. Many feared a collapse was imminent, that world war was assured, but against expectations, the conditions remained the same for the time being, but all was soon to change.

In the year 2042, seven years after the beginning of the famine, the blight evolved into something greater, something more deadly. The virus began to effect people in the same way that it had effected plants, regarding genetic mutation that is, but unlike the changes in plants, which had been deadly to the host, the changes in humans created the Reavers.

The Reavers, also known as Roamers and Manics, have conquered much of the world at this point in the timeline. The airborne strand of the Blight is deadly to all but 10% of the human population, and it is this ten percent that survive within small settlements scattered about the world, hiding from and fighting against the endless hordes of Reavers who have taken the world.

You may think that this is another zombie story, but unlike the zombies that we have grown to know in our fiction, these are not mindless creatures. The Reavers are more than beasts hungering for flesh, they are foot soldiers. They are the invasion force.

Main setting, the city of Pleasanton


  1. The moon with the Zs are hotels
  2. Food = restaurant
  3. The dollar symbol buildings in the southwestern district are black market hubs. You need to know people to get in and they are highly illegal.
  4. The bottle symbol represents bars
  5. The even cross is the clinic, the christian cross is a church
  6. The numbered circles that are located around the city by the walls are the guard towers
  7. The circled star represents the town center and the location of the entrance to the capsule
  8. Those squiggly lines are actually letters, I know, crazy, so if you need help deciphering my handwriting lmk and I'll translate


So here is a rough explanation of what you're looking at.

The northeastern quarter is the government quarter. That's where the militia HQ is and city hall is located there as well. Inside of the city hall is the elevator that goes down into the capsule.

The Northwestern quarter is the upscale residential quarter. There is a bank, a School and a Library along with many nice® homes.

The South western quarter is the slums, that's where most people live. Those little squares are all small shacks and small homes. Some parts are alright, but there are some downright terrible.

The Southeastern section and the lower half of the northeastern section, is the commercial district. There are several stores, a couple nightclubs, a few restaurants, a clinic and a church.

The square section in the middle is the main market. It is a large square section of the city that is reserved for independent merchants who can rent out plots of land in order to set up temporary stores. That's where most trading is done.

All of the unlabeled buildings are homes, the only exception are the market stalls in the center of town.

Oh and the squiggly lines that run through the slums are narrow dirt roads.

Images from the city






The city of Pleasanton is, ironically, far from pleasant. Sure, it's a far better deal than most places outside of the walls, but that doesn't make it a great place to be. Petty crime is a constant and the claps of gunfire come from the walls as much as the slums, a further irony considering that the Reavers are a near constant threat on the perimeter.

There are however, many amenities that one wouldn't find elsewhere. These include.​

  • Power

  • Running water (in certain places)

  • A small cinema that plays old movies

  • Community sports teams

  • A well stocked marketplace

While it's rough around the edges (and on the surface as well) the city harbors a great treasure, this treasure is nicknamed The Capsule.


The capsule is an underground facility that had been built during the early days of the blight. Within the capsule are thousands of non infected seeds. Not only that, there are cloning facilities that had been built in order to repopulate the decimated species of domestic animals. The capsule provides electricity and clean water to the residence of the town above while also serving as a bastion of hope and scientific progress.

The capsule also provides a steady stream of fresh produce to the city, courtesy of the sealed system it operates in and the hydroponic farms within.

The capsule is also where most Raiders (see below) are trained and equipped, and generally speaking, this is where any new tech is developed.

Available factions

1. The Raiders (an example of a Raider, feel free to take one of these, they are awesome)


2. Wanderers


3. Red Mask Mercenaries


4. NSF Defector


1. The Raiders are the most badass MFers in the entire city. These are the guys who give the wall a middle finger and head out into the wasteland to take on the Reavers head on. These guys (and girls) find old technology and seek out repair parts for the capsule (see setting if you didn't read that spoiler). They also map out unexplored land and report on any other cities that they find (there are other cities in this world). Within their ranks are Soldiers, Engineers, Medics, Battle Techs and Stealth/Sniper specialists. They use high tech weapons such as rail guns and pulse weaponry. They have a heavily electronic set of weapons that can destroy and/or disable vehicles and enemies alike. Their armor is high resistance to bullets and they use helmets that come with built in HUDs and advanced sensors. They also have limited exo suits that give them slightly enhanced strength and speed.

2. The wanderers are the people who, for one reason or another, haven't found a home. Cities and settlements aren't that common so most of these people have simply had bad luck or have lost trust in humanity after running into one too many road gangs. Those wanderers who have remain alive are hardened and experienced at this point in time, and in some ways they are more badass then even the well equipped Raiders. Unlike Raiders, who are mostly military minded/straight edged etc. Wanderers can be anything from quiet and subdued to outright insane. Wanderers don't have the best of anything but they can have some of everything and their equipment is the most varied as they use whatever it is they find and repair.

3. The Red Masks are a group of mercenaries who operate throughout the wasteland as a fighting force for the highest bidder. Recently they've fallen on hard times after several bad defeats and they are nursing their wounds while staying in Pleasanton. Some have opted to work for the city in a limited capacity and for the short term they are allies of the city that is giving them refuge. Their weaponry is often crude but extremely powerful. They use a myriad of explosive bolt weapons that fire exploding cartridges that detonate on impact which is extremely effective against Reavers and unarmored targets. The Red Mask is consisted of everyone from ex military types and recruited Wanderes to ex bandits and criminals, as a result of their motley (and sometimes unsavory) background, they are known for being wild in nature and hard to control.

4. The NSF, or National Security Force is a remnant of the government that has attempted to reconstruct the infrastructure of the old world. Believing in the sovereignty of the long dead US government, they have attempted to conquer and subjugate cities in order to reform an empire. Many members of the NSF have defected over the past decade due to the increasingly brutal tactics of the NSF. The NSF troops are the best trained and the most experienced troops out of any faction, but they lack the technology that the Raiders have made/found in the capsule. They don't have exosuits like the Raiders but what they lack in fine electronic tech, they make up for with elite training and solar powered walker suits.

These mechs are personal and small in size and very limited. They are SLOW AS HELL and have bad handling. They CANNOT jump or dodge at all, think of them like you'd think of tanks, except these things have legs. They take damage and stay alive and serve as sponges for enemy fire. They do not fly or run or dodge or do anything that requires agility. Furthermore, they can be crippled by Raider battle techs who can disable the electronic systems of the walkers quite easily.

NSF defectors will serve as either allies or neutral NPCs. The NSF itself is an enemy.





1. No insulting other members

2. No meta-gaming (controlling other peoples characters, this is my biggest rule)

3. Cursing is allowed if your character is the type to curse, but don't curse for the sake of cursing

4. Don't create anything new without asking me, DM me if you want to add a piece of tech/location.

5. Paragraph or more per post (exception with dialogue posts)



The Shade:

a group created by the NSF in a plot for publicity. These are essentially terrorists sent in to Pleasanton to cause mayhem and catastrophe, with only the highest authorities within the group even knowing they work for the NSF. This groups was part of a two part plan by the NSF: send the Shade in to cause terror, and then send in a second group — The Light — to clean them up. The Light officially call themselves part of the NSF, people feel safe and protected by the NSF, and more people join. Of course the Shade won't give up the fight, as everyone below that doesn't know causes as much terror as they can as they fight against the authorities, as well as The Light. And they do have quite the impressive arsenal to back them.

A basic sniper rifle. It has a 4x scope. There's nothing too impressive about it. It's one of two possible primaries a Shade can carry at a time. Shades with this weapon will likely be targeting dignitaries or other important people, maybe someone in a crowd to scare them.


An Assault Gun. This gun carries 40 bullets. It is a mid-range weapon with decent recoil. Shades with this weapon will likely be taking on multiple armed foes, be eliminating a crowd, going for intimidation, or just want to look badass. It does it's job


This gun holds ten bullets, and is a mandatory sidearm for all Shades. Simple, lightweight, and deadly. You won't be cutting through armor with this, but skin isn't armor, is it?


A pesky wall troubling you? Maybe a vehicle? Perhaps you want to kill a target, but have it be impossible to trace back to you? Say no more, just use c4! A basic explosive that will destroy almost anything. Set the timer and run. Some of the more advanced groups have remote c4, but that's a privilege.

Chemical Grenade:

Most often just teargas, and rarely lethal, this weapon will install terror into the public. Anyone caught within will experience tremendous pain, particularly in their eyes and nostrils. This can be exchanged for a simple smoke grenade
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