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Fantasy The twin story academies

Crystana says "i'm your room mate. Crystana a siren." she introduces herself. though gives a curious look at her talking to herself. meanwhile Jamie nodded "if you ever need to talk about it, let me know." 
Jamie nods "if you ever want to talk about it let me know,okay?" she gives a reassureing smile or at least tries to. while Rystana explained to Rose they were rooming for the school year.
Tesh shortly after orientation goes to his room to drop off only one of his dusty old duffel bags. He wanders around lost looking for his assigned room.
Emily continued to look out the window to see the other students arriving to the other school. She tought having people who want to be villians right next to people who want to stop those villians from doing bad things was a terrible idea. It was only a matter of time until one of them would come to the school and do bad things.

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