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The Trees Have Eyes


In a time unknown to us when dragons roamed the earth and knights fought to save princesses there was more that historians have forgotten. There was a culture, hidden in the forests that once covered our earth. The Paka Watu kept themselves secret to humans, living in the trees, expertly hiding in their branches, that was until a young Pakan girl got curious of human kind. She was captured by a band of slavers and taken to be sold in the royal cities. Her curiosity brings her face to face with many humans including the young apprentice of a (black smith, wizard, knight, bounty hunter, ranger, demon/dragon slayer, monk-- you choose) who aids in her escape and return to the forest

I need a male character and this is the skelly--




Class: (like is he a black smith, wizard, knight, bounty hunter, ranger, demon/dragon slayer, monk)



My chara--

Name: Liri Kanoa

Age: 17

Personality: strong willed, brave, inquisitive, proud, selfless, and caring

Class: Paka Watu--hunter/healer

Bio: Liri was captured by slavers when her curiosity put her in danger. Being a rare species never before seen many think she is a demon and so selling her has been difficult. She has been sold and resold many times as she is very defiant.
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Name:Xobic Dex


Personality:Xobic is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle, Xobic either comes off as his ordinary crazy and unpredictable personality, or his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Xobic is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

Back Story:(opt)he has been in the military most of its life

Class:black smith/knight

Bio:he was born to a blacksmithing family but he wanted to be a knight so he trained in both Fields he work hard everyday to get where he is right now

Liri Kanoa looked numbly into the mass of people. She was being sold yet again. This time she was bound to a post before being auctioned off. She was being sold as she refused to comply to her previous master's physical requests. Well things sure got physical alright, she'd thrown him into a wall before being subdued. Normally a slave would be put to death for that, but she was sure that she was being resold because of how rare of a find she was. After all, she was the only slave with cat like ears and a tail. At the very least she could be sold as an exotic pet.

"And here we have an exotic creature, never seen before. She was found in the dark mists of the black forests! A rare beauty, with many wondrous talents. She can cook, clean, navigate, and entertain! Oh she can entertain! Let's start the bid at 80 silver." the auctioneer talked a good game. He made her sound desirable, though all her previous masters would swear she was nothing more than a demon and a nuisance.
Xobic was walking his daily route when he heard a auction going on he wonder what they could be selling so he decided to go check it out.It it was a exotic creature he heard someone say 20 gold pieces and felt bad for her"50 gold pieces"he shouted to the bidder.He had more but he is just go to save it.
"50 pieces going once, 50 pieces going twice! SOLD! To the man in the back." The auctioneer exclaimed.

Liri was then unbound from the pole and led to her new master. She was then bound in chains, and the end of one chain offered to the man. She eyed the seller, smirking as she passed him. He still had a hand shaped bruise on his face. Somehow that filled her with joy. Her purple eyes then turned on the man who'd purchased her. Her smile faded, and she tried to put on a meek, scared little expression. Perhaps she could play the frightened pet this time, then turn and make them regret buying her. Human kind could go to hell for all she cared. She had decided that she would make the most of her captivity.

"Here you are sir. Careful, she is wild. The seller recommends the chains." the auctioneer explained.
Xobic pulled out a bag it looks like a coin purse and it looks full he gave it to the auctioneer he grabbed the chain in the key"ok thanks for warning I like to play with luck"he took off chains freeing her"there that look more better won't you say ho look how rude I am My Name Is Xobic Dex what is yours"He smiled at her
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"Liri Kanoa." she answered, rubbing her wrists where the chains had been. She looked around, there were no guards and her instincts told her to run for it. She eyed the man, however. "What are your intentions?" she asked, eying this Xobic guy. He released the chains from her. That was never done before, but why? What were his plans? Was he some pig that enjoyed a hunt?
"my intentions I'll tell you that when we get to my house I don't want them to know okay yeah I am one of the city guards And blacksmith here"when they got to his house and got inside he started to laugh"what moron they do not know a bag of sand in a bag of coins to save their life oh yeah my intentions I want you to help you.You do not deserve to be tooking as a pet you should be free and I want to help you with that"
Liri cocked an eye brow at him. He didn't know what she was or what she was capable of and yet he desired to assist her. She found her way to a stool and perched on it the way she would on a branch. She eyed him carefully. His answer was strange but satisfactory. "In that case I am free to return to my home land?" she asked, tilting her head to one side. The tip of her tail twitched. "You will accompany me on my journey then, yes? What is in it for you?"
"I'm getting a new adventure out of it that is all but first we need to get supplies and are you hungry and what would you like to eat"he say as he headed towards the kitchen"I will cook something up 
Xobic grab some steak and started to cook it"we will leave tomorrow and get supply today if that's okay with you"he put seasoning on the steak to make it taste better.
She perched on his counter top and watched him. Her purple eyes ere big and curious. She sniffed at the steak and licked her lips. It smelled so good that she as tempted to dive for it, But she already knew that pans were often hot.

"This meat smells good. I can eat two." she said, lifting her hand and holding out two fingers. "You really seek no payment? No deal to be struck? So odd."
"well here's one done for you yeah I require no payment I'm just a good guy"he put the steak on a plate and put it to the side and started another one"I challenge all the guards in this place and wondering adventurers won all of them so I am getting pretty bored here that is why I don't need no payment"he put seasoning on the steak to make it taste better.
She picked the steak up off the plate and immediately tore into it. She ripped into it hungrily. She listened to him speak, her ears twitching to let him know she was understanding. "Very well. I will tell you the coordinates and you will navigate."
"okay tell me ..."stop in the half of way mark because he heard a bell ring"this one is done I will be back"he put the steak on a plate and walk through a door that goes to the blacksmith store he saw that he had a customer"hi how may I help you today"he ask the man"I want a Greatsword and 30 Arrows"the man said" that would be 51 gold pieces"the man pulls out the gold and gave it to Xobic.he check to see if it was there and it was he gave him the items the man ask for"have a nice day"Xobic said to the man as he left then he closed the shop and walk back into the kitchen and started to cook another snake
By the time he'd returned Liri had written down the coordinates of her home down. She also devoured her other steak and was sniffing about for something else to eat.

"You've returned? Anything sweet to consume, hmmm?"
"I think I have some apple cider in the shelves"he pointed toward a shelf he put the steak on a plate and started to eat it and look at the coordinates on the paper
She snagged the cider and went to a corner to consume it. "So there are the coordinates. You will take me there and no further. Understand? My people would not take kindly to a human in their midst."
"okay I understand that"Xobic look out the window seeing that it is sunset"do you need a special weapons that you use because there is no easy way getting there and if you need a special weapon made I can make it"he grab a map out of the old bag there is three pathways they can take all of them Long and dangerous.the first one will take 5 months and it is a medium danger the second one they can take with take 3 months this path is very dangerous they will have to be constantly on the lookout for everything in the last possible path will take 8 months it is the least dangerous path but the longest"I'm going to need some new armor it will take me all night to make".
She nodded. "I can wield daggers and I'm a good shot with a bow and arrows." she chimed, grinning a bit. Her tail swished from side to side. I will take whatever routes you deem best. " She walked over to him and leaned over the table, staring him in the eyes. " I do not understand your selfless actions, but you must know that they are appreciated."
he nodded"we will take the second one it is a 3 months travel"he drew with his finger on the map the way"I got those items in the shop you can pick the ones you like I need to get to work on my armor"he went upstairs and grabbed a small wooden box and then he headed towards the Forge and got Straight to working on the armor.
Liri watched him go before creeping into his shop and choosing her tools. She didn't need anything too fancy, just what was sharp, well made, and would kill when needed to. She then returned and followed after him upstairs.
Xobic open the box and pull out the bag that lies within he open the bag and pulled out a hand full of white powder then he started to put it in the molten metal the molten metal started to change colors from red to blue to black to white and repeated itself over and over again."it is getting late I only have one bedroom and that is mine you can sleep in there this would take me all night but do not worry I'll be ready in the morning I done many jobs like this"he work long and hard on the armor working all through the night.He got done around 3 o'clock in the morning and he had enough molten metal for a sword so he started to work on that one"when im done with this I will make some breakfast" He got done around 4 o'clock in the morning."when I'm done here time to go make some good food"he started to cook some breakfast.

((the armor and sword))
Xobic got done making breakfast he made french toast,pancakes,and eggs he set them at the table and then went upstairs to wake her up he was quiet about it.He open the door slowly and quietly no noise was made look towards the bed and saw her sleeping there he could not move or speak at the beautiful sight he was seen he didn't know what was going on why was he feeling the feelings that he were feeling right now.he brought up the courage to speak"good morning I got breakfast already"he said in a gentleman way.

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