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In Paradise

Moments We Live For

Star squeaked in alarm as Brandon finally arrived, looking up at him with wide eyes. โ€œBran!โ€ Her heart rateโ€”which was already racing because of todayโ€™s events and Careโ€™s elaborate planโ€”kicked up a notch, and she tried to breathe deeply to assuage the panic. Gods. She closed her eyes and put a hand to her chest, trying to calm down.

To her surprise, when she opened her eyes, her best friend was holding out a flower for her. For a moment, she simply could not process why this was happening and stared at him in confusion. There was that, and what did forgiving him have to do with the Cupid Shuffle? The gears slowly turned in her brain, and by the time she realized what exactly the context was, she scoffed and took the flower. โ€œOf course I forgive you. But Iโ€™m not doing the Cupid Shuffle with you right now. There are more important things going on? And youโ€™re injured last I checked.โ€

It was a good thing she said so, because just then the Roman twins arrived. Star swallowed. Why wasnโ€™t Care with them? Her eyebrows furrowed as she frowned and listened to the prophecy. While the rhyming was pretty, she wasnโ€™t terribly sure what all of it meant. All she really gathered was that there were to be multiple quests going out, and they had to do something to help the gods. Vaguely, she wondered if her mother was one of those in trouble, not that sheโ€™d ever met the goddess of rainbows.

โ€œRainbowโ€™s aidโ€ฆโ€

Starโ€™s eyes widened as she stared up at the twins, and then down at her own hands as she started glowing violet. She was chosen for a quest? But why? Quests involved fighting and monsters, and Star hated all that. She was just the pegasus girl. Now she was expected to go to the Underworld? It was enough to start up another panic in her chest.

When the prophecy was done, Star glanced up fearfully at Brandon. He was also glowing, and so was Nia. They were all chosen to go on quests. Unlike her, they both seemed to be taking all this in stride, and Starโ€™s head whipped back and forth between them as they set to look for the rest of their groups. Her mouth opened as if to say something, but no sound came out. Something was clogging her throat, inhibiting her vocal cords. Fear.

The last person sheโ€™d seen off on a quest hadnโ€™t come back. And now there were four of them.

With shaky steps, Star directed her attention to the two campers with similar violet glows to hers that she could see. Eโ€ฆsomething. Not Eleanorโ€ฆ Elijah! And Felicity, of course. But as she got closer, she realized that Felicity was unconscious, exhausted from her work putting on the distraction. Though Star could see that Adrian had it well in hand, sheโ€™d seen too many injured people today. โ€œOh, gods, is she okay?โ€ She rushed over and gently placed her hand on Felicityโ€™s forehead. No feverโ€ฆ at least, she thought so. It wasnโ€™t like she was an expert. But geez, what a way to start a quest. At least two groups had pre-injured members. What was the Oracle thinking?

Her attention diverted, realizing she was in the middle ofโ€ฆ well, she couldnโ€™t describe it exactly. But sheโ€™d definitely interrupted something. The three around her sheโ€™d seen spending time together before, but they all wore dark clothing and seemed to prefer the nighttime. Star was their polar opposite, a child of rainbows, the most colorful thing in the sky. Awkward.

โ€œSo, um.โ€ She looked to Elijah, who was the son of Hades and therefore had a little more stake in this quest than she did. โ€œI hope Iโ€™m not the only one whoโ€™s completely unsure what weโ€™re supposed to do, am I?โ€

At least she knew when she didnโ€™t know something.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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Lucy Spraggan

Lucky Stars

โ€œWhataya meanโ€ฆ of course Iโ€™mโ€ฆ having funโ€ฆโ€ Willow had the immense urge to put her hand to her forehead. Suddenly, her brain felt like cotton, and there was a weird heaviness in her mouth. If this was what being drunk felt like, she was never trying alcohol. Just as she tried to tend to the weird non-headache, she realized sheโ€™d lost control of her arms. They hung limply at her sides helplessly. Darn.

Caleb made to steer her away, and she giggled. โ€œWheeee.โ€ She would have lifted her arms as if she was on a roller coaster ride had it not been for the aforementioned loss of faculties. Then they stopped again, and she started to look up to ask why heโ€™d stopped the fun ride.

Even intoxicated, Willow could tell something was going down on the stage. Her vision came into focus and drifted out of it as something wasโ€ฆ sung? Recited? The words filling the air slowly became more and more decipherable as the effects of Feeโ€™s charmspeak finally, finally started to weaken. She squinted as a sudden glow filled her vision, and then her eyes widened again as she realized the glow was coming from her. What the hell?

Her attention shifted back to the stage, and she realized that the words being thrown around were a prophecy. A prophecy that called for multiple quests. Not only that, but she was expected to go on one of them. An immense sobering filled her body at the thought. How was she expected to help out on a quest when she could barely stay awake? Sure, she knew how to fight, but barely. She spent most of her days sleeping, for godsโ€™ sake!

Willow frowned and stared the ground, worrying about how she was supposed to survive and not get her teammates killed. Then she was snapped out of her fog by Caleb muttering in her ear. She yelped, nearly falling to the ground, were it not for the fact that he had a tight hold on her shoulders. Peering up at him, she realized he was glowing the same color she was. Thank the gods. At least someone would be able to wake her up if she fell asleep standing up.

โ€œI should have listened to you, but I think this would have happened anyway.โ€ Normally, she didnโ€™t like inflating his ego by telling him he was right, but in this case, she very much wished she was still in bed. Plus, the headache.

Rubbing her temple, she groaned. โ€œDid you really call them Sparky and the Witch? What is this, a high school rock band?โ€ Laughter was not coming easily to her at the moment, though it probably wasnโ€™t hard to tell why. Dangerous quest, yada yada, prophecy, fate of the world on their shoulders, no pressure.

With a sigh, Willow maneuvered away from his grasp and took his hand. โ€œCโ€™mon, letโ€™s go see what else we can learn. I need a nap again.โ€ A regular line from her, but it was especially true today, after everything that had just happened to her. Did charmspeak cause a hangover? That would be a great way to start a quest.

The moment she went to take the first step, however, her legs nearly fell out from under her. โ€œOof.โ€ Right, being intoxicated didnโ€™t make the body work well. Glancing up sheepishly at Caleb, she said, โ€œI donโ€™t suppose youโ€™d mind carrying me, would you?โ€

At least she wasnโ€™t still intoxicated when she asked. How embarrassing would that be? Sheโ€™d never live it down.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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Hollywood Ending


For a few blissful moments, Noah was having the time of his life. Marissa almost immediately joined him in the Cupid Shuffle, and he laughed. โ€œHey, youโ€™re not doing too bad for your first rodeo! Maybe soon youโ€™ll be the master,โ€ he said, whatever remaining blush on his face warming happily.

Then the music cut off, and he very nearly bumped into Marissa as he turned to see what was going on. His mouth fell open as the Roman twins climbed onto the stage and got everyoneโ€™s attention. Shit. This was what Fee and Damon were waiting for, wasnโ€™t it? He caught Marissa looking up at him, but he could only stare back. If only he knew what was going on and could reassure her, but he had no clue what was going on.

As soon as the twins started relaying the prophecy, Noahโ€™s jaw tightened. Four keys? It seemed like there were multiple quests needed andโ€”why the hell was he glowing?

Briefly, Noah had a flashback to the day heโ€™d been claimed by his father, the camp director himself. He was glowing purple, which was fitting, considering his dad. Looking around, he noticed the sons of Zeus and Hades were also glowing, as well as the Artemis girl. Shit. Did that mean he was supposed to lead one of these quests?

Bile rose in his throat as he waited for some clarification. Of course, his supposed quest was the last to be revealed, and while he was quite sure about the competence of his teamโ€”which included the last son of the Big Three, of all campersโ€”he was completely unprepared to lead them all. Why would the gods rely on him so much? Yeah, Mr. D was his father, but that didnโ€™t necessarily qualify him to go on this quest to free him. Dammit.

His only relief was that it seemed like Marissa wasnโ€™t going on any of the quests. At least he wouldnโ€™t be distracted worrying about her. Her hand brushed his, finally holding it, and he gripped her hand tightly in return, trying in vain to seek comfort from the contact. Gods, what horrible timing this was. He would never be able to tell her how he felt now, especially if he died on this quest.

โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ he answered truthfully. โ€œWould it be okayโ€”can you stay here for a second? I donโ€™t know what the other three are expecting, butโ€ฆ Iโ€™m going to disappoint them. Majorly.โ€ Noah squeezed her hand, just in case she didnโ€™t want to stay with him. That would be fine. He would need to prepare for a time when he wouldnโ€™t be able to look forward to seeing her every day.

He tried to relax as Brandon and Meredith made their way toward him, but he was tense as hell. โ€œIโ€™m not much of a leader, so Iโ€™m sorry in advance,โ€ he said, keeping his eyes fixed to the ground so he wouldnโ€™t have to see their faces. โ€œThis symbol above my head says weโ€™re going north, though, so at least thatโ€™s something.โ€ Letting out a deep breath, he lifted his eyes to Brandonโ€™s. โ€œIโ€™m going to need your help.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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Jordan St. Cyr

Weary Traveler

Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or maybe it was everything she had dealt with this morning, but Violet was not really up for watching a dance party. As she rubbed her eyes, she was very close to just turning around and going back to room in her cabin. It was quiet there. No best friends disregarding her healer advice.

She had just about convinced herself to try and get some sleep when the Morello twins got up on stage. Violet raised her eyebrows, her eyebrows furrowing as she took in Amberโ€™s expression. Something serious was going on.

As she listened to the prophecy, her healer brain kicked into overdrive. Four quests? The camp rarely sent out more than one, so four was really something. Sheโ€™d have to gather so many supplies. Violet knew one thing for sure: she wasnโ€™t getting any sleep tonight. Again. Oh boy.

Many of the campers in the quad started glowing, and she was no exception. Unlike most of them, however, her glow was to signify that she would be invaluable to protecting the camp from some sort of army. That was fine, she supposed, since she was a healer rather than a fighter. But something was bothering her, and it wasnโ€™t just the fact that both Victor and Brandon were part of quests and they were still werenโ€™t fully healed. What was it?

Violet looked out over the crowd, seeing that Kyle was also supposed to stay behind in camp. At least there was that. She wouldnโ€™t have to worry about everyone she cared about. Well. She would still worry, since that was her job. But anyway. Who was it the prophecy had mentioned? The son ofโ€ฆ music?

With a gasp, Violet took off towards the woods. No no no. If Violet was prone to cursing, she would spouting every expletive she knew. This couldnโ€™t be happening. It should be me instead. Her lungs burned as she put on an extra boost of speed, entering the forest moments later. It didnโ€™t take her long to hear the strains of guitar music. Following it, much more slowly so as to catch her breath, she finally found her half-brother.

Just as sheโ€™d feared, he was glowing. Oh, no.

โ€œJasper,โ€ she nearly sobbed, falling to her knees and wheezing from all the running, and the stress. Tears filled her eyes for the second time in the past thirty minutes, and she buried her face in her hands. โ€œI donโ€™t want you to go. Not you, too. I canโ€™t lose all of you.โ€

It was so hard. Sheโ€™d have to send them off with a smile while knowing the odds of success on these quests. Nobody here was the Camp Half-Blood in the time ofโ€ฆ oh, whatever his name was. Heck, getting to Camp Half-Blood wasnโ€™t always a guarantee. Sheโ€™d seen that firsthand. Kevin, what do I do? she wondered, knowing very well he couldnโ€™t hear her. Gods, what was she supposed to do.

Lowering her hands, she tried to breathe deeply and met her brotherโ€™s eyes. โ€œTh-Thereโ€™s a prophecy. Four quests. Y-youโ€™re supposed to go one.โ€ Violet sniffled and wiped her eyes. โ€œI-I would be lying if I said Iโ€™m okay with you going, butโ€ฆ Iโ€™m so scared, Jasper. Please come back, okay?โ€

Gods, Violet really needed a hug.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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Classical Felicity. Fainting into her future lover's arms. Some might say it was romantic - if there was anything else happening right now besides a life-changing prophecy that is sending multiple demigods into the outside world with just a mere direction.

The exhaustion did not allow any time to hear the lines of this all-awaited prophecy, let alone make sure her Bello and her Rose were all well. She was unaware of everything that was going on around her. One second it was a blurry vision and the other second her eyes rolled to the back of her head and everything simply went black. Her body lowered down to her knees as her legs gave out, fully limp knowing the last person she saw was the son of Thanatos, her fighting mentor. Alongside a trail of interactions, she had to keep hanging on, trying to force herself up as her mind drifted alongside her body to rest. It was going against her will till it gave out.

The purple glow slowly lit up her body as the Roman girl muttered 'daughter of beauty' from her lips, echoing deep down within her semi-stable hearing. Only hearing, nothing much she could have done. Her skin was covered in a thin layer of beading sweat, the exhaustion working its way out of her body. Fee risked it big time pulling such a big stunt with her charm-speak, especially when she was so hell-bent on never using it again.

Felicity knew the power her word possessed and by Aphrodite, she forbade to use it for harm and selfish means like she used to when she was unaware that she had it, of course. It felt powerful and that was a power that she needed to keep to herself. It was tradition for the head counsellor of cabin ten to be adorned with such a gift, so keeping it on the DL was not gonna work as much as she hoped but deep down, she knew she at least attempted to keep the siren at bay.

But Felicity knew otherwise this time round. She was determined to help Care with this plan as she knows her plans are usually set in stone. Because her trust in her quasi-sister was strong, the daughter of beauty wanted to give this a shot. Fee knew she was capable but she also knew it would devastate her. It did. No amount of words from Damon to simply opt out was going to change her mind.

Thankfully, she was unharmed from the chaos that unfolded as Adrian adjusted her into his arms, her head shifted uncontrolled towards his chest, lips parted and her breathing was starting to shake out the exhaustion. She was peaceful compared to the little demigods running around panicked. If Adrian had not held her so close, they could have easily stepped on her and worse... stained her clothes with muddy footprints. The fashion emergency! Thankfully, as they elevated, her chances of being trampled greatly decreased. Her body weight was definitely not fighting gravity as her legs, and arms dangled slightly as her head rolled back against his bicep.

That is, until dainty hands first patted against her forehead as well as another made their way towards her arms, placing them gently on her stomach and positioning her head in an angle she wouldn't risk breaking as Adrian motioned with her in his arms.

Finally, it was time to rest... unbeknownst to the chaos she would eventually wake up to.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:








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Fight Song

Rachel Platten

It was safe to say, as well as accurate, that amongst the three, Adrian was the most experienced in how camp politics works by standard including quests. The fact he was even distraught by all these unfolding events, only made Nys stir into worrying confusion - her stomach churning.
"I'd say I have to agree. This camp never ceases to amaze me and I don't mean that in a good way,"
she pursed her lips before the next scene took them both with surprise as the blonde faltered - expected with the voodoo shit she was spilling from her words from the little Nys could understand. Feeling the nudge she nodded her head,
"Well... I guess that explains the effect that made you turn into zombies...."
she pointed out, not really sure what she meant to say like most times.

All she was seeing was the look on Dri's face as he tried his best not to let the girl in his arms falter more and get more hurt. Nyssa felt helpless and clueless as ever the more they started to glow like orbs. The confusion level hit the threshold when the prophecy kept being recited and the washed-over panic, a mutual feeling she shared with Adrian towards Elijah. There was no way she was going to let him go. Not without her at least. The last time they were out there, they met by chance - the next couple of small missions were always at each other's side. No matter what. Adrian was right, she did not like this one bit. Her gaze reached to see Hades' symbol on his son - the girl in Adrian's arms also glowing the same colour as Eli. The same quest, it seemed. Narcissa let her sight meet Elijah's who frowned in return earning the same reaction. The situation was not like it at all, she even shook her head,
"...no, no... there must be some sort of mistake. This must be..."
She followed along with the son of Hades' last line.

Both Adrian and Nyssa seemed to have the same look of concern when the two of them were stuck here and Elijah was to be sent down there alone. The boys shared a tight bond from the first time they met and she was sure he would not allow it. Hopefully, he could do something to get them in or at least swap. She couldn't bear the thought of them being out there if he managed. Not without her. It didn't do well to separate the Darkness Trio and the prophecy simply said, fuck that. Things started to become clearer as their quasi-brother started to hash out what he was seeingx
"The glows made that a clear statement... I call bull crap,"
she grumbled.

Just as things couldn't get somewhat more threatening she noticed a rather colourful young female (that pale pink hoodie was doing wonders with that violet glow), around their age running towards them at the sight of the passed out blonde in her mate's arms. Naturally, one would certainly be worried - even she was and she barely knew her. Let alone someone who was closer to the over-exerted daughter of Aphrodite. Narcissa tried not to let her face filter falter with all the bubbling feelings brewing through her. Naturally, she worried about Felicity but what was troubling her more was the fact that Elijah was glowing like a lightbulb with coordinates hinting outside of the safe zone of this camp.

Sure this camp was much more extravagant and out of their league at most but the safety that it provided was mind-easing. Especially after that... day. It sent a wave of shuddering fear down her spine at the feeling he must endured as that harpy clawed his back instead of gripping her chest. He saved her that day and he did not even know her. Nyssa still treated his wounded scar till his very day, a year later with how deep it went.

If the dark-haired girl did not have her dark shades, one would notice her eyes were swelling up, glittering with tears at the rush of emotions that hit her; worry, fear, panic, anxiety... and anger (that was a new one) ... all so overwhelmingly quiet in the background. It wasn't that Nyssa did not want to talk but she was confused with expression right now and what she needed was one thing. To get Adrian to the infirmary with Fee so he could put his mind at ease, noticing the earlier attempt for help the son of Thanatos shot their way. With his attempt to get Felicity to safety, she looked down at her hellhound, an idea coming to mind,
"I might know a way we can fast track, I am gonna need that bag of treats though,"
she muttered as she felt the genuine plea he made to Elijah.

As Star struck a conversation with Elijah, the daughter of Nyx removed her hand and whispered,
"I'll be right back, going to help them and come back,"
she assured before approaching Adrian, patting her thigh for the hell hound to follow her. Looking down at the blonde, she gently took her arms and placed them on her stomach as well as carefully placing her head against her friend's chest with a soft sigh before placing a hand on his arm, looking up to him,
"Hold her tight, I'm getting us to the infirmary so you can settle her."
Her voice was low but enough for Adrian to pick up. It was time to help as best as they could. It was the least she could do for everything her big brother ever did to her. More than her half-sister ever attempted to do. With that, she ran a hand through Anubis' fur and muttered,
"Take us to the infirmary, boy,"
and with that as they saddled together, they warped into the darkness and reappeared by the infirmary's entrance.

Narcissa stuck the landing with the practice now, she ensured Adrian was stable, especially with Fee in his hands,
"Get her settled. Meet us in my cabin, ok?"
she affirmed with a nod before taking a step back and making sure that her brother entered safely amid this chaos. She looked down at the puppy and with a nod they teleported back to Elijah, landing them right in the middle of the already conversing pair. She grasped them both by the shoulder, looking at Star in particular,
"Hold on and bend your knees when you land,"
she assured her, with her legs she brushed with Anubis who could probably sense the anxiety, confusion and worry radiating from his owners, meaning one thing. 'Take me to the safe space' and with that they warped one last time, landing them in a darker place. A place where Narcissa could finally breathe. Nyx's Cabin.

Looking at Star, she extended her hands to make sure she did not topple over the landing, before sighing. Finally. By the darkness gods, she was like a lap in her cabin but the dark aura around the ceiling of Nyx's cabin helped ease her image a bit for Nyssa - making it tolerable.

"Sorry about the darkness, it's soothing,"
she commented bluntly at the child of rainbows who was probably out of her element right now. As much as Narcissa was panicking, the demigod was Elijah's quest comrade and she wasn't going to just leave her there when she was just as clueless as the pair were right now. They needed the conversation.

Sliding her back against the dark walls, she leaned her head against it and waited till she hit the floor. Her eyes were hurting for multiple reasons and she could sense the beginning of a headache before she felt a paw on her thigh and a lick against her cheek - Anubis trying his best to be her emotional support as she took her silent breathing technique she had learned in an attempt to calm herself down when on over-drive. She picked a couple of treats for him to take from her hand for being such a good companion. She later removed, the glasses from her eyes, placing them on the wooden floor. They looked swollen and irritated from the abrupt glows and attempted to hold back tears as she covered he eyes to soothe them only to feel the burn,
she yanked her hands back, noticing she was still glowing orange.
"Styx, this goddamn glow is annoying,"
she muttered placing her glasses back on.

It took a couple of minutes of calming down attempts before she sighed,
"There was one more... same glow as you. Did you see who they were? Besides Felicity. Each quest sent approximately four but one. Maybe you both could message them to come here to figure out exactly what to do. I told Adrian to meet us here when he could,"
she felt as if she was taken over by another persona. She needed to make sure this was not a shit show.

As Narcissa somewhat calmed down, the hellhound rushed towards his other owner, making sure he was also alright before he could rest. Shadow-travelling that much in a row with multiple people took a real hit to his energy. He needed the rest.

It was still the panic talking but more controlled. Being the one staying in camp, she did not want to get too comfortable. It was never that too good to be true. Not for them.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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Selena Gomez

She must admit, they did know how to put on a show. That is how they had the time to orchestrate it, was beyond her. Amber was never one to toy with such matters. Always a done and dusted type. Who wanted to stay, stay and who wanted out was out. Those soldiers that were needed in the Legion had no option and had to stay to listen to the game plan. The orders. These Greeks had way too much leniency. Pampered even - one might say.

Options were weaknesses; Budging out was weakness. They would have never stood a chance against Lupa this way. No wonder the Romans and Greek never saw eye to eye when their field of vision was saw distinct and different. Reciting the prophecy word by word alongside her brother, she let her outside voice take over to instill the realisation that this is real and this is happening. Now.

As the demigods below them started glowing one by one - it was as she feared. Emotion ran muck. Graecus, typical. She noticed wounded eyes along with confusion because most were clouded with worry that they had to step out of camp. Amber was well aware of the dangers outside, there was strength in numbers but also no time to train them into shape. Maybe at least a solid four hours or more if they are lucky. Everyone needed to get their act together and quick for that matter.

How two Roman demigods were trying to fit into this prophecy, she was still deciphering. Especially knowing all well, their father did not even have a greek counterpart. Janus was fully roman and yet here they were. If it wasn't for the greeks, Amber figured they needed to do it for their roman counterparts so they are saved.

As she spoke, her eyes scanned from the vantage point to spot her quest mates. All seemed worried but all seemed to have their heads sown on correctly to tend to matters as she could see the son of Dionysus and the daughter of Demeter group up near the son of Poseidon. Perfect. Amber glanced over her shoulder to meet Care's gaze and not far behind was Avery who seemed to now be preoccupied with the son of Eros. She wasn't sure how that outcome was going to go but she was not sticking around to find out. Not now. Both twins and Care knew that they needed to act and fast. To get everybody rounded up.

As the daughter of Athena showed up right after the ending display that was the prophecy unleashed. Amber gave her the limelight with a reciprocated nod. These people needed to hear encouragement. Be battle ready. Amber only hoped they would at least listen to one of their own. Avery had a knack for finding friends with courage... determination. That was what Care was all about and Amber admired her thrive and her steadfast to right the wrongs with her brilliant strategies. She was a warrior of the mind. It was time for order and soon. She hoped Care's words would instill some courage to say the least. Patting her on her good shoulder, she whispered,
"We got this. I hope Chiron was told not to stand in the way unless he is helping. I'll see you in 10. Rally your team,"
she said firmly.

The daughter of Janus lifted her hand to her heart and with her index she tapped three times to signal the words 'I love you' to her brother. With that she launched herself off the platform and landed on both her knees to approach her group, a stern look on her face that means business. By the time Amber got there, the three have been united, great. As Amber approached, she cleared her throat in order to announce herself,
"Good you're all here. Looks like its us for the rescue for Bac---,"
she halted herself there before correcting herself,
"--- I mean Dionysus."

Facing his son, she looked up on top of his head - mentally taking note of the symbol and hint located underneath it. North, it said. Knowing that was the first clue. Behind them, everyone was still settling and it was off hinged.
"Alright, I suggest we go some place more quieter to figure out what the prophecy has in store for us. The more prepared we are the better. We will recon with the rest in 10 as Care instructed. We must be ready. Together."

Amber took the time to observe her comrades. All had rather unique sense of auras omitting from them in terms of vibes outside of here. She did not know them well enough, only the surface... however, being an opatio she needed to observe and depict what one's strengths and weaknesses were with one look of the eye. Observing them from behind or by her side, she noticed how the son of Poseidon held himself. He walked confidently and determined, ready to face what was to come. Good leadership and brave - traits of a warrior. She imagined no less from the son of Neptune. However, he faltered. He was injured and that was detrimental. He needed to rest as much as he could allow before hitting the road.

Glancing over the daughter of Demeter she noticed the joking in attempt to make the situation better, a defense mechanism perhaps? Or maybe humor was a way to ease the tension bubbling from the fear that was evident in her eyes. Albeit having the look of terror in her eyes, hidden, she composed herself quite well which meant the daughter of Demeter could face danger and try to bluff it her own way, prepared or act like so in the face of it to say the least. Meredith, they called her? Amber could sense the pair in front of her shared a history and were emotionally invested in each other however, both seemed to be either unaware or in denial about it. The worry in her eyes was not only for the quest but also directed to her loved ones being injured or exhausted, including her own self. To say the least, being a part of the distraction also gotten a toll on the child of agriculture.

Lastly, she took a last gander at the son of Dionysus. Their quest leader with a furrowed brow. She could see the haze in his eyes, the failed attempts to relaxation that only highlighted the tensed muscle and bone structure. He was thinking to hard which explained why he was seeking to clear more of the confusion. It even explained the plea of help she managed to pick up in his last words.
"Leader material or not, the reigns are in your hands,"
she said in that matter-of-fact tone. She knew deep down not everyone was fitting for the leader role. The world would be in ashes if everyone had the leader complex. However, the self-vote of for the lack of self-confidence and unpreparedness showed in him. But they were here to help him. They were a team but the quest chose him for a reason. Always. Brandon interrupted her with a more friendlier tone towards his comrades so Amber decided to frown and shut up. This was not her first rodeo and she could see it wasn't either for the son of Neptune.

Awaiting for some sort of reaction, she noted the words omitting from Brandon and she nodded as she gestured for him to lead the way to Cabin 3 for all their party,
"Lead the way."

It didn't take much for them to reach their destination given they were in the Quad already so they could start their brainstorm.
"So the prophecy line stated; Even the king of wine merits a quest, His son must lead the charge at the gods' behest. Alongside the elder daughters of Harvest and Gates, The son of Water's longtime enemy awaits,"
she recited knowing it by heart from earlier. It was a matter of breaking it down to possibilities right now.
"What do you guys think? I am sure that my portals might be needed. My father is the god of choices, beginnings and endings as well as doorways. Only gates was mentioned so I think its something."

Pacing back and forth, she clapped once with an idea,
"North... maybe if I could get a read on you,"
she pointed at the son of Dionysus,
"We could hopefully get a picture or read on where the starting point is. It might be vague but given its the start of something, my powers might allow it. My powers are still in tact and unaffected due to my parentage so it's worth a shot, right?"
she inquired, more like stated however, Amber was not one to show confusion but often resulted to resolution instead.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)



Clenching his jaw as he rubbed it, the sting was felt big time. He was quite a fragile boy,
"Bet. That still hurt. You could have gave me old cheek a kiss, y'know?"
he kidded of course. It was quite the habit for Sammy to pull him out of many guttered situations. Being wooed by the resident beauty queen and his best mate's ex girlfriend was not one of them,
"Never thought I would fall for my mate's ex, I will tell ya that one,"
he chuckled, with an obvious taking a piss tone that quickly made the smirk of his face diminish, and it wasn't because his sister's hand slowly made the sting soften. She was right. There was something fishy going on and it was sending him on quite the edge right now. Letting her take his hand, he nodded and motioned where his sister was leading him.

"You're right, sis. Something is cooking and it does not smell nice,"
he made sure when he heard the blonde's voice to squeeze Sam's hand and look at her. She was his anchor right now. Gods know he needed more than an anchor right now. He never questioned those instincts of her. They were god damn sharp and on point. Especially if a war or a battle is being sensed by that nose of hers. Her words only caused him to make an audible gulp that struggled to go down with how dry his throat felt. His distractions on the charm-speak instantly went to Tartarus when Sammy mentioned Violet,
"Looks like you and I have similar tastes... What can I say?"
he shrugged with a dopey and innocent smile on that freckled face at the thought of Violet and the many times the patient woman cared for him at the start of every summer. He was always so determined to make it up to her by getting her to live a little fun,
"Besides, its not a crime to give miss sunshine some time of fun. She deserves it."

"Yeah, captain obvious. I wouldn't have stated it if I wasn't?"
he retorted with his usual witty sarcastic charm that usually start to crop up when the nerve levels were rising and rising.

Kyle was paying attention. In his means and methods. His emotions of deep instilled panic started to slowly over-stimulate his luck aura. His eyes slowly started to luckily land on all the orange coloured auras that he was scanning for. Picking the demigods that meant to protect the camp from the army that was to barge through the borders. He noticed all the orange light wisps that were making their way to light them all up. The daughter of Nyx and son of Thanatos on the corner of the quad. The son of Eros and the Roman demigod on stage. The daughter of Demeter right behind and himself. So far, all demigods he barely interacted with. He noticed one orb rushing in the Dionysus cabin along side another near the Apollo cabin. Violet.
he muttered under his breath. It was a low relief that she was staying here alongside him. She was a healer that worked best in her element and well, he was useless apart from his heightened long range whenever luck's on his side.

He wanted to decipher the unknown orb from his best mate's cabin. Could it have been Noah? By Tyche's luck he would be glad that his best friends would be with him, especially knowing that his sister has been assigned a quest. Whilst Kyle was terrified of this, Sammy had a tough shell and had saved him on countless of occasions. Her prowess for battle alongside his luck, they were unstoppable. Even if he does cower behind a tree. A few moments later, Noah emerged from the cabin with a purple glow... did that mean? He knew he was with Marissa this morning so, could she be the eight demigod?

His gaze trailed as he picked up the familiar brunette running to the woods from behind. To find Jasper, possibly? If he spotted correctly he should have the same coloured aura as his own step-sister. Violet cared about many people but she often went berserk when it involved either Victor or Jasper and the son of Zeus was leading his own quest to his father so by process of elimination, call it a lucky guess.
"I think... I think Jasper is on your team, Sam. Just a hunch,"
he raised a hand to the back of his neck, biting his lower lip with almost a nervous breakdown.
"I am going to lose it. Noah is also leading his own quest. You're going out. I can't. I know you can handle yourself but shit I just want to be able to be with my bud too. He needs me,"
he muttered so fast that it may have sounded incoherent even.

Despite staying back in camp, Kyle was determined to help.
"I'll come with you. Once at that meeting, tell every single soul in there to come visit me in Tyche's with a small trinket. A prized possession. This leprechaun is going full on lucky charms before everyone even dares to go out of camp, you got me?"
he looked deep in her sister's eyes. He meant business, no doubt. Thankfully he was not the only one with the provided gift,
"I can have Scott help me with them so everyone was covered. We can provide them to all the leaving demigods and the ones protecting camp. Things are different when you have a little luck on your side, aye?"
he chuckled faintly as he gestured for them to start motioning towards Nia, the leader for the quest Sammy was assigned.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)



As the younger brunette looked startled, Brandon raised two hands with a chuckle,
"Relax Scamp its just me."

Taking his flower, for a moment Bran's heart softened a bit knowing she would have forgave him. True, he was very stubborn and always ended up doing what's best for those around him instead but that usually put fissures between him and the people who want to help him instead. Including Star.
"Thank you. There are much important things but it is important to see a smile on that face. I might be but as long as I can walk on both my feet ... I am okay,"
he stated the last bit poorly. However, he immediately bit back every word he just muttered when the Roman twins appeared and the events unfolded.

His eyesight met Star's. As he felt the pit in his gut travel up to heart and turn. He could feel himself losing his tan and become as pale as a sheet the minute he saw his best friend glow. How her facial expressions changed as the prophecy advance. Brandon almost missed his part of the prophecy for how he was distraught that such a sweet and innocent girl was going to leave the confines of this camp. To the Underworld no less. A territory he could not cross with the chances of coming out of there alive were slim. That was Hades' territory and a child of Poseidon's uncharted ones. What if something happened and he couldn't save her? All because he is in a separate quest. By Poseidon's beard he hoped that the latest recruit, the son of Hades, knows what he is doing or the wrath that comes after was something he did not want to feel or experience.

[Reaction posted in previous post from here]

Turning to face her, he grabbed her gently by the shoulder and lowered himself with a wince,
"Listen to me, Scamp. I know this looks and sounds terrifying but you are not alone. You are never alone. Do not doubt yourself, you are more than capable,"
he hyped, truth in his words.
"As much as it is against my best judgement, the prophecy chose you for a reason. A purpose. Find your team and stick to them. Follow the lines of the prophecy. I will have to find my team and see what all this about and see you in the meeting, okay?"
he assured with a determined raised brow, his jaw muscles clenching at the intensity and worry in his eyes.
"We must recon after and before we leave. You got this, okay?"
he muttered as he raised a fist for her to bump before straightening up again, clutching the bandages on his side before his head turned to find the Dionysus Cabin in order to make a beeline to the man standing on the porch of his own cabin.

He hoped his words rallied her a bit as well as Care's. Care was bloody right. They were born to be fighters, even if some were not raised to be. There is always a flare inside ready to ignite. A need to protect. To protect their home. Their family. Their friends, loved ones even. It was instilled within them.

The demigod tried his best to use every ounce of energy he had to slowly walk towards, attempting not to limp towards the leader of their quest. He had to admit that his pride was greatly wounded the prophecy did not deem him a worthy leader for a quest. It was what he was built for. Trained for even. To be a leader. Pride aside, he noticed how the leaders glowed depending on the parentage. Son of Hades to rescue Hades, son of Zeus to rescue Zeus, son of Dionysus to rescue Dionysus and a hunter of Artemis to rescue her maiden... fitting. At least it was what kept Brandon's pride from being wounded much like of the rest of his body right now as it still surged the shock that rallied through him to jolt Victor back. It was times like this he blessed the extra sturdiness. He wouldn't have been able to help him if not. It was worth the cost.

Dragging the seaweed brain from his endless attempts to soothe his ego was a familiar voice behind him. Meredith.

"Flower Girl,"
he said under his breath in all of a sudden to regain his composure in front of her as he halted and turned to greet her. Just as the colour in his face slowly made it back, it quickly drained yet again. She was glowing. Like him no less. This prophecy was something and he was glad to know his old man was not in deep shit much like his brother's were but yet, he still somehow bit him in the ass by sending some elite enemy or some shit at him. At them. He extended a hand to her and brought her closer so she can rest on him to regain her breath. That was some power she was exerting and knowing him, he knew it was not healthy.
"Just peachy, much like you are right now, hm?"
he grinned with a half smile.
"Breathe, please,"
the male was concerned. He was not in the best of shape and himself either. He nodded at her question,
"Yes. Looks like we need to save the prick's butt yet again, hmm? Not really the ideal situation I imagined to be stuck with you."

Meredith earned herself a retorted joke, appreciating the attempt to make light out of a very dull situation. He remembered the time they were stuck in this type of situation. She had killed a ravaging hell hound that was hacking at his chest and neck. Very romantic, if you asked Brandon.

Given he was halted in mid-way journey, he turned to lead the way to the porch a very tensed demigod was standing at. Great. His words were not what was he was expecting. A low leader morale was already a way to a lost battle and he will not have that. Not with Meredith on the team. He knew the Roman child was raised from war. The way she rallied and talked. The little information he managed to get from Victor about her at least. However, he was determined to help Noah in any way he could. There were some situations where pride could shove it.
"Do not apologise for something that has not happened yet,"
he said through gritted teeth as he extended a firm hand for the male to shake, his gaze determined and laced with the offer of concern to help,
"My help I shall provide. We must do this together as a team."

He assured the male as he looked back to Meredith who probably shared his view. As he did, he noticed Amber approaching, rather steadfast at that. Announcing her presence rather instantly. Cutting to the chase. He watched as her retracted back the shaken hand whilst Amber spoke to him. He could feel the eyes of the demigod observing them. It was now why he wanted to be as confident as ever. He looked down at the brunette on his arm,
he assured with a nod before he noticed how direct she was being.
"I am not sure how that approach works over there but here compassion goes a long way. As well as lending a helping hand when needed, aight?"
he swiftly replied, holding a hand in between the rest of his team before morale hits the Underworld instead. That was not the destination they needed anyways.

"So, if we want to get a move on and be on time for the recon meeting, we need to go figure out whatever this prophecy has in store for us cause I sure as crap do not like this one bit like the rest of you,"
he assured before hearing the noise omitting from the cabin they were at.
"I suggest we go to my cabin. Its quieter and less crowded to think,"
nodding towards the Poseidon cabin who always had a beachy serene vibe to it. It helped Brandon think and get ready. By Poseidon he really needed it right now.

Brandon was a leader but puzzle and mind games were not his forte. Deciphering a prophecy also fell under that category.

As the party entered the cabin, Amber took the reigns as Brandon helped Meredith to sit on his bunk
"Rest, catch your breath."
A look of worry more than anything as he listened to the Janus child spit out what she had in her chest. Using what she is saying in hopes to figure out each role they had in this verse. He frustratingly opened a water bottle and uncovered a bit of his slashes, dropping it on them for a bit. The water dripped but nothing. Fuck, Violet was right. He needed to rest,
"Stupid powers. Stupid gods and their inevitable ways to get into shit."

"From what you said, all I can drag out is that Noah is leading, alongside you two. Whatever is in the end of that line or in between is gonna be really happy to see me,"
Brandon snapped sarcastically. He was not frustrated at them but at the situation. He needed to be in good shape and the water was not doing him any favors.
"Of course the old man abandoned me when I need him the most, again. To face someone that he probably pissed is even worse,"
he groaned as he closed his eyes to channel some calm in the midst of his frustrations. Was it his father's or his enemy was the question? There were a lot of people that wanted any Big Three child dead... but his father... all he knew is how he had a tendency to piss of other gods and goddesses. One in particular who was also in probability of danger. Then again, he did not really swim with the guy, how could he know?
"I cannot think of who it might be. I cannot deduce, maybe if you can acknowledge a prediction you might see something,"
he agreed as he looked towards Noah,
"What do you say? Worth a shot no?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)


Imagine Dragons

How a spawn of destruction and discord like himself ended up mixed with two serene girls that valued beauty in life... was beyond him. Truly. Usually he would have jumped ship earlier on but with Diana. Something captivated him. The fact she never fell for his strife and yet he kept trying. Not only that, she joined him despite her loving ways. Alongside, Rue. Their trio was quite captivating and a healthy mix of everything which balance. Balance he thought. That bullshit was real if he could testify.

Eric could notice the toll that this charade was taking on the older sibling. He was concerned even though his face showed no emotion. Eric simply followed with his hands in his pocket and observed. And so he did, not intervening between the sisters, knowing very well he was a topic. He was more entertained by the strife that was unveiling in the process. He inched a few feet forward, his hand still in Diana's, noticing the crowd quiet down as he could sense trouble boiling. Perfect. True he was being roped in all this quest bullshit but as the orbs settled, he could pick up a sense of envy, fury, sadness, panic. All these emotions sending him on over-drive.

If one would look closely, a sinister smile was forming on his lips.

His eyes deadlocked onto three demigods as the orbs darkened, pandemonium slowly unleashing as he amplified the negative energy of panic and fury mixed along the lines of certain Ares demigods in particular. It was fun to see a mini riot as everything was unveiling. It gave Eric certain pleasure, doing it ever so subtly. His targets caused even more hassle and acted on their fury by having at it among each other. They could take it. They were built for it. That definitely scratched the itch. It was easy to lose track what was happening beside him as he silently stood. He loved it. He kept observing, purposely picking the targets furthest from Theta. It was all fun and games till his Dahlia and Rue got hurt. Never.

As Care made an appearance, he could feel it. The gross feeling of hope and will power. The same feelings that started to tear through his pandemonium. Closing eyes, he took a deep breath and opened them as his dark orbs return to their normal size. The tight grip of Diana's terrified feeling was what dragged Eric back to the blend of normalcy as he faced the Demeter children,
"Very fun,"
he commented dryly to Meredith in the manner he usually replies to anyone else. The look of terror in the girls' eyes clashed with his own unaffected one. Emotion was not something he knew how to display. Mainly because he did not care where the prophecy showed him to be, he was staying by his Tulip's side. He locked his fingers with hers to signify that,
"Go, Meredith. I got her. Same message relay if you see Theta. Please."
he reassured as the older daughter brushed past them.

Eric looked into Dahlia's eyes,
"Dahlia, I mean it,"
the tense effect in his jaw appeared evident before he shook his head stubbornly,
"I won't. I can't leave you behind. I refuse."

Seeing her tell him otherwise pained him, even though he knew she was right. As she hugged him, he enveloped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. He closed his eyes and sighed as he couldn't agree more. He was tempted to fly far away if it did not mean them getting hurt. Diana getting hurt. He retracted his wings again with ease as the holes had already been there. His jet black wings stretching yet again before stepping closer, placing his arm at the crook of her knees and swung her back into his other arm before he flew up silently again. Once last glance in hope Meredith spots Theta and tell her to join them. He needed to make sure they were both alright.

He darted towards the climbing wall cliff and landed ever so gracefully, looking down at Diana and how the orange glow highlighted her beauty,
"If this orb did not mean dread, I'd say you look more beautiful then ever,"
he smirked again now that they were alone. He lowered her down to her feet again and kept his wings open should Theta approach.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

meredith -







  • home (filler tab)

clean bandit

symphony ft. zara larsson

Without even speaking, she could tell that Bran was upset at the fact that she was glowing. Just like he was. Meredith could already tell that he no doubt wished she wouldnโ€™t be going or even just refuse to, but at least he was smart enough to realize that that was just not going to happen. Luckily her Pretty Boy already knew that, exhausted or not, if he tried to suggest anything about her sitting out, sheโ€™d toss him so far on his ass that heโ€™d be feeling it for years to come.

Taking his hand and attaching herself to his side felt like second nature if she were to be honest. She chuckled at his instruction to breathe, making an exaggerated inhaling motion. Holding her breath for a few seconds before exhaling with a loud sound.
โ€œLike that?โ€
she asked, giving him a small smirk.

โ€œAw, you imagine being stuck with me?โ€
she teased, taking a moment to lean her head against his shoulder. The weight of his arm around her shoulder was a comforting warmth that she was more than grateful to have.

As they limped their way over to Noah, Meredith sighed. Despite her joking with Brandon, she truly was exhausted and the fact that they were receiving such a large quest that clearly went beyond the normal three demi-gods per quest? It only added to her longing to retire to her cabin and sleep for a few months. Maybe a year. Yeah, a year sounded good. Of course, sheโ€™d be more than happy to have a certain Pretty Boy there to help keep her warm, but the brunette doubted her sister would appreciate that. Or maybe she would, considering it could give her an excuse to hide out with her own boy. Decisions, decisions.

Bran was quick to reassure Noah when they came together, and she was quick to throw in her agreement as the Roman joined them. Meredith wasnโ€™t the best heavy hitter around, but she could definitely hold her own. No matter what, she was going to be there to support her friends. Her family.

Wincing lightly at the sharp tone, she frowned, glancing at the other girl - Amber - from the corner of her eyes. She sighed, trying not to think too much behind it. Surely she was also worried and trying her best in the way she knew how. She couldnโ€™t fault her for that.

Nodding when Bran interrupted, recommending they temporarily retire to his cabin to talk, she was once again grateful to be able to lean against his sturdy form for support. She hated that she had to of course, he was injured for Styxโ€™s sake! But while she was technically uninjured, she was exhausted. Giving the son of Poseidon a fond grin with a small eye roll as he urged her to rest, assisting her in sitting on his bunk.

โ€œYouโ€™re one to talk,โ€
Meredith grumbled in response.
โ€œSit down yourself, you need the rest as much as I do.โ€
she continued, eyeing him as he tried once again to heal himself.
she whispered, at his frustrated outburst. She shifted, reaching out to rest a hand against his arm, offering her support.

Turning her gaze so she could look between Noah and Amber, all she could offer in response was another sigh.
โ€œI agree, we should probably give it a shot. What else do we have to lose at this point?โ€
she shrugged.
โ€œCanโ€™t do too much planning if we have nowhere to start.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

caleb -







  • home (filler tab)

imagine dragons

bad liar

Shooting Willow a sharp grin, Caleb was more than willing to tighten his grip on her hand the second she grabbed his own. Never one to miss an opportunity to have her close and hold her in any way, he tugged gently on her so she was closer to him, enough for him to comfortably feel the heat of her body.

โ€œI dunno, Sparky and the Witch, sounds pretty good to me.โ€
he smirked.
โ€œThink theyโ€™d sound alright.โ€

Watching as she made to step forward, his eyes widened, hurrying to catch the blonde before she could fall to the ground.
โ€œWoah there,โ€
he murmured, adjusting his arm around her waist so he could lift her once she was stable.
โ€œYou alright?โ€
he asked, voice low, all hints of teasing gone. While Caleb was normally more than happy to tease his Songbird about needing to be carried, but now was definitely not the time.

He hated being serious, but even he could read a room. Orโ€ฆcourtyard.

Wasting no time, he crouched down, sliding his arm behind her knees and lifting her into the air. It took only a moment for him to tighten his grip around her shoulders, adjusting her so she could be comfortable in his hold. While it was easy for him to carry her, Caleb would prefer to meet up with their newโ€ฆteam so they could figure something out. He hated the fact that he had to go on this new quest, but it was only made worse by the fact that Willow was being dragged along as well.

โ€œCome on, sleepy little bird.โ€
he teased gently, trying to bring some of his earlier mood back.
โ€œLetโ€™s find Sparky and figure out what the hell weโ€™re supposed to be doing.โ€

Glancing around the courtyard, watching as everyone started to break off into groups, he nodded to himself when he caught sight of Victor, catching the other maleโ€™s gaze. Continuing his search, he was pleased to note that the normally timid daughter of Hecate was thinking along the same lines as he was.

โ€œWell Sparky,โ€
he greeted as they made it to the other demi-god, Theta coming up behind him a moment later.
โ€œAny big ideas Mr Big Shot? Seems weโ€™re all going to be following your lead here.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

althaia -







  • home (filler tab)

taylor swift


If she were being honest, Theta really just wanted to curl up in her bed back in her cabin and sleep. Maybe cry. What had started off as a good day had quickly become a mess, and the raven haired girl was truly at a loss. A quest? Sure she had magic, but what could she really do? Especially one the same team as someone like Victor, who was one of the Big Three! And Caleb and Willowโ€ฆshe didnโ€™t know too much about their skills, but surely they were much better as companions than she was!

And what happened to the normal structure of three going on a quest? Mentally she counted off the members of their newly formed party, despite her already knowing. Victor, Willow, Caleb, andโ€ฆher. That was clearly four, what was the Oracle thinking?

Hands shaking, she reached up to wipe her eyes at Haniโ€™s words, hoping to rid them of tears before they fell.
โ€œIโ€ฆIโ€™ll tryโ€ฆโ€
she whispered, meeting his eyes before hurriedly looking down at her feet.

The chatter of campers around them were starting to disperse as everyone went off into their own groups. A quick glance around showed that Caleb and Victor were in the same mindset as the rest. Theta supposed that meant she should go over and join them? Although she wasnโ€™t too sure what she could offer to such a meeting.

โ€œUmโ€ฆw-we should probably umโ€ฆgo m-meet up with our groupsโ€ฆโ€
she murmured, giving Hani one last look through her lashes. She really wished they didnโ€™t have to separate. Not only was she not going to be out in the world with the two friends she knew the best but she also wasnโ€™t going to be with the boy sheโ€ฆNope! Not going there!

The sudden redness to her cheeks caused her to squeak, shaking her head.
โ€œU-umโ€ฆgood luck!โ€
she mumbled in a rush. With a quick surge of courage, Theta darted forward, leaning up on her toes and brushed a quick kiss against his cheek before turning and darting off.

Gods above, she couldnโ€™t believe sheโ€™d done that!!!

Her face was on fire as she hurried towards her group, having already spotted Caleb and Willow heading towards Victor. The last to join their little group, Theta frowned at the sight of Willow being carried. She knew Felicity was out for the count for now, had she missed something happening to Willow?

Clearing her throat, she stepped out from behind Caleb so she was somewhat included in their littleโ€ฆcircle? If one could call it that.
โ€œUmโ€ฆa-are you okayโ€ฆ?โ€
she asked the other girl, eyeing her worriedly. Caleb didnโ€™t seem too worried, so hopefully it wasnโ€™t anything serious? Victor looked a little tired, and she herself was anxious as could be. Clearly, they were off to a great startโ€ฆ

โ€œS-should we go somewhere q-quietโ€ฆ? To discuss, uh, everything?โ€
she asked quietly, wincing when their eyes turned towards her.
โ€œUh, I-I mean, w-we could go to m-my cabin, it should beโ€ฆpretty quiet in there o-orโ€ฆumโ€ฆVictor i-if you want to go to yoursโ€ฆโ€
she trailed off.
โ€œW-whatever worksโ€ฆโ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

elijah -







  • home (filler tab)

peyton parrish

go the distance

Elijah had no clue what was going on. All he could see was the blonde girl in his Death Broโ€™s arms - who did not look good by the way - and Nyssa by his side. What in the name of the Underworld did these people really think he was going to be able to do? Heโ€™d barely been at camp for a year and now he was supposed to lead some quest?


His only consolation, truly, was that he was pretty sure heโ€™d caught sight of Hani glowing in a similar color. This was shaping up to be a rare moment that Elijah really meant it when he prayed to the gods for something.

โ€œNo, yeah man, go!โ€
he urged, eyes wide as Adrian seemed almost torn between helping the girl in his arms and staying by his side. While he loved that his friend wanted to be there for him, it was definitely better for him to hurry and take Felicity to the infirmary. Sucks that she would more than likely miss thisโ€ฆplanning session? But clearly her health was causing an issue. As in her lack of.

Wait that sounded a bit jerkishโ€ฆHe didnโ€™t mean it like that. Thank the gods his mouth wasnโ€™t opening.

โ€œWeโ€™ll talk later!โ€
he added, clenching his fist anxiously as Nyssa came up with an idea on the spot. Thankfully someone did. What a โ€˜leaderโ€™ he was shaping up to be.

At the shocked voice behind him, Elijah turned, glancing over his shoulder to seeโ€ฆStar? running up to them. He was pretty sure that was her name. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed as she came to stand next to him as Nyssa and Anubis disappeared with Adrian and Felicity.

โ€œUh, I doubt it, to be honest,โ€
he answered, shrugging weakly.
โ€œAnd noโ€ฆdefinitely not.โ€
he added, answering her next question.
โ€œIโ€™m as lost as you areโ€ฆโ€
he trailed off, brightening slightly a moment later when Nyssa and Anubis returned. Offering the blonde a weak grin, with one hand he reached up to grab the hand on his shoulder, and gently grabbed hold of Starโ€™s arm with the other.
โ€œEr, sorry about this. Itโ€™ll be quick, promise!โ€

Elijahโ€™s eyes slid close in comfort as they slowly sank through the shadows, enjoying the cool way they slid against his skin, before depositing them safely in the darkness of the Nyx cabin. Letting out the breath of air heโ€™d been holding, his eyes opened and with a quick glance at Nyssa, he nodded in relief that she seemed to be fine, though he could already tell that the glowing was bothering her eyes. Turning to check on Star, he left his hand on her arm for an extra moment, trying to see if she would be okay or if sheโ€™d need help. He doubted the daughter of rainbows was used to or had ever even shadow traveled, so he wanted to make sure she was okay.
โ€œYou good?โ€
he asked her quietly as Nyssa moved away to grab her glasses. He waited for a sign of confirmation before he took a step back to give her some room. Sitting on the nearest bed behind him, he let his head fall forward into his hands, groaning.

โ€œWhat the hell am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Iโ€™ve never even met my old man.โ€
he whined, tugging on the strands of hair in his grasp before looking up at the two girls.

As Nyssa explained what she told Adrian he nodded.
โ€œSounds good. I think it was Hani?โ€
he said.
โ€œHe was with that girl he likes, but I caught a glimpse of him. Plus what was the line?โ€
he paused.
โ€œElder son of fire? Gotta be a son of Hephaestus, and that cuts Marissa out.โ€

Trying to distract him from his stress, Elijah smiled weakly as Anubis left Nyssa and hurried to his side.
โ€œGood boyโ€ฆโ€
he mumbled, reaching down to scratch behind his ear.
โ€œIโ€™ll text Hani, shouldnโ€™t take him long to get here.โ€
he said, raising his voice so the two could hear him.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he scrolled to Haniโ€™s contact, firing him off a quick text. โ€™Hey man, youโ€™re glowing light purple right? Get to Nysโ€™ cabin, we can meet here and try to figure out what the hell weโ€™re supposed to be doing.โ€™

โ€œOkay, he should be here soon.โ€

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marissa -







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How could she do anything but agree to Noahโ€™s request? Marissa was glowing too, but hers was quite different from her friend. Feeling his hand grip onto hers, she glanced down, considering the movement for a moment before coming to a decision. Trying to avoid thinking too hard, she glanced back up at Noah, trying to offer him a smile as she squeezed his hand in return.

Hopefully he could find someโ€ฆcomfort? in her gesture. In truth, the brunette was very unsure of everything going on around them and she doubted her attempt at consoling was worth much. How could she offer comfort when she had none herself?

Well, other than the warmth of Noahโ€™s hand, that was a nice and steady tethering point almost. Something to keep her grounded. Maybe that was why he wanted her to stay? To help keep him grounded?

Nodding to herself, she was determined. While Marissa wasnโ€™t sure how much longer sheโ€™d be able to stay by Noahโ€™s side at the moment, she knew sheโ€™d be there for him before he left.

โ€œIโ€™ll stay as long as I canโ€ฆโ€
she trailed off, looking back up to meet Noahโ€™s eyes.
โ€œBut Iโ€™m sure you guys are going to need to go and plan or whatever it is you leaders need to do.โ€
she tried to joke. She could see how worried Noah was about this quest, and she didnโ€™t blame him. But she also had faith that he would do well.

Why wouldnโ€™t he? He was Noah!

As two others started to approach, she quieted down. From their approach, Marissa could see where some of his nerves came from. They seemed like they knew what they were doing, the way they leaned on one another spoke of a familiarity that was built upon hard moments in life. Well, if he was going to be working with people like these two, she could understand his concern, but still! She was sure Noah would do just fine. And based on how the male was quick to offer his support, she was even more confident.

With another glance up at Noah, she gently knocked her shoulder against his, giving his hand another squeeze.
โ€œDonโ€™t worry,โ€
she told him.
โ€œYou got this.โ€
she smiled, slowly loosening her grip on his hand. Sure, it was nice and sheโ€™d much rather stay beside him, especially if he wanted her support, but they were getting ready to figure things out for their own quest, and she had a feeling she should probably look for her own group.

โ€œI should probably go see where everyone else is meeting up. You go with them and plot or whatever it is you quest go-ers do.โ€
she said, taking a small step back.
โ€œIโ€™ll see you later okay? Good luck.โ€
she offered him one last grin and a wave before turning and heading over to another group to discuss.

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jasper -







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mgk, bebe rexha

home ft x ambassadors

Now Jasper had been happily minding his own business, messing around with his guitar, Aurora sleeping next to him. Heโ€™d noticed the glow around him and was plenty confused, but knowing that he was the son of a god, he honestly hadnโ€™t put too much thought into it. Nothing had started raining down fire around him, so heโ€™d been content to carry on.

He wasnโ€™t sure how much time had passed but he began getting everything ready to pack up and was getting ready to nudge Aurora awake when he heard something crashing through the trees.

Standing up straight, slipping into a potential defensive stance, only to stumble back and fall to the ground as a human body crashed into him.
he grunted, his eyes slamming shut at the uncomfortable impact with the ground.
he groaned, reaching a hand out to stabilize himself so his head didnโ€™t end up falling against a random branch on the ground.

Aurora barked, a happy sounds as she got up and moved closer, licking him on the cheek and then going to nose at the face ofโ€ฆViolet? What was she doing here? Wasnโ€™t there some big camp counselor meeting she was supposed to be at?

he asked, eyes wide as his sister cried into his chest.
โ€œW-whatโ€™s going on? Why are you crying, what happened?โ€

Shifting underneath Violet, he managed to maneuver them so he was sitting more upright with her sitting in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he frowned, humming a lullaby softly under his breath as she spoke, trying to help calm her down.
โ€œHeyโ€ฆssh, itโ€™s okay. Everythingโ€™ll be okayโ€ฆโ€

A prophecy? Maybe heโ€™d been wrong about the lack of fire raining down around them. It had, he just managed to avoid the storm, he just got caught in the aftermath.

โ€œThe way youโ€™re making it sound, I donโ€™t have much of a choice, huh?โ€
he tried to joke.
โ€œIโ€™ll do my best.โ€

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citizen soldier

waiting on the sun

Avery could see how Care's words uplifted the crowd, she knew how to handle this camp and it showed. He smiled proudly as she took her place with her team. He knew that his sister had also went to go find her team. He felt her determation, and knew that she was focused on the task at hand It wasn't until a shout shook him out of his mind as he turned to Damon who had looked at him
โ€œI have to be Damon, this is our job. โ€
He said strongly as he stared at him
โ€œThis isn't our first time being separated and it will not be our last. I will not fall apart because I and her are strong to handle it.โ€

At their own camp, it was how they were trained. Separately, so they could handle being away from each other. What they didn't account for, was without each other, their hold on their humanity lessen. They were impossible to stop without each other in battle. They were each other humanity and it showed. Avery shook his head at Damon as he kept going with complaints. Nothing he could do would change the task that were given nothing would change the fact that this happened.
โ€œYou are strong enough to handle this Damon. Do not fall weak to this separation, become stronger because of it. โ€

โ€œYou will be together once again, once this is over. Right now, you can't and....I-i-i-i'm sorry.โ€
Avery told him as he came closer to him, placing his hand on his shoulders as he broke down in tears. He knew how he felt, if it wasn't for the leaders at his camp, he could be where Damon was right now. Worried out of his mind, but he knew that his sister could handle this. He knew that she would handle this and come back to him. Plus he felt her, wherever she may go, she is never too far for him to feel her emotions, and her pain. He taps three times against his chest. Telling his sister that he was right by her side, wherever she may go.

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citizen soldier

I'm not okay

Sammy looked at Kyle, and nodded.
โ€œI hear you, Kyle. I'll tell everyone, don't worry brother...it'll be fine.โ€
She told him as she grabbed his hand. He was too serious, looking at her like it was going to be one of the last times that he was going to able to do that. It couldn't be. She had just found him, her brother. She hasn't had enough time with him, not enough memories with him. Her lucky charm.
โ€œJust another day of being a demigod...I gotta go find Jasper, you need to find Noah.โ€
She told him as she looks off to the forest.

Sammy had a feeling that she will find more then one Apollo child there, but she knew that she needed to bring them both back here.
โ€œI'll be right back, with both of them. I'll find you afterward.โ€
She swiftly kisses his cheek as she rushes off towards the forest. She had a guess on where Jasper was. And where Jasper was, Violet probably was as well. She ran through the bushes, and the trees as she near close to them. Panting as she stopped right in front of them. Surprising both of them. She raised her hand up, as she took a deep breath.

โ€œSunny is with me...won't let...anything happened to him..โ€
She says in between breaths as she takes another deep breath finally calming down.
โ€œJasper..needs to come with me, we got to meet our team. I won't let anything happen to him Violet, I can't. He's my best friend. โ€
She told her honestly as she walks closer to them. She knew that she needed to hurry back to the group but she needed to make sure she knew that Jasper was going to be fine during this quest. She wasn't going to let anything happened to him.

โ€œPlus, you'll have my brother and he's a complete idiot but he's already planning lucky charms and shit like that. โ€
She told her honestly. Sammy knew that her brother was sometimes a drunken idiot but she was worried about him. Knowing that he was going to be back at camp when monsters attack. Maybe she could get some of her brothers and sisters protect him while she was gone. Sammy can't lose him.

She can't lose him. Not when they were so close to being a family.

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the author

Diana laughed softly as she looked at him.
"Tulip, it doesn't mean dread."
She told him softly as she comes closer to him.
"It just means that I'll be keeping our home safe while you are off saving the world. Again."
She took his hand in hers as she looked at him. This man meant the world to her, the only person that held her heart. She and he knew it. That they were meant for each other. His chaos with her calmness, plus with Rue's magic came for a beautiful trio. She knew he was scared to leave her, but she also knew that he had to go to protect their home, to protect them from harm. She just placed a hand on his cheek making him look at her.

"I know that you don't want to leave me. I don't want you to leave either but you have to baby. "
Diana told him softly as she looks at him, at his eyes that held hers with such softness.
"The world needs saving, and if you don't go, we'll all be in trouble. And as much as you love chaos, you know that it wouldn't be the kind that I, you or Rue would enjoy. "
She knew that he wanted to run away from all the trouble but she also knew that they couldn't. Diana knew her boy like the back of her hand. She knew him so much that it hurts to know that she has to be the one to tell him to go, when even she didn't want him to go. To be in danger, without her.

"I'll be waiting here for you to return. I will keep our home safe, for you and rue to come back to. For Mere to come back to. Just come back to me. Please."
Diana had tears in her eyes as she looked at him with all the hope in her eyes. Knowing that he'll be out there in danger killed him. To know that Rue, and Mere would be in the same danger, killed her. All she wanted to do was hold them close to her and not let them out of her sight but she knew better. She knew that in times like this, she has to be the strong one for them but right now, she can be weak with him. She can be scared with him. Cause he would never judge her for it.
"Come back to me, because I can't be in a world without your chaos."

Diana knew that to be true. She knew that a world without Eric by her side, wasn't one that was meant for her.
"Come back to me, because you still have to ask me the important question we've been ignoring."
She said with a teasing teary smile. They all knew that they were together but it wasn't offical. It wasn't confirmed, all she knew is that the only boy for her was standing right in front of her.
"Come back to me because I love you Eric. You are my home with Mere, and Rue. "

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forest blakk

fall into me

Hani knew that it was time for them to go to their separate teams but he didn't want to leave her. For the first time in his life, Hani didn't want to do the right thing. What he wanted, was to keep holding her hand, to keep her calm and with him. Away from any danger. He just wanted to keep the girl by his side safe from everything but the world wasn't going to let him. He sighed as he nodded along with her knowing that she was right.
"B-b-be safe please?"
He asked her softly as he looked down at her.

Hani slowly lets go of her hand as she told him good luck,
"Y-you t- "
Before he could finished, his sentence, she reached up and kissed his cheek before running off. And his brain went blank and with hand on his cheek, he stared at where she just was. All, he could think is that she kissed his cheek.


His face went bright red, as a soft smile came on his face. Theta was his friend! And she held his hand and fucking kissed his cheek. Like what in the world is going on doesn't matter to him anymore. What matters for him, in this moment is that she kissed his cheek. And she wasn't scared of him, and she wanted to hold his hand. And fucking hell, was he in deep. He knew in that moment that he would do anything for her. Theta stole his heart, and he never wanted it back. He never wanted it back. All he wanted was for her to keep looking at him, kissing his cheek, and holding his hand. Just be by his side, was that all he wanted. An sudden buzz of his phone had him snapped out of the daze he was in.

Hani checked his phone to see a message from Eli, and as he quickly messages back that he'll be there in one second. He ran off to Nys's cabin. A place that he has been at more then once. Aside from being in his forge, and with Mar. He hung out with the darkness trio as well. As he was up at night a lot and so were they. They even hung out at his forge, and has fallen asleep there more times then he could count. He ran to the cabin and quickly walked in.
"S-s-sorry to be l-l-late."
He quickly stutters out as he moves to stand in the middle of Nyssa and Elijah.

"D-d-do we know anything?"
He asked them softly as he goes into quest mode.
"Other than the fact, we'll h-h-have to go to the u-u-underworld?"

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i miss the days

Victor sighed as he watched the others come up to him. He had an idea about where to go, but it wasn't like he wanted to go in that direction. He hadn't stepped on the farm in years. The only reason he knew that it was still there was because his aunt currently resided there. She sends mail every so often, telling him that he had a home there if he wanted it. To his mortal family, he was with his father or whatever Zeus told them that he was at. They didn't know his godly side and he wanted it to stay that way but that was impossible with the direction that they were headed towards. He groaned as he looked at Caleb who had come up, holding an girl. Probably Willow.
"I have an idea. An loose idea but an idea."
He stated as he watched as the last member of their quest group came up to them.

He nodded at her idea.
"It's whatever you are all comfortable with."
He told them as he leans against the building behind him.
"For privacy, I do suggest my cabin since there's no chance of anyone coming in there."
Victor looked at them all and nodded for them to follow him, as he walked to his cabin.
"If I'm right about where we have to go, then it's a separate problem on my side."
He told them as he rubbed the back of his head. This was completely stupid.

What god would fucking decided to go there? At the place that he swore to never return to, at the memories that threaten to come up from his memory. He never wanted go back there for a reason, it was the place he lost all sense of an childhood. Where he was showed the truth of his existence. He had never told anyone but two people the truth of which happened, how he came to be at camp. And one of them, weren't talking to him right now. As he walked towards his cabin with his group following him, he thought to himself that if this was the quest that he'll lose his life, it was only fair that it was at the place where he lost his family. He opened the door letting the others through.

"Look, we have to depend on each other."
He said as they walked in.
"I might be the leader, but I won't make all the choices, not without y'all input."
His southern accent coming out at the word y'all, he looked at all of them.
"I don't care whether the gods survive or not. But I care if we do, and the only way we would if we trust each other right here and now. "
He told them truthfully.


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ashley kutcher

love you from a distance

Nia knew that she had to gather her team members because she knew exactly whom they were going to be up against and the sooner they could prepare for it, the sooner they could be ready. She saw one member coming up to her as she sighed in relief.

She quickly motions her to follow her to the Artemis cabin, as she quickly tells her to message the other members of their group to meet there. Nia didn't know much about the others, she truly only knew the girl that was following her. Care, who was a daughter of Athena, and also the one she had to carry to the infirmary. She knew that much at least.

Once they get to the cabin, she walked in, and sighed as she waited for the other members of the group to join them. Her mind going millions miles per hour, trying to figure out how the hell was she going to be able to lead them against an enemy like that. She and her sisters could barely win against the queen of monsters when they went to battle with her, how was she going to do it with just them.

How was she going to lead them to survive this fight?

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