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vance joy


As expected, Noahโ€™s best bud took the bait on going to see Violet. What Noah hadnโ€™t calculated was that heโ€™d leave right that second. Having worried about him and Marissa, heโ€™d barely taken a bite of his own food before his best friend was leaving, talking of the next beer pong match. Marissa called after him, saying sheโ€™d be there, and at the thought, his heart raced faster. Maybe heโ€™d get to be on her teamโ€ฆ? Get it together, man!

He smiled at Marissaโ€™s grin. โ€œThatโ€™s good. I can usually only guess what people like to drink more than eat, but I tried my best. Figured what I grabbed would at least give you some more energy.โ€ With a nod, he added, โ€œWhatโ€™s Camp Half-Blood without a couple of insomniacs? I hope you got some good work done, at least.โ€ Noah was half-tempted to ask if he could see what sheโ€™d been working on, but he was way too out of practice for that type of question. He could practically see Fee raising her eyebrow at him. How had he managed to date the second most beautiful girl at camp, again?

Er, well, she had been the most beautiful to himโ€ฆ until heโ€™d started hanging out with Marissa, that is.

Even though he didnโ€™t have a watch, Noah checked his wrist as if it would give him all the answers to Marissaโ€™s question. Why he was like this, the world would probably never know. โ€œI should be okay. I think Iโ€™m not supposed to meet up with everyone until noon or so. Besides, you probably wouldnโ€™t make me late anyhow.โ€ He shook his head. โ€œThe leprechaun, however, is a different story.โ€

โ€œBut, umโ€ฆโ€ Gods, he better not be blushing. Kyle would never let him live it down if he found out. โ€œIf you want, you could keep me company until then. I donโ€™t really have any plans for today except that meeting. We could, umโ€ฆ talk beer pong strategy, or something? Unless youโ€™d rather do something else.โ€

It was official. He was hopeless.


Why the hell had she said yes?

Not that he wasnโ€™t excited, of courseโ€”sheโ€™d said yes! More time with her! But oh gods, was he being such a clumsy dolt. Anyone else wouldโ€™ve probably thought he was just a drunken son of Dionysus again. Everything in Noah was panicking that Marissa would think he was some idiot who had no clue what he was doing. How did I ever have a girlfriend? he wondered painfully as he missed yet another shot on the practice ping pong table he had set up in his cabin. It paid to be one of few Dionysus campers at this place.

If this had been an actual date or something (not that it would be, what were the chances of that?), Noah would have taken her to the strawberry fields, shown off a little. But no, of course heโ€™d taken her to his messy cabin for beer pong. He could see the Love Twinsโ€™ facepalms as he thought about how awful this was. He could only hope Marissa was at least having some fun. Please please please.

Well, at least heโ€™d thought ahead insomuch as they were using water instead of beer. Couldnโ€™t be inebriated when they inevitably took down Kyle later, right?

Noah glanced at the clock and realized quite a few hours had passed since theyโ€™d started. It was almost time for that meeting of head counselors or whatever. Heโ€™d promised Fee heโ€™d be there, butโ€ฆ even if he was embarrassing himself, he really wanted to just stay here with Marissa for a while. That wasnโ€™t weird, right?

โ€œHuh, I guess itโ€™s time for me to skedaddle. But uh, we could walk together, maybe? I mean, you donโ€™t have to come if you donโ€™t want to, but I donโ€™t think non-head counselors are forbidden from it or whatever.โ€ He really needed to learn when to shut up. โ€œBut um, yeah, itโ€™s up to you.โ€ Gods, kill me now.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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charlie puth

one call away

If heโ€™d had a depressing thought before stepping foot outside of Feeโ€™s cabin, it all flew away as the Love Twins made their presence known throughout camp. With her charms and his devilish grin, they were quite a sight to behold. Really, could their parents have borne a more perfect pair of children? Damon certainly didnโ€™t think so, not when his Amore was his everything.

Ah, but food, glorious food was awaiting him, and boy, did Damon dig in. He probably would have been more conservative with his choices like Fee if he was a different man, but considering all theโ€”ahemโ€”fun heโ€™d had the previous night, he needed to gain back some calories. That, and their distraction was sure to make up for any excess he consumed. He chuckled as he considered it.

Another camper, standing somewhere behind Fee, yelled at her to get a move on. Damonโ€™s head whipped around, and he froze the camper with an icy glare. Nobody messed with his Amore while he was around. He practically barked, โ€œMind your own damn business! Let the woman eat!โ€ Damon probably would have said worse if Fee hadnโ€™t calmed him down and led him to the Eros table. โ€œSome people,โ€ he muttered as he sat down, the presence of his half-siblings draining the stress right out of his body.

Damon dug into his food and watched as Fee shot off a text to Meredith. When their other best friend didnโ€™t respond right away, as she normally would have, Damon frowned. โ€œHope sheโ€™s alright.โ€ He glanced at his watch. โ€œI hope youโ€™re ready to knock the socks off the camp, Amore, because this is gonna be big. I just hope everything goes well on Careโ€™s end.โ€ He grimaced as he thought about the conversations heโ€™d been having with Care recently. His almost-sister was stubborn, that was for sure, but she was much smarter than he could ever be. If anyone was going to know how to solve the problem that was clearly going on around camp, it was her.

T-minus four hours, Care, he thought. Donโ€™t do anything stupid.


Naturally, Damonโ€™s outfit was perfect. The setting was perfect. Fee was perfect. What wasnโ€™t perfect were the butterflies punching his guts. Which, yes, was not the most eloquent way to put that, but thatโ€™s what it felt like. When heโ€™d returned to the Eros cabin to change into his stellar outfit, heโ€™d remembered his conversation the Morello boy, where heโ€™d told him he could set up his portal by the cabin. That had set off a chain reaction of nerves and shudders. Damon shouldnโ€™t have been so nervous about something like this. But he was. He could only hope Avery would look after Care for him.

โ€œI hope Mer-bear is okay,โ€ he said to Fee, scanning his eyes around at all the campers mingling around. โ€œIt wonโ€™t be the same without her special effects.โ€ He smiled over at his Amore, sending her a wink. โ€œThough of course, we both look smoking even without her here.โ€ His worry over their friend was not helping his nerves either, if he was being honest.

Yet right when he was worrying over her, she appeared. โ€œMer-bear, darling! Finally, you grace us with your loveliness!โ€ He wrapped his arms around his other best friend, a wide smile spreading across his face. The worry seemed to slip right out of him, though he frowned when he saw the state of Meredithโ€™s dress. โ€œWhat happened to you? Is everything okay?โ€ Something had to be wrong, but he wasnโ€™t sure if he could help, not if he suspected it had to do with a certain someone.

Gods, it was hard having the powers he did. It was the one gripe he had about his father.

While he struggled to keep his composure about all this, he turned to Fee. โ€œCare to fill her in, Amore?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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sum 41

in too deep

It didnโ€™t take long for Nyssa for to put Anubis to sleep, much to Adrianโ€™s relief. That was one worry down. Once her glasses were on, she teased that sheโ€™d be willing to follow him to breakfast provided she give him a ride. And, well, who was he to refuse the girl whoโ€™d quickly become a little sister to him? Though he rolled his eyes, he was quick to offer his back to the daughter of Nyx. She wasnโ€™t too heavy, anyway, and if it helped her a bit with her condition, he was willing to do it.

The self-proclaimed Darkness Trio thus finally set off to breakfast. Adrian kept a steady grip on Nyssa as he carried her to the dining pavilion. He heard a confused noise beside him and glanced over at Eli, who seemed to be struggling to give Nyssa some shadow cover now that they were out in the sunshine. This made the son of Thanatos frown. Heโ€™d been hearing about some other campers have trouble with their powers, but heโ€™d chalked it up to something else. The fact that it was happening to Eli, a son of the Big Threeโ€ฆ that was just concerning.

As they reached the dining pavilion, Adrian chuckled. โ€œNice try, buddy,โ€ he said, gently setting Nyssa down before tousling Eliโ€™s hair. โ€œYou two should be there, too. Iโ€™ll carry you if thatโ€™ll help.โ€ He grinned at his Death Bro, knowing that he would probably need to convince them further if he wanted any results. He wasnโ€™t sure what was so important about this meeting, but Felicity had asked him to go, soโ€ฆ he figured heโ€™d help her out. Even if it meant arguing with his children. โ€œUntil then, I suppose Iโ€™m willing to allow myself to be near your pet for a few hours.โ€

He was going to regret those words, he was sure, but if something was going down at camp, he wanted Nyssa and Eli to be aware of it. Call it the Tucker in him.


Adrian had managed to get the other two-thirds of the Darkness Trio, and that was a personal win. The price was helping them look after their dog back in the Nyx cabin, but it wasnโ€™t as bad as heโ€™d initially thought. There was something charming about his best friends raising their hellhound together. Other campers were certainly nervous about its presence, but it seemed to make his friends happy.

And, well, that was what mattered in the end, right?

Glancing at the clock, Adrian stood up. โ€œAlright, kiddies. Itโ€™s almost time for that meeting. Are we gonna do this the hard way or the easy way?โ€ He lifted an eyebrow at his two younger best friends, fisting his hands on his hips. There was no way he going to force them to go, but it had to be serious if Eli and Nyssa were both being summoned despite being here at Camp Half-Blood for a year. This was something that was surely affecting them, too.

โ€œSo who am I giving a piggyback ride this time?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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nico & vinz

in your arms

It was impossible to argue with Caleb, especially when he had a point. Still, Willowโ€™s heart was bouncing around her chest in protest, unwilling to face the reality Caleb was trying to convince her of. That, and every bit of affection from him was like a punch to the chest. Seriously, why had it taken her so long to realize he felt the same way she did? Was she blind? But that wasnโ€™t the issue here.

Blushing, she protested, โ€œTh-Thatโ€™s only because of that time you stole my pillow and blanket!โ€ It was hard to say much else, because, well, he was right. She was spending every night in his room, but she wasnโ€™t sure it was necessarily living together. Still, sheโ€ฆ wasnโ€™t opposed to the idea. โ€œIโ€™m still not calling it โ€˜ourโ€™ room!โ€ she said, hurrying after him.

When she caught up with him at the dining pavilion, she shyly took the plate heโ€™d grabbed for her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her food before sitting beside him. โ€œYou realize Iโ€™m going to be the one to drag you to that meeting, right? If even Fee sounds worried, it must be something serious. Besides,โ€ she added, leaning forward so he could see her smirk. โ€œIโ€™ll take Somnus with me so youโ€™re left without a hot water bottle.โ€

It was very weak ammo, but she hoped it would work. She wasnโ€™t going to this meeting alone! She needed someone to wake her up when she inevitably fell asleep in the middle of itโ€ฆ


Embarrassingly, Willow managed to doze off during breakfast. She narrowly missed her plate and getting food on her face. It was all the convincing Caleb had needed to take her back to his room in Cabin Eleven. For once, she didnโ€™t protestโ€”sheโ€™d stopped trying to fight her narcolepsy years and years ago. Besides, why would she even try to protest when it meant curling up with Somnus and Caleb again?

Her inner alarm clock did her the favor of waking her up in time for the meeting with the Love Twins. Willowโ€™s face was smushed into Calebโ€™s chest, and Somnus was curled in between them. Her kitty purred when she reached down to scratch behind her ears. Now if only she could get the same sound out of Calebโ€ฆ โ€œCasanova, wake up. Unless you want your sister to come drag your butt out of here.โ€ She gently kissed his cheek before sitting up, stretching her arms over her head.

It had only been a nap, but every nap felt like an entire night of sleep for someone like Willow. She really, really hoped that she didnโ€™t pass out in front of the entire contingent of head counselors at this meeting. It was bad enough she did it all the time in front of Caleb. In front of all those people? It was sure to be much, much worse.

That wasnโ€™t the only reason she wanted needed him there, but it was certainly a perk.

โ€œDid Care give you any hint as to what this is all about? Anything at all?โ€ she asked, absentmindedly petting Somnus as he rubbed up against her. She could feel her eyelids drooping again in the after-tired, as she called it, from waking up from a nap. Was she ever going to break the crazy cycle of sleeping and sleeping and sleeping some more?

Probably not, considering her boyfriend. Oh, well.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








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just imagine it

Star tried not to, but she froze when Care took her hand. But though she was frozen, she could only stare wide-eyed at Care as she bore her soul. She had no idea how to respond to any of this. It hadnโ€™t been too long since their fight, and now Care was telling her that everything sheโ€™d said hadnโ€™t been true? That she didnโ€™t mean nothing to her?

That was all well and good, butโ€ฆ it didnโ€™t really erase the hurt.

Her shoulders hunched up the more Care touched her. It was an involuntary reactionโ€”she wanted to lean into Careโ€™s touch, to believe that things between them could be okay just like that. But that wasnโ€™t how human feelings worked. A few apologies and declarations of need wouldnโ€™t erase the hurt that had been torturing Star the past few days. Much as she wanted them to.

When Care had finished speaking, and with her forehead burning from her kiss, Star sighed and gently extricated her hands from Careโ€™s. โ€œCareโ€ฆ I canโ€™t easily forget how you made me feel. Do you really think saying all of that is going to change everything?โ€

But it did. It changed a lot of things.

Star wrenched her gaze from Careโ€™s. โ€œIโ€™ll help you with your plan, Care, but I canโ€™tโ€ฆ I need time. You donโ€™tโ€”I canโ€™tโ€”โ€ She sighed. โ€œAfter Wren went missing, you and Brandon were all I had. I donโ€™t even have parents, not really. I only had my friends. And, Care, you know I trust you, but our fight hurt. I thought my heart had been ripped out of my chest.โ€

She turned away and hugged her arms to herself. โ€œI justโ€ฆ I want to be there for you, I want to fight your battles with you like youโ€™re saying youโ€™ll do for me, but I just canโ€™t. Not after what happened.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll be at the meeting because you insisted I be there. And Iโ€™ll make sure Brandon is there, too. Butโ€ฆ just give me time. Okay?โ€

And though it practically tore her heart out all over again, Star walked away.


Star was not having a good day. After her conversation with Care, she had gotten breakfast, but sheโ€™d barely eaten anything. Her stomach was rolling around too much. To calm herself down, sheโ€™d gone back to the pegasi stables for a little longer, letting the nickers and neighs of the winged horses soothe her a little bit. After that, sheโ€™d changed into something more casual so she could walk around without having to navigate her riding gear. That was about as far as sheโ€™d got before she laid in bed for a couple hours, staring at the ceiling.

Gods, this was all a mess. And she didnโ€™t even have time to make sense of it all.

โ€œNot that I can make sense of anything on a good day,โ€ she muttered. Rubbing her forehead, she decided sheโ€™d go and see if she could check on Brandon and whether he was still going to the meeting. She left her cabin and headed toward the lake, hoping that she would maybe find him there. On her way, she spotted Meredith leaving the Big House.

Wait. Hadnโ€™t Meredith been with Brandon earlier? And wasnโ€™t the infirmary in the Big House?

Widening her eyes, Star ran to the Big House and skidded into the infirmary. Violet was tending to Victor, the son of Zeus. And on the other bedโ€ฆ

โ€œWhat the hell, Bran Muffin?โ€ she shouted, running over to him. The cuts werenโ€™t the worst sheโ€™d ever seen, but it was still awful to look at. This was Brandon! He was supposed to be able to heal instantly when in water, right? Then she remembered what Care had been saying. Something about powers not workingโ€ฆ? Starโ€™s lips wobbled as she looked up at her best friend. โ€œThe water didnโ€™t work, did it?โ€

If he hadnโ€™t been injured, she would have thrown her arms around him. Instead, she grabbed his hand. โ€œPlease tell me youโ€™ll be at the meeting, Bran Muffin. Itโ€™s really important. We might even get answers toโ€ฆ whatever the heck is happening.โ€

It was becoming a staple this morning, it seemed, but Star felt a tear slip out. โ€œPlease, Bran. I donโ€™t want to see you get hurt again.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

vanessa carlton

ordinary day

Violet let out a sigh of relief when Victor easily agreed to go with her to the infirmary. โ€œThatโ€™s more like it.โ€ She recognized the teasing tone in his voice when he mentioned Kyle, and she gave him a skeptical look. โ€œWell of course I want to see him. Heโ€™s my friendโ€ฆ?โ€ Was this one of those things she didnโ€™t understand again? She was starting to think she should start going to the Aphrodite cabin for advice, since it seemed to be their area of expertise. At least, she was pretty sure it was their realm that Victor was hinting atโ€ฆ but why would that be?

As soon as she and Victor left his cabin, Kyle happened upon them. Violet gave her friend a strained smile before sending a slight glare in her best friendโ€™s direction. โ€œPlay nice, Vic.โ€ Her expression softened as she turned back to Kyle. โ€œThank you, Kyle. It means a lot. Somethingโ€ฆ went wrong with Vicโ€™s powers. Mine arenโ€™t quite working the best either.โ€ She frowned. She hated feeling helpless like she had when she hadnโ€™t been able to detect the extent of Victorโ€™s injuries.

Now she was frowning at the way Victor was talking. If her powers had been working, sheโ€™d be able to chalk it up to his injuries, but right now she could only rely on the signs he was giving her. โ€œWe can only take a quick stop to the dining pavilion, Vic. You donโ€™t sound so good. Weโ€™ll grab food to go. Kyle, make sure he doesnโ€™t lean too heavily on either side.โ€

Violet escorted Victor to the Big House before hurrying to grab food for him from the dining pavilion. She forgot to grab food for herself, but it seemed as if Kyle had already covered that part for her. With a soft smile, she gazed up at him. โ€œThank you so much, Kyle. Youโ€™re the best.โ€ She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leading Victor into the infirmary. To her surprise, Meredith and Brandon were already there. โ€œMore patients?โ€ she squeaked.

This was going to be a long day.


Meredith had performed some excellent first aid on Brandon, so Violet only had to dress his wounds in proper bandages and give him a spot of nectar to help the healing process. It was worrying that his water affinity hadnโ€™t helped him in the slightestโ€”she never saw him in the infirmary in the first placeโ€”but it confirmed her fear that some of the other demigodsโ€™ powers were simply not working the way they were supposed to. Just like hers and Victorโ€™s.

Once sheโ€™d rebandaged Victor and given him some more ambrosia, she stood in front of the two boys and given them a serious scolding. She didnโ€™t like having to nag them, but they were children of the Big Threeโ€”they had to be way more careful than most campers! โ€œWe now know water and electricity arenโ€™t going to be your best friends anymore! Please donโ€™t be so reckless. Please. I donโ€™t want anybody else getting hurt today.โ€

Her speech done, she sighed and slumped onto the bed next to Victor. And to think after this, she would have to go to that head counselor meeting Felicity and Damon had summoned her to.

Just as she had the thought, Star rushed in and ran over to Brandon. She seemed to have a very similar relationship to Brandon that she had to Victor. Really, it was a relief that year-round campers like her and Star, with barely any family to speak of, had good friends like the boys. Star begged Brandon to attend the same meeting sheโ€™d been thinking about before, and she looked up at Victor. โ€œDoctorโ€™s orders, Vic. Youโ€™re going to that, too. I wanna know whatโ€™s going on.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Felicity -







  • home (filler tab)



As Damon practically barked at the impatient camper, she brushed her palm against his upper arm in a signal to note that it was not worth it,
"The audacity of them, I swear..."
. She felt absolutely safe whenever she was with her beloved Bello as she knew he would put up a barricade whenever something seemed to remotely threatened Fee. However, Felicity made it a point that she would put herself up there. This was not worth his sweat, let alone his attention. The camper had no choice but to wait behind the line either way.

As the pair had situated themselves at the Eros table, Fee started tossing and turning at the piece of chicken that was sitting on the bed of leaves as she started cutting it into the tiniest pieces she could manage. Felicity was one that had quite an upsetting relationship with food from a very young age. Being born to be in the pageant and model industry before she could learn how to walk, she always paid quite an attention to what she ingested and to have the right amount of calories. Every single day. The only reason she probably was not really skin and bone was because of her two anchors, her two best friends. One was sitting across from her and the other was at the receiving end of her messages.

The daughter of Aphrodite placed the phone face upward by her plate and sighed lightly as she was brought back by her best friend.
"I hope so too, she never missed breakfast by this much time. Not even fashionably late at this point..."
Felicity trailed off as she was as concerned as the son of Eros for the absence of their third best friend. Picking up her fork again, Felicity started to slowly swallow the tiny pieces of cut chicken breast without feeling the need to well... not keep it inside. She needed the energy for what they needed to pull off, definitely. Felicity couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh at that bold statement,
"Well, ready or not, this part is in our hands and no one can turn more heads than us combined."

Having managed to down her protein, she only managed some of her lettuce before covering her mouth and wiping it with a napkin, placing down the fork vertically on the plate with the rest of the untouched leaves.
"I hope, I would hate to have done all this only for her to get busted just like that. I hope those Romans have her back,"
Fee worried as she sighed. Knowing what has been going on in their almost sister's mind, how she was speaking about willing to sacrifice herself just like that. She feared that she would easily do it in the blink of an eye and no one would even know. However, she was sure that Care was smart enough to at least attempt to avoid that possibility, especially knowing she had been having uncertainties recently. She trusted Care's plan to work but she refused for her to get hurt in the process of it.

As the pair finished, she stood up to head back to her cabin for said plan's preparation,
"Shall we, Bello? The show must go on, right?"
she remarked with a giggle.

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

Fee had made it a point that for a good head-turning distraction, they both needed at least a jaw-dropping, slightly revealing outfit to keep the eyes surely on them. Luckily, Felicity had just the right outfit waiting in her closet. Something she had not worn in years. She took it out from her closet and let out a small smile as this was the outfit she was in when she had her first kiss with a certain son of Dionysius. Having separated briefly, Felicity used all the hours she had at her disposal to get her appearance as top-notch as ever.

She slipped herself into the slightly figure-hugging outfit she had picked. The rose-patterned bralet hugged perfectly, exposing the ample cleavage she had to display as her skirt hugged right underneath her behind as the strings were fully secured. She did take the safety precaution of wearing white booty shorts underneath. True, she had to give a show but she did not want all her surprises out to the whole camp that was for sure. She could not wait for what her beloved Bello wore to stun the audience. To decorate her look, lifted her golden hair of locks up in a high ponytail which had quite the volume from her curled waves falling down to her mid-back. Decorating her delicate collarbone was a rose pendant that matched the hoop earrings she just wore. Adding final touches to her morning make-up, she touched upon her lip gloss, puckering her lips and placing one to the mirror with a wink, pampering herself
"You can do it!"

As if on queue, as Felicity proceeded out of Cabin 10, she was met by none other than her platonic soul mate which she welcomed with open arms,
"Oh... my... Aphrodite! You look speechlessly stunning my darling!"
. She welcomed him with open arms as she pulled him into a hug and air-kissed him not to ruin both their looks. As he brought their best friend up she proceeded to scan around with him and shook her head,
"I hope so too, she still has not replied to my text either. It will be extra special if she was to share this unnerving moment with us,"
the demigod commented ever so nervously as she felt eyes already darting towards them.

The Love Twins had already sent messages to their target audience; head counsellors. The more campers came, the more attention away from the Oracle there was. It was the point.

A familiar female with dark-haired locks emerged from the gathering crowd. It was Meredith. As much as she was relieved she was okay, she was even more relieved as she saw Damon's face ease at her appearance. She knew he had quite a soft spot for her. How could he not?

Noticing the state of distress her pretty dress was, Fee let out an evident frown,
"My my my, I hope that is not your blood! What happened? Is there anything more we should worry about?"
Fee took the female's hand and let her inside her cabin before looking at Damon,
"With pleasure... we will fill her inside, once we get her out of this dress and into a new fresh one! I got some spare that you can use for the time being. It's a shame to have such a pretty girl with a dress to be drenched and wrinkly."

As she walked inside her secluded room, Felicity raided her closet and laid out some of her outfit options on her bunk to let Meredith take her pick before sliding outside, closing the door behind her to give her privacy to change. In the meantime, Felicity found it the right time to fill their dearest Mer-Bear in.
"So basically, we need to make as much noise as possible to create a diversion for Care to sneak in with the twins to the Oracle. Now, we decided to go with our skills of performance to keep our audience occupied till they make it back from the Eros Cabin,"
she paused slightly.
"We need someone to keep us guard in case Chiron actually shows up with all the ruckus. Hopefully, it won't come to that. In any case, if you could spare some floral effects it would be spectacular!"

Fee took a deep breath after finishing all that and retreated back from the door to her room, waiting for her to emerge. Looking up at Damon, she pouted,
"I hope she did not get hurt. I saw blood."

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Narcissa -







  • home (filler tab)

Fight Song

Rachel Platten

As the trio made their way outside of the comforts of the Nyx's Cabin, Nyssa could already feel the heat of the sun against her skin, through her clothing. Securing her hold on her best friend she wrapped her arms around his neck and legs secured around his waist so she would not fall off. In this regard, as she felt the sun hit her face she burrowed it into the crick of his shoulder till had at least reached some shelter. Her eyes could never manage to handle the intensity without the need to still close her eyes - especially when her retinas needed to adjust from the shift which the sunglasses aided.

By this time, she knew that the son of Hades always helped her secure some shade by conjuring his shadows but she did not feel the relief of the shade followed by struggling noises, she looked back, worried,
"Are you okay back there, Lijah?"

A similar frown as the son of Thanatos appeared on her face. She hoped he was not being affected by anything serious. Not that she knew what was going on. Especially since she felt perfectly normal apart from the continuous migraines she encounters during the night from the endless chatters of the nocturnal life.

Narcissa held a hand up on her forehead to shield her eyesight from the sunlight till the struggling demigod made his way right by Adrian's side, asking the same question that was darting inside her mind but never managed. Her desire after breakfast was to crawl back into the depths and darkness of her safe cabin. However, knowing her beloved big brother wanted both of them to be aware of current situations and attempt of socialising, she knew the reply to Elijah's question was going to be negative.

Finally reaching the Dining Pavilion, Nyssa let out a loud sigh of relief. Her skin finally did not feel like it was on fire and her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light from the shadowing the pavilion provided. Landing on both her feet on the ground, Narcissa returned back to being at least a level lower than her friends to which she pouted. She certainly enjoyed seeing things from a different perspective, the little she saw. The scent of food finally managed to reach her sense of smell and it smelt divine as her stomach agreed. She had forgotten she was actually starved from not eating any the previous night. As Adrian insisted they should be present (as expected) she let out a soft exhale,
"Carry us both? Now you are just testing your limits there..."

Crossing her arms she bit her lower lip in thought at his suggestion of being near Anubis for a couple of hours. Her gaze went towards Elijah with a conniving smirk, knowing very well that they would take him up on that offer. The poor pup loved the son of death but he still does not know how to show it besides growling happily and tackling which could often be quite a misconception of an attack. The amount of accidental claw and bite marks they had endured in the training process of it all was just the beginning. It was worth it.

After a mutual nod, she looked back at Adrian,
"Fine, we will come to the meeting on your agreed terms."

Narcissa was not quite fond of the plan but if he was being insistent so much on this matter, what is a couple of minutes wasted from her life going to mean? Especially if it was as important as they were claiming it to be...

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

As the Darkness trio actually got some sustenance and fuel into their system, they made their way back to her safe haven. Her cabin. By that time, they managed to catch up on all the latest conquests and ideas they must try in their next midnight adventure.

Narcissa was still a bit on edge about having to face a wave of campers in just one area. Sometimes she could barely manage to hold her social battery with her two most loved boys (not that she would say that out loud). Let alone when there was going to be the potential of each counsellor in the quad. It was way too many people for sure. She simply wished she could morph into a fly and actually attend the meeting like that. However, she knew that was impossible to achieve unless dreamt. When Adrian checked his phone, she started nipping at the skin of her thumb nervously with her nails before letting out a sigh of defeat.

Narcissa got up from the floor which she was sitting on and stretched lightly, hearing her bones crack out of relief,
"As much as I am dreading this decision. I will go the easy way. But only because..."
she let out a whistle to alert the pooch that was quietly in the corner licking himself. Anubis' head alerted up with his ears pointed at his owner's whistle,
"... you need to hold your end of the bargain."

With that, the hellhound hopped on all fours and throttled with his claws clicking against the wooden floor before halting ever so clumsily between Nyssa and Elijah, ready for further instructions,
"Okay that halt was a bit less messy than last time,"
she side smiled patting the pooch's head slowly, warm to the touch.
"He shall be accompanying us and he gets a little excited and wary around people. Anubis loves his treats so you are now in charge of them,"
finding a small bag of Anubis' treats, she tossed it over to Adrian's hands as Anubis watched it closely, drooling at it. She swore that despite how serious she tried to keep herself to be, Adrian's brotherly (and motherly) antics never failed to cause a laugh to escape.

Nyssa let out a chuckle at that offer,
"As tempting as it may sound, I think Lijah can get his turn otherwise it would not be so fair,"
she kidded, looking over at the son of Hades. As she was going to approach the door to her Cabin she remembered how he was struggling with his shadows earlier, turning back to him on her heels.
"Did you manage to summon your shadows by the way? Or to no avail?"

It was truly worrying if it persisted. Despite wanting very much well for this meeting to be over already before it started, it could be the answer.

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Amber -







  • home (filler tab)


Selena Gomez

Amber let out a soft sigh at her brother's stubbornness,
"I appreciate it, brother. I would have done nothing differently. Evidently enough, your cohort has most of the brains, and mine has most of the brawn."

It was quite known by their praetors that no matter how hard they tried to separate the Morello twins, together on the field they worked miracles. On the field separated, they were unstoppable, merciless machines. Together, they had each other as a moral compass which was needed if they had to go into enemy territory to assist them, nonetheless.

The female frowned at his statement of the Greeks,
"It is all stigma in my opinion. Unwanted stigma. I gave you the heads up,"
the way Avery now started to see things from her point of view was definitely refreshing as a small smile danced on her lips. Despite that, Amber was not really the type to splash an 'I told you so' to anyone who comes to see things her way. She just appreciates the fact that a person can be open-minded and willing enough to share her perspective which was happening in this case. Amber nodded in agreement to his statement,
"Agreed... agreed. However, I do love hearing the words coming out from your mouth, especially. You are too stubborn for your own sake sometimes."
. The daughter of Janus stuck her tongue out at her brother in a rather teasing manner.

Following that retort, she could not help but chuckle,
"That is indeed progressing for you. I must admit."

She kept his arms secure to his to ensure that he got her message that she was with him, alive and well,
"We must keep everyone's eyes open and clear on what it shall lead to if certain choices are to be made. Hopefully, everything is much clearer once we get Oracle's input together with Care's plan we might deduct some options and paths to take... if not the path..."
she trailed off as she hoped the missing puzzle pieces to link her beginning and his ending together are seen to avoid the outcome at all costs.
"Kite, I will try my utmost to not leave you. I promise. Besides, if we go down, we go down together,"
she rests assured her brother.

"A battle is brewing and we must face it head-on with the Greeks,"
Amber lowered her forehead to touch his and closed her eyes.
"No matter if separated or together, it is not the first time and I can assure you it will not be the last,"
she commented as she knew very well that they were best at divide and conquer than anything else. As much as he was her teammate, her partner. Avery was also her anchor as she is to him. Without him by her side, the side of mercy flies away with the snap of a finger, and every act of impulse was on spree from Amber's side. Rationale flies out of the literal window. That being said, their curse was turning into a blessing no matter how far they were, they felt their emotion, their thoughts...

Hearing her brother's words was like music to her ears,
"No we won't,"
Amber would die fighting rather than abandoning her brother's back and side. He was her first priority and last. Feeling fired up for what is to come, the twins proceeded together towards their first destination point.

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

It was finally time to get the ball rolling from their end.

Avery had led Amber all the way to the cabin quad near the Eros Cabin as it was going to be the exit of the portal from where they shall be arriving with hopefully, news to bear. It was a back door that was situated on the back side of the Eros cabin which seemed to be not in use that much. At least she hoped it would not be used, she did not want people ending up next to them or gods knew where,
"You inquired or at least warned him that no one was to use this door till this thing is over, right?"

That being said, this was what they had to work with, Amber picked up her key and touched the tip with the wooden door as it slowly glimmered, opening it to release a bright golden glow before revealing the interior of the cabin as the glow dimmed and remained around the area to show it is a portal. Looking back at Avery she stepped aside so that he can have a good look so he would be aware of where to land them as they travelled through. In addition, she allowed him the time to carefully lock it so they can open it when they pass through. That way no demigod could pass through without their keys to open the lock interface.

Amber tapped her foot lightly as she walked around kicking small pebbles with her converse till he finalised the process. She was definitely the impatient one of the pair.

Looking around, she raced a hand through her straight silky hair before sighing,
"Shall we go meet C? It's time to finally get some answers for all our sakes,"
she commented before motioning towards the tree where the plan was first cooked up with Care, Star and the Love Twins. She hoped her gut feeling was right. Both Amber and Avery seemed to have gotten no dreams about starts and ends which meant one thing. This plan was in fact based on a choice to the whole outcome. This nerved Amber. With the flow of nerves in the air, it was safe to say she could feel it radiating from her brother. They kept their cool, nonetheless.

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Last edited:

Kyle -







  • home (filler tab)



By the time his beloved oblivious couple of friends, emphasis on the couple, were enjoying their breakfast he had already demolished his plate. In fact, he bid them adieu and left them to their cute encounters that he will definitely need details about from his darling Grapevine.

As he spotted two familiar faces, one he grew to love (not that he was aware) and the other always wanted to kill him for absolutely the same reason, struggling Kyle jolted to their rescue. As he started to shoulder his complicated friend from Vi's opposing side. Kyle was perfectly aware what he did was probably a death sentence but one he was willing to sacrifice to not let his 'friend' suffer before he proudly pushed himself from them to prove that he was capable of moving by himself. With a frown Kyle narrowed his eyes, "Suuuure and since when are you susceptible to car batteries?" he retorted as he crossed his arms.

Much to his relief, he noticed the exchange of looks between the pair of best friends. He knew that Violet was helping his case, not to get sparked up and it was greatly appreciated.

Seeing Violet's look he shook his head,
"I had my breakfast, I came to bring Vi's cause I thought she was back in the infirmary. Speaking of which, for the sake of her sanity it would be better if we all walked to that infirmary, aye? We both know she will not stop worrying till you are fully recovered there, Vic."
His emerald eyes motioned to the beautiful yet worrying female who thanked him. He quickly shook his head and dismissed it,
"No need, let's just get him to the infirmary. Weird though, how both your powers are being affected. Mine seem to be untouched so far."

Taking one of his sides once again, he nodded to help her escort the son of Zeus to the Big House, taking note of her instructions,
"Got it Sunshine, let's mosey on,"
he mused as they managed to make their way to their destination as he helped him settle down on a chair till he got his food and ate it.
"There we go buddy... food is coming right up..."
he trailed off as he watched the daughter of Apollo run out in a hurry. It was her luck he managed to grab her food before, at least both his friends managed to eat their breakfast on this already eventful morning.

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

Kyle was still in shock at that encounter. He was eternally grateful that he did not end up a barbecued sun crisp by the beloved son of Zeus and his boundary issues.

Kyle slowly looked into his fanny pack and took out the carefully napkin-wrapped egg bacon muffin and approached the evidently worried resident healer. The aroma of the infirmary was now surrounded by the little muffin's delicious odour. He went to her side and slowly placed it on the side of her desk before shooting her a concerned look,
"I got you your breakfast here, Violet. Please have something. Only worrying will not do you any good."
. He shot her a raised eyebrow look in worry to ensure she ingested at least a bit of what he got her. Knowing she had two of the strongest demigods in the infirmary, she knew Vi was on the verge of worry mixed with attempts to cure them. As she thanked him, he could still feel her lips hot on his cheek as a rush of blood rushed up his cheeks, colouring his freckles with a red tinge.

"I shall be heading to this meeting thing with my sister. I hope you guys can make it there,"
he shot a reassuring smile towards both Violet and Victor, knowing very well both of them cared too much to miss something vital for the camp's lifeline.

As he hurried towards the exit of the Big House, he had to swerve around an incoming familiar face of Star, skidding right past him. For the son of Poseidon, no doubt. What was up with the major kids getting all hurt at one time was beyond him. He just hoped they let Violet have her breakfast at the least. With a soft sigh, he looked back and slowly placed his hands in his pocket and slouched his way towards the Ares cabin to see a familiar brunette possibly in the company of a male brunette (whom he happened to love his music) and his beautiful canine running around. It was highly unlikely that they were still in breakfast so the other possibility could be the training arena.

In this regard, he leaned against the Ares Cabin, looking at the campers slowly forming their presence into the quad. Kyle did not really have to be there but he knew his sister was going to be there and even Noah so might as well attend. Reaching inside of his pocket he took out a shiny golden coin with a clover on it and gave it a kiss before tossing it in the air and catching it for good luck. He loved that lucky penny with all his heart.

And so... he waited for her. He knew he did not exactly plan to meet her here but he wanted to surprise his sister. He always loved doing that, especially when he was currently sober enough to know what was happening to say the least. Kyle absolutely hated the look of disappointment in his little sister's eyes.

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Brandon -







  • home (filler tab)



As much as it was a tough pill to swallow, he was at the mercy of the daughter of Demeter. He had to swallow his pride for just one minute and let her help. And so he did.

He tried with all his remaining energy to keep himself on both feet, firmly. Bran was not going to let himself fall on her especially if she was helping. Not only that would wound his pride but hers as well. From that angle, he helped support himself so that she can manoeuvre more comfortably in her attempt to first aid him. As the fabric ripped, he felt a tear in his heart as he tried not to wince, before he looked down to see what she was doing and how he could make this easier on her.

Lowering slightly, he shifted all his weight to the other side whenever she needed to utilise both hands. However, Meredith had the right mechanism to take his mind off his injuries, knowing very well she was panicking in his stead. As she complimented his biceps he flexed lightly as he felt the fabric going around,
"Heh if only you knew Flower Girl... if you are impressed that easily by my arms, the workout has a much better shape in other areas as well."
he remarked cockily with a smirk as he tried his best not to let his eyes water at the stings on his forearms as Meredith secured it with a knot.

His usual taunting glitter in his flirts was not there today, clearly having gashing cuts on his chest had that effect.

Looking down at the panicked and worried look that plagued her face, Brandon was not convinced how pretty he must be looking at that point. The hell-hound attack scars were looking childish compared to his fresh ones. Seeing the sudden shift he was taken by surprise as she saw her ball the rest of the fabric and approach his chest. He tried his best not to flinch, taking the slight pain of the initial touch.

He listened to her instructions with a sigh as he nodded as he lifted his good arm around her shoulder frame which was drastically smaller than his own. Brandon tried to be as gentle as he could before taking the ball of fabric in his injured hand and placing pressure against the gushes on his chest.
"Ahh son of a ..."
the man was cut off by the sharp pain before biting down his lip and withholding the pain to start shifting slightly with her aid towards the shoreline. After a couple of getting used to their new position, the couple limped their way to the sand and off to the most wonderful places of all time. The infirmary.

"I never thought we were going to bond by hauling my ass to the infirmary,"
he tried to mellow down the mood with his humour but he knew she was determined to get him healed and he wanted nothing more than to get her worries off. He tried to keep his steps as minimal as possible to meet her pace as he felt his head farther gone the moment they stepped out of the water. It seemed the water was keeping him upright, now that he was out his sustain was gone apart from the water on both their clothing that was giving him the ability to stay conscious.

From their conversation, Brandon managed to keep himself up in force to reply to his Flower Girl. He will be eternally grateful to her for this.

"True, true. I just hope we manage to make it and I won't get trapped here by the healers. I would hate to think of staying in that place for more than five minutes,"
he huffed as he started seeing a blurred vision of the blue house in the distance, squinting for a better view.
"I must go, Star requested me to be there and if you and your sister are both being summoned... then it might be serious,"
he added in a matter-of-fact tone as he tried to keep steady so he can relieve her from his weight.

Approaching the infirmary, Brandon was a bit hesitant but he had to suck it up and admit that he needed help with this. Feeling himself lowered on the bed, he slowly scrunched over the bed to remove all the weight from her and lay down on the bed, still pretty much drenched in water from head to toe. Leaning his head back he let out a loud groan and wince at the pain and stings from his open wounds,
"Ah curse you ol' man..."

As Meredith approached him with the square he could not help but wrinkle his face in disgust. Brandon had never had any ambrosia or nectar. He always had his water. He wanted to protest but after he replayed the effort of getting here, he gave in.
"Fine, doctor,"
with a loud dramatic sigh he took the square of ambrosia from her palm before he looked hesitatingly at it. Bringing it close to his nose he gave it a sniff. It did not smell that much so he shrugged and popped the small square into his mouth ever so hesitatingly.

Munching slowly on it the flavour started to take the form of blueberry pancakes, he raised an eyebrow at that.
"That is odd... that tastes like my mother's pancakes?"
he inquired confused, munching happily on it before laying down, relaxed. The taste of the ambrosia took the form of Tamara's famous blueberry pancakes she used to make him whenever he was upset and in the need of a treat.

Brandon could feel the skin of his cuts slowly stitching itself slowly back together as he could feel himself regain his consciousness before he kept himself down on the bed,
"Alright Flower Girl,"
he muttered as he looked at her head towards the exit before he called for her to look back,
"... thank you."

He was easing into the comfort before he heard the resident healer squeak, opening one eye at them with Victor in her hands. He shifted himself slowly up with a groan as he raised an eyebrow,
"Your powers too, huh, Sparky?"

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

What soreness he had slowly started to dissipate as Violet started to work on Meredith's first aid from earlier on. At the taste of nectar, he found it so weird how even the drink tasted like pancakes. How that happened was beyond him. He was glad that something was working and he could feel the connections to his right arm and chest again. By this time he was thankfully all dry and at least the new bandages were nice and clean.

As he saw the daughter of Apollo ready to hit them with one of her scoldings he was ready to brace it and to be honest she had a valid point. He looked Victor's way then back to Violet,
"In our defence Vi, we did not know that our powers were not going to work until we actually needed them? We did not do anything we normally don't do. At least I did not."

With a sigh, he looked over the pair of friends and as he was about to inquire about Vic's powers he noticed his best friend slide into the room.

Great... the one person he did not want to worry about this. He knew she was having her own troubles and managing to be a strong figure for her... he did not want to add this to her plate.

As Star ran to his side, he smiled at her and placed a hand on her cheek,
"Don't worry about me Scamp, I feel better already."

He was not lying, with Meredith's and Violet's miracles he managed to come close to brand new. He was sure the cuts were going to design his body for a while but nothing he ever went through before. He lowered his hand and gave a slow nod, as she grabbed that same hand,
"Sadly, no. All it did was keep me conscious."

Brandon gave a small squeeze to her hand both lovingly and assuringly,
"I will, even if I have to crawl. I hope you will be with me to accompany me. After all, you summoned me."

He could notice how her eyes were starting to crystalise before a tear managed to slip out. His facial expressions softened before he found the strength to sit up to her level and wiped her tear with his thumb,
"I am okay Star. Please be strong. For me?"
. Brandon really cared for the demigod in front of him. She was a major part of his life and he did not want to see her saddened or crying. He hated being the one to make her feel like that.

Looking back and forth he started to flex his muscles again as he felt brand new. Looking down at the bed he frowned,
"Oh yeah, I need shoes... and a shirt. Shit..."
he muttered before standing up barefoot on the wooden floor.
"Oh well, we are going to the meeting like this then,"
he said deciding already before looking at his best friend's side and ruffling her hair lightly,
"Come on Scamp, shall we?"
he inquired before gesturing for the four of them to go out.

Brandon was not really one to hide his appearance so he was definitely not going to shy out of going to the meeting like this. He could easily slide to his cabin for some while they waited that was for sure. At least, for once he actually had a valid reason given that his shirt was shredded as bandage wraps and long gone.

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Eric -







  • home (filler tab)


Imagine Dragons

Feeling her nice warmth against him he smiled from above her,
"I could but it would not really be so noble for Mags if I asked someone to get it for me now? If she finds out I would get worse if she did."

He shuddered lightly at the thought of those roots being in places that they should not even be in. His luck was something. His best friend had to have a talking guardian who hated his guts or so he assumed. He was doing his best to please her to get the magnolia on his side again and again. He needed Mags' approval if he ever hoped to make a move on his best friend... one day.

Looking down at the female in his arms, he smiled weakly at the comment,
"Weeeeeeell, think of it as a well-needed precaution that I thankfully thought for."

After getting whacked in the head he watched as Di started lecturing her. Thankfully she was on his side and hopefully, the plant behaved. He swore she had more sass and attitude than half of the demigods at camp.

As Diana settled, he couldn't help but flinch but not because of her. He had gotten used to her touch but he was still getting accustomed to having someone actually do it. Eric was not one for physical touch but he allowed the girl in his arms to get close to him as she did him. Carefully securing her to him he took a minute to take in her aroma and let himself calm down internally before setting off into the air. Allowing her the time to view the scene from above. It was not a sight you saw every day unless you could levitate or fly.

He loved that Diana was very patient with his personal issues and did not think it was her. He hated to think she could be the source of his issues, for sure.

Feeling the soft kiss on his cold skin made that area super warm. He placed one hand behind the back of his head as he chuckled nervously,
"You know you don't need to thank me but you do anyway..."
he shook his head lightly as he settled in his place before he proceeded to look at her literally work her magic, literally. Produce was never a thing they lacked because of her... especially apples. Speaking of which, he had his apple in hand and took his first juicy bite as he hummed in contentment.

As she made her way with all the food his eyes shined before lifting one arm as she settled by his side, letting him rest her head against his shoulder as the sun started rising,
"I did not want you to miss it."

He mused lightly as he smiled from ear to ear at the second kiss. For a person that disliked human touch, he could never get tired of ... this. What he had with her.

Four Hours Later...โ€‹

After his memorable early three hours in the morning with his dearest best friend, he was reminded that Diana had to attend the summoned meeting.

He could always treasure these little memories that they both shared ever since they started acquainting each other. He loved to see the smile on her face as she grew her produce. The way the sun hits her perfect skin as it rose and settled. The way she leaned into him as they watched silently.

Standing up from the climbing wall, he stretched his arms over his head and twisted his sides as a loud crack could be heard which was his back from the stiffness he was undergoing.
"Ahh so much better."

Looking down at the most beautiful daughter of Demeter, he offered her a hand and bowed his head.
"Milady, shall I escort you to the quad for your meeting?"
he mused. Eric was not planning on staying for the meeting physically. He was not the intended audience and he doesn't want to intrude on something he was not invited to. Or at least, he was not attending noticed by others. He was aware that his sister, Fiona who was head counsellor of the Eris cabin, was.

"I am not really going to be present but I will still be near you enough should anything happen, my Dhalia. I will always be watching from somewhere. You know me, I cannot really stay away if I smell chaos brewing,"
he commented with a wide grin on his face.

He knew very well meetings like these were the epitome of something chaotic about to happen. It was at least a good eighty per cent for sure.

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marissa -







  • home (filler tab)



All Marissa could think of was how she could never regret taking Noah up on his offer to hang out before the meeting. While she'd enjoyed her previous adventure with Noah and Kyle, she had to admit, learning straight from the son of the god of wine was a tad more enjoyable. Seeing as Noah was the one who won the last game, she was more than willing to learn more of the tricks of the trade from the master.

Not to mention the fact that Noah was enjoyable to be around. She enjoyed learning and just...having fun. It was interesting to learn more about the other, seeing how he lived in his own space. He'd seemed a tad nervous or embarrassed when they first arrived, but she didn't see why. It wasn't like her room was pristine. She had blueprints and bits and bobs scattered everywhere.

Maybe next time she'd take him to her forge. Fair was fair, that was how friendships worked right?

"Ah, the dreaded meeting."
she mused. Marissa didn't envy her friend for being forced to attend. Pushing an escaped strand of hair behind her ear, she tilted her head, considering Noah's following offer.

She didn't particularly want to attend this meeting, but seeing as she'd recently tasked herself with making new friends and new experiences, she guessed she should probably take him up on his offer.
she sighed, drawing out the word.
"I suppose I could go. Help stave off some of the boredom or something."
she continued, biting her lip.

"That is, if you're sure you don't mind me tagging along."

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elijah -







  • home (filler tab)

peyton parrish

go the distance

At the declaration of doom from Adrian, Elijah whined, throwing himself backwards onto Nyssa's bed.
"But I don't wannaaaaa..."
he moaned, taking a moment to act like a child.

He sighed at Nyssa's quick response, as long as Adrian kept up his end of the bargain, however. He threw an arm over his face, hiding his smirk. It was definitely hilarious watching the older teen try and deal with their hyperactive pup. Well. It was funny until said pup, in an attempt to get closer to Adrian and therefore his treats, decided that jumping onto the bed was a good idea. Which maybe it would have been, had Elijah himself not been laying on said bed.

he wheezed, jerking suddenly at the heavy weight that had claimed a spot on his stomach.
"Styx, buddy, that's not a good place to land, I don't wanna hurl..."
he heaved, trying to catch his breath and shove the hound off of him.

With no help from his so-called friends, he managed to shove Anubis off of him a moment later, much to his stomach's relief.
"Okay, yeah, yep."
he flopped back onto the bed again.
"I am definitely claiming piggyback rights, I've been taken out."
he declared dramatically.

"If I have to go to this stupid thing, then I'm being carried, I don't care what people will think."
he paused for dramatic effect, only it didn't seem to be working. He sighed, giving in.
"Eh....kinda, it's sunny out, so it's probably why I couldn't make much. I'm sure it'll be fine later."

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althaia -







  • home (filler tab)

taylor swift


Sending a hesitant smile back at Hani, Theta felt the warmth in her chest grow. This was...going well. Surprisingly enough, it really was, and she was grateful for it. Sure her siblings understood to an extent what she felt constantly, but they all had their own things going on and to have someone want to seek her out for no reason other than to spend time with her? That was something new. Other than when she was with Diana and Eric that is.

she replied. She was quickly beginning to enjoy this feeling of hope. She prayed to her mother that she wouldn't take it for granted and be left broken in pieces in the future.

Ah, right, the meeting. Why did her siblings make her the head counselor again?
"Um, yea-yes?"
she flushed at her jumbled words.
"Y-yes, l-let's go together..."
she corrected herself, voice softening. She hated the word vomit. She never seemed to be able to control it.

"U-um, breakfast...?"

four hours later...โ€‹

It didn't take long for the two to eat, only to separate soon after. While Theta hated the idea of being alone again so soon, she understood Hani's desire to want to change before the meeting. Things like this were important, and one should look their best right? Having taken her new friend's thought and run with it, she was left to search her closet and frowned at the lack of actual formal wear.

She glanced down at the crop top and jeans she was wearing and frowned. Chiron probably wouldn't approve for such a meeting. She sighed, her head falling forward causing her hair to cover her face like a curtain.

"How about the black dress?"

Theta spun at the voice behind her.

Her sibling rolled their eyes before coming further into her room and to her closet. They reached in and grabbed one of the new dresses that she'd bought on a whim a while ago. "Wear this." they told her before leaving, giving her a heavy stare.

She flushed, but agreed. She didn't have any other ideas after all. So she got dressed, and headed back out of her cabin, standing under the awning as she waited for Hani.

"Gods, I hope this dress is okay..."
she mumbled, tugging lightly at the hem, almost wishing it was longer and she'd be able to hide in it.

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caleb -







  • home (filler tab)

imagine dragons

bad liar

After saving Willow from face-planting into her breakfast, he dragged her straight back to their room in his cabin. Obviously they ended up spending their time before this meeting napping. It was a good nap too. One he definitely didn't want to wake up from to go to some meeting. Stupid counselor duties. Although he did tend to slack on those so, it was a wonder Chiron still let him be in charge. Maybe he knew all his other siblings would refuse to take the position....they sure did like how Caleb tended to not give two shits about what they got up to as long as no one ended up dead or maimed.

Personally, he thought he did a pretty good job. His dad never seemed to have any complaints.

he groaned, rolling over in response to Willow's attempts to rouse him. It didn't work.

He sighed at the next nudge, opening his eyes to slits so he could stare at his girlfriend blearily.
"No clue..."
he grumbled.
"She doesn't tell me shit these days,"
he yawned, giving in to the fact that he needed to get moving. Raising his arms up into a stretch, he cleared his throat.

"The only thing she's told me is she wants me there. That and after she wants to spend time together after."
he shrugged. Having seen her message earlier, his brow had raised, wondering if his sister had been spelled or something. It was rare now that she admitted that she wanted to spend time with him.

So clearly something was going to happen. Great, he loved a commotion.


"You sure we have to go? We can't just hide here? Not like I can't lock out anyone who tries to shove their way inside."
he offered, trying one last time to get out of going. He doubted it would work, but hey, he had to try at least.

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meredith -







  • home (filler tab)

clean bandit

symphony ft. zara larsson

"And what do you mean? I had no doubt somehow we'd up bonding this way."
she shot back.
"Although, I must say, there are much more preferable ways."

Smiling down for once at Bran, once he was settled, Meredith tried not to focus on why she was currently taller than her...companion.
"You realize, for now at least, I'm currently taller than you, Pretty Boy?"
she mused, trying to distract him as well.
"I kinda like it. Maybe we should find a way to make it happen more often."
she grinned, finally relaxing as he started to eat the ambrosia.
"You know, without you being injured."

She huffed, trying to cover her laugh at his astonishment.
"Surprised? Maybe you wouldn't be if you'd manned up and come here before now."
she teased.

Before she could continue, the doors opened and Violet and Victor came in. Meredith was tempted to roll her eyes at the sight of the son of Zeus, only because it didn't surprise her that the other hot-headed Big Three kid would end up needing to visit the infirmary. She waved and sent a smile their way, shifting so she was standing beside Brandon instead of in front of him.

"Well aren't you two peas in a pod? All we need is Elijah and you guys could have a little reunion."
she grinned.
"Sorry Vi, but I got another patient for ya."

four hours later...โ€‹

As much as she would have loved to stay and listen to Violet's lecture to the two muscle-heads she'd gotten stuck with, Meredith did actually have other plans that she needed to get to. But she couldn't just leave the others with no food. She didn't know the specifics, but she knew it was going to be a long day. So she hurried over to the dining pavilion and grabbed two plates and filled them quick and easy to eat foods, and hurried them back to the infirmary, leaving them for the three. By the time the lecture was over, she figured they'd want something to eat before this meeting.

Having stopped on her way out again, she gave Bran a quick kiss on the cheek, before darting away to go on with the next part of her day. Look, she was just glad that he was okay, alright?! He was her Pretty Boy, she didn't know what she'd do if something happened to him.

Finally able to meet up with her best friends, she made a quick pitstop at her cabin to grab her phone.
she mumbled as she rushed back out the door. She was definitely late, and had definitely worried her friends based on the way they'd continued to message her throughout the morning.

"Sorry sorry sorry!"
she cried out as she hurried up the porch of the Aphrodite cabin.
"I know I'm late, I'm sorry, there was a thing and I left my phone in my room."
she tried to explain.

She relaxed instantly at the hug from Damon, quick to reach back up and hug him back, followed by Fee.
"No, it's not mine, don't worry. I was up early, but I stumbled across a certain waterlogged demigod injured and had to help lug him to Vi in the infirmary."
she explained, following the two inside.
"But yes, Styx, thanks Fee, I definitely need a new dress."
she exclaimed.

Once inside her friend's room and in front of her closet, she sighed, feeling most of her energy fade away. Today was definitely going to drag on, but that didn't stop her from having things to do. And of course, she couldn't look anything but her best. Flipping through a few options, she settled on a rose printed mini-dress and heels. Changing quickly, she headed back out to meet up with the twins.

"Anything you guys need, you know I got your back. Be sure to make it spectacular for me?"
she grinned.

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jasper -







  • home (filler tab)

mgk, bebe rexha

home ft x ambassadors

Nodding along as Sammy answered him, Jasper already knew he was probably going to be spending the rest of the day on his own. He definitely didn't mind not being forced to go to whatever meeting was supposed to be happening. As much as he hated seeing his sister so stressed out, he was a little bit glad it wasn't him in her shoes.

"Good luck with that."
he grinned, also not envying his best friend.
"And no worries, I know it's been a while for you guys. Just text me later? We can figure out something to do after everything. Something nice and relaxing?"
he offered. Aurora barked in her agreement for this idea. He grinned, she'd always loved spending time with Sammy too.

While on pretty much friendly terms with just about everyone in camp, there were very few he was actually close to. He didn't mind too much, it gave him plenty of time to work on his music. Which was what he planned on doing while everyone got ready for the meeting. Once finished eating he waved Sammy off, telling her to go find her brother and get ready for the meeting.

With Aurora sitting beside him, wagging her tail as she waited patiently, Jasper waved to his friend one last time before heading back to his cabin to grab his guitar. It was a nice day out, why not sit outside and get some practice in.

"Whaddya say girl? Sunshine and guitar?"
he asked the canine. She barked in response, tongue lolling out and to the side, her tail wagging happily this way and that. He laughed
"Yeah, I thought so too."

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  • home (filler tab)

chord overstreet

what's left of you

Care listened to Star as she pulled away from her hand. She wanted to fight for her but her brother's words rang in her mind. To give her time, to let her go because she couldn't make her choices for her. So she just smiled that smile that was just reserved for the rainbow girl and nodded.
"I'm here when you are ready Star. Always."
She watched as she walked away from her, her own heart breaking with each step she took. She breathed in deeply, trying to control the tears that were daring to fall out before she was completely out of her sight. Then she broke down leaning against the tree where she was usually hiding in. She sobs as she gasped the fact that she may have pushed away the one person that she cared about above all the others. She was so fucking stupid sometimes. Why was she like this?

Why couldn't she understand simple shit like human behavior? Why must she try to use facts to help her brain work it out but now her brain is working against her. The facts are working against her and she lost Star because of it. She was so fucking stupid. At this point, she wanted to go find the biggest monster and fight it until she couldn't anymore but she wouldn't. Care learned from the facts this weekend had taught her. Her powers are screwed up, people generally don't go looking for trouble, and her family hated when she tried to act like the hero. So she wouldn't.

For them, she would fight her instincts and her facts.

---- Four Hours Later

Care didn't go back to her cabin. She didn't talk to anyone. All she did was go to her secret stash of clothes that were hidden in the forest for the times she hid from the campers in the camp and changed quickly. She texted Caleb, making sure that he was going to the meeting and to set up time for her to hide in his room. To hide away from everyone after they get the news, because what Care knows is that something is going on. And it's bad, it wasn't going to be something easy to fix either. It would take the whole camp to save them from it. It's the plans in her head have been gearing her towards. Even now as she plans out, the choices and endings aren't coming into focus. They are multiple ways, multiple sacrifices, different endings, and they are driving her nuts.

All of sudden her facts are useless in this situation and she didn't know how to handle it.

So she does what she knows to do, she planned for every choice, every ending, and ever sacrifice. Care leaned against the tree waiting for Aves and his sister to come to start the plan. The love twins would be starting their distraction at any time now. The time was now for them to do this and she was ready.

She will do this for the people who gave her a family, a place to belong. Who taught her that love was for her, and that she mattered in this world.

For Caleb, Felicity, Damon, Avery, and Amber.

Especially for her favorite rainbow girl.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)
  • home (filler tab)


i miss the days

Victor sighed out as he gave in to Violet's demands. To be honest, he was going through a lot of pain in his hands right now and probably needed to be helped to the infirmary and skip going to the dining hall. He just hated feeling so helpless, and unlike the leader that the camp saw him as. He glares at Kyle as he asked when was he getting hurt by car batteries.
"I don't know luck boy, I didn't exactly take time to wonder that. Too busy trying to save my hands from burning off."
He replies sarcastically as they walked into the infirmary. He was helped into a chair as he felt weaker than ever. He closes his eyes, trying to focus on his power and his levels of electricity.

His power was weakening for some reason, but that wasn't the only issue. His levels were midway filled. It was the reason why he felt so weak. He needed to do something to raise them but he couldn't do anything without giving himself pain. He glanced up at Kyle and grabbed him before he left.
"Look, I need you to watch out for Vi. I know you care about her, and as much as I hate it, she does too. Make sure she's ok alright?"
He said to him before the girl in question came back with food for Victor, without any for herself. Knowing her, she was probably too freaked out to grab her any food. Kyle came out with her food, and Victor had to agree with others in camp. They would be perfect together, he just..couldn't trust him or anyone with her heart. He saw what love can do to the bravest people, he couldn't deal if the same thing that happened to his mom, happened to his sister. He wouldn't be able to handle losing her too.

Then Brandon came in, looking rough like Victor did and he knew that this wasn't just him being affected...it was all of them. He rolled his eyes at the nickname and nodded to him
"Whatever is going on...it's affecting all of us, waterbrain."

--- Four Hours Later

Victor looked at Brandon and then at Vi who was lecturing them on the safety of their non-power selves at the moment. He sighed as he needed to tell her that he had to try charging again or at least find a way to build up his levels. Victor was going to be weaker and weaker if he doesn't find a way to get some lightning in his body. He looked at her and opened his mouth as waterboy tries to defend them, he agrees with his statement. He wasn't doing anything out of the normal that he does. He needed to charge up or what was happening would be worse than it was.
"Vi...here's the thing. My levels..the nectar can't fix that."
He said as he takes bite, tasting like his mother's apple pie. His hands felt better for each bite he took.
"I have to charge Vi. I'm weak and soon enough..I won't be able to move or do anything to help the camp. I can feel it happening..I know you can see it."

His face had gotten pale, and he looked weaker than ever. He needed to try to do it again, even knowing the risk it was going to take. Victor wasn't going to be much help to anyone if he couldn't be able to stand. He glanced at Brandon who was dealing with his own worrying best friend. Who demanded that the water idiot goes to the meeting? Which the water idiot agreed to of course. Even Victor would have if he had someone like Star who never got demanding, do it....Actually, he does as he glanced up at Vi who had ordered him to do the same thing. He nods softly as he tries to get up but falls back down on the chair as a wave of dizziness clashes into him.
"I got to charge."
He mutters as he staggers up holding onto the chair for support. He glanced at Brandon who was worrying about clothes before giving up.

Only he could understand what had to be done.

"Brandon...I have to charge."
Calling him by his first name was unusual for Victor as he normally gives him insulting nicknames or just calls him a water idiot. When he says his name, it was serious.
"They cannot see me like this. It would spread worry throughout the whole camp. They are already going to be seeing you injured. They cannot see me as well, whatever is going on, they need to trust in us Brandon."
He said seriously. He had become the leader that he was known for. When anything serious was going on at camp, Brandon and he became the leaders that their fathers were, aside from Victor's dad jackass tendencies. They were the leaders in camp, and soon even the death boy would come to understand his role in this camp even if he didn't want to. None of them wanted to, but this wasn't a choice. This was their place.

They had to be leaders even if they were just kids. It's how their world worked.

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  • home (filler tab)

citizen soldier

waiting on the sun

Avery laughed softly as he looked at his twin.
โ€œYour cohort and mine worked well together for a reason.โ€
He said as he smirked at her
โ€œWe make the plans, and you guys execute them perfectly. I believe that was the reason that our cohorts were created. They saw our minds and our ways and wanted more of us.โ€
He said thoughtfully. They first wanted to see if they could handle being separated. At first, it was hard due to their anxiety about being away from each other but as they grew to understand their curse, they used it to reassure themselves that the other was ok. Then their praetors regretted what they had done by separating the twins. They were each other humanity, and alone they were without mercy, without feelings.

Without their other half, they would be without mercy and that was dangerous. Together, they were brilliant, they had their humanity, their souls. Separating, they were merciless warriors who only know destruction.

โ€œI still don't trust them Berry. Not with you. I trust C before the rest of the camp.โ€
He said honestly as he nods to her words. It was true the stigma was hard to overcome. The way Camp Jupitar talked about their greek counterparts, wasn't always the nicest and plus they were separated for a reason. The roman and greeks always seemed to clash because of their differences. Greeks were more free going, while Romans were more battle ready. It was the reason why the gods decided that they needed to be separated but now..they were learning how to survive together and Avery had to learn how to trust in them but not now. He needed to study them a bit more beforehand. He nods along to her words as she grew more serious

โ€œIf they mean to end your life, then they end mine. It's simple.โ€
He told her seriously as she grips his arms to show him that she was here with him. Avery has seen many endings and all of them weren't always the ones that he wanted to see. Some of them had the death of the person that mattered most to him. He had seen her death in battles that were to happen and with every ounce of strength that was in him, he prevented them. He will do the same with this one. This one will be prevented as well. He will not lose his sister.
โ€œI will make them see reason if they don't wish to. I will protect you from the ending that I saw. If they lead us down the wrong road, nothing will be safe in this camp. I will trust in their choices but lead us in the wrong one, I will not be kindโ€
He said as she pressed their foreheads together. He listened to her as she states that no matter what together of separated they will not lose each other. He knew that to be true.

His sister and his curse were ones that gave them grief, especially in the ways of relationships but it also gave them ways of blessing. Their bond gave them a way to feel each other even at great distances. They used their curse, no their blessing, as a way of an anchor. If they feel each other, then they were together and they were as one. Nothing that could happen would change that.

โ€œTogether till the end.โ€
He mutters to her as they begin to walk. Nothing will take him away from his other half. She was all that he had. People may think the twins needed distance but they couldn't understand what they had been through without each other. Amber was his anchor to this world. If she wasn't, then Avery wouldn't have anyone that understood him as she did. Or anyone to depend on as he did her.

--- Four Hours Later

It was time for the plan to start.

He had shown Amber where the portal was to go. He grinned at her question
โ€œOf course I did. I warned him that no one was to go near this unless they wanted to go the other way. โ€
He hoped that the eros son had relay to the others or at least use his powers to make sure that no one came back here. She then began to use her power, he watched as she created the portal. It glowed as she opened it. It was time for his part of things. He takes his keys and imagines where they were and where to drop them. He starts to interact with the portal.

It's not short, but it isn't long as he finishes up, again closing his eyes as he closes the portal, and locks it. He imagines the lock that only his sister's key and his key could open. He opened his eyes to see that a lock had appeared on the portal, he places his key inside the lock. He turns around and looks at Amber who was bored kicking rocks. He chuckles softly to her
โ€œDear sister, why are you so impatient? You know I have to interact with it to direct it and lock it. โ€
He said as he stands beside her. He nods as she signals it was time to go meet the leader of this mission. He felt nervous. A lot was depending on this plan, and while he knows it will work, it still didn't ease the burning of nerves inside of him.

His sister was the same way he felt her emotions. He quickly stops them before they came where C could see them. They could of course see her but she couldn't see them not yet. They were keeping their cool but he knew that his sister needed to get her mind focused before everything happened where she can't focus.
โ€œBerry, close your eyes and focus on me. We will succeed in this mission like we have all the others. We won't fail and we will come out of this together like we always do. Remember till the earth's collapse. Always.โ€
He said to her softly as he gently pushes her to the right mindset before doing the same to himself.

โ€œIt's a mission. What do we always do for missions? We clear our minds and focus. Forget about everything else. We were given a mission that we must complete and nothing can stop us. Clear mind, and focus. โ€
He said as he grip her hand grounding her to him. Focusing her on him. He waits for her to give him the signal that she was ready.

Avery will not push her to go until he knew that she was ready to go and grounded to him.

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  • home (filler tab)

citizen soldier

I'm not okay

Sammy glared at Jasper. He was one of the lucky ones, his sister was the one that was the head counselor of his cabin. Everyone knew of Violet, she was damn near always in the infirmary. It was like that was her home, and she belonged there. Victor, one of the big three kids was usually the one that dragged her out of there when she spent too much of her time there. Sammy herself has been there, and so has Kyle. Every start of the summer, they made the trip to Violet who had come to see them as one of her first patients. With the injuries they sustained at home, they need medical help just starting the summer. Violet never asked them any questions, but she was worried. Sammy was one of the people that were in and out of the infirmary from over working herself or from injuries that she didn't have treated. She tried her best to avoid it if she could but she couldn't all the time.
"Oh shut it. It's not my fault that we decided the strongest gets to be the head counselor. And I ended up beating all of my cabin. It's fucking annoying."

She curses as she pouts.
"Please? I need nice and relaxing. This meeting is about to be a shit show. I have an feeling."
Every time the greek camp came together, it could either be an party or a complete shitshow. Meetings always were a shitshow. She just sighed. She had to change her clothes, this was not meeting clothes, this was hanging out with Jasper clothes. She had to be seen as the leader of the area cabin. That means showing up looking like an area child, leather jacket and all. Most other cabins wouldn't care but Ares kids were built on war, fighting and respect. Respect is only earn through being the winner, the champion, the best looking one. Being a head counselor was politics and everything was important if you wanted to show your parents power.


Sammy smiled at Aurora who barked at Jasper's suggestion. She loved Aurora, and Jasper company. Sometimes being with them was better then her own company. Better then her mind and her constant training. She finishes up eating and says bye to her best friend and heads towards the Ares's cabin. Once she walked into the cabin, she fucking almost had an heart attack. Half of her campers were arguing and the cabin was an mess. Sammy was pissed the fuck out and started to yell.
She was so happy this wasn't inspection day because if it was. She and the whole cabin would have failed. The campers scrambled and nodded as she quickly got dressed and walked out.

She noticed someone lurky by the Ares Cabin and by a flick of an coin. She knew who it was. Sammy smiled largely, and knowing that she was going to meet him later was excited but knowing that he chose to come with her to the meeting was better. Kyle was no where near an head counselor but she needed someone there by her side as a friend. Kyle was more then a friend. He was her big brother and she wanted him by her side. She ran to him and hugged him softly.
"Thank you Ky."
She mutters as she buries her face in his chest. He didn't smell of liquor like her step father.

Kyle smelt safe and as home. She was home wherever he was.

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  • home (filler tab)


the author

--Four Hours Later--

Diana could have stayed on top of the climbing wall for almost all of day. They have before when Diana and Eric truly wanted to get away including sometimes with their other best friend Theta. Speaking of Rue, she probably should try to find her after the meeting. She was due to deliver some flowers that she needed for spells. Everyone in the Demeter Cabin, knew that a space in her personal garden is for Rue. She grows flowers, and plants that she needs for spells for the simple fact that she was her best friend. She never needed to ask, She just come up with flowers that she knew that beautiful girl needed.

She would do anything for her. Althaia Jones, or in her words. Her beautiful rue flower was her sister, and no one could tell her any different. Anyone who dare to mess with the magical girl would find out quickly that plants when angry, make an army.

Diana felt Eric move from beside her and pouted.
"Tulip I was comfortable!"
She pouted as she watches him stretch and smiled. Of course she winced at the big crack noise that sounded. She almost asked if he was ok. Or if he needed her to give him a massage. She felt bad for making him sit as long as they did.
"Ricky, you could have told you, you got stiff. I could have moved or we could have done something else to move around. That crack sounded like it hurt."
She says to him softly. To be honest, Eric was..more than a friend to her. He was her lifeline. When she felt scared or hurt. She just wanted to crawl in his embrace and block out the world.

Eric was her safe place.

Rue was also her safe place, but something about Eric made her skin tingle, and her mouth instantly smiles. The boy could do no bad that she wouldn't love him for. He was her Ricky. Eric looks down and offer her a hand, and a bow. She giggles as he offers to drop her off for the meeting.
"Of course, I would love you to bring me to the meeting my dear tulip."
She answers as she took his hand and stood up bowing slightly to him as she giggles. He was amazing. Her Ricky was everything she could ever want for a best friend. Her Rue was everything she could want in a sister.
"It's ok Ricky, Meredith will be there and so will Rue!"
She said softly as she placed her hand on his cheek.

Meredith and Diana shared the counselor's duties. She did non-social things, while Lily did social things. It worked because they were the same age, and it worked for them to just share. When it came to meetings, both of them went. It was easier for them to decide on cabin issues because they will be able to think from two different perspectives.
"You know me and Lily share duties of head counselor, she is a few months older though. So she gets first dibs on quests."
She said softly,

"I am glad that you will be watching. Makes me feel a little better about being social. I'll just stay near Rue or Lily if I can. Can you come and get me afterwards?"
She asked softly as she rubs his cheek softly as she looks at him
"I'll see if Rue wants to come as well. I have a feeling this meeting is going to be..a bad sort of chaotic so we might need some good chaos...maybe a prank on the Aphrodite cabin again?"
She said with a smirk as she moves her hand and takes his.

"You are never far behind Tulip...I know that. I trust you."
She whispers as she grips his hand.

Diana trusts truly four people in this world, Her sisters Lily, and Rue, Chiron, and her favorite person in the world Eric. She will always fight for them and defend them. No one will take them away from her unless they wanted to go.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

forest blakk

fall into me

Hani couldn't believe that this was happening. He was stunned that she wanted to spend time with him. He wanted to spend time with her but he never thought it could happen for the other side. He thought it would be just one-sided, but it wasn't. It was proven in the way that she held his hand softly. Most others would be too scared to because of his power and his anti-socialness but she held his hand and said yes to spending time with him. Actually invited him to eat breakfast with her. Theta was nothing short of amazing and magical. He wanted to stay by her side for as long as he could.

Hani looked at her and softly smiled at her as she told him anytime...maybe it was his turn to show his appreciation for her.
"Y-y-y-your warmth is...calming to me."
He says honestly, as they sat down to eat their breakfast as they spoke with each other.
"I-i-i think it's wonderful..to be in your presence."
He adds on. They still haven't broken their hand holding. Maybe it's because neither of them truly wanted to let go of the other. Afraid that it would be just a dream..this hope for them. Hani really hoped that this wasn't a dream or a fading thing. For once, he wanted to hold hope for something better.

Hani said with a large smile.
"I-i-i would very much..like that. Like I said...being in your presence...is simply wonderful"
He said as he began to dig into breakfast. Still holding onto that warm calming hand that was giving him hope for something special.

-- Four Hours Later

Hani was saddened at the fact that he had to let her go but he needed to get dressed. He smelled like the forge and these clothes were ones that he used for forging. So he needed to grab some non-forging clothes. As he went to his cabin, he looked around for his little sister who had seemingly disappeared. He saw her with Noah..but usually she would have been back by now. He gotta go check on her soon after this. Her experiment into partying is going to get her and him in trouble because anyone messes with her, and they would find themselves on fire because no one messes with his tinker. He quickly takes another shower to try to ease the forge smell and changes into his nice clothes.

He checks the time, and it was time to go pick up Theta. While he was leaving, he gave a couple of his siblings some instructions to do while he was busy
"Work on that project that we've been working on, oh and stop Randy from giving people too many tattoos. Chiron is going to catch but also good job on Care's tattoos...they look very nice."
He comments as his siblings nodded
"If Marissa comes back, tell her to meet me in my private forge..."
He said finally as he walked out the door. Jogging to the place where they agreed to meet, he smiled happy that he going to meet up with the girl..that has been haunting his thoughts for a while.

When he got there, he was stunned... She was there and she was fucking beautiful. He almost fainted on the spot as he walks up to her. This time he didn't hesitate and took her hand softly with his gloved one. He was speechless for a moment, in what words do you tell someone that they took your breath and soul away? Hani just smiled at her and decided to go the simple route as it was the best one he thought to go.
"Y-y-y-you look absolutely gorgeous Al. A-a-amazing."
He breathes out softly as he smiles at her, the warmth in his eyes showing only for her.

"Shall we?"
He asked as he grips her hand softly. Hani...was certain he had never seen someone so ethereal as the girl in front of him...

Someone like Althaia Jones.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

ashley kutcher

love you from a distance

Nia stood there all morning, it was almost 3 hours have passed when she heard of a meeting with the head of the demigods. Since her lieutenant was not here to represent the hunters, that means Nia had to. She sighed as she looked at the closed door of the big house. Knowing that nothing good was going to happen if she just stood there. It was time for her to leave, but she will be back if she doesn't find the answer she needed to hear. She hadn't heard from or seen her lady for months and Nia was going insane. Her sisters were everything to her and being without them, felt like half of her was missing. Chiron was not helping hide things from her, she was not a child anymore. She was more than one. He needed to stop treating her as such.

โ€œI need to go but I will be back Chiron. You cannot hide in here all day. โ€
She said as loud as she could. Nia was sure that he heard it. Her underlying threat. If he kept hiding, he will leave her no choice but to force her way in. No one keeps things from her, especially about her family. They saved her when she needed saving, and because of her power. She had given other sisters, the choice that was given to her. She sought them out and offered them a way to end their sadness or make sure that it never happen again. Sometimes they deny it, opting for hope for the future but others become her sisters, and her comrades. She doesn't blame the ones with hope, love is an addicting source. As much as it hurts you, you never want to give it up until it almost completely destroys you. Like it did her.

She walked to the meeting, avoiding her greek sisters and brothers cabin. Love doesn't change whether you are greek or roman. So they weren't too different from roman to greek so they considered each other sisters and brothers always. She knew that the head counselor knew who she was, and who her mother is. She was probably wondering why she gave up on love but Nia didn't have the answers she wanted to hear. And she didn't want to hurt another little sister of her, so she avoided her. But that doesn't mean she didn't look after her or her cabin. She kept watch making sure that they were safe, nothing could dispel the love in her heart as she sees her siblings happy and loved. It doesn't matter if they were different from the ones she had years ago, they were family and that was all that mattered to Nia.

She stood by where the meeting was supposed to be and waited for it to start. It was time for the greek campers to show her what was the big deal.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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