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Fandom The Town of Port Pinnella OOC

Should we make a discord channel?

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    Votes: 6 100.0%
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Copper is a sawsbucks frequent flier. gets a coffee every day before teaching- god knows he needs it with his students. he gets a quad shot over ice. truly such a manly drink

not me being an ex-starbz worker knowing their full menu
Have at it! I was torn between having him be bisexual or flat out just into guys, but it is entirely up to you. he likes who he likes, as long as they are good with kids and his Lillipup.
Flip a coin for a gender, I dont mind which one, I just have a need to create a cutie for Copper who helps him out majorly hehe!

(Im... impulsive and the fc you used for Copper is Makoto Tachibana and my weeb heart CRIED-)
eeee i love that. someone to help him wrangle his stupid wobbufett LOL
personally i think hes more into guysssss but take that as u will

Not much, how about yourself? Orikanyo Orikanyo
Ladies and gentlemen.

We gottem.

*Sounds of applause from everywhere in the room*

Yo yo yo

looks like we got a good cast fillin out, makes me wana not pull my punches for this CS. Anything I should know about the cast already or about the world? I know theres stuff set up but theres been some chatter here thus far, just wana know if ya'll cookin somethin :P

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