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Fandom The Town of Port Pinnella OOC

Should we make a discord channel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Also, if you inject a ton of baddies, wouldn't that somewhat muddle the slice-of-life aspect? Quiet port town and all that xD
Tinnnyyy <3 starts off as an accident (he can be kind of aloof before you get to know him) but then becomes more of a pet name aaaaaah

part of vins job is definitely Wobuffett wrangling.... that menace
We can start with some slight Team Rocket chaos then

Vin feeds and feeds and feeds Wobbuffet out of guilt for keeping him inside
Perhaps just a local neighborhood group of hooligans? Less evil more mischevious?
We need a threat that's pressing enough to be relevant, but not dangerous enough to be criminal. School kids running amok, wild pokemon encroaching on the town, port towns likely have to deal with storms.
Yay I love brainstorming!! Also please nobody try pineapple vodka, it’s terrible :(

Anyways I like the idea of maybe some kids and their pokemons causing a bit of trouble round the neighborhood! Like team yell? Except not them obviously but like people close to them!
We could do some kids as well. Kids play pretend, why wouldn't they pretend to be some baddies? As for the storm, Kyogre is the obvious choice. But Lugia and Suicune work as well.

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