The Three Kingdoms IC

Rawlin followed his captain onto the ship with a frown on his face. He liked the ship, it was nice. Nicer than any of the fishing and sailing ships he had ever been on. He quickly went to check the bed chambers and saw they fit about 4 or 5 people. He sighed, they'd be sharing? He didn't trust other men around Dahrim. He thought about asking the captain to do boy/girl separation but that would be too far from him. He's just have to sleep close to her. He'd wait until she picked her bed and would pick the one right beside it.

He left the chambers and immediately felt the sharp sting of the cold wind. He could smell rain in the skies. He looked up and prayed to the gods for it to be a light rain headed their way. He quickly tapped into his sailor side and started checking the sails. He turned to the captain. "Captain? Are the winds too strong for the sails? Should we bring them down?" he asked worriedly. He didn't want the sails to be damaged by the strengthening winds. That would mean costly repairs they probably could not afford at the moment.
Belzamel had taken flight from the structure he had met his allies to be, graced by the songs of curses and jabs from the gruff, questionably tactless recruiter and smirking on his way out. The recruiter did not know it yet, but he was a but a disposable pawn before Belzamel; at least that is what Bezamel had reconciled in response to his mockery.

Being told to fly south, the Draconian glided back over a town he had caught sight of on the way to the meeting. It had looked as if before they were preparing to host some sort of event in this place, and in turn that was exactly what it transpired into being. Belzamel had been low flying enough to make out certain features of the gathering, peering in-between lights to see little shadows dancing to merriment. Like a moth to flame, Belzamel had been slightly intrigued by the idea of massive festivals and chose to descend upon the town in a downward spiral before veering upwards to still keep himself in the cover of the dark of the night sky. Had it not been for the unnatural lighting from the festival the moon and stars may had cast Belzamel out like an open wound, but this and the distractions of the night enabled him some ambiguity.

The Draconian never experienced things like this back in the Black Hole. The closest thing he'd gotten to community celebrations were when he and the street urchin would sack a profitable load off of some flashy upper world visitors and throw a party; buying as much food scraps, as many spirits and narcotics as they could phase out too. He found the different various venues to be curious, along with the behaviors of the half-drunken attendants. Though he scoped out most of area, Belzamel found himself flying back over one particular spot of the festival that from his height appeared to be less of a display of joy, and something more of a scuttle.

The Draconian would fly towards this rabble and perch on the nearest building corner to watch this spat. Dodging, thrusting, bobbing and weaving through three opposing sword swingers was a Drow; a species of sentient Belzamel was rather accustomed to. While Belzamel had grown out of caring about concepts such as brotherhood or having pride in his own kind or his neighbors, something about seeing three humans taking on a single Drow was unsettling. It actually was the fact that Belzamel detested weaklings who prided themselves on unbalanced tactics. While he did not read their expressions, he imagined that the humans felt empowered surrounded by their boys and outnumbering their enemy. The idea of them using a primitive pack mentality to overcome a single opponent perturbed Belzamel, but mostly because he knew that the aggressors would be proud of themselves.

Belzamel realized that in intervening, he had to use proper tact so as to maintain clean negotiations with Rendanna, as surely this town was of the country. He also desired to get the Drow alone to see if he was worth being accosted by three assailants, and further sate his curiosity as to why.

Belzamel would attempt to use Deeper Darkness to shroud the participants in complete shadow, then applying Ghost Sound to create a series of voices that would differ between the opposing combatants.

The three humans would be berated by harrowing voices, that would hiss to them-

"Your fealty and cowardice has beckoned my hatred... Be consumed in the darkness from which your heart resides, for now I shall consume you in shadows..."

-along with a series of disgusting and disturbing threats meant to terrify the humans as the magical darkness thickened.

The Drow however, would be murmured another option:

"You have a moment now to make yourself scarce, should that be your desire... If you run, I may shade the path around you as you make an escape. If you don't move, I'll give you enough light to see them, but for them not to see you yet, and you may rend whoever you deem necessary. Take the opportunity to flee, or use this to strike down your foes. Know however that you only have seconds to make a choice..."

If the Drow chose to stay and fight, Belzamel would wait to see what the Drow would do during and after the event. Should something fail and the Drow stumble, Belzamel would Dimension Door from the building to the ground and behind the three humans, then attempt to use Modify Memory on them so that for a short moment they would forget what they were doing, and instead be convinced that the Drow was an ally if possible, concealing all five of them in darkness still so that passerbys lose sight of the conflict in confusion.


If the Drow chose to escape, Belzamel would simply follow him from the sky and cover his exit with darkness.
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Ryu watched and listened carefully, nodding slowly as he spoke, eyes wide. She smiled though once all was said, and spun around towards the door, wings practically fluttering with excitement. Ryuleianna stopped though, and turned around again when Deos wanted her to. She cocked her head to the side in curiosity, then smiled big, "Oh yes. I know. I apologize for jumping ahead, Deos." Her eyebrow raised in response to Kestrel crying out like that, but was happy to have any sort of company. At the news that Aria would be accompanying them though, Ryu's eyes absolutely lit up. She squeed in happiness, and basically tackled her with a hug, "I am okay with this! All three of us will do well, cousin. I assure you." Ryu hugged Deos politely next, and skipped out of the room happily, spinning every now and then, not caring what anyone else thought.

She stopped abruptly though, and turned to look at Kestrel and Aria, "I need to grab my bag. I always have one pre-packed, just in case. Do either of you need time to pack or something?" Ryu looked around, and sighed, "I love going out and about. Really for any mission. It is so refreshing. The Draco will appreciate it being delivered by someone of Deos's family too." Her eyes rested on them again, "I hope all goes well. I am off to grab my bag." Ryu walked off to her room, and quickly nabbed her bag, waiting outside the door moments later for the two of them.
(Hmmm first I apologize for being late with this. But these pretty interesting options.)

Leaves danced in the fresh breeze, and so did Blake's hair as the flew by Blake. Blake laughed watching his hair. "Wow. It's like a little blizzard of hair," Blake said, feeling like he was right at home. But he did not have time to admire nature today or at all while this war was underway. "No, I have to find my way to meet two escorts from the Silver Bell," he thought for a moment. "And I'm a footstep away from Drake's Perch." He got up from the big tree and exited the forest, and gazed upon the mountainous beauty that is Drake's Perch. "Ahh Home of the Dragons. Untouched. Beautiful, somewhat frightening and very dangerous," his tone starting from amazement going to slight fear. He made a coin out of ice with his emblem on both, but on the tails side the emblem was upside down. He had planned to press his luck and do a coin toss decide whether he goes around the mountain or go right though the place and risk the chance of encountering dragons. Heads meant around the mountain and tails meant through the mountain. He threw into the air, and it landed on...Heads. "I have wanted to see a dragon, but fighting just does not sound like it would bode well at all, anyway," Blake said, feeling disappointed but relieved at the same time. He made his way around the mountain. It would be a longer traverse, but it was much worth it.
Aria nodded and looked back at Deos. "Thank you, Sir, have no worries, for we will handle this task quickly, safely and without flaw," She then walked out as well, quickly flying to her own home and packing only the most important things, as well as latching her sword into it's guard on her back.

She brushed the white strands of hair out of her face and walked out of her home, locking the door and flying off again. She brushed her hands through the wind as she flew, watching as the other citizens of Celest were just beginning to awaken. Soon she arrived back and landed and met Ryuleianna at the door.

"Ah, It's been a while since I've done a task with some one else, but either way I am excited to work with you, Lady Ryuleianna," She greeted with a small bow and a smile, and stood near her waiting for the final companion so they could leave and Aria could get back in time to get another before the day's end.
Rinfaf growled as he looked at the item, ignoring Alduin's comment, he was far more interested in the item now. And yet his vision revealed nothing, he could not decipher the artifact's purpose, or power, or potential. He saw nothing. For a moment Rinfaf suspected and elaborate ruse, but even that would have been revealed by his eyes. Suddenly Rinfaf felt a sharp pain, and only then did he realize that his mana pool was draining, and fast, much faster than the spell should allow. He closed his eyes and shook his head, growling and undoing the spell.

"The artifact is magically guarded from inspection." Rinfaf concluded a moment later. "Is there a note or letter that comes with it? Some explanation perhaps? If not, then do not let the mortal who brought this to us to escape, he must explain himself." Rinfaf looked towards the ledge which contained his dragon retainers, and was prepared to order them to seize Kain the dragon knight.
Lyra looked up at the two. She tossed her head back, flinging her messy hair over her shoulder.

"As long as you guys are loyal, I don't care what you don't know. I can teach you all the workings of a ship, and you will be learning how to fight. It's just a skill everyone should have, especially when you're travelling. That good? Good. Follow me." She was friendly about her orders, but seemed like she meant them. She smiled and jumped up, walking on the rail with one hand on the rigging.

She named different ropes and sails and parts of the ship, then asked them to repeat it back to her. She already liked them, and would become a bit more chatty after a few days in the puddle with them. She hopped off the rail and led them to the galley, standing behind the counter.

"Rawlin, you can fish, but that means Dahrim's cooking with me in the kitchen. Alright?" She asked, looking through the place. She clicked her tongue. They'd start hating her when she made them clean. Even though she would be joining them.
Learning of all the workings of a ship was a rather difficult task, everything else she had done had been so straightforward, on this boat it seemed, everything could go wrong. The Captain however seemed nice and spirited, with an edge it seemed. She studied her actions and enjoyed listening to her speak, if she was kind but held herself as if she was totally in charge Dahrim would have no problem serving her, as long as she was demeaned or berated.

She shot Rawlin a quick smirk, knowing he would be out here for awhile before he caught anything and followed Lyra into the area behind the galley, which she had already forgotten the name of.

"Don't worry about us and our fighting skills, that's one thing we've got down pact. I've been fighting most of my life, and Rawlin is a pretty good aim with a bow an arrow. Despite the fact I've had to save his ass in many a bar brawl... actually you should probably teach Rawlin how to fight..." she mused, involuntarily cleaning the cooking utensils.

"Any particular reason you're headed where we're headed?" she asked, eyeing the ground as she spoke. She didn't believe it would be best to tell her that she was attempting to leave the area for awhile in order to keep from following through with one of Asher's orders she was uncomfortable with. The man had a certain ruggish charm when he spoke, one that made him seem fit to lead, which for awhile had made her carry out his orders... until recently when she took note of the true intent of his actions.
After the short passing of the storm, Jared was back on his journey. As he was Nearing Dead man's Crossing, his horse showed signs of dehydrations. He got off The horse and took a sip Of Water to wet his whistle, he Then gave The rest of the water to His significantly larger companion.

When he Was done, he jumped back on his horse and continued To dead Mans crossing.
More than halfway through the route he was taking, Blake felt like he was walking for a whole year, even though he knew he hadn't. Blake thought about changing his mind and rushing through Drake's Perch. However, despite being a somewhat capable magician, he did not believe he could defeat dragons. "Well, I am in a hurry. However, better safe than sorry," Blake said, looking at the mountain again, noticing a few dragons flying around. "And they'd all be looking at me like dinner had I just rushed through," Blake thought to himself. He kept walking with spirits high while watching the dragons fly around. He did smile somewhat and started running as he saw a town coming into view, assuming it was Crixus.
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Lyra shrugged, propping herself up onto the counter and crossing her legs.

"I've never been one to sit still for any amount of time. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just... travelling, I guess. Waiting for a battle. In the meantime there's no reason I shouldn't act like a normal person and sail around madly with two nice strangers. That is what normal people do, isn't it?" She asked with a smile in her tone. Of course she was joking.

Though in honesty... she couldn't answer the question. She'd been so busy wanting to get on the sea that she'd never figured out why. Where she was going with her life. Captain of a ship, but doing what? It didn't really trouble her that she didn't know. Part of the fun was being surprised, she wouldn't ruin it by planning things. And she could probably do with two normal friends, even if it was temporary.
Dahrim couldn't suppress the excited feeling bubbling in her chest and the corners of her mouth pulled into a wide smile, "I get exactly what you're saying, why should there be any reason to sit still when there is so much to do? Why, two years ago I practically traveled the whole damn land with my father. I've enjoyed the Bridge of Hope and Farrack, met many of my pals in their taverns," she said, cleaning the other utensils around her as quickly as she spoke.

She realized the Captain's joke and realized she hasn't really answered, but her own had formulated in her mind, "You know I hear the best way to stop a runner like you is to start a family.... I believe Rawlin is a perfectly sound applicant," she said, waggling her pale eyebrows.
Rawlin listened to the workings of the ship, most of it sounding familiar to him and nodded along silently. He felt worry gnawing at his mind but he pushed it back. He watched the 2 girls walk down to the kitchens and he started towards and fishing rig. He brought the net down precisely and thanked god that it was a calm day. Maybe his prayer about that storm earlier had been heard. The storm may have bypassed them all together.

He felt his mind wandering back to why they had left in the first place. Dahrim insisted on staying in the dreadful gang despite his warnings and now look where they are. Running away on a pirate ship! He groaned and slapped a palm to his forehead before hoisting up and fishing nets. This was his life now.

No more green forests, no more deer meat, no more archery practice by the stream. He sighed and started sifting through the contents of the net. They had just taken off so luckily the net was able to reach the bottom of the low sea. They haven't hit deep waters yet. The great thing about being near the ocean floor is the crabs. Rawlin smiled hungrily at one of the twitching crabs. "Hello dinner~."
"Rawlin??" Lyra laughed at that. "And besides, why would I want to stop? Kids, bleh. I'm under the impression most people believe I still am one. Personally, I thought he was with you. He's pretty much a stranger to me. Add that to the fact that most men I meet end up chasing after me the bad way." She said, hopping off the counter and bouncing to a cabinet. She pulled an apple out and rubbed it on her shirt absentmindedly.

"I don't know. Great, now you have me thinking about it." She laughed embarrassedly. Lyra leaned back against the wood, crossing her arms. She took a bite out of the green apple and smiled faintly. There was a thought though. Maybe, after her travels, she would look into a relationship with someone. She'd never really felt the need to have someone to depend on like that. A few times her crewmates had suggested things of the like, but she never took them seriously. Lyra shrugged off the thought.
Dahrim snorted, holding back laughter the best she could, she found herself able to relate to every one of Lyra's words, down to the men chasing her... mostly out of the bar, but she got the message.

"My gods, do I know how you feel, Rawlin and I are not together... he more... attempts to protect me, like a father figure... even though we save each others asses equally. I have a bad habit of smashing heads onto table when someone takes a fancy to me, and if do I approve of them Rawlin doesn't and ends up scaring them off, despite the fact he's a big pansy," she chuckled, and then furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Where the hell had she gotten the apple from? Can apples stay fresh on a ship?

"You're a very pretty maiden, so I guess it'll happen when it happens... and if it doesn't it doesn't... though I'd prefer not to have kids either," she muttered. Rawlin was taking an awful long time with the fishing...
Rawlin sighed and heaved the net down to the kitchens, plopping the wet mess onto the table. "Fish and crabs...from what I saw mostly tuna and salmon, a few trout." he said, looking Lyra directly in the eye. He lowered his gaze back to the fish. 'I shouldn't look her in the eye. That's disrespectful...she IS the captain after all.' he thought as he opened the net. "Do you have any gutting tools or must I get mine....captain?" he said sharply.

He didn't mean to come off rude or unappreciative, it was merely his demeanor. He was always cold to people, indifferent to everything. He glanced at Dahrim and frowned deeply before looking back at Lyra. Was she going to take his tone the wrong way? 'It is her problem if she does, not mine.'
Lyra's cheeks shaded a touch.

"I- well thank you. I mean, I know exactly how you feel in that respect. Try living with a crew of twenty men, being the only woman on board, for five months at a time. You learn to... well, scare them away." She answered Dahrim before directing her attention to the man. Something irritated her, and it wasn't his tone.

"You look me in the eyes when you speak to me, alright? I have some knives in a box, but you may use yours if you're more comfortable with it." She said. Her tone was a bit different when she spoke to him.

Lyra wasn't even sure why he was different than Dahrim... he seemed a bit less outgoing than her. Maybe that was it. She looked him in the face when she spoke to him, then she inspected his catch.

"Thank you, by the way. It's a nice haul, we can salt some of this and store it for later." She offered some praise before leaning back and taking another bite out of her apple.
Rawlin frowned. "I'm sorry. I thought it was disrespectful to so, I'll remember next time captain." he said sharply again, looking her dead in the eye. He sighed. "And thank you. The crab we should cook right away, it's better when it's fresh. Steamed in the shell." he said. He grabbed and knife and expertly started bleeding out and gutting the fish into a pail from the corner of then room.

"But it's your choice what we make for dinner....captain." he said. "So how many fish should I leave out and how many do I salt and store? Or will we be having crab tonight?" he said, setting one gutted and bled out fish onto the table top. He felt like this woman didn't like him at all. That was perfectly fine with him, he would just follow orders and stay out of her warpath. One thing was certain, if she got Dahrim into any kind of danger or trouble, he would be taking her down.
Dahrim rolled her eyes at Rawlin, shooting him a look he hopefully interpreted as 'stop being such a grumpy puss, no one said you had to follow me' and bumped hips with him a she slipped past to crab some of the crabs to steam. With the flick of a match, and water and a pot on the stove the process was done in no less than ten minutes. She turned back to Lyra and smiled, glad to finally be able to talk about this with someone who understood her misfortunte.

"And once you do show them that you mean business you aren't even regarded as a woman anymore! It's all uninhibited man, and while that's perfectly fine, I like to be treated as a woman but not stepped on and ignored for being one either," she sighed, chopping up vegetables for the stew and watching the tension between Rawlin and Lyra.

She knew he was going to blow his chances if he didn't lighten up, she also knew that there was know way for Lyra to know what Rawlin had been through. It was so frustrating, not that she could do anything about it.
Dahrim frowned, crossing her arms and watching as Rawlin began to build his icy aura around himself, of course he was going to ruin this. How the hell do you expect to stay on ship when the Captain hates you? Unfortunately Lyra knew nothing of his past and why he acted as he did, and he didn't know that his tone did have a slight tendency to make people upset with him. Combine that with the fact he was very much over protective of her, and can't do much in a fist fight and he was quite the chore for Dahrim, even if he wouldn't admit it himself.

She walked over and began cutting vegetables and brewing the stew, she felt as if she should relieve the tension, and she didn't necessarily know how.

"Err, yes Captain, I understand you perfectly well. The thing is once you do that they stop treating you as a lady and are completely uninhibited around you. Which is fine, but sometimes I want to be treated as a woman... you know what I mean?" she muttered, awkward written all over her face.
Lyra's expression softened, and she didn't reply right away.

"You do understand that just because I'm paying you doesn't make me better than you, right? Don't act like you're anything less than an equal." She said, her tone edging on laughing at how quickly his expression had changed. Jesus, he was wound tight. She hoped it wouldn't be a problem later on, but for now she didn't care if he was sulky. Seriously, she was testing their personalities. Seeing how they would respond t ocertain commands.

Some people took orders differently than others, and Rawlin was certainly... fiery. She grabbed a rag and began wiping down a few tables for them to eat at. The two did impress her with how efficient they were. It was nice, they didn't have to be ordered to do the simple things. At least they had brains which was a plus. Lyra wouldn't be bored on this.

"Yes, I get that, Dahrim. But I've never liked being treated any differently than my crew, so that usually counts for lady privileges as well. Chivalry doesn't exist among sailors. " Lyra smiled a little. "You two don't have to worry."
Rawlin glanced over at her as she said they were equals and frowned. That couldn't be right, Captains are not equal to their crew....but then again....she was the captain and if she said they were equals then he'd have to act like that to an extent. "You never answered my question, captain. Fish or Crab?" he said as he gutted and bled the fish in a steady pattern.

He felt uneasy around this woman. Not that she was intimiadting or anything, just that she was so open. How could she just trust people like that? He could kill her in her sleep and take the ship, yet she's saying they are equals. She was so strange and unfamiliar. Dahrim could be a bit carefree but she was still cautious but this girl? Rawlin has declared her bat shite insane.
More than halfway through the route he was taking, Blake felt like he was walking for a whole year, even though he knew he hadn't. Blake thought about changing his mind and rushing through Drake's Perch. However, despite being a somewhat capable magician, he did not believe he could defeat dragons. "Well, I am in a hurry. However, better safe than sorry," Blake said, looking at the mountain again, noticing a few dragons flying around. "And they'd all be looking at me like dinner had I just rushed through," Blake thought to himself. He kept walking with spirits high while watching the dragons fly around. He did smile somewhat and started running as he saw a town coming into view, assuming it was Crixus. His shiny blue eyes filled up with excitement, and he ran as fast as his feet would to get into Crixus, and find the escorts from the Silver Bell.
Belzamel's spell was successful. He managed to shroud Jensari, along with his attackers in the orb of invisibility. Not without its consequence, however. Some of the people in the crowd had already been watching the conflict, and they were bewildered when it all vanished before their eyes. Word quickly spread, and before long there was a slight panic amongst the crowd. Belzamel's spell of insanity was also successful, on all except for the older man with the hammer. He was accustomed to hunting and killing Dark Elves as well as Dragonians, so he was no stranger to this spell being used. He immediately began to walk backwards, slowly stepping out of the radius of the spell. The man that was charging toward Jensari missed horribly, stumbling forward and slicing the cheek of the young boy on the ground already. "I don't need your help!" Jensari said with a smile as he also dashed out of the radius of the spell, in an attempt to flee toward the castle. He would then be met by the old man, with his hammer already cocked back, swinging it forward. The hammer met Jensari's head with extreme force and precision, sending chips of bone and blood flying everywhere. Jensari hit the ground with a loud thud, convulsing as he rolled about in his own excrements. His short life being ended, before he was even able to complete his assignment. His attackers would then began fleeing the scene, in an attempt to escape the now approaching guards. Belzamel would also have to do so if he planned not to be confronted by the guards, and escape with enough time to complete his assignment.

Ryuleianna's hug was greeted by a kiss on the cheek from Deos. Kestrel remained at the entrance of Deos' castle while she and Aria went to collect their things. As they returned Kestrel would urge them to hurry, if they wished not to anger Deos. The trio would then began their flight. As they left Celestia, ascending high above the floating civilization, they would see a mountain of clouds, surrounding the city. The term beauty, did no justice to this sight, for the Valkyrie are the only race ever lucky enough to witness this creation. In the distance they could see sun at the horizon, soon rising to its noon position. If they flew swiftly, then they should reach Drake's Perch before nightfall. If there were any complications however, their assignment would be dragged out, and Deos would not be happy.

As Blake continued through the small forest surrounding Drake's Perch, he would be taken breathless by its beauty, but also by its mystery. Trembling slightly as he walked, startled by the occasional rustle in the bushes, or roar in the distance. He brushed it off as nothing, but in reality he was being followed. Followed by a small pack of Beastmen. He could easily continue to the town that he was heading to, and simply avoid fighting the pack of savages trailing him. Doing this however, could put the small town in potential danger. Because he would be leading the monsters to the small, almost defenseless Crixus. On the other hand, he could engage them, if he felt so inclined. Doing this however, would not only result in a very dangerous struggle, but also draw attention to his position, which could attract Wild Dragons.. The choice was his in the end, and whatever he did would greatly impact the outcome of his journey.

Alduin clenched the tool, growing angry at Rinfaf's speculation. He realized how hasty he had been when receiving the package, he had let the Dragoon leave before he was able to inspect him. Just as Alduin was about to send on of the other dragons in the room to fetch the Dragon Rider, he noticed something. He looked down to the paper that the tool was rapped in. He quickly snatched it from the ground and began searching for some kind of writing. He located an inscription and immediately began reading it. "Although one possess the tool, its uses remain hidden. The mountain shall wake when the key has been found." Alduin lifted his brow, confused to what this riddle meant. "Rinfaf, what do you make of this?"

Whether Jared knew it or not, he had just saved his horse's life, and because of this, he was able to continue to Dead Man's Crossing. After about 8 more minutes of riding, he would see his settlement in the distance. As he commanded his horse to speed up, he would soon fly into the gates of Dead Man's Crossing. Upon approaching Asher, and reporting his findings, the sand storm would brew again, and he would take shelter inside of a nearby tavern. While in this tavern, He is the approached by a small woman wearing all black, all he could see of her were her yellow eyes peering at him from under a full body cloak. She hands him a letter and a coin purse then walks away. The letter reads: "I know who you are, and what you do. If you want to keep your little side job a secret then do this for me. There is a Dwarven blacksmith in Valadore, his shop is causing me to loose business. Take him out of the picture. The trip may be harsh, but im sure you will manage. I have already gone through the trouble of paying you, since i know you won't turn this down."


-The Lady In Black

Meanwhile, Rawlin, Dahrim, and Lyra are on their ship, bickering about. Getting to know each other, in a strange way. Whether they were arguing, or simply vividly expressing their opinions, they should best get a move on. The waves at sea were beginning to kick up, and their ship would not last long if it were to stay in dock while a storm came through. To make matters worse, the man that sold them the ship was also urging them to leave, warning them that their ship would not be safe any longer at the dock.

It was finally here, their chance to sail the seas, their journey would be short lived however, if they managed to get their ship destroyed before it even set sail.

"Haha, look at them.." Terrin said to himself, as he watched the conflict between the Drow and the three men. He was convinced that Jensari would be slaughtered, simply overwhelmed because of the difference in numbers. He slightly stood from the bench he was sitting in, with a small smile on his face, as he watched the man with the sword charge toward Jensari. He quickly stood from his seat, desperate to see the filthy Drow's head lopped off. At the moment that it would have, it all disappeared. He looked around the town square, fully aware that someone had launched a spell. Unable to find the caster, he sat back down, and simply waited for the fighter's to reveal themselves again.
(HaruAketchi I like what you did there. And you have again left me at a tough decision.)

Blake stopped moving for a moment, taking a look around noticing a few dragons still flying around but he also noticed something else. He saw a group of figures walking toward him. Could they be hunters? Bandits? Beastmen? From the distance between and the group, he could not fully tell. "So I am being followed after all," he finally muttered rather upset. Blake thought he could perhaps fight them here but the Wild Dragons could notice and want to join in the fray, but that could easily backfire, as the Wild Dragons would easily notice Crixus and terrorize the town, thus he would be going home with his tail between his legs. Not a fun story to tell anyone about how a town got attacked by dragons because of him. "Now what I do?," Blake thought to himself. "Wait a second--" Blake turned around, looking for a place to fight them. He noticed another forest, much larger than the one he passed through to get to Drake's Perch. He could fight them there, and lessen the chance of the Wild Dragons being drawn into the fray. It was an almost perfect plan. Now with his plan devised, he starting running like a child trying not get an injection at the doctor in the direction of the larger forest.

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