The Three Kingdoms IC

Rinfaf scratched his chin at the sight of this. He did not understand what the inscription could mean, it was short and vague. "Do you think this could have something to do with the weapon we were helping the mages create?" He asked Alduin, at a loss. He would also recommend to Alduin that he allow the leader of the crater council to view the item, as her magical expertise exceeded both of their own.
With the group still after him but the distance for him to be hidden for a moment once he entered, Blake rushed into the forest, jumping into a bunch of bushes. A few leaves tickled his ears, but he did not mind it. Taking them on head-on was not going to work so well at all. Blake got on all fours and quietly and quickly crawled getting deeper into the forest. If he has stayed at the entrance, his chances of attracting Wild Dragons were very likely. The deeper, the better in this case. There were more and more trees as he pressed on in this widespread forest, but noticed a little rat passing by. It got closer to Blake and started smelling Blake's shoes. They smelled clean, and the rat liked the smell. Blake thought it was kinda cute, but the rat started to take off and Blake coincidently followed it between two bushes with blue berries, stopping at a cave. The rat starred at Blake for a second, and then looked back at the cave. The rat gave Blake an idea. "I remember this cave. It's rumored a big snake-like creature made this tunnel to reach its home. If I leave a trail of blood, the group will believe I got injured but pressed on into the cave, I believe. I hope this works," Blake thought to himself. Blake drew his dagger and cut his right leg, being careful not to make a big wound, but a wound big enough to let some blood swim out. He walked to the entrance and back a couple of times to make it look genuine. He could sense the group getting somewhat closer. He had to hide. He bandaged his leg up quickly and took cover behind a big rock whose base was covered by some bushes. He kept his dagger drawn and held in both hands in case the group didn't buy it. He took a deep breath and crouched down, looking through the bushes to see if his plan would work or would it fail.

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