the threads that tie us together
its just like magic.
a dokkaebi group roleplay. based in seoul, south korea, our unlikely heroes take shape in three best friends and the troublesome dokkaebi brothers tied to their lives.
in the beginning.
In the beginning, the world began to take form. The Gods and Goddesses were pouring all of their energy and spirit over the land and water, creating masterpieces of nature and wonders of the world. People began to form, and the country began to rise. The Gods and Goddesses were pleased with their work, happy that they were able to create something so beautiful before their very eyes.
Mother, however, was not.
We’re not sure what Mother’s name is. All we know is that she was a Goddess, waiting for her turn in creation but was pushed aside. So, while the Heavenly people celebrated, Mother took her turn to hand create each and every single creature for the world. She created fire dogs, known as bul-gae, the moon rabbit that sat upon the moon and created rice cakes, the beautiful nine-tailed fox known as the kumiho. The list went on, and on and on!
Mother was proud of all her beautiful children. The other Gods and Goddesses, however, were not. They spoke to Mother and her that the only way her creations could stay in their beautiful world was for her to always keep her eyes on them. If they became too naughty, then they’d have to release them to the Heavens. Mother agreed and said if any of her children did anything wrong, she would make sure to discipline them and keep them close.
The first child to slip up was a dragon monster named Gangcheori who spent their time roaming the forests, burning everything in its path just for a fun. Using her beautiful jewels upon her body, Mother captured Gangcheori into a necklace. She kept the necklace on, close to her heart, feeling the fire burning inside. She told Gangcheori that she would let him out once she found someone to stay by his side. She would find a human companion for her naughty children, hoping the balance between the Heavenly people’s humans and her children would even out.
in present day seoul.
In 2021, three best friends are slowly making their way home together after a night of eating, drinking and slaughtering their favourite songs in a norebang. They wander the streets, struggling to stay upright as they sing to the universe their sad songs of growing up and having to be an adult.
As they wail into the cold, empty streets, one of the friends notices that they are not alone. An elderly, homeless woman is sat upon the curb with a collection of beautiful jewels on display. They approach the ajumma, asking her if she is ok and needs some home. The woman smiles at them warmly, insisting she is fine. However, because they stopped to ask if she was ok, she offers the girls a piece of jewellery each.
How could they say no?
After a night of drinking and declaring their love for each other, the girls all decide on picking out rings for each other. One by one, they slide their new rings on with pride. The older woman smirks within the shadows, thanking the girls once again before they go on their way and attempt to find their apartment complex. They manage to find their way home and each one of them passes out in their bedrooms.
The light shines in their rooms causing each girl to internally curse their decisions and life choices the night prior. They have great intentions of getting on with their day and trying to find something productive. However, they can’t seem to shake the thought that they might be dreaming. As they all crawl out of bed, they are met with a man standing before them in their bedroom. Each man is dressed as if they’ve just walked out of a history book. It must be a dream, right?
Well, after realizing that yes, we are awake and multiple attempts to try and get these men out of their apartment (even going so far to try and throw them out of the window, only to have them re-appear behind them once more), the girls sit the men down and demand to know what is happening.
These men aren’t just any ordinary men. They’re dokkaebis. Goblins. Each of them captured by Mother and placed into a ring for being naughty. Each of them with their own special abilities. And each of them eternally bounded to whoever was now wearing their ring. No matter how hard the girls try, the rings will not budge.
What in the world are they going to do now?!
the rules.
1.Follow all RPNation rules. Respect everyone, fade to black for erotic content or extreme gore, and be mature with sensitive matters. Of course, there will be violent scenes and potential killing involved in this roleplay. However, we ask for the description of the murder scenes to be kept to a PG rating.
2.There are FIVE positions available. It’s NOT first-come, first-serve. Characters will be accepted based on who will make great additions to our plotlines. There are 3 female roles and 2 male (dokkaebis)
3.Discord is a MUST for OOC. In the server, we will discuss plot lines, NPC development, and various other roleplay related agendas. We will also be spending time bonding and getting to know each other a bit more!
4.If you are not familiar with Korean culture, that is okay! But please! Be willing to learn and to ask questions! Research! If you are unsure about something, message me and I can help direct you to where you can find the proper information (for example: if you are unsure on socio-cultural expectations etc). We want to not only have a fun roleplay – but we also want to be as respectful and realistic as possible.
5.As much as I hate not being able to open this roleplay to everyone, writers must be 18+. This is simply because we will be roleplaying mature adult themes.
6.Expectations of posting? Well, I understand that people can get busy with real life. However, I do ask if you could try posting at least once a week to keep the RP alive and the story moving. There is no posting order, and we will break the roleplay up with ‘chapters’ with the aid of a generated word. For example; if the generated word is “umbrella”, then we may be experiencing some rain in this chapter. If another generated word is “socks”, then maybe there could be a sock thief in the apartment complex?! Finally, I’d love for the word count to at least hit 500 words. Don’t just give us a bone; we want some juicy meat too, please.
7.Realistic face claims only. Not digital art/anime/manga. Please, please, please, please make sure you do your research (for example, don’t have a Korean character with a Japanese face claim)
8.Communicate with me! If you’re struggling with something or need to take a break – let me know!
9.Be respectful! Your personalities may clash or you might struggle to plot with someone. That's okay! It's natural! But it gives you no right to be a horrible person to someone.
10.Let's have some fun!
the cast.
Cham dokkaebi (참도깨비).The super mischievous Goblin. If you ever wondered what Peeves the Ghost from Harry Potter would’ve been like alive, this is exactly what he would’ve been like. He likes to go about creating havoc and mayhem where ever he goes, abusing the powers Mother gave him to the point she took away dokkaebi gamut (감투) (hat what grants him invisibility) and bangmangi ( 방망이) (a magic club that can allow him to summon things, acting as a functioning wand). Without his gamut and bangmangi, he is almost powerless. However, it doesn’t stop him from playing some cheeky pranks here and there. Out of all the Goblin brothers, he is seen as the oldest and the leader of the group.
Gim Seobang dokkaebi (김서방 도깨비) - takenThe dumb farmer Goblin. His name literally translates to “Mr. Kim”, and he is known as the laughing stock of all the Goblin brothers for his ‘stupidity’. While others would call him stupid, Mr. Kim is just very gullible and filled with a child-like spirit and aura. He will often believe anything you tell him, struggling to see lies. This Goblin’s special power, however, is his ability to communicate with other living creatures and manipulate them. Working as a farmer, he was able to keep a tight ship as the animals became his best friends. Mother has always had a special spot for him, knowing that he was often teased by his brothers for his innocent ways. He was often known as Mother’s favourite.
Oenun dokkaebi (외눈도깨비)The one-eyed gluttony Goblin. Oenun loves to eat. And eat. And oh Lord, eat. Luckily for him, he never gains weight. However, food is constantly on his mind. He’s always thinking about delicious snacks he can have during the day and seeking out the best places to eat. You’d think that he’d be completely and utterly exhausted from all this eating. And you’d be wrong. Eating has given this Goblin supernatural energy. He’s the energizer bunny that just won’t stop running. Another thing that is incredibly important to note: this eye. He is most well known as the one-eyed Goblin, despite having two eyes, because one is magical. With that one eye, he’s able to see and read souls (both living and dead). Out of all of the Goblin brothers, he would leave the most offerings to Mother, hoping she would reward him for his efforts (most of the time, she did not).
THREE BEST FRIENDS (3 spots)They have been through it all together; the thick and the thin. These three girls have been best friends since they were in diapers thanks their parents becoming casual friends. They have been there through it all; going through school, having their first kisses and boyfriends, getting jobs together, graduating, and even moving out together. But they have also been there for the heart ache, the pain, and the tears. These girls are more than just best friends; they are sisters. Now reaching into their mid-twenties, they are starting to wonder what they should be doing with their lives. Surely, they can’t continue working the jobs they have and living together in the same apartment for the rest of their lives… No matter how tempting it is.
the cs sheet
the basics.
Place of Birth
Age (+ Real age for Goblins)
Abilities (for Goblins)
Body type
Body mods
Face claim
3 Moments in their life that has led them to be where they are today.
Any other additional information you want to add in
inspired by border:carnival theme
coded by weldherwings.
coded by weldherwings.