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Fantasy The technomancy class

Ilina was Nervous when she realized the class was technomancy. "i can recharge a computer or few. but operating them as a different story." she gave her explanation, knowing she could use Shamanistic elemental magic to create a massive power current. but was afraid she would overload half the computers in the process. the faerie child explained she was better suited to being a battery or charger than a proper net surfer or whatever.
"Now, now" said Ms. Beloš "you don't need to generate power into the computer, just put your finger in there and the computer will simply detect you and your skills so plug the device in and put your finger into it."
"Now, now" said Ms. Beloš "you don't need to generate power into the computer, just put your finger in there and the computer will simply detect you and your skills so plug the device in and put your finger into it."

Ilina nervously plugged the flash drive and proceeded to insert her finger. it was clear she was a Shaman with plenty of raw offensive magical power. but a lack of refinement or elegance. but measuring her clumsiness and poor physiology was also important. she wasn't completely inept, as much as the elements were her signature. she definitely had a leg up as the first student in the classroom, and her confidence in herself would be her tool, utilizing the elements as a weapon required one to force their ego over them in a contest of wills. this contest, was a similar principle to technomancy. so she just needed to stroke her own inflated ego.
Other students came in and began doing much of the same thing as Ms. Beloš instructed "now, phychically move the curser around, your brain now serves as a physical mouse for that sensor you put on is a GSR detector that tracks your mental directions."
Ilina used her sheer ego to move the cursor around. she seemed to have the willpower portion down. however, her movements of the mouse were a bit excessive and exaggerated.
"Now depending on your skill, you can actually type with your mind, if you lack such a skill you can still type with the keyboard." Said Ms. Beloš "Now enter your academy username and password to log into your computer."
"Now depending on your skill, you can actually type with your mind, if you lack such a skill you can still type with the keyboard." Said Ms. Beloš "Now enter your academy username and password to log into your computer."

"if you are a new student? you should make one? rightsies?" Ilina curiously asked. having just transferred during the same day.
"Yes, you should" said Ms. Beloš as another student gawked at the faerie child

Ilina created a rather simple user name and password, well, she wouldn't explain it, but she kept a mental log of it pretty easily. typing by using her mind to send electrical impulses that shaped the letters using a lesser form of elemental magic in the lightning variety. apprentice level spell.
Ilina created a rather simple user name and password, well, she wouldn't explain it, but she kept a mental log of it pretty easily. typing by using her mind to send electrical impulses that shaped the letters using a lesser form of elemental magic in the lightning variety. apprentice level spell.

"Once you have logged in, the computers will ask you if you want to personalize it, mentally click yes and imagine any picture to have as your wallpaper, but keep it within avademy policy for this screensaver will follow you wherever you log into any of the academy's computers" said Ms. Beloš
"Once you have logged in, the computers will ask you if you want to personalize it, mentally click yes and imagine any picture to have as your wallpaper, but keep it within avademy policy for this screensaver will follow you wherever you log into any of the academy's computers" said Ms. Beloš

Ilina followed the instructions with a bit of cheer, she mentally clicked yes and created a rather simple screen saver of the 6 faerie children she intended to create in the future. it was more cute than anything, and the faeries themselves were in a SFW completely innocent but extremely diverse set of fashions and poses. well, it was a group of multiple images that flipped back and forth, her destined offspring as her totem spirit told her. the future keepers of order once she were to retire after inheriting her mother's position as one of the keepers of order in the future.
Umbrie Umbrie

"This first exercise is an electric one and is foundational to any form of technomancy" Said Ms. Beloš "Now you feel a series of tapping sensations going into your finger. Now synchronize your ravdium, the body's organ for magic to move with the computer's 60 cycles per second release in short bursts to bind your soul to the computer."
Umbrie Umbrie

"This first exercise is an electric one and is foundational to any form of technomancy" Said Ms. Beloš "Now you feel a series of tapping sensations going into your finger. Now synchronize your ravdium, the body's organ for magic to move with the computer's 60 cycles per second release in short bursts to bind your soul to the computer."

Ilina was nervous at first, being a bit clumsy, but she just had to synchronize her radium, with her heartbeat, and her heartbeat with the computer's 60 cycles per second. she wasn't completely bad at it, not quite the best, but she seemed to pick it up quickly, probably because of her fey intellect.
as a Shaman who used her mind to trigger her spells. Ilina was able to focus quite deeply for extended periods. her focus wasn't an issue for her. in fact, she was able to gain a deep focus rather easily. she meditated on the thought of her totem spirit, the endless serpent, Anonta Shesha, the very reason she did so well at Shamanistic elemental magic for a mere apprentice, despite still being an apprentice. her obsession with snakes and other reptiles was a sign of this bond. she gained a state of deeply focused meditation by visualizing Shesha within her mind and trying to count the infinite number of rings upon his endless serpentine length. this deep focus connected her radia, her heartbeat and the computers framerate into synch.
"Manifest your soul onto the computer in any way you wish" said a tahoma font message in each studen't head, the message came from Ms. Beloš as she beamed that very message to each computer in the room and in term the computer's user.
Ilina manifested a copy of her soul onto the computer. instead of her school uniform, the manifested soul avatar wore an oversized grey sweatshirt that fit like a short dress with a black pair of thighlength stockings and a pair of sneakers with a rubber snake spiral coiled on each side of her hair holding it into twintails. well, the satchel appeared visible with her snake totems hanging off the satchel. she sank through a sea of code, her ability to concentrate being a decent asset in this regard. the fey child still had her cosmetic wings, but the digitial elements felt to herself akin to the real thing. she had lights flickering and rain going off in her section of the digitial world. well, a digital copy of the elemental chaos, her preferred realm.
Another tahoma text box appeared reading "Now transmit your essence to your favorite web browser (that will be automatically redirected to the academy website) and download the academy etext 34.6.78-09"
Ilina transmitted herself to the Obvious Google Chrome, and redirected herself to the Academy Website to download the mentioned Academy Etext. she had concentration, willpower and ego at her side, and as a faerie, she was a quick learner. at least for mental tasks like technomancy.
Ilina did pretty well in the technomancy class. but now she would proceed to read the EText Document.
The etext's first few pages consists of a table of contents with links to all the chapters, the introduction, the epilouge as well as the index of terms. Students were catching up with some asking questions via mindtext.
Ilina would click the link to the first chapter in a separate tab and proceed to read it. hoping to sate her curiosity.

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