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Fantasy The Tale of Wonderland - OOC

My sleeping schedule always changes miserably whenever I'm on holiday xD Already looking forward to just laying in bed till 12 PM
Hey guys, I'm starting up on creating the lore. This will include weapons, maps, creatures and items. I am first going to start with the map, I'm going to do an INCREDIBLY rough sketch of it, like little kid level. I don't want to make a detailed map if you all agree that you don't like it. So stick around.
two quick questions thoughh! not really about the map but it sorta sparked them hah

how many years ago did alice die? andddd when did the Queen kill off the flowers in the rose meadow? (<--- mostly asking this one just in case I gotta adjust Foster's bio a little)
two quick questions thoughh! not really about the map but it sorta sparked them hah

how many years ago did alice die? andddd when did the Queen kill off the flowers in the rose meadow? (<--- mostly asking this one just in case I gotta adjust Foster's bio a little)

So not all the flowers are dead, many of them moved to different spots and created new homes, Alice, I would imagine, helped much with repurposing the flowers. I'm not sure on the exact time frame, but I'd imagine your character was pretty young when the flowers were attacked, and then Alice was killed probably about 3-4 years ago.
Question: Would the Queen's guard have some kind of better transportation such as horses etc or would it be possible for Aris to have one? I'm asking this because considering Aris is a spy, would he simply have to run/walk everywhere? I don't really know how naturally swift the rabbits are, so I was just wondering!
Narissa is just old compared to everyone else.
Question: Would the Queen's guard have some kind of better transportation such as horses etc or would it be possible for Aris to have one? I'm asking this because considering Aris is a spy, would he simply have to run/walk everywhere? I don't really know how naturally swift the rabbits are, so I was just wondering!

Aris can have one. So, all the rabbits are skilled in every attribute. But that's because they're rabbits, rabbits in general have good hearing, smell isn't too bad, fast and can jump. It's just that each rabbit completely excels in each talent. March can jump super well, but the rest of the rabbits could probably jump at a decent height.
Finally posted! Sorry for the delay! Was a debate whether the Hatter was less equipped for a small child or a battle or the Chesire. Decided to place him as the babysitter of the situation, I think the Hatter's pretty under prepared to be entrusted with the life of someone else. Also sorry if the post is rubbish/too long/has pointless bits, I haven't wrote as the Mad Hatter before and I'm trying to get comfortable/see if I can get him accurately. Also sorry him finding Foster is a bit weird, struggled for ages with how he was going to come across him.
Finally posted! Sorry for the delay! Was a debate whether the Hatter was less equipped for a small child or a battle or the Chesire. Decided to place him as the babysitter of the situation, I think the Hatter's pretty under prepared to be entrusted with the life of someone else. Also sorry if the post is rubbish/too long/has pointless bits, I haven't wrote as the Mad Hatter before and I'm trying to get comfortable/see if I can get him accurately. Also sorry him finding Foster is a bit weird, struggled for ages with how he was going to come across him.

It didn't seem pointless. It looked quite good to me! I really like how you talked about the leaves, it helped to show his craziness a bit.
Just so everyone know, I'm going to be gone for four days (including later today). I may be able to post, depending on how good the internet connection is where I'm going. However, if I do post, I'll be using my phone so there might be some typos and other errors like that. I hope that's okay!
Just so everyone know, I'm going to be gone for four days (including later today). I may be able to post, depending on how good the internet connection is where I'm going. However, if I do post, I'll be using my phone so there might be some typos and other errors like that. I hope that's okay!

That's fine, it may even be helpful to try to put your character in a situation where it may be awhile before he returns to the story.
Finally posted! Sorry for the delay! Was a debate whether the Hatter was less equipped for a small child or a battle or the Chesire. Decided to place him as the babysitter of the situation, I think the Hatter's pretty under prepared to be entrusted with the life of someone else. Also sorry if the post is rubbish/too long/has pointless bits, I haven't wrote as the Mad Hatter before and I'm trying to get comfortable/see if I can get him accurately. Also sorry him finding Foster is a bit weird, struggled for ages with how he was going to come across him.

I loved it! I am thrilled that you took the map into consideration!

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