The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Marie Rain

Two Thousand Club

We are lucky to have been stationed at the mall since there is a large amount of equipment and it seems to be safe. "The scientist", as we call him, creates new equipment for us almost every day. By "us" I mean the teenagers stationed here. After almost all the adults died off it was left to us to fight and survive. We seem to get along very well, everyone understands the position we are in. Some get along a lot better than others of course and there are little rivalries every now and then. Everything we ever need or want is in this mall, at least for now. We all understand that eventually it will run out and we won't be as safe anymore. As orders go, we stay within the mall most of the time unless asked otherwise by the scientist or other higher ranks in the group. Sometimes we have to capture the large insects to learn more or we might have to go kill ones that seem to act suspicious. These insects can learn and adapt so we have to careful with contact of them. Basically they are incredibly large and smart bugs, for example a spider is now as big as a bus and as smart as a small child. Some are friendly but others are not at all. If someone in the group goes "rogue" for some unknown reason they are put on lockdown for safety of the others and themselves. It's all safe for us so far and we haven't had an accident for around a year. But today it seems there is something odd going on... Something we may not be able to handle.

Different types of jobs:::

The Scientist: In charge, a bit older than the rest, very smart, basically the leader. (1 available)

Fighter: As it sounds, these people fight the bugs whenever needed. (4 available)

Gatherer: Goes out and collects samples or supplies we don't have at the mall. (1 available)

Stock: Keeps track of supplies and hands them out when needed. (2 available)

Medicine: Takes care of people injured along side the scientist. Keeps track of medical supplies. 3 available)

Guard: Protects the mall from the dangers around and inside. (5 available)

Vera, as usual, was alone in the stores no one had accessed yet. She was in an old hair salon seeing if there were any supplies they hadn't found yet. As she walked the area she kept her gun close. You never know when one of the creatures might have found an entrance. Vera found a bottle of shampoo and a few other things. She smiled and put them in her bag,"That's useful at least", she said. Something was knocked over in the back making her reflexes attack immeadeatly. She shot at the bug, another roach. It was really big but not very strong. Vera had to slice this one up with her sword to kill it. Once she was done she looked around a bit more and headed back to the main area with the most people. She got a couple stares from people but ignored them, they were looking at her weapons. Some of the normal people without purpose there would question weather or not we were needed for survival, they don't even know how much they are in danger. Vera sat at a table relaxing and cleaning her weapons. She was normally quiet and didn't talk to many people around her unless they started the conversation first.
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Scarlet, also called Scar, sat at a table alone. People had sat around her at other tables, but none ever spoke to her. Maybe they were afraid of her long Katana, that Hung lazily in her case. Scar sat with her elbow on the table, so that her face could relax on her hand. Her eyes were closed, peacefully. Many probably thought that she was sleeping, but intact she was only relaxing. Scar stuck out of the crowd with her long red velvet shade hair, that laid straight in the center of her back. She kept her hand on her weapon at all times. Whispers around her, caused her to grow uneasily. She stood abruptly, causing many to fall silent. She nedded to go for a walk. Just to get some peace and quiet. Scar walked off, ignoring the stares of others. Her eyes fell apon Vera. Scar silently nodded as into say that she acknowledged her preasence. Scar drew her weapon, walking away from safety itself.
Vera nodded back in a way of recognizing her. She knew Scar well and agreed with her on many things. They weren't exactly friends as much as good acquaintances. As she finished cleaning she stood back up and went to find a snack. She kept her eyes open and avoided touching anyone as she walked to the stock. When Vera arrived she grabbed an energy bar and headed to the third floor. It was a big mall that had four floors in total that had many shops. There were enough people to keep on the first and second floor so no one came to the third and fourth rarely ever. She finally reached the third floor and got off to watch the people from above. It was more comfortable that way.
Scar twiddled with her Katana at hand. The Mall Usually bored her, but she was one of their fighters. She couldnt, nor wouldn't take off on them. It would be suicide for her and Unfair for the others. Scar pulled her red hair to the side of her head, allowing it to fall freely over her left shoulder. Again she twirled her weapon in her hand. Walking was better than being cramped with others that thought she was plain out insane to carry such a weapon all the time. Alas, the others didn't bother her much. Nobody really did. She was strong enough to handle her own burden. Scar turned towards an old and empty shop, that must have held children toys. The shelves were ransacked and toppled over. Some however remained intact. Scar walked into the store, everything seemed out of place. As though they had let a bunch of wild preschoolers into the place. She turned to face the front of the store. From behind her, a noise caught her attention.
Jack smoking a cigar,giving off the smell of tobacco.He sat near scar and watched as she got up, his voice was the first to ring out."you know that thing on your back, that blade, will get you killed. I don't see why you don't use one of these babys." He took out sarah, his trusty FN Fal, and puts her on the table, the carving of letters could be made out as he placed them her on the table. The letters MSLN,were carved on the wooden butt of the gun.

Nikki Rodgers
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Vera looked out a window and showing the outside, rubble everywhere, the insects can be seen from even here. She sighed,"What a pity...", she said to herself while noting that the sun was going down. The giant fireflies were coming out, they were friendly. Vera always had the idea of riding one around the city, it would be difficult because of the other flying insects but she still loved the idea. She started to walk away then noticed people starting to gather by the door. She looked closer and noticed a man being brought in with handcuffs. Vera turned pale instantly recognizing the person, she began to head down to the first floor in a hurry. She needed to confirm her suspicions about the identity of this man. When she approached the crowd she couldn't even see around the people, she jumped up and down while trying to see over them.
Scar face turned to slightly agitated. She twirled her weapon in her hand before turning to the one who had spoken up. "Maybe," She spoke, with a cold tone. "If you knew how to use one of these, than you wouldn't get yourself killed." She scoffed, etching her hand down the side of the blade. She glanced at the gun that he currently held in his clutches. "And what happens when you run out of ammo?" She mumbled to the guy. Scar walked out of the store, ignoring the sound from earlier. She walked back to where she had originally sat. Scar brought herself back into her chair, setting her weapon on the table. Grasping the handel. "And do put out that cigarette. It's Just intoxicating..." She grumbled. Scar turned her head at the sight of a crowd forming. What or wuo had they brouht now?

jack notices all the people gathering around the door."well looks like we can have one of our many arguments later." he picks up sarah and puts her on his back and goes to the crowd and pushes his way through till he makes it to the front of the mass."what is the meaning of this, who is this man and why is he here?" jack said still smoking his cigar.
"None of your business fighter", the man leading him said. Vera made it through the crowd,"I know this man, let me bring him to lockdown.", she said with a serious face. The guards looked at her and nodded allowing her since they had business to attend to. Vera looked at Jack,"You help", she said holding her hand gun to the back of the man in handcuffs head while pushing him. "Everyone back to your own lives or else!", she yelled at the crowd. They didn't listen at first but eventually left. Once they were gone she continued pushing the man, you could see in her eyes she didn't trust him one bit and wanted him dead. Vera looked at Jack,"Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't move suspiciously", she ordered while pushing him with her gun.
Jack puts his hand on his hand gun, cassie, when the guard said "none of you business." After vera asked him to help, he pulled out sarah, and pointed her at his head. "here let me take over I can lead him over to one of the cells, if you want." he said as he started walking along vera.
Scarlet turned her head as the prisioner walked off with the two she had recently seen. Scar stood once she was sure the pair was a good distant away from her. Scar pulled her Katana from her sash. She ignored the others and walked after Vera and Jack. They weren't to far ahead and Scar could still smell the fresh scent of cigarette smoke from Jack. Idiot, she thought quietly. Scar walked down the path they had taken ane followed In the shadows.
"As I said before, I know this guy", she said glaring at the prisoner,"Don't trust him ever. He will twist your mind and make you do things against your will." Vera walked him to the cells near the scientist lab. She noticed him moving his hands around in the cuffs,"Feel familiar?", she asked smirking. The man remained silent with a grin across his face. Vera was getting tempted to shoot him in the back of the head, she doubted anyone would miss the guy. As she walked she glanced at Jack,"I've seen you around before, never talked to you though.", she stayed a few feet away from him and also wouldn't touch the prisoner at all. She seemed to make it a point around a lot of people, mostly personal space issues.
"well for the most part, Im out killing those damn bugs out there." "b*stards." he said under his breathe."I usually hang out on the forth floor, its so quiet, so peaceful up there, no one to bother me, no one to say what I can and can't do." he looks at the man."so how do you know him and what did he do?"
She smiled at Jack,"Oh that's a secret. His names Richard though", she said kicking the man into a cell and locking it. Vera looked at the prisoner,"Don't let the regular guards handle him, he's not safe.", she added as the man smirked in his cell. She didn't look well when looking at the prisoner for unknown reasons. Vera wondered why this guy was sent here, she knew he was dangerous and this was just a holding cell they made. She knew that he wasn't one to be caught easily.
Scarlet held her Katana at hand and walked toward the sound of their voices. Luckily for her they have a conversation. Scar turned a corner and found herself only a few feet sweat from the three. She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm interested too." She mumbled, approaching the pair quietly. "Your both quite easily to find, you know." She mumbled glancing at the prisoner. "Who is he?"
Tomorrow remained at her post near one of the exits of the mall. This area seemed to remain fairly silent for the most part and she didn't like it but it didn't bother her much either. Although she wasn't really close with particularly anyone in the group, she liked being a guard because it meant protecting others. Maybe she was making up for the family she could no longer protect but who really knows? She sat there, silently, waiting to jump on who or what ever attempted to threaten their mall.
"she won't tell me, only that his name is richard, and that she knew him." He put sarah on his back. He was still smoking the cigar."man I love that smell." he said as he blew a big puff of smoke."and if I wanted to be a ninja, I would just be a ninja."
Addison sat off to the side at a table with a few plants in her hand that she had found with the supplies trying to determine what they exactly were and what use she could make of them. She looked up at the people around her talking to each other, but she continued to sit there and try and learn more about the plants we had in the supplies.
The man smiled finally speaking,"I could always tell you how I know her", he said with a deep voice. Vera glanced at him,"Don't bother with information from him, it's all lies and tricks", she advised the two. She seemed kinda jumpy around the guy and ready to shoot at any moment. "This is a nice new bad there's so many people, I had hoped it would be a bit easier but oh well", the man said shrugging. Vera glared at him,"Stop talkng or I'll sew your mouth shut.", she threatened.
Scarlet narrowed her eyes at Jack. She seemed agitated at the seems. Scar turned to jack and grabbed the cigarette from him, snapping it in half in her fingers, before tossing the remains to the floor and stomping it out. "Horrible Pest...." She mumbled under ur breath. Scar turned her attention to Vera, "Now please tell me who he is, I am in no mood for toying around." She spokw, in a bit harsh of a manor. She took her Katana and swirld it in her hands. "And you," She hissed at thw prisoner, "Shut up, this is non of your concerms..."
Vera looked at Scar,"Fine let me describe his traits, murderer, traitor, liar, and all around horrible. He will do anything he feels like no matter who it will affect, he will throw you to the wolves. Is that enough information Scar?", she said getting a bit bothered by the situation. Richard was quiet while watching the fighting, smiling to himself.
"hey I was smoking that." jack watched as she stomped out his cigar. he opens a pocket and pulls out some gum. "here is this better." He started too chew the gum. "You keep your mouth shut." he pulled out his hand gun and turned it sideways like a gangster.
Scarlet kept her eyes on the inmate, "Anything is better than that god awful smell..." She mumbled in reply to Jack. The inmate had caused Vera great uneasiness, that could surely be felt in the room. She turned her attention to Vera, "As useful as that information is Vera, I Only have one more posed question. " She announced watching Jack pull out his precious gun. "What is he doing here?" Scar asked. Her voice was as smooth as butter and as cold as ice, but it still had the harshtonw lerking nearby.
Tomorrow ventured a little around her post, giving one last look over to make sure that everything was clear. It seemed as though it was and so she made her way to where all the noise seemed to be coming from. As she walked into the room, she could sense the tension. She could she a man being held prisoner. The entire scene intrigued her.

"What seems to be going on..?" she asked, looking at each person in the room.
"miss this in none of your concern, please move along. official FIGHTER business" he said as he put his gun back in its holster. Still chewing his gum. He began to blow some bubbles. he looked a vera waiting for her to answer scars question.

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