The Star Hounds [Inactive]

"To answer your earlier question," Ignis added,"the armory has some pretty basic weaponry, some laser rifles and pistols, and grenades. I would request the use of the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher though. In terms of spare ammo, there looks to be a fairly large stock of typical laser cartridges along with a small amount of marked special ammo. If you want anything too fancy, it would appear you have to buy it yourself."

Ignis typically preferred not to carry much on him. He had a heavy blaster pistol on him as well as the vibroknife. The blaster pistol was very powerful for something of such a small size. The shots could easily kill an unarmored organism and even pierce many natural armors. It's biggest drawbacks were a low fire rate and clip size, as well as a large amount of recoil. The latter was mostly negated by Ignis's practice and natural strength. In a sheath on his hip, he carried a vibroknife, a combat knife that vibrated quickly for increased cutting power. Ignis typically used this as a finishing tool in close-ranged fights, preferring to bludgeon the foe with powerful punches

to knock him down.

His preference of heavy weaponry seemed as though it would mesh well with this other mercenary, as she appeared to be too short to use anything large.
Atak and Tazira entered the docking bay, the full view of the Dame before them. She was a mid-size ship, most of her space devoted to cargo space and hidden holding bays in case they were ever boarded. Unlike the previous editions, this Dame was brand new, sides gleaming and buffed. Apart from the short jaunt here, this was to be her maiden voyage.

Turrets lined the top of the ship, and hatches along the sides waited to deploy system guided explosives and missiles, back up with several layers of armor plating. The Third Dame was an arsenal all on her own, equipped to beat back most ICPU vessels without issue. Of course, if too many came at her together, it would be curtains. Tazira's ill gotten funds may have bought her an impressive vessel, but they couldn't make it invincible.

Tazira entered through the gangplank, taking a sharp left down the main hallway. It was lined with glow strips to light the way, all small blue arrows pointing towards the bridge.

They entered the command room, a captain's chair square in the middle, and enough spaces and stations for the rest of the crew all around it. She sat down, relishing the feel of the fresh leather, and leaned back.

"Welcome to the Dame, Atak my dear," she said, opening her arms wide. Tazira pushed a button on her armrest, and the ship's comm system came on.

"Attention all members of the Third Dame," the Captain said, her message broadcasted throughout the vessel, "If you all would be so kind as to join me in the bridge, I would like to get our journey started. Just follow the arrows. I'll be waiting."

Now to see what the new men thought about her plan, and how many would be on board. It was a crazy one, but there was no one better suited to pull it off than the Dame.

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Vix was taken out of his analysis of the rooms by Tazira's announcement. At first, he looks around for a moment for the arrows that Tazira had alluded to, but as soon as they come on, he immediately begins travelling there, despite knowing where the Bridge was located previously anyway. He enters the Dame's bridge the same way he enters most rooms, with his eyes wide and ears perked, taking in every detail in case it could come in handy later. He gives Tazira and her companion a little nod and a wave before silently waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive.
Jumpy heard the announcement, just as he had finished collecting scrap and garbage for improvised ammunition. He trotted down to the bridge at a precisely measured 5.1032e-13 light years per hour. He arrived at the bridge immediately behind Vix, then gave each a curt nod before standing in patient silence.
"Yeah, that was the names....Heh, a father never though he had it him. If i knew.." He began before trailing off before the announcement was made on the ships intercom."Woops, a thought for a later. Come on this is were the fun truly begins."

He followed the arrow to the hangar, entering it with a nonchalant manner taking the seat he would normally seat in the previous ship.

"Ah, civilian style leather seat it has been a while."He commented settling in.
Kyren nodded in understanding, “I brought most of what I need with me.” She looked the mercenary over again, and was pleased that he seemed able and willing to communicate. Her first impression had been hardly as agreeable. Though, she supposed that impression would be useful in the future – a hulking black figure at her back would probably discourage any bullets from entering it.

“Right,” she agreed when the captain came on the comm, and followed the first mate to the bridge.

Once they’d arrived, she was pleased to see that Tazira had decided to hire the Bespolyhk and nodded respectfully in her direction. Rather than take a seat, she stood towards the back of the room, eyeing a tactics panel.
Sharp, claw-like fingers poked at Ataks hand as she and the captain made their way to the Dame, her new home. She couldn't complain though, she had rather annoying nails herself. Partly due to natural evolution and partly due to Bespolykh women liking to decorate their nails. Everything was happening rather fast, one minute she arrives on this god forsaken rock, the next, she's being hauled through a maze of metal. She wasn't about to whine, Taz had gotten them out at the right time. Not that the captain couldn't have handled it obviously. She was more excited than anything, a feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time.

She began wondering what the ship was going to look like when she realized that she wasn't going to be the only one on this ship. "Yay...people..." she thought sarcastically. It wouldn't be all that bad though, she was here for a job, and who knew, why not develop some close friendships while she's there.

Seeing the ship for the first time was exhilarating to say the least. I mean it was practically like buying a new home. She was going to be living on it for quite some time. She was just glad it wasn't a complete clunker. In fact it was the exact opposite. One word came to mind when she saw it; Sleek. She felt it had the perfect mixture of beauty and brute. She strode up to it confidently, stopping next to the shinny exterior. She made sure Taz wasn't looking, and ever so slightly, took her nail and ran it down the side. Not a scratch. This thing was built for near dooms day. With that she concealed a smile and clanked her way up the gangplank.

Her eyes were assaulted with the sleek, dim glowing interior of the ship, just as beautiful as the outside. Instead of bobbling her head around, trying to inspect her surroundings, she let Taz stride to the Cammand room while she slowed down, taking in the sights, examining the hallways, studying the paths. She still had no clue where everything was or even what everything was but that didn't matter now, she would get the hang of it soon.

She had finally made her way to the grand command room, a very large circular-ish room filled with flashing lights and certain tech that she would soon be handling. She walked over near to where Captain Tazira was now sitting, admiring her in her rightful home. That's something Atak had to learn and respect, that this wasn't her shiny new home, she was simply a guest. Plus she wasn't even officially a crew member, she was on trial.

She nodded to Taz as she welcomed her and listened intently to her over comm message. The other crew members came to her mind. She let out a smirk and cocked her hip to one side. "Let's see what these guys are made of..." It didn't take much time for her to find out as they just poured right in. She stood there examining them as they entered, a rather bulky being, a teal animal, humanoid, an android, the lovely skinned, horned women whom she nodded back to, and a man made of many bionic pats. "I can work with this..." She diverted her attention back to the captain awaiting her big introduction and ensuing message.
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"Too cool to sit down?" Ignis asked as he entered the room just behind her.

He took a seat at one of the consols to the left of the captain.

As he sat down, he looked around the room and took note of his new shipmates.

The captain was a fairly tall, scaled humanoid. She didn't appear to have a terribly large amount of direct strength, but it does take a certain degree of skill to become captain of a vessel such as this. He could discern that she was resourceful and experienced. Ignis expected her to be an effective leader.

Then there was the first mate... Ugh. Ignis hated this kind of person. He was snarky and eccentric, trying so hard to appear definitively superior to anyone else. Ignis wanted him to take a laser blast to the face.

The technician he had met earlier seemed like a rather trustworthy and dependable sort. He was stoic and welcoming at the same time. He had the traits of a good technician and certainly didn't seem like a pushover on the battlefield either.

The other mercenary didn't stand out to him much. He supposed she was a powerful enough combatant, confident, but not overly so. He figured he could take her in a fair fight, but he doubted that was her style. Someone of her short stature had to have a few ways to even the playing field.

The android looked normal at first glance, but upon closer look there was something off... He appeared to be rather nervous and a bit curious, traits not usually found in an android.

The remaining crew member was very unusual for someone interested in a job like this. She was a fairly tall, thin creature, appearing very similar to a human, but with incredibly pale skin. She didn't look like she would last a minute under fire, making Ignis wonder just what she was doing on this ship.

"I'm sure all questions will be answered in due time," he thought to himself as he patiently awaited the Captain's address.
Jumpy's head snapped to detect the origin of the new voice. Without taking a moment to consider it, he immediately launched into a description of the person. "Unit Type: Assumed to be human based on body size ratios. Apparent modification.. clumsily done. But functional. Armor designed for full body coverage, good effect. However, choice to wear in social situations implies crippling emotional issues in regards to appearance. Will investigate, this unit hopes." He blurted out, not quite aware of the possible ramifications. He turned to the Captain immediately, then looked at the floor in mock shyness. "Apologies, if I interrupted your thoughts Captain. Sincerely." He added, then stepped back from the crowd to avoid garnering more attention.
Kyren grinned at the mercenary and shrugged, exposing duel rows of lethally sharp teeth. “Ought to know the ship before you take advantage of it.” She traced one gauntleted finger across the superglass surface, and the display lit up, “Very cool.” She winked.

Her shoulders stiffened, however, at the sound of the android’s stilted rhetoric. Eyes dark behind her visor, she slowly pivoted to stare at it. It wasn’t that Kyren personally had an issue with these sorts of things. Sure, functionally independent, artificial soldiers wereconvenient, even useful. She wasn’t entirely sure however, that the things wouldn’t snap one day and realize exactly how badly they were treated. It made her uneasy that she would be in such close confines with one so twitchy.

“Friendly.” She muttered, feeling dully offended on Ignis’ behalf. Beneath the heavy cloak, she too wore supermesh fabrics and plating designed to protect her from whatever foreign stuffs thought it might be worth it to see the underside of her skin. It was a matter of life and death – she thought - not of social nuance or crippling self-doubt.
"At least the rest of us have emotions, you f**king pile of scrap," Ignis growled at the android.



Damn it

This was absurd. First that lizard bastard and now this guy. If the potential output of this job wan't so high Ignis would have turned around and left. It took everything in his power to keep himself from pulling out his gun and shooting the robot right then and there. He figured this was the most pissed off he had been for a while. However, there was usually something to shoot on other occasions. If he wanted to keep his position on board this vessel, he would have to calm down.

"Anyway," he curtly stated, "after that interruption, shall we get to the matters at hand? What is our job?" he asked the captain.
"No actually, we may not..." Atak said quite frankly. She felt no compassion or empathy for anyone on this ship yet, she hadn't even really met them yet. But that didn't matter, she always told it like it was, especially when it gave her the opportunity to insult someone. Without looking at him she continued to speak. "He may not have emotions but he has one thing you clearly do not and that is intelligence." She simply raised an eyebrow, clearly annoyed, and clearly above it.
Vix couldn't help but let of a smile, deciding that him and the Android would get along very well, and perhaps the slender Bespolykh as well. Vix respected those with a calmer demeanour, although Ignis seemed to be getting on the bad sides of some of the crew already, and he knew it was part of his duties to make sure the crew got along. They didn't have to like each other, but he had to make sure someone didn't wake up with a plasma burn in their chest. After a moment of thought, he narrows his eyes and exchanges glances between Ignis, Jumpy, and the Bespolykh, ditching his usual idioms to ensure his message came across perfectly. "Listen, I don't want to be strict, but we aren't going to get anywhere if we start arguments in the first few minutes of being crewmates. Ignis, you need to stop overreacting, and you two need to ease up on the meaningless insults." He was fairly sure that Jumpy may have gone about his malicious analysis accidentally, but the Bespolykh's insult was definitely entirely on purpose.
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The ceiling must have looked lovely because that's all Atak was starring at, trying to give off that special vibe of hers that said, I'm bored... Oh and I'm better than you. She didn't want to get involved in the first place, it was just a way to insult the bionic man. Atak actually probably would have threatend the Android in the same way except it would have been along the lines of, "I'll tear you circuit from circuit, bolt from bolt..."

the teal creature was correct, and besides just being rude to one another, it was just about showing respect to the captain. She could have been kicked off that ship like that. She simply crossed her arms and lifted her chin. "We're getting along just peachy," she said sarcastically to no one in particular. She fully averted her attention to the captain, mentally vowing not to speak again. She was hoping to be a bit more mysterious and she hoped she hadn't gave to much of her personality away.
"My, my," Tazira said, her face contorted into a smile that did not reach her eyes. "I do hope we won't have to begin any sort of discipline on the first day."

Her voice was hard, flat. In it was a sort of coo, the gentleness of her hissed words belying a viciousness underneath that dared anyone to question her. Tazira stood, her towering frame brought to full height. Back straight, hands curled to show her sharp fingertips, she took a step forward.

"I suppose, then, I should start this address with my rules for working on the Dame." Her eyes locked onto Ignis. "One: On no account, and I mean on absolutely none, should a shipmate ever kill another. Doing so will result in harsh repercussion." To illustrate this point, she opened her mouth wide, allowing the acid green venom on her teeth to leak down her lips. "If anyone commits this act, the least of their worries will be a bit of Atmarakch neurotoxin."

"Secondly: our spoils will be split evenly, and no member shall receive a bigger cut than another. I don't care if you were on the ship the entire time of a raid, or if you never leave the ship at all- you do your part, you get a fair cut. I will not have my technicians and pilots deprived of a share because the others felt like they didn't contribute. Third: if you have a score to settle with another shipmate, I ask that you do it on fair terms. No poisoning their drinks, no pushing them down stairs, no searing them with hot cooking water. You will settle your disputes in a civilized manner. I am not, of course, opposed to a good old fashioned fist fight. Sometimes a good beating is what a person needs."

Tazira paused, her eyes staring out the bridge window. The port of Kal's End surrounded them, filled with people loading crates into their cargo bay. Supplies for a long journey.

"Fourthly: No stealing from shipmates. I shouldn't have to tell you why." Her gaze slid over her crew. It settled on Ignis again, their loose cannon. "And lastly: on this ship, my word is law. I will not tolerate disobedience, dissent, or talks of mutiny. The Dame is my ship, and no one will convince me otherwise. If I tell you to fire, you do it. If I tell you to run, you do it. And if I tell you to leave me behind, you better let my ass rot where it sits." She watched them for a moment, then turned to the bridge's console.

Tazira flicked on the main screen, filling the front window with a holo projection. She opened the file she needed, and a planet's image appeared in front of them, rotating like a globe.

"Now that that is concluded, let me fill all of you in. It is best I tell you now, before we leave port, about the nature of your time here on the Dame. This way, you may choose if you wish to proceed. I present to you, my chosen few, the greatest caper this Empire has seen in decades."

The planet zoomed closer. Its surface was pitch black, rolling violet clouds curling around each other in a noxious mass. "Many of you may know this as AXA-23E, or, known colloquially, as Blackout. It sits right on the end of the Greca Empire, and, to this day, remains uncolonized. Many would see this as a sign of the native hostility, but I think otherwise. What trouble would the ICPU, and the greatest empire that ever was, have with a few primitive natives? Certainly ethics don't stop them from taking the planet by force, it never has before. The mines in its core are worth more money than any normal people are likely to see in a thousands years. So why don't they just... snatch it?"

The planet zoomed in again, this time to a small dot on the surface. It was only a few buildings, but for the second they were visible where the image paused, they stood out. Nothing else on Blackout was bathed in that much light.

"Suspicious of the high activity on Blackout, I sent a scout down to the surface to find out what they were doing. Sadly, he is no longer with us, as the ICPU did not take kindly to his intrusion. But while he has perished, what he discovered lives."

The holo planet vanished, and instead was replaced with a diagram of an engine, long and cylindrical, with a strangely large mass of wires coiled along the end. It didn't look like any sort of interstellar drive out on the market. "This, my friends, is known to the ICPU as Project Mnemosyne. It is the brain-child of several developed planets, including Oldidray-1, Earth, Victarion, and Ceres, and more. Currently in production on AXA-23E, under explicit silence orders, and hidden in a mountain range along the planet's northern pole. This engine, previously thought to not exist, answers my original question. Why does the Empire not take Blackout?"

She smiled, her heart beating like mad. Tazira could almost taste the electricity of her plan. "Because they already have. This production plant, this single speck on an otherwise massive planet, is the future of the ICPU. Imagine, just for a moment: an engine that never needs to refuel. An engine that could cross any distance in space in mere seconds, without stopping, forever. It could never be caught, no one in existence could ever hope to follow it. One could traverse the entire Grecan Empire in the time it took me to brush my hair this morning. The entire universe would be at their fingertips. The entire Empire would be beneath them. Any who holds this engine would be a god."

The Captain reached out her hand, passing through the hologram. There was a hunger in her eyes. She clenched her fist shut. "And we're going to steal it," she announced, lips curling. "We're going to fly to Blackout, storm that base, and take the Empire's golden fist right from the ones who made it. We will be the greatest pirates in history. Once we have that engine, nothing will be able to stop us. We will map the new stars, steal the Empire's wealth, and build a new reign, one that holds us as its creators. Did you ever dream, in your bed as a child, that one day you would become an Emperor? A God? That is the future I offer."

The Captain took a moment to let that sink in. Her smile took on a sort of manic quality, both terrifying and determined. Nothing would steer her away from this goal. "Any questions?"
"Sounds great captain," said Ignis in a determined voice. "Though, I have one question. Are we free to loot the bodies of those we kill?

As he asked that, Ignis mulled over the captain's words. He didn't much care for the rule against killing a fellow shipmate. If they pissed him off enough, they deserved it. He was no stranger to pain, so the punishment did not hold much weight over him. Besides, he'd sooner go down fighting than submit and beg for forgiveness. He wasn't really sure why the law about stealing was directed at him. Thievery was a coward's act. If he was going to take something from someone, he'd beat them to a pulp first. Perhaps the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher did in fact belong to the captain. Though, the plan did involve stealing something, but he expected to be able to bash enough ICPU heads in to make it worthwhile.

Despite being pumped up about the job, the words of that bitch of a bespolykh still lingered. Was he dumb? He had never really thought about such things as a mercenary. It was too bad he didn't remember his early life. Perhaps he had gone to school at some point. He wondered...
Tazira nodded. "If they're Empire or ICPU, I have no issue with it. All I ask is that you limit your fire to the enemy. I might not have the firmest of moral codes, but I don't particularly like it when we hurt civilians. I know just how hard it is to scrape by under this Empire's rule without people like us making it worse."
A rare feeling of regret washed over Atak as the captain spoke. She really wished she had said nothing at all when the Android was threatened. Not that she didn't want to defend the AI, it was just that sometimes... it's best to stay quiet. She still withheld a lot though like her position on the ship or even what her name was. The captain's chilling, inspirational speech really snapped her back to reality. This was why she was here. For the riches, the fame... the sense of belonging to somthing. But don't worry, Atak would remain a total and utter B****.

Atak widened her stance and put both hands on her small framed hips. She wore a smile not of cockiness, but of devilish determination. The captain's plan was brilliant to say the least and there was no question, Atak was in it for the long haul. She was hungry for this, greedy. Her only question was, "When do we start?" She would forget about the little spat earlier, only her arrival here at Kahl's and now were all she needed. This trip had turned out better than she thought. With a pleasant smile for once, Atak couldn't get Taziras biting words out of her head as she went over the rules. This was for real...
Vix wasn't particularly taken back by the Captain's display of her natural neurotoxin, partly because he had decided that he would never do anything that would warrant a punishment of that sort, but mostly because he doubted that the toxin would even reach his nervous system through a Woedant's natural carapace. Regardless, he lets his hand scratch the plates around his long ears to reassure himself.

It seemed like Ignis got the brunt of the speech, although that was to be expected, Tazira's rules seemed righteous enough for his liking, so Vix wasn't about to complain, not that he was planning to kill or steal anything. She certainly seemed to hold much more authority over the crew then he did, though he wasn't sure if he should exercise his power a bit more as her second-in-command, but it was certainly something he would think about, for now he had something much more important to examine.

Vix's eyes dart around the holo projection, taking in every detail of the mission. The prize was certainly tempting, though his mind processes the possible risks. Despite the silence orders, it would be extremely unlikely that such a powerful machine would be undefended. He recognised a certain passion in Tazira's voice that seemed to spread to the rest of the crew, including him. Regardless for his new-found enthusiasm, he wasn't about rush into anything without giving it some serious thought. After his usual pause, Vix returns to his usual speech patterns and points to the holo projection. "I doubt they are going to give it to us on a silver platter, we need to make sure we don't queer the pitch on an operation like this." Telling the crew that he thought they would probably find some resistance when they try to take it, so a solid plan was vital for success.

"We start as soon as we can," Tazira replied, grinning. She liked the attitude on Atak. That was the kind of attitude they needed here, not trepidation or those with weak constitutions.

"And don't worry, Vix. I'm well aware defenses will be tight, but this Dame's built just for this purpose. It won't be easy, but it's possible. If you wish, I'd be grateful for all of your input on our plan of attack. I, of course, have an idea, but I could not account for my crew's unique skills. We'll need every bit of strength we've got."

Her voice lowered. "And once we get that engine... nothing will stand in our way."
Jumpy listened quietly, or at least as quietly as he could while his shaky frame vibrated lightly. "Mission Analysis: Highly risky. Blackout lays in close proximity of ICPU patrolled shipping lanes. Likely response time ranges from anywhere between a single hour and four days. Statistics favor at least 19.327 hours when accounting for trade season. For outpost of this size, likely between 20-250 staff, not including androids." He whispered to himself, unsure of his place and right to speak at the moment. "Captain. Such installations are designed to be breached by nothing short of a Vortex strike. I could build one, but it would take time. Hope you have better plan than I do."
Kyren, true to her nature, stood silent following the captain’s razor-whip response. It wasn’t her policy to get involved with other members of the crew, but she did feel a certain occupational kinship with the hulking black mercenary. They crew was certainly in no danger from her, though she worried if she would be able to remain neutral for the duration of the voyage if confrontations like this became the norm.

It was however, the captain’s utterly insane, wholly fascinating plan that drew her attention. She knew that it had been the right choice to follow this woman. This was exactly the sort of glorious end that her career and conscience dictated. “That’s magnificent.” She hissed, her lips curled up into a vicious sort of grin. “We’ll be legends.”
Tazira turned to the android. "I'll need every bit of help I can get. You tell me what you need to build this Vortex strike, and I'll do my best to get it. And I have a special task for you, my metallic friend. I need you to map us a path to Blackout- find a path that helps us avoid as many ICPU cruisers as possible. I want to go in silent for as long as we can. The longer we stay undetected, the closer we get to that base without having our heads blown off."

At Kyren's comment, Tazira looked over at her and winked. "Yes, we will. If we pull this off, the entire universe will know our names."

She paused, then addressed the others again. "Of course, if we can, we need to destroy that base as well. If the ICPU builds a second engine, we'd be in a precarious position. Thankfully, according to the data I received from my scout, it took them over a decade to make this one. And if we destroy that base, it could be another thirty before they're ready to produce another one. By that time, we'd already be so far away they would never have a hope of finding us. Perhaps we could even discover the true edge of the universe - assuming the old theory of it being a mere event horizon are incorrect."

They would not only be legends, but things of myth. Traversing the stars, unbound by the previous conceptions of time and distance, able to go wherever they pleased. There would be no week-long voyages in the stars, no lull between their capers. To the common people, the Dame would seem like a ghost, a spirit. One moment it would be in Andromeda, and then at the snap of their fingers, in Messier 83. Another snap, IOK-1. Unparalleled, untethered.
"I'll need the jump drive from a civilian class ship. Large, like some sort of.. A luxury vessel would do. The rest of you could loot it while I take the necessary components. From there I should be able to fashion a gravity bomb capable of destroying their outer defense network. We should be able to reach ground unimpeded. Getting inside the facility is up to the others." He answered quickly, giving a few excited nods. "In regards to the least traveled course.. I will need time to consider. Many factors involved."

He was glad that he gave no visible signs of uncertainty. This bomb was entirely theoretical and this would be its trial run. He had heard of it while in an ICPU facility and believed he could replicate the project fairly quickly.
"So we need to steal the jump drive off the ship of some rich f**k?" Ignis asked, "because, if that is the case, I might be able to help with that. My last job was for an aristocrat of some far-off planet that was heavily involved in the illegal weapons trade. His StarYacht should be hovering just 1,000,000 kilometers off this planet. It should have the engine we're looking for. Chances are it will be fairly well-armed, so it won't exactly be easy. I for one have no issue with any amount of combat, but if you want to avoid fighting all together this may not be the best chance."

Ignis particularly liked this opportunity because of the opportunity to expand the ship's armory with loot from the yacht, but he understood it to be well-manned and the captain of the Dame seemed to be the sort who preferred to avoid combat. Of course, he also had an ulterior motive. That bastard aristocrat still owed him money for the last job, which he had never paid, attempting to dispose of Ignis with some less-expensive mercenaries. Ignis chuckled a bit as he remembered the events of two days ago. Needless to say, he was still around, and his hunters were not.

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