The Star Hounds [Inactive]

Vix crosses his arms, the Android's plan seemed fairly solid to him, although if he knew anything about the Vortex strike was that it was extremely experimental and therefore had a lot of variables which couldn't be accounted for, far from a perfect plan, so it made him a bit uneasy. An idea pops into his head. "Hmm... Why should we need to breach the installations at all? Even if we get through, like Jumpy said, it would be unlikely that the ICPU would let us go about our business. If we could intercept a ship from the ICPU that was enroute to Blackout, I could take their launch codes and fabricate a set of codes for the Dame. That way, we would be far inside planetary defences or installations before they started shooting at us."
“Given that we could obtain their launch codes,” Kyren interrupted, looking pensive, “I seriously doubt we could do it quietly enough that they ICPU wasn’t waiting for us upon entry. They’re smarter than that. Our best bet it to take them by surprise or not at all.

“Now what we could do is make atmospheric entry at the southern pole. The magnetic field there would make us virtually invisible to any sensory equipment. Once we’re below the stratosphere the Dame would be effectively undetectable until we’re right on top of them.” She smiled cruelly, “And to avoid the recovery of any on-world research, I think the Vortex Strike would make an excellent cleanup.”
"There is a small detail regarding the Vortex. If the facility is underground, using the Vortex may very well split the planet's tectonic plates, which could result in a planetary catastrophe. It is designed for air detonation to crush ground targets." He added, twiddling his fingers nervously. "I could explain the physics if I completely understood them myself at the moment. Again, I will need some time to calculate and to actually see the drive I am working with."
Kyren was right, there was little margin for error when it came to launch codes, any slip-up would give them away, though he didn't think that stealth was a particularly valid option over disguising themselves either. "I don't think they would leave their backdoor open for us, for such a game-changing prize they would make sure that every avenue was covered." He turns to Jumpy before he continues speaking. "It sounds like we are going to need the plant's schematics then."
“Which would hardly be on the open market.” Kyren pointed out, disheartened. “Given that the facility itself is a well-guarded secret, and assuming they have the whole place locked down beyond what an unmanned probe would could scan – the schematics sound nearly impossible to obtain.”

She grimaced, “unless we can find some disillusioned, high-clearance scientist that just wants to hand over their access codes, we’ll have to pursue more uh, inventive avenues of ingress.”
"Suicidal, daring and crazy...Sounds like one of our plays." He said before considering what the other people were pointing out. There were a good bunch, they asked the right question and gave good advice."Planet is rarely self supported anymore especially one with research facilities, special materials will be require for the engine which can only be supplied by ship. I suggest a trojan horse. The only other issue is if the engine is compatible with this ship. modification can be made if not but could be risky."
"Must comment on trojan horse. Any materials brought to the facility would first be irradiated to destroy all life. ICPU facilities are also self sustaining in regards to food, as a result of advanced hydroponics." Jumpy commented. He had seen the interior of other ICPU run facilities, and they were largely protected from such maneuvers. However.. He wouldn't be vulnerable to the radiation used to filter supplies. He wasn't keen on being sent in alone, so he hoped no one had noticed the specificity of the word "life".
"Well, that is no problem for a Android like you is it." He said with cheeky grin, giving Jumpy a playful slap on the back."You can be our ace in the whole in the base."
Atak retained her slitted eyes and poised physique as she listened intently to each of her new crew mates ideas, all have flaws and strong points. She had to think about which she would be more useful in. Everything into consideration she had to agree with the Myrian, her favorite co crew at that time. She just liked her deviousness, similar to her own but... nicer than her own. She grinned in her direction and vocalized her agreement with, "I'm going with her... it's the only way to get in and out with minimal fighting." She realized after saying this that fighting was just what some of these people craved. Either way a few heads were going to get kicked in. She glided over to a chair still near the congregation and perched herself on the arm of the chair, crossing her legs along with her arms.
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"How powerful do you suppose this radiation is, Jumpy?" Ignis inquired, "The majority of my body is inorganic, so it is possible that I would also be able to pass through the filter, albeit, with a bit of difficulty. I can create a size-able enough distraction for you to lower some of the defense systems for the others. Alternatively, if we have parachutes, we could space-jump during a meteor shower to get past their scanners. I figure you could power down completely and I can turn all but the most essential of my components off."

Ignis was sure as hell not going to be completely left out of this. He was no tactician, but he figured he should contribute at least a bit. Besides, all this non-combat talk was making him sick.
"The radiation is vented directly from the supply ship's fission reactors. It is enough to boil the skin off of most sentients, if I were to estimate. If we acquired a suit designed to protect Ignis from radiation, we may be able to bring him inside as well. I cannot guarantee he would survive, as any number of factors could intensify the radiation or make the suit less effective. It is his risk to take." Jumpy answered, having waited for almost half a minute before answering. "I would need to know which of your bodily organs are still living, as well as the amount of biomass attached to your prosthetics."
Vix was a little astonished by Ignis' suggestion that he go with Jumpy through a radiation field, even if the majority of his body was inorganic, the parts that were organic would surely be annihilated. Though even if it seemed foolish, Jumpy looked a little worried about infiltrating the base alone, so he wasn't very confident sending the Android in by himself. "How would we convince the base not to shoot down the Trojan ship? Unless we are back to stealing Launch codes."
“Then there should be no ship at all.” Kyren suggested, “They’ll space-dive straight into the atmosphere, like Ignis said. Pressurized and radiation-proofed. From a cloaked shuttle. With their major functions switched off they’ll appear as debris as the planet experiences a minor meteor shower. From there they would disable the communication or defense systems, whichever comes first, and allow the Dame to enter subspace orbit unhindered.”

Kyren frowned; she would have offered to go along. But as a wholly organic lifeform she knew that, given the circumstances, she’d be more helpful once she could fight without fear of vaporization.
Vix looks lazily at Kyren. "Does Blackout even experience meteor showers?" He says simply, he felt as though there were a lot of 'ifs' and 'buts' about the plan so far. In his mind, the crew should be going about gathering information and resources instead of going straight into the fray, but the others seemed eager to get things under way immediately. "And even if they disguise themselves as debris, how will they then make it from wherever they land, and get into the base?"
“Most do,” she replied with a shrug, “But I suppose I’ve never been there. I suppose we could always just clamp to the exterior of one of the supply vessels and piggyback in. The radiation occurs on the interior of the ship. Properly outfitted, we might ride in unchecked.”

Kyren was hardly in a hurry to go. But this was, if nothing else, a session during which the crew was both able to assess the usefulness of their crewmembers and the conceivability of the captain’s daring plan. As far as she was concerned, any plan was worth the time it took to explain it.
Tazira listened to their suggestions, pride swelling in her chest. She may have been doubtful of her choices before, but as her crew debated their options, there was a certainty in her mind that she had the right men for the right job. More and more options presented themselves from each member giving them a steady stream of possibilities and outcomes. But which was the right one?

"It seems to me," she said slowly, "That we need more intel. The more we know about the facility the better. If we use this Vortex strike as Jumpy suggested, then I want to make sure we do not destroy a peaceful planet. So, perhaps stealth is best. But we must get the Dame close enough to load that engine into the cargo bay. I know it's hard to tell by the schematics I showed you, but the thing is the side of a single-seater ship. Perfect fit for this new Dame, but impossible to carry without their cranes and mechanisms."
"Ok, i can look up with some of my contacts see what they know about the camp."He said after a moment thought."A man in in ICPU R&D owes a favor to me, cant guaranty something in my experience different projects seems to have there own Iidependent groups. Permission to make a quick burst transmission later?"
"More intel necessary, certainly. This unit will need time to process an optimal route to our destination. I would prefer to be kept informed as to our plan overall, but I have map plotting to do. May statistical probability and mathematical law be in our favor." Jumpy stated excitedly. He was glad that the Captain, though weak of body due to her fleshy composition, had picked him for a more complex role.
"So, what should we be doing to go about gathering information?" Ignis asked. As the others had been speaking, his mind had wandered.He didn't really have much to contribute to the discussion, as he was no tactician. Ignis preferred to just complete the tasks given to him. He was a bit disappointed that they weren't going to jump straight into the action, but he understood the captain's precaution about the situation. He really did hope that they would go through with the space-jump plan, as that sounded like fun. He had wanted to try it for quite some time now.
"We may need to gather it as we go," said Tazira regretfully, "After that scout died on Blackout, I don't have any other ways of finding out more about their defenses."

She thought for a moment, then nodded to herself. There wasn't much to be done about the intel, maybe if they came across an ICPU supply runner they could squeeze something out of them - security codes, ship specifications, anything - but until then they were sitting ducks on that front.

"Ignis, look like we'll be needing your lead right now," she said with a smile. "You said you knew of a StarYacht we can steal the jump drive from? If we get that, we'll have at least one piece of our puzzle."

(Sorry about how slow I've been these past few days! I've had a lot of work and haven't been home too much)

"Captain." Jumpy hummed quietly, glancing around the bridge. "At the ICPU base. Are we to take hostages, or merely execute on sight?" He asked, wanting to fully understand his limitations beforehand.

"And.. Furthermore, assuming we go through with our plan to hijack this luxury vessel Ignis spoke of, what are we to do there? I imagine there could be a fair number of people to ransom on board."
"The ICPU won't give up on their engine easily. They'll have security, but also developers and innocent people. If someone surrenders, I would hope that you let them live. If they don't, you may do with them as you wish. Only a fool does not realize when he is beat, and the universe has enough fools."

Tazira stood and pressed a sequence on buttons on her console. The Third Dame hummed to life, its engines warming up for their first jump. Their docking couplings disengaged, and the vessel lifted from its place in the Kal's End port.

"First things first, we need to get ourselves armed and ready. A luxury vessel won't have much in the way of protection, luckily most contracted security companies only fly a few cruisers around the ship to protect the perimeter. Against the dame, they'll be no more than toothless dogs. Once we take the ship, it is up to you whether you wish to plunder it or not. We need that engine foremost, but I'm not going to stop anyone from taking more than that."
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