The Star Hounds [Inactive]

He smirked and followed the armored man.

"Well, my grumpy buddy, i served in one of the ship predecessors beforehand. I cant help be a little sentimental." He said as he walked, his knowledge of the ship returning."Need to go to somewhere in particular, tough guy?"
Warm fur rubbed against Atakcha's body, keeping her relatively warm in this cold place of illegal activity. Her body, clearly used to the scorching sands of Danad, now felt cold and tense in this new metal jungle that was Kahl's End. She pulled it closer still to her body, her hand brushing past the metal alloy mesh jumpsuit underneath. She was having fun watching all the criminal activity going down and she got to see a lot of it due to her position at the very near end of the line. A drug deal here, a mugging there. You know, the usual. At least that's what these people made it seem like. She was out of her comfort zone, but she'd be willing to get used to it very quick if it meant a crew position. Every time she glanced up at the banner, almost like a beacon, she couldn't help but get flashbacks of the riches and fame she had already had. You could say it was greedy but then again wasn't that the definition of pirate?

She witnessed countless aliens get turned down, now depressed and sorrow-filled. This line up just wasn't packing much. This was good for Atak because that means more positions for her, bad for Atak because that means that this Taz must be quite strict. Not all hope was lost however, as a lovely, magenta skinned, horned women was graciously accepted. She was of a race Atak had never seen before and she looked like she meant business, big business.

With the lifted chin of pompous and confidence, Atak was next in line. This was her shot. "Don't screw this up, Atak," she thought in a threatening manner. The fellow in front of her was (with no surprise) denied and finally moved out of Atak's line of sight. Atak was actually a bit startled by the captains appearance... she was actually... really pretty. Atak was transfixed over her pure red hair and reptilian look. After hearing all these pirate tales in the pub back home about the heroic Taz and all her pirate adventures, Atak figured she would look more... well... not like this. She bowed (rare for her) and sat down. Even though rare, she knew when to show respect, especially when it benefited her, and in this case, it most definitely did.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Atak." Her smile was rarely sincere but now, it was genuine, small but genuine. "I specialize in anything Tech and or stealth. You need an ICPU computer hacked I'm your girl. You want that ship of yours fitted and flying, you call me... I know it's not that convincing but I will not disappoint..." There was confidence in her low, melodic voice.
"Where is the armory?" Ignis asked. This guy didn't seem as annoying as the lizard-like first mate he had argued with earlier. "Also, what weapons does this ship have for dealing with threats while flying?" He figured he should at least get aquainted with the ship's armaments. Hopefully they were pre-stocked with something good. All he had on him was a simple laser-pistol and a vibro-knife in holsters at his sides.
"Eh, take first turning to the right and is the second door to the left. Placed next to the crew quarters for ease of excess in emergency."he said indicating the direction with his bionic hand."As for armament, i don't have the knowledge of any recent upgrades but there are two plasma turrets the should take down anything short of a frigate maybe a cruiser if well managed. Also four laser repeaters, one fore each corner of the ship to deal with fighter. As for weapon stock you have to run it by the captain, i wasn't here on inventory order. There maybe basic laser-rifles but on the last trip, we had make do with what we brought with us."

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"I suppose I will just have to win something in combat then. Shouldn't be to hard," Ignis confidently stated. "By the way, my names Ignis, I'm working as a mercenary. Based on your previous comments I would presume you are a technician?"

Maybe this crew wasn't so bad after all. It could have just been that one guy. This man seemed friendly and dependable enough, albeit, a little obsessive over the ship. The captain didn't seem half bad either. The first mate though... Ignis hated snarky, sarcastic assholes like that. "We'll see how witty he can be when he takes a blast to the face during a fight," he thought.

(OOC: just for clarification, he is not plotting to kill the first mate, he is just musing about how his carefree attitude will get him killed)
After Vix had arrived at the Dame, he already had a fair knowledge of the ship's interiors, Tazira had been good enough to describe the ship in great detail, although words couldn't quite describe the feeling he got from seeing the ship in person. His eyes (literally) lighting up the hallways with a faint teal glow as he takes his time hulking through the ship, examining every little nook and cranny, taking account of every little detail. He soon wanders across some sort of automaton who seemed to be working on the ship's map and navigation, he stops for a moment to examine him as he works, appreciating how skillfully he operates the machine.
Her business with the captain concluded, Kyren stepped aside at the arrival of another applicant, predictably turned away – (the most discreet faces, she’d found, were often the most untrustworthy). The next face however, was hardly inconspicuous. Hiding her surprise, she scanned the woman from heel to hair. There was quite a lot of her to take in, she thought. Easily a head and a half taller than her small, solid, frame – the mercenary was nearly envious. The species, she was vaguely familiar with, though having never met a Bespolykh in the flesh the effect was dazzling.

There was a scent however, somewhere beneath the strangely erotic layers of old perfume and expensive furs, which struck a jarring chord in the otherwise strange, but pleasant, bouquet. It was faint, and given the alien nature of the woman, Kyren could hardly place it.

Nonetheless she greeted the woman courteously, placing a curled fist across her chest. This one, she couldn’t help but speculate, would mean something. Call it intuition, but Kyren could see a familiar, hungry look in the her eyes.
Atakcha knew someone was staring. It was a lovely feeling that she couldn't get enough of. She loved when people stared and admired. The corners of her mouth turned up in a knowing, mischievous smile. She slowly reached her head around, extending her neck until her glossy, other worldly eyes met the stern, steady Myrian's. Her silky hair now cascading over her shoulder. She ever so steadily lifted up her hand, extending out her spider leg like fingers. With her words dripping of low melodic tones she spoke, "Why hello there... the names Atakcha Tichska. You however, may call me Atak." What the Myrian didn't seem to know, was that she was just as much admiring her beauty as well, impressed with her lovely skin color.
(Sorry for replying a little late, I was at work!)

"Good to hear it," said Tazira. She reached into her coat, then handed Kyren a blue key. Only one left now. It turned out that the trip to Kal's End was worth it after all. It may take her a little longer to trust most of them, but she had a good feeling about this crew. There was a good mix of skills here.

"I expect the others will have gone to the ship by now." She motioned to her guard, and Urz once again stepped forward. "My man will take you down there, if you like, show you the way and such. I suggest claiming a room as fast as you can, wouldn't want you to have to share with anyone too filthy. You'd know as well as anyone how pungent some crew members can get after a few weeks aboard a ship. It's almost as if being off-world is an excuse not to shower to them."

Tazira gave Kyren one last smile, a good feeling in her chest about the Myrish cook. The moment the key left her hand, an enormous Illiu shoved forward with a grunt. Tazira sighed. "Sorry, Kyren. I've got to tend to the line. We'll talk more later."

The Illiu was unimpressive. A drug smuggler with barely any sense of the Empire Tongue to him at all. Tazira was bored in seconds. "No. Just no," she said, and her second guard led the man away.

The pretty being she had seen further back in the line was at her table now. Tazira listened to her introduction with a fair ear, then crossed her arms over her chest. Technical skills she could use, there was more to this life than mercenaries and weapons. And maybe Savras could use a hand in keeping the Dame running. With the amount of cannon fire from ICPU ships they were likely to take, he'd need all the help he could get.

"Do you have any prior experience?" she asked, watching Atak.
A few more minutes passed, 2047's fingers nimbly darting across the interactive hologram. Lines of code were redirected and manipulated at his touch in a flurry of green light, correcting even the most minor errors. A centimeter change here, an inch there. It must be perfect. Everything must be perfect.

Finally, he separated himself from the map interface and regained awareness. He turned and spotted a figure watching him. If he were able to blush, he would have. "Unit Model - Woedant. Height, approximately seven feet. Photosynthetic energy structures, self-sustaining." He blurted out, completing a quick analysis of the creature. "Behavioral programming.. non-threatening." He added, giving a small but polite nod and a poorly performed grin.

"Hello. My designation is Unit 2047, but you may call me Jumpy. I will serve as the cartographer aboard this vessel. I simply love maps. The bigger the better." He said, gesturing towards the star map. "Who are you, may I ask?"
"Prior experience... prior experience... umm..." Atak thought, her mind racing. "I was able to coordinate a freighter from Oldidray-1 to Danad.... at around fifteen," she explained hopefully. "I hacked into an ICPU database and stole two identities for me and my sister while we were on Danad... I am quite cut throat and I am normally not this nice... You can always get more gunslingers, you can't ,however, get someone as intelligent as me..." As for any entirely formal ship crew work, no, but what she's done had really not been that different, and Atak was leaving out all of the thievery and infiltration she's done on Danad. "I will be the best because I want the best. I'm doing this for me and I'm sure you know, Bespolykh rarely ever do a botched job when it comes to themselves. Our vain-ism is a blessing and a curse..."
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Vix simply watches and admires the Unit's handiwork and expertise before he was noticed, he takes a moment to take account of what he just saw. "You have a keen eye." Vix says simply, he looks Jumpy up and down, sizing him up, taking his time, before continuing. "I'm Vix, First-mate, good to meet you Jumpy. Its nice to see that not all the crew are so grumpy." He was genuinely glad that not all the crew were brutish and quick to anger, and he was certainly more than glad to see such a competent companion, he wasn't quite sure how people like Jumpy greet each other, but he figured a hand-shake was usually the way to go, and so extends his arm as a gesture of friendship.
Kyren nodded, relieved that the time for words had passed. She followed the guard, Urz, down to the hanger. The heartbeat readout on her visor didn’t seem to register when it seemed both of her hearts – (The Myrish possess several sets of redundant organs), leapt at the sight of the ship. As far as vessels went, it was hard to argue the Third Dame’s sleekness. She’d been on bigger vessels, she supposed, but this one suited her.

Recalling the captain’s suggestion she dutifully thanked her escort and boarded. There were several mingling scents already present, two even, that she could recall. The first was of course the mercenary who’d stood several ahead of her in line. He’d been enlisted just minutes before she had. And the second was that hulking, greasy, yellow fellow. Easy enough to get along with, she expected, as long as she avoided tripping over any expensive equipment.

Following her nose, she turned towards the distinct odor of munitions. With the ship’s profile in mind it was fairly simple to locate the armory. She recalled, from previous experience, that on ships will a smaller crew the personal hold was often connected.

“Pardon,” She’d reached the arsenal only to find a member of the crew already present. Clad in all black with some sort of weird respiratory device, the mercenary struck an imposing figure. “Have you already claimed the bunk closest to this room?”
"Perhaps their behavioral cogitators need an update. Neglected software can cause all sorts of problems." He replied, giving a knowing smile.

Jumpy looked at the hand outstretched to him. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, until he recovered a vague memory of the act. With apparent shyness, he awkwardly gripped Vix's hand and then vigorously swung his arm up and down through it's full range of motion once before stopping.

"I am sorry. I have never danced before. But I didn't want to ignore your invitation." He said, shaking his head.
"It's all yours if you want it," Ignis replied to the short creature. He stepped aside to reveal Savras. "This man and I were just introducing ourselves. I'm Ignis, what are your names?" He asked the two of them.

As he was speaking he surveyed the creature standing in front of them. Short, with hoofed feet and horns. He couldn't come up with a name for the species, though he remembered hunting one for a contract at some point in his life. From what he could recall, the species had a very powerful lower body, so they could run fast, and kick hard. It had been one of his tougher assignments.

The armory had been disappointing for the most part. Just some basic arms, laser rifles and pistols mostly. He had found one rocket launcher, but he figured that probably belonged to someone, seeing as it was the only one of its kind in the room. Maybe he could borrow it. Perhaps he could man one of the plasma turrets as well.
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"Savras Prientiss. A pleasure."He replied. "To answer you previous Ignis, yeah i am the ships technicians i will make sure this tin can will run like a ship. For that reason i call dips on the engine room. I know a bit about this ship so if you need some direction i am happy to help."
Vix gives Jumpy a happy smile and a hearty chuckle. "You're good for your first time, though if you don't know what to do its better to just mime." He says helpfully, releasing his grip on the robot's hand. He couldn't help but find Jumpy a rather curious creature, he wondered what type of programming he had running for him to act so erratically, not that it bothered him. He gives Jumpy a little nod before turning around. "Anyway, I think I'll go and find a room. Having one to myself would be a good boon. Though we should see each other again soon." He says happily as he leaves Jumpy to continue whatever he was doing, he didn't quite mind the idea of sharing a room with one of his ship-mates, but it could include Ignis if he wasn't careful, and he would rather avoid him if he could help it. He hears a few people taking down the hall, but ignores them as he looks around a few of the empty rooms.
"Good luck sir!" He said cheerfully, giving a small wave. Vix seemed nice, although Jumpy still wasn't able to figure out why he wanted to dance so much. He had been under the impression that dancing was more of a formal action, but apparently the Woedant used it as an introduction. Peculiar.

Jumpy took one more long glance around the bridge, becoming familiar with every nook and cranny. He believed he would be able to interface with any computer aboard, which would be beneficial in case of a missing crew member. Having fully analyzed his surroundings, he left the room and began walking out through the halls of the ship. He paid no heed to those around him, and instead chose to collect scrap off the floor. His handcannon was designed to fire any projectile that could fit down the barrel, and he hadn't brought 'ammunition' with him.
"It's true, technical knowledge is incredibly useful," admitted Tazira. "But too much confidence can get you in a lot of trouble, you might want to reign that in sometimes. Either way, I like your style. For now, I'd have to take everything you say by your word - so tell you what. You come with me to the Dame, and I'll put you on a trial period. If you prove to be useful, then you'll always have a place on my ship. That sound like a good deal?"

Tazira gave the girl a wide grin. If all the men she picked up today worked out, she wouldn't have to go looking on any other planets. This Atak would be the final addition to her crew.

She held out the key in her palm, the last one in her pocket.
Atak felt like a predator staring at her prey, her goals sitting right in front of her, just asking to be reached. It was almost as if her body had ceased to function when Tazira responded to her, deciding whether to hire her or toss her to the side like so many other hopefuls. Just as quickly as her druggie friend flew her to Kahl's, a decision was made. Atak would be put on trial, a test if you would, to examine her worth. This was one of the very, very few times in her life when she felt she could actually giggle with happiness. With persuasion from her conscious, however, she wasn't about to allow that to happen.

There, in the infamous captains palm, lay a key. Images of a grand galactic ship, now carrying her and a group of other exceptional beings, flew through her mind as she outstretched her hand, and ever so gently, as if it were a bomb about to detonate, lifted the key and sealed it away into her intricate attire. With a simple bow, she stood and spoke, "You will not regret this." She turned on her lifted heels, ready to walk away with a horse like strut, when she realized that she actually didn't know where she was going. She nonchalantly looked back over to her new employer asking, "Um... where exactly am I going again?" There goes my cool exit, she thought.
Tazira laughed and stood. "Give me a moment," she said. She jumped up onto her table so the entire line could see her.

"Sorry, everyone! The Dame's been filled! Thank you all for coming, but it seems we will not be needing your services after all."

Grumbling and dissent broke out among those waiting. A group of overly brawny Danestat, a common sight in Kal's end, bellowed insults at the Captain. From the back, one of the non-chosen few threw a chuck of meat he grabbed from one of the stalls.

"We've been waiting here forever!" one screamed, "And you're not even going to look at us?"

Tazira scowled and took a moment to stare the man down. "Well, I'm looking now," she teased, "And I'm not quite impressed."

The Danestat reached for his gun, holstered on his furred hip. Thankfully, his race were known for being slow on the draw. Tazira flicked out her thin handgun, a Zhisny model with a strip of glow material lining each side. Without waiting for him to react, she pulled the trigger, frying the great bull's hide like a holiday dinner. He didn't die, his kind were much too thick for that, but he'd be ten kinds of grumpy when he woke up. The unfortunate effect of this, however, was a surge of angry Kal's Enders who were looking to put a beat on the first shot - Tazira.

The Captain sighed. Always with the drama at this damned port. One thing the patrons didn't like, and it could end up in a full-scale riot. "Urz, Zru, take care of this would you?" she asked, jumped down from the table, and grabbed Atak's hand, holding tightly. "We need to make a rather fast exit, if you don't mind," she whispered in the girl's ear. As her bodyguards surged forward to quell the angered crowd, Tazira led them out the back way from behind her table, beyond a tattered violet curtain and into a dimly lit hallway.

A few twists and turns took them well out the way of the others. She almost felt bad for the bodyguards. It really wasn't an easy job in a place like this.

"So, Atak, let's get you to your new home," said the Captain, pulling the girl by the hand towards their docking bay.
Atak watched in admiration as Taz leapt up onto the table. She was consistently impressed by her take charge personality and pure guts. This admiration turned, however, to concern when things started to go awry. Her eyes grew wide (the opposite of what they normally did) when the Danestat withdrew his pistol. Of course Taz had it under control, and she whipped hers out just as fast, ending the furry aliens rage. A sigh of relief escaped her lungs and she welcomed Taziras hand grip. "Agreed, let's go," she said, a hint of worry in her voice. With that they were off, Atak graciously following the similarly heighted captain through the back hallways. "I can't wait to see it," she replied.
“Kyren,” She replied, reaching out with one gauntleted hand in greeting. “Though if you’re a regular on the mercenary circuit, you might know me by something else. Those idiots on Trike had plenty of nicknames for me by the end of the war. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

She liked the look of that Savras character, nothing like the mechanic on her last detail. He’d been a member of a stunted, mole-like species, with a truncated sense of hygiene to match. This one, at least, she’d never have to worry about stepping on. And he smelled delightfully of sulfur.

“What’s the munitions situation look like?” she continued, hardly enthusiastic. She’d brought her own arsenal along, unfortunately for the rest of the crew most of what she used to kill was kept in tiny, meta material flasks, rather than a holster or posted along the bow of a ship.
"Well, you do look familiar Kyren. I served with a few Myre in my time, a mercenary in particular i remember not good man but a better ma then most mercenaries you find out there."Savras reminisced before gaining a closer look at Kyren."I hope i am not being racist but you look just like him at this light."
“Racist? Hardly.” She snorted, “To say thhe Myrish folk are clannish is an understatement, if I look like anyone it’d be Jah-Hok. You know the name? He was my father. Good soldier. Got himself burned up when he screwed over the Electorate though.”

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