The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment Terminated]


Once it was called the Spire of Light, a palace, named after it's main feature a high spire that shone it's light all over the ocean, located on a coast with jagged cliffs. Once it protected ships from their doom in treacherous waters. Massive orchards surrounded these grounds, tended by untold numbers of mortals.

But it is no longer so. It's light no longer shines. Ships have crashed on it's jagged cliffs. The orchards have died, being replaced by neat rows of graves, the orchard of bones.

The Spire of Shadows is ruled by a Deathlord now, waited on by hundreds of ghosts, guarded by a veritable army. The forges that once provided shoes to horses, ring with the screams of souls being hammered into weapons. The Orchard of Bones being patrolled by abomination of bones and flesh.

She is The White Rose of the Abyss, her most common form that of a beautiful woman, still almost a child, with long flowing white hair. Dressed in simple white garments of morning, unadorned and modest. Her right arm is hidden beneath her clothes. For it is there she has one of the most feared weapons of the Underworld. The Heart-Rending Thorn, a beautiful and terrifying claw made of soulsteel, replacing her arm. Even the slightest touch able to cause searing pain to both living and dead. But it's true nature is that it is able to carve through souls without harming the surrounding flesh. And those she wounds like such, never are the same, for the White Rose of the Abyss holds a piece of them, binding them to her will, or slaying the outright.

Unlike the other Deathlords she doesn't gather massive armies, although hers is sufficient to defend herself. She doesn't hold millions of ghosts in thrall, forcing them to worship her, but the numbers that still do are quite impressive. She does have a network of people beholden to her, both living and dead

Her goals are as mysterious to the other Deathlords as they are to her own Abyssals and only the Neverborn might now what she is up to.


Since I am starting this game mostly at the behest of a friend, I am going to give him preferential treatment.

I am also looking for one perfect circle of Abyssals.

Otherwise The White Rose of the Abyss does prefer subtlety, guile and intellect over direct confrontation, violence and blatant acts.

As for the location of the Spire of Shadows that's actually up to the players and open for discussions, so please give your preference here. Although it does have to be coastal in nature.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I would like to express interest in this game. I've never had the chance to play an Abyssal and this seems really interesting.

As for a character, I'm thinking a Day caste with thrown or a Daybreak Necromancer.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Well, first impression i get is for it to be located at the West.

But then it comes my poor knowledge regarding Abyssals and that particular location. Is the Silver Prince claimed as the only deathlord located in the West? i recall reading that somewhere...

Also, concept said i'd be right after the Solar essences were broken free from the Jade prison; does that mean we are the first Abyssal exalted chosen by The White Rose? I'm not sure if that would mean we all got exalted at around the same time...

Anyways, i'd rather pick a location before the characters, since abyssals do tend to depend a bit on the actitude of the deathlord as well. Still, currently leaning towards a Moonshadow or a Dusk caste.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I'd have to agree that knowledge of the location would be beneficial. It would help to fill out what skills the Abyssals might have since they'd be taken from the surrounding area most likely. Personally I wouldn't mind doing a Dusk or Midnight cast since I'm wanting to do a martial artist of some sort. In general though I'm also willing to fill out whatever else might be needed aside from my preferences.

So as for location it doesn't have to be West. The inner ocean around the Blessed Isle is actually quite huge if you recall that Creation is quite immense even with being diminished. That would also place the Spire within the Threshold which if subtle characters are desired would be more suited for that.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Expressing interest. I'm heading off to work now, but when I get back I'll detail my concept.

It's an affable yet sinister Midnight.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Well, two want the Midnight already, so will likely go with a Dusk swift warrior, or a Daybreak necromancer
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I'd be all for playing Dusk if someone else wants Midnight. I just want to play an Abyssal so I'll jump into any role. Admittedly if would be fun to play a social character but I'd be just as happy played a warrior of some sort. So here's what I'm offering.

Concept One: Dusk martial artist always seeking another challenge for himself.

Concept Two: Midnight cult leader wanting to spread the word of Oblivion

Concept Three: Moonshadow spymaster who uses his agents to gain knowledge to give him an edge in deals and schemes.

I'm not against the other two castes but that's what I'm throwing out at the moment for my desired choices.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I think we should be located near one of Creations many lakes.

Anyway, I'll be making a Dusk.

This Dusk.

Poor mortal. Did you know what my father siiad to me when he throws me into the fire?

Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

For her own reasons The White Rose of the Abyss does not tolerate the preaching the virtues of Oblivion.

Instead she and her followers, both mortal and dead, portray the Underworld in Creation, as a world without pain, hunger and death. Those who disappear simply 'move on'.

Nephwracks and Spectres are explained as nightmares of the Neverborn.

Also when The White Rose of the Abyss speaks of the Neverborn it is with slight tone of pity and compassion.


Yes, you all have been exalted within months of eachother. It is also the year the Empress disappeared, and Thorns still exists as before.

As for the other Deathlords, some might exists others don't.

As for the location, I was thinking perhaps near Marin Bay. It seems to be a strategical point, but beyond it's name and the Redoubt there I don't think it was ever determined any further. (If I'm mistaken, please point it out to me where it is described)
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Base and rough outline of my Midnight concept: Epiceli, the Herald of the New Age.

No one can say where he came from. No one cares anyway. Who he was, what he did, and what he wanted no longer matter, not to Creation, not to his master, and not even to him. Whatever motives or drives he had before he took the Final Breath have been wholly subsumed in his new evangelical quest to unite all Creation under the auspices of the Underworld.

The Herald is a cheery fellow, all smiles and mirth, and few things can get him to break this character. With a wide grin he wanders between worlds, preaching of a universe where all are free from the shackles of reincarnation, where none are forced to remain content with brief and stunted lives, where loved ones don't pointlessly vanish, and where history and lore don't die along with those that hold it. To the dead, he tells of a united Underworld, of dull-shining spires and faded glories, of a monument to ages lost but never forgotten.

OF course, he never speaks of his final thoughts on the matter. That for there to be meaning, there must be an end. And one day, when Creation is restored and the Underworld built into the dim and glorious place it was always meant to be, he will see that it is turned and tilted and toppled in one purposeful moment into Oblivion, to the joyful songs of the living and dead alike.

Until then, there is work to do, people to convert, and a Mistress to obey. Should his companions be a little... overzealous in spreading the word, well, it all ends up in the same place anyway. No harm done.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I'd say Marin Bay is a good location. I haven't seen anything developing it much aside from small mentions in the Scavengers Lands guide. So it would give a city that could be shaped as needed for the story.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Well there is one of the redoubts at Marin Bay, so there is very likely a detachment of Lookshy soldiers present.

It was also one of the staging grounds for the Realm's invasion of the River Province, which implies that it very likely has nice flat beaches to land ships. Perhaps in between rocky cliffs.

Considering it's location, it's my guess that most of the dead are shipped to Sijan. But that's not counting those who fell in battle at that site. Meaning that the dead are very martial in nature around that place, and probably still fighting the war that ended long in Creation. Night after night, for all eternity.

As for the exact nature of the living, I am open for suggestions regarding the specifics of culture.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

There's bound to be Dragon-blooded activity on Marin Bay, so i'm not that certain about it... Or maybe it's because Lokshyians(?) got sold to me as Mandalorian-like. :P

...or maybe it's 'cause i was planning for my character to come from Varangia...

On other themes, any house rules we should know about? most games i've tried to apply to have them to a degree. Some of the usual choices are:

-Making Craft work like Linguistics, with every dot of Craft giving a separate craft ability.

-Beign able to upgrade combos instead of having to buy them again if we want to add something new.

-Sorcery or necromancy-enabling charms giving one spell with purchase.

-Receive a number of extra charms from certain trees (melee, resistance, bureaucracy, etc.) so characters are competent at both martial and social combat, usually with some restrictions like only beign able to choose charms with no requirements and after the regular charms are chosen.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I must admit most of those house rules do sound nice considering it makes it a bit more appealing to be able to acquire certain charms more easily to make certain ideas work.

Also would like to know so far whose definite on what they're trying to play? Just trying to figure out what role to try to fill.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Madmal said:
-Receive a number of extra charms from certain trees (melee, resistance, bureaucracy, etc.) so characters are competent at both martial and social combat, usually with some restrictions like only beign able to choose charms with no requirements and after the regular charms are chosen.
This is certainly none of my business, but if you'll allow me the intrusion.

If you need bribery of that nature to create a balanced and versatile character, then I do believe the problem is more with you than the game.

It's alright to create a complete specialist if that's what you want to do, you shouldn't need help from the ST however to understand the consequences of that choice.

But regardless, that was just my random intrusion, please proceed gleefully. <3
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Working on my Day-caste here. Still kinda new to all this so I'll let others make suggestions, but I'm liking what I'm seeing. :)
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Bah, I'm declaring efforts on a Daybreak Necromancer then since I saw someone else wanted Moonshadow.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Asuryan is the one I was waiting on to decide what he wants to play.

So, so far taken is the Dusk caste.

As for any house rules, I am looking at one for Craft, but I don't like the linguistics approach for it. Being a craftsman should be a dedication still, just not an as costly one.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Just throwing a suggestion in here as something I've seen done (I'd consider going for joining, except I'm a bit busy right now).


If you're after Craft options, you could make 'em work like Specialities, I've seen it done that way- so you start off with one Craft, and you can spend a few XP to get a Speciality in other types to access them. You can change the XP cost for the spec if you want to tune how easy it is to generalise, I s'pose it could go anywhere from the basic 3 to a Thaumaturgy-like 8.

If you want to avoid potential weirdness that system would introduce of your first craft having a lower rating than those you pick up later, you could make the Get Another Craft specialities not give a bonus on rolls, or give +1 to the first Craft you take.

The way I'd implement it is no bonus for extra-Craft specs, and you can specialise in smaller parts of a Craft as normal, up to a maximum of 3 specific specialities total (so a master swordsmith (+3 Craft: Swords) can become good at Craft: Air, but wouldn't be able to get quite the same level of expertise in jewelerycrafting or whatever as with his swordsmithing); of course, precise implementation would be up to you, and this is only a suggestion.
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Alright here is my Daybreak Inquisitor:

The Sanguine Dragon of Resplendent Death

His name was Date Akigara, a feared servant of the Intelligence Directorate of Lookshy known for finding the truth no matter what the cost. He would just as happily play mind games with his quarry as physically torture them, savoring the their suffering even as he expertly extracted information from them. His vicious and ruthless nature was appreciated until Date stumbled upon information that could damage several important members of the Directorate. He reported this and soon found himself the victim of the very organization he served for so long. The Directorate disappeared Date dragging him off to the Redoubt near Marin's Bay where they could terminate him quietly. He was taken out to an empty field and had his throat slit open. As he felt the life slowly drain from him he heard the voice whispering to him. It was the offer for a chance to try again, to achieve something greater and the accepted if anything else to spite his former superiors.

Date Akigarea died and was reborn as the Sanguine Dragon of Resplendent Death, serving his new Deathlord master as an interrogator and inquisitor. The Sanguine Dragon now uses his skills of subterfuge to gain information for her. He also was educated somewhat in Necromancy, taught spells that would quite useful for eliminating targets as well as summoning ghostly agents to do his bidding. The Sanguine Dragon desires revenge upon the Intelligence Directorate, wanting to rip every last black secret out of it and bleed it out like they had him. He especially wants to avenge himself upon those who had him killed and turn them into undead servants. If service to this Deathlord will give him that opportunity, he would serve her happily.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_06/57a8bfb66010d_SanguineDragonofResplendantDeath.jpg.011fed7f1ccd5b32c3ea87538558e716.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_06/57a8bfb66010d_SanguineDragonofResplendantDeath.jpg.011fed7f1ccd5b32c3ea87538558e716.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Sanguine Dragon of Resplendant Death.jpg
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Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Getting close to done with my Day sneaky-shy former-household-servant. Have to decide on Charms...and a name. (Oh, and background fluff, too. :P )
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

Well, it's still incomplete, but here's what I've got so far:

Quiet Shadow of the Forsaken Servant

(tenative name)



Strength ···

Dexterity ·····

Stamina ···


Charisma ·

Manipulation ··

Appearance ····


Perception ····

Intelligence ··

Wits ···



Martial Arts

*Melee ·



Integrity ··

*Performance ···


*Resistance ··

Survival ·


Investigate ·

Lore ·

*Medicine ·


>Athletics ·····

>Awareness ···

>Dodge ····


>Stealth ·····

--Specialty: Blending into a crowd

Bureaucracy ·

*Linguistics ··· (High Realm, Riverspeak, ?)



*Socialize ···


Liege ·

Underworld Manse ·

Whispers ·

Artifacts and Equipment:

Artifact - Soulsteel Lamellar ··

Artifact - Soulsteel Short Daiklave (Pair) ··


First Awareness Excellency

First Stealth Excellency

Raiton's Nimble Perch

Effortless Unnatural Grace

Mist OVer Ice

Superior Hearing Focus

Shadow Cloak Technique

Unseen Wisp Method

Atrocity Without Witness

Blood Calligraphy Technique


Dodge DV <tbd>

Parry DV (Melee) <tbd>

Soak: <tbd>

Hardness: <tbd>


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defense

Dodge MDV <tbd>

Parry MDV <tbd>


Compassion ····

Conviction ··

Temperance ··

Valor ·



Willpower: 6


Permanent: 3

Personal: / <tbd>

Peripheral: / (0 Committed) <tbd>

Experience Points


BP Expenditure

- 2 to increase Athletics to 5

- 1 to increase Awareness to 3

- 1 to increase Dodge to 4

- 2 to increase Stealth to 5

- 1 to increase Linguistics to 3

- 7 to increase Essence to 3

- 1 for a Specialty

Current = 0

XP Expenditure


Current =0
Re: The Spire of Shadows [Abyssal Recruitment]

I am sorry I have to deny people the opportunity to play in this game.

It's a mix of being incredibly busy in real life at the moment and horribly stressed out. As well as some form of disconnection between what I had in mind for this game and what the potential players seem to expect considering their characters.

Or as the players in my old tabletop group used to say.

"If you think you are being very obvious, you are very subtle. And when you think you are very subtle, you are very obvious."

For those who are really interested (game is still not going to start) I can tell what I had in mind.

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