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Multiple Settings The Society of Unconventional Sciences - Characters



Prisoner Freed
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheet
(feel free to add and change whatever! These captions are just guidelines for what should ideally be included.)

Full name and/or alias:

[Optional] Inspired by or based off:



[Optional] Romantic Orientation:


Height (can be approximate):

General clothing style:

[Optional] Nationality/ethnicity:

Area of Unconventional Science:

Position in the Society:

[Optional] Social status:

[Optional] Current project, aims and ambitions:

[Optional] (if any) 'Magical'/Unusual Abilities/quirks, including limitations:

Interests and hobbies

Skills, knowledge and strengths:

Personality, mentality:

[Optional, esp. if you'd like to reveal them during the RP] Weaknesses, vices:

[Optional, esp. if you'd like to reveal them during the RP] Background, including why they came to the Society:
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Full name and/or alias: Dr. Henry Jekyll

[Optional] Inspired by or based off: The character of the same name from The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, with inspiration from The Glass Scientists

Age: 32

Gender: Male

[Optional] Romantic Orientation: Straight

Appearance/photos/description: Jekyll has slightly wavy, neatly-kept dark brown hair and bright, hazel eyes. He tries to keep a stately posture and impression but he can often get over-excited.
Images not my own.
Height (can be approximate): 5' 11"

General clothing style: He is almost always seen in clothes sported by the high society of London, which is usually comprised of a starched white shirt, double-breasted waistcoat, tailcoat, cravat and black slacks, as well as white gloves. When going out, he dons a black top hat and overcoat.

[Optional] Nationality/ethnicity: English

Area of Unconventional Science: Alchemy

Position in the Society: Leader

[Optional] Social status: A respected gentleman doctor and something of a socialite and philanthropist, he makes a point to be seen in public doing 'good deeds'. He is defensive of the Society, despite the questioning attitude toward it by others, and to continue to be respected he will go to great lengths to hide anything disreputable about it- for, regrettably, certain aspects of disreputability are essential for the Society to continue to run.

[Optional] Current project, aims and ambitions: For the last four years he has been working on investigating the materiality of the self and what it is comprised of. A year ago he was successful in splitting his personality, or 'self', creating Hyde, the embodiment of pure chaos and whim. Thus he is able to separate himself and don a new personality in which he will not be recognsised by the public, in order to secretly fulfil and exult in the darker sides of his desires without tarnishing his reputation. However, Hyde is growing stronger and Jekyll weaker. If he continues as he is, he may no longer be able to change back.

[Optional] (if any) 'Magical'/Unusual Abilities/quirks, including limitations: His alter-ego, Hyde. He can take a potion and after some agony he becomes Hyde (character sheet to come). However, as of late he has less and less control over him.

Interests and hobbies: Reading (he hides the fact he enjoys fiction) and performing experiments around whatever takes his fancy- his investigation into the self was the longest he's ever stayed on one subject, and admittedly his most conclusive experiment. He also indulges in writing stories from time to time, and enjoys theatre.

Skills, knowledge and strengths: He has a medical background, and is skilled in chemistry. He's dabbled a little in most sciences, but alchemy and chemistry are his strengths.

[Optional, esp. if you'd like to reveal them during the RP] Weaknesses, vices: Because of his obsession with maintaining respectability (due to feeling great responsibility for the Society), he feels he has to repress the almost boyish eagerness and natural gaiety of his character, and be viewed well in the eyes of society by performing what others see as good acts. Gradually this repression has built up and as he's become older he worries if his whole life will be spent like this- hence why he created Hyde, to feel free and unchained, able to do whatever takes his/Hyde's fancy without reproach and repercussion.

[Optional, esp. if you'd like to reveal them during the RP] Background, including why they came to the Society: Jekyll was lucky enough to be given the Society from his great-uncle, and eagerly took on the role. Since his scientific work has always been so sporadic, unorthodox and often inconclusive, Jekyll feels he's finally making an actual difference by taking on board and helping other scientists with interests and ambitions that differ from the norm, like his own.
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Ne pourra jamais plus voler...

'Markie' - Markina Lahadita Del Rios_ 'The Steampunker Inventor'


'Abominator' ,'Pixie', 'KiKi',
She/Her ○ 22 ○ 5'7" ○ 130lbs ○ Black Hair ○ Blue Eyes ○ Tan Skin ○ Slender, Toned build
Lesbian ○ Lower Class Home: Montpellier, France ○ Theoretical BioMechanical Engineering
Society Scientist ○ Inventor ○ 9 months in Society ○ Goal: Alternate Fuel Source

This is Markie...



Markina is a slender yet toned young lady with a very expressive face. She keeps her hair long but more often than not it is wrangled in a loose bun at the back. She wears mostly drab-coloured clothes and in men's styles much to the chagrin of all proper Londoners. Don't expect her to wear fancy or new outfits. Usually its 2nd hand clothing, a bit too big, but she oftens ends up stitching it to make it fit her body. The reason you will not see her dressed up in regular women's clothes is due to her constantly tinkering with her inventions. More often than not you would find her in her workers coveralls, hands dirty and face smeared with some kinda grease or charcoal. Always has a hand rag on her too. And don't be surprised if she is wearing a different hat for each day of the week; headwear is her favourite type of clothing afterall

If not filled with concentration or deep in thought, she usually has a fine smile on her lips. And her big blue eyes will shine just as bright as her mood too. She is somewhat of a hand talker and arm toucher so do beware that she may smear oils or coal on your person when she talks.

The young woman also seems to have a tool or 2 on her person wherever she goes. She isn't shy about flaunting her inventions and discoveries so do expect her to have her diagrams or notebook handy to show off or even a mock up/model of what has been percolating in her mind to show up at dinner or even during recreational time too.



+ | Friendly, Open-Minded, Welcoming
+ | Chatty, Sharing is Caring, Family Oriented
+ | Intelligent, Creative, Humourous
+ | Level-Headed, Quick Learner, Studious
+ |
Daring, Agile Climber, Stronger than she Looks

- | Flirty, Indecisive, Free-Spirit
- | Unstoppable Motormouth, TMI, Over-Protective
- | Absent-Minded, Drinking Problem, Goofs Around
- | Obsessive, Forgets to Eat, Smoker
- | Daring
, Climbs Everything, Hates Blood

○ | Hand talker and also touchy when she talks too. Talks waaaaaay too much and too fast too,.
○ | Hidden drawing talent and Doodles on anything immediately around her when she has an idea
○ | Loves fast and loud things. Has an 'angel on her shoulder' since she has never been killed by her experiments exploding or crashing.

~SCIENCE!!: Steampunker Inventions



Scientist: Inventor
Markina is an inventor of mechanical wonders. Of note is her most successful creations; 'Liveable Fauna' rechargeable battery powered BioMech mech animals. Proof of concept were her twin dogs and lone cat. As an emergent technology from learning animal behaviour and culture, she has also developed a uni-translator to speak to animals. Right now it requires soooooo much power that there is no portable unit. But she has made prototypes. Hopefully the last madel doesn't explode.

'Liveable Fauna' are basically cyborg animals that go around and can complete semi-advanced tasks and complete their normal use tasks with ease due to enhancements. They are semi autonomous and require training sessions to learn behavious and ablilites. It is controversial because she uses injured animals to use in her experiments (some of which may or may not have exploded) but give them new leases on life and usefulness too. Biggest problem is that they run on quick depleting batteries and thus to save money she uses steam powered generators to charge them at least 3x per day.

One of her creations has however has caught on; a horse and buggy using badly injured horses. She has integrated the buggy with the BioMech horses' multiplied running power and endurance. Their machined bodies and legs are recharged with an onboard steam engine. She has also crreated similar watercraft; boats pulled by BioMech whales. Right now she does not have enough money to get funding so she resorts to scavenging metal and parts and looking for owners to donate their animals to her. The other big problem is fuel and feeding the animals too. She has to outsource and ask for donations to help feed the animals and buy fuel. It helps that she sells her inventions for transport and she has made good money but it is not a lucrative income due to the cost of maintenance and only a handful can afford the BioMech tech. She could however sell her skills and knowledge to the military and be set for life! But she is non-violent and holds jealously her own research like a dragon protecting its treasure trove.

The goal right now is to find that elusive alternative fuel source to power her creations to make them independent of the steam powered umbilical cords. She is working with a team to find a portable energy source.


○ | Born in Terrassa, Spain, the youngest of 3 (older bros: Miguel/'Miggy' and Marlon/'Lons'). Her pet name was; 'KiKi'
○ | Moved to Montpellier, France when she was 4 due to economic pressures after her dad died. Mother remarried there and gave birth to 2 more children: Montillo/'Monty' and Milinda/'LiLi'.
○ | Child genius and creative. Even as a little girl, she was already doing complex mathematics for her age and drawing out ideas beyond her years.

○ | Home schooled and she and her siblings received the best tutors available. It was a major catalyst to grow her budding scence career
○ | Found out that mom actually left Spain due to pressure from criminal orgs, the same ones that killed her biological father. Found out that mom and step-dad were actually criminals and used their ill-gotten money to educate their children.
○ | Busted, convicted and Jailed, both parents had to serve for 25 years in prison and so Marlon became head of the family.
○ | After finding work as a young tutor, Markina started to do her own bio-mech experiments on the side.
○ | The steampowered breakthrough allowed her to advance her research but still in secrecy despite selling her plans for her version of a steam engine
○ | But then Marlon found out about Markie doing experiments on animals and warned her to stop and never do again.
○ | Of course, she continued in secret and of course, Marlon found out again and booted her from the family house.
○ | Despite her success as a steam engine builder, she was notorious for her experiments and earnned a smeared reputation. People called her 'The Abominator.'
○ | No one wanted to hire her and life was tough. She was borderline depressed because Marlon barred her from their siblings and barred the siblings from contact with Markie and would physically force Markie from the house.
○ | And then the day came when the Society discovered her and brought her to London after she told her story and plight. It helped that she could show off her skill and successful research as well.
○ | She's been with them ever since with her BioMech dogs; Brûlée and Croissant, and cat; Peine. They call her 'Pixie' in the Society due to her demeanour and middle name translation. They allow her to continue her research and help her look for new and creative ways to source funding. New goal is to find an ultimate alternative fuel source.
○ | Just recently, she has completed her next iterration of her greatly anticipated breakthrough invention: The 'Fauna-Speak Transmorgrifier for the 20th Century'!!

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