The Skylands of Novahlis

The picture doesn't work for me (and I imagine may not for others), so sadly I can't admire ahem-laugh-at-ahem ;) the maps right now. Good to get more info on the setting though; cheers!

Just from a practical point of view for my characters, where would the military and pirates reside and do business there and why would there? Cheers! :D
How does it not work? As I said, it's basic. It's just a group of islands that are floating thousands of feet above ground, looked at from above. The shape of the islands and how they're connected is more or less exactly as shown, minus any detail. I only drew it up so you'd have a better sense of direction. It's rather difficult finding pictures on the internet that accurately match what I see in my head, so I'm afraid that's the best I can do with what I have. But, I figured the description would prove to be more helpful than the picture, anyway.

And as for your question; the military likely wouldn't be in Otanis, unless they were on leave and chose to vacation there or something, and I doubt an admiral would be there at all, unless their work took them there (like going after someone like Jack, for example). But practically? If the military were to arrive on official business, they'd probably be granted permission to enter the castle. Otherwise, they'd be no different than any other traveler/tourist. As for the pirates, well, I imagine they'd be partying it up at either the docks or in a tavern, or maybe screwing around in either the jungle or forbidden forest islands for whatever reason; treasure, fun, etc. Orrr they'd be causing trouble in the streets for shits and giggles. Because God knows that's always a hoot.
Good, that answered my question well - cheers again! :D And it doesn't work in that it just gives a picture error. The description is fine though :)
Glad to be of help. :) And really? That's strange... I can see it just fine... Lemme try uploading it once more. 
How about now? I tried inserting the picture again. If it still doesn't work, then I'll just post a direct link to the image and see if that works.
Okay, so. I believe we're about ready to get things started. Kazuto will be joining in a little late, as he currently doesn't have a character that can be implemented into the plot from the start. But since we have more than the bare minimum of players, I don't see why we can't start things off while he takes some time to put together another character in which to use. Sorry it took so long to get things moving, but rest assured that I'll be starting the RP off with the first post soon. I hope everyone is still interested and ready to begin. ^^ 
First post is UP, people! Let's get this ball rolling, huh? ^^
I want to start with a relative bang, so expect a reply from me tomorrow after I've had reasonable time to work on my post :)
Well apparently I have not been receiving notifications about this thread :( I didn't know we started at all.
Oh wow, really? No wonder no one else has jumped on it... Think you may not be the only one, Flare. I'm gonna send a PM to the others just in case. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
So, I am really disliking the fact that you can't use most curse words on this site. Even when the age rating of the RP is set to 17+... -_- Kinda lame.
This roleplay hasn't been very active lately. I see some people are online but not posting much, which is sad because Savader put a lot of effort into this one. I just don't want to see it go inactive.
Thank you for defending the RP, Vamp, but I think the players that have already posted are simply waiting for their turn to come again, which is the method I like using best. Rather than posting at every chance you get, I think it's better to wait until everyone has had a turn until it comes back around to you. That way, players don't get left behind and have more time to think about what they're going to write. However, I can't use that excuse for Flare and Kazuto, since they haven't posted at all yet...
That's what I meant. I usually do it that way, however I've never been in the situation where two characters haven't posted since the roleplay started a week ago. I think it's best we move on without them, but that's just a suggestion.
Sorry it took so long. Irl issues to deal with for a while. Ya know how it is... first post coulda been better for me sorry I kinda rushed it
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in most cases. And to be fair, Kazuto didn't finish his only playable character's profile until a few days ago, and for awhile Flare was unaware that the RP had even started.
And additionally, I'm on a mega exam high so having to revise a lot and am not having much time to put into RPing, especialy into quite long-post/high quality RPs like this one. I'd say it's far too early to be jumping the gun and making wild accusations and decisions now xD I'll try to get a decent post before sleepy time tonight :')
Yes, I try to keep that in mind as well -- exams, and school in general. But Vamp is just passionate about the RP. It's easy to worry over it dying when so many often do, so I know exactly where she's coming from. I'd just ask for everyone to please relax and be patient. The RP isn't going anywhere, as long as everyone stays committed to participating. ^^
I am working on my post, but my laptop is at my apartment and it's saved on there it will be up soon!
Sorry for jumping to conclusions, guys. I just was a little concerned that it was going to end. God forbid.
It's awesome to see this RP in full flow now, enjoying it a lot as I expected!

One minor problem for me at the moment though, in regards to posting. I'm not planning on having Whiskey and Deadeye encounter Jack and Cher until they need some kind of escape where they need a quick ship, or failing that after they've met for a decent amount of time. Subsequently, my other two aren't gonna arrive until news rises of the Princess' departure. If you guys are planning for said escape to happen fairly sharpish then that's all fine, but in the more favourable option of this not happening, would anybody else not planning on meeting Jack just yet like to meet my characters?
Well, as I have explained to Vampirelovee, all of the action in this arc will be taking place in Otanis, whereas most of the main plot will take place in the castle. The escape from the entire kingdom of Otanis will mark the end of that arc. I was certain I expressed this to everyone well enough, but I guess not. My plans involve Jack meeting Cher in the castle, which leads to the two of them forming something of a contract to help get what the each respectfully wants. From there, it's basically an adventure throughout the castle -- at least for those two characters. Again: think Prince of Persia for a general idea on what an adventure like that would consist of. At some point, I plan to have the deeper portion of the plot come into play, which will allow Jack and Cher to leave the castle's grounds, where they will enter into the city with the motives of finally escaping the kingdom. However, that's when the final stretches of the arc will begin, which will involve something akin to that of a "tough boss fight" for Jack. From there, conflict will arise in the form of the world government attacking the kingdom in order to apprehend/kill Jack, which proves to be quite a difficult challenge for Jack, who will be exhausted from his efforts in the castle and the earlier boss fight. THAT'S when Whiskey and Deadeye would come in handy in the means of beating a hasty retreat and ultimate escape of both the kingdom AND the government. Although, I admit that I figured they would run into Jack before then.

In any case, those are the rough details of my plans for the progression of the arc. To break it down, you have the introduction (where we currently are now); the action trigger (when Jack makes it to the castle shortly); the adventure; the gradual character development; the plot twist; the big fight; the surprise conflict; the struggle to escape; and finally the cliffhanger at the arc's climax, which will leave room for us to continue the story outside of Otanis. Does that all make sense to everyone? Any questions, etc.?

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