The Skylands of Novahlis

Understood. All I ever ask for is communication, man. Sorry about your grandfather; I hope he's doing okay.
I have posted with the incentive to hopefully inspire you all to write something. I realize, thanks to the advice of SkyGinge, that I may have been somewhat abandoning you all as the Game Master of this RP by not including enough plot for you to build off of, and I apologize for not noticing this sooner. I have set up some triggers for further potential in giving your characters something to do, if that was in fact the issue at hand for you all, as it was for SkyGinge. If that doesn't get this baby rolling again, then I don't know what will. Looking forward to what everyone will do, or not do, with this push. Godspeed, and good luck.
Glad to see the minor rebuff of activity! If anybody who's not involved with Jack atm would like to meet up with Whisky then PM me and we can arrange things. Atm I'm on holiday and with very little/rare Internet connection though, hence why I haven't posted since my last one. I return on Saturday and will be much more active after that :)
Hope everything is alright.

In regards to your post, though; I enjoyed everything up until the point of Aero's intrusion of Jack and Cher's first meeting. As I said before: Vamp and I planned on having it be just the two of them in the castle for a good while before either of them met any of the other characters. This is to force an unlikely duo of the two, creating development between them. A third wheel this early on would impede upon that concept, I'm afraid. Other than that, Aero's method of entering the castle was awesome. ^^
Phew! Glad that I was able to get our RP back. I was really upset at first because I thought it was gone forever, but after finding out about the glitch everyone was having where they strangely lost certain tabs, I was able to merge our original thread with a new one, moving the location of Skylands to the new RP locations. Kind of a pain in the ass, but as long as we still have all our progress, I'm happy. I hope we can continue now, or else all that panic will have been for nothing! ^^"

Just to make sure that everyone can find the RP again, I'll do a role call below to summon each of you.


Hope to see you all check in. I'd really appreciate it. If you're leaving the RP, please let me know that as well. Thanks!
I'm a little stuck on ideas again now, although I do have one for a little later, when things in the castle have progressed a little more. Just enough time to make it reasonable for the message bird to reach the council, so that I can bring my admiral guy into the action. Then I'm going to have a lot more to write about.

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