The Skylands of Novahlis

You can make whichever character you want, save for a jack of all trades. What were you hoping to do?
Well under your list of characters available to possibly work with Jack, the bounty hunter wasn't listed. However, under the description of the class, you mentioned they were generally on the good side of the moral compass. Which I would have planned making the character out to be. Possibly pursuing the Jack for that hefty bounty, but once they get to know each other after a few encounters, he would most likely join him on his contract.
Well, when I said "work with", I didn't mean as a team. I meant as in you, the player, writing your character's actions in the same area, since the story will only be taking place in the kingdom of Otanis for now. I'll be sure to edit it and be more clear -- I'm terribly sorry for the mistake. But you can still play as a bounty hunter, if you wish. And while a lot of them are more on the good side of the moral compass, that doesn't mean they all are. Either way, if it came down to it, Jack would refuse to work alongside anyone, unless they happened to be a part of the same job. However, my plans for his character are liable to lead him toward opening up to people more by the end of this chapter in the story. So, by all means, you can do whatever you like. If your bounty hunter did in fact take a liking to Jack, I wouldn't expect to see the two of them working together until much later, though. But eventually, it would be nice to take the story in the direction of a crew of misfits, with Jack at the helm. That was one of my original ideas, actually. A group of misfits working together on collaborated job, which leads to them growing close or something. So maybe it'll turn out that way later on after all. We'll just have to wait and see.
Seeing as you're allowing several characters, I'm thinking of having a sky-pirate group, with perhaps three named characters that I will RP as mainly; a slightly comic pirate captain, a more mysterious guy who's very good in battle and has some connection with the woman in the tower, and a third character, probably female, that I haven't thought about yet. Then alongside that an Admiral of the forces who is two-faced, a little corrupted, and is closest on the chase for Jack. The pirates could be inadvertently involved in some escape sequence for Jack, and the Admiral would attck both Jack and the pirates at different points.

Are these ideas acceptable?
All are great, save for the one involving a connection with the girl in the tower, and possibly the Admiral coming after Jack.

Regarding the girl in the tower; it would really depend on just what kind of connection. After all, the girl has been locked away all her life. Not many opportunities for her to meet a lot of people. Unless he was once a part of the kingdom, as one of the guards in the castle or something. Otherwise, please elaborate on your idea. In case it wasn't already made obvious, I'll say it right now: my plans for the girl in the tower are interlinked with Jack and his character development, and him to hers. High chance of romance, in other words.

And as for the Admiral thing, I was already approached by Kazuto with more or less the same idea. However, I wouldn't be against there being two Admirals coming after Jack at the same time. You'll have to discuss it with Kazuto, though. Maybe come up with something together.

Either way, I'd like to save the confrontation for the end of the chapter, when Jack and the girl are trying to make their escape. Having pirates be there during the escape is great, of course. That'll work nicely. Perhaps the captain has had a few run-ins with Jack in the past?
Well, I had saved any major elaborations until after your word, since I figured you'd have something to say about it. So, with what you just said in mind, perhaps he could have been a guard at the tower for a while a year or two previously. A little obsessive, he dreamt up impossible expectations for her and fell creepily in love with her (a little like Gatsby in The Great Gatsby, if you catch my drift.) He could then have been thrown out after a momentary suspicious activity, but is still just as obsessive. I kind of figured that you'd be going for a romance thing there, and therefore this adds another level to the love, since while his love would go unrequited, he would still be awkwardly flirty, and perhaps violent at times. This would also work especially well if we have this acquaintanceship between Jack and my captain, since they would inevitably meet at some point.

In terms of the admiral, I think it'd be ok having two rather similar admirals; they could be rivals in a way and hate each other, yet be forced to cooperate at times due to their position. That would be another interesting conflict.

Would this be fine now then?
That's downright eerie... I love it! Haha, yeah it's fine for now. Once a character is established for the girl, however, many plans between her player and I may end up influencing change. Either way, you'll obviously have to go over the finer details with them, eventually. But yeah, sounds great so far! Although I must admit; I expected the "mysterious" pirate to be somewhat more "cool" than "creepy", lol. What a twist!
Good: I can finally set off to work on characters then: expect them to appear staggered across the next few days :)
A question: how technologically advanced are the people of the Skyland in general, and more specifically the pirates?
Oooh, good question.

Well, I figure the world government would have access to the best technology in the skylands, typically. And when it comes to ships, just take a look at the last picture in the introduction for a general idea. Their airship technology runs off of steam. As for pirates... Since pirates are... well, pirates, the more well-off crews would have the same, which they likely stole -- or at the very least, something similar to the government. But those particular pirate crews would be among the best of the best. Although some would surely have bought or built their own ships through various methods. And the less formidable -- or less "daring" crews -- would have something in the way of airships that run off of propulsion. Anyway -- as far as technology goes, it varies throughout the world, but I've always imagined something along the lines of steampunk, gunpowder, swordplay, and propulsion. Lots of ropes and such to be used as you'd imagine a pirate using on certain aircraft, and more stone-based structures in the current age. There was a time when each country had better material, but after Project Skyland, they lost a lot and no longer had access to the planet's more luxurious minerals, and thus, eventually had to adapt to using older materials. Most of the structures are now either fully remodeled with stone, brick and mortar, or wood, while some still have pieces of the old civilization combined with the weaker stuff.

As for weapons, I'm thinking of it being a wide variety as well. Anywhere between flintlock and double-action, when it comes to firearms. Although likely nothing fully-automatic. As for everything else, well, bladed weaponry would be rather simple to make and easy to come across. And for airships, I figure classic cannon and mortar; shells, etc.

Pretty much no electricity, though. Trying to think of whether or not that would be good to have... I guess I could imagine some of the more fancy, bigger cities having electronic lighting for night-use. And ships that run off of steam could also use a lesser energy source strictly for light. Otherwise, I think it'd be all sun/moonlight and candles, haha.

That about sum everything up for you?
Yup, that's helpful; you could probably do with do with posting it in the OP. I'd figured it'd be semi-steam punk, and I can fit my character ideas into that. Cheers!
Yeah, I planned on throwing it in there at some point. Hadn't really fully fleshed it out until just now, haha.
I have a few questions. Is there magic in this world? How scientifically advance is it? And I would like to create multiple characters however is it possible to post or introduce them later in the story? Or must I post them now? Also, how much freedom do we have with our characters? I know the story revolves mostly around Jack and the girl so do you have a
@Iscariot It is, and you may. :)

@Melody246 There is no magic, no. As for how scientifically advanced, I urge you to read my reply to SkyGinge about the technology of the world. And it's certainly possible to introduce some of your characters later in the story, but I'm afraid you will have to participate with the happenings at Otanis with at least one of them. Either way, I would prefer you sign them up now, rather than later. In regards to the freedom you have with your characters, I'd say you have just about as much as you might expect, but I ask you to at least run your plans by me first before you start typing willy-nilly. I don't want any plot devices I may have in store to be thwarted by miscommunication. And the rest of your comment is cut off, so I'm not sure where you were going with that last sentence...
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Oh sorry I didn't realise my post was cut short. I wanted to ask if you had a specific plot in mind for all the characters.

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I see. No, I didn't have a specific plot for every character that will be in this story -- at least not for the Kingdom of Otanis arc. What I had in mind was to later bring some of the characters that were in Otanis together to form something of a team. But that wouldn't be until much later on. However, in terms of how much individual plot you want to give your characters, I would still like you to run it by me first via private message, where we can further discuss your plans. Their paths will likely intersect with Jack's and the girl's, after all.
I just wanted to make sure if my character was acceptable. Seeing as you allow us to create characters not mentioned in the overview, is it okay if I make mine a healer? She mainly works with herbs and potions created using plants.
You mean a doctor like Chopper from One Piece? Yeah, I don't see why not. A healer actually sounds pretty cool. Haha, is that why you asked if there was magic? In any case, I'll allow it. As long as her work revolves around the creation and use of medicines by way of scientific methods. Herbs and potions of that nature are fine. I might even be willing to consider some "spiritual" methods, such as chi or chakra manipulation to speed up recovery for example. Although, while that kind of healing is known to work to some extent in the real world, even that -- depending on how effective we made it work -- might be pushing the boundaries closer to magical territory... But yeah, go ahead with your healer idea. I was actually still undecided on the concept of how health recovery would be in this world, but now I actually rather like the sound of healers. Of course, I'll add in regular hospital doctors that work with technological sciences, too. They'd be more common throughout large cities and in the military. Healers sound more like the rare breeds of the world who believe in natural medicines, so I could see many being found traveling or living in a small town/village. Thanks for giving me the clarity I needed to make the decision! ^^
And meanwhile, this whole healing clarification has given me ideas on where to take my third character, so thanks from me also! xD
Haha you guys are welcome. :) I'm glad to be able to help. ^.^ Yup, I was thinking something along the lines of Chopper. The spiritual idea is interesting, but I think I'll stick with herbs and potions for now. My original idea was that healers travel around Novahlis healing people. Some might even set up apothecaries. The length of their stays varies from healer to healer and there are those who chose to stay at one place permanently. Like you said, they are quite rare and many work in small towns. They accept all sorts of patients, including those that are too poor or for some other reason unable to visit a hospital doctor. Is this okay?

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That's more than okay, Melody. It's a wonderful idea, and I'd love for you to implement it. Your healer would even make a great edition to that eventual group of misfits I was talking about earlier, should the story ever reach the next stage. Seeing as how Jack and the others would likely get more than their fair share of injuries throughout the course of their work, having a healer on board would definitely come in handy. She'll definitely have a chance to use her skills in this arc, though. For sure. A lot of characters, Jack being no exception, will probably end up getting pretty hurt at some point, so she'll have a good opportunity to strut her stuff ^^ 
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I updated the introduction with some information about the layout of Otanis and its castle. It's just after the list of classes. In addition to that, I also added a crappy doodle I made. It's in the maps section of the roleplay, and it should give a basic understanding of the area. Even more-so when you compile it with the info I provided. I hope you all appreciate the extra perspective, and don't spend too much time laughing at my shit drawing.

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