The Skylands of Novahlis

Makes sense, yes, but I had always presumed from some snippet of conversation we held earlier in PM that there would be some kind of mini escape after the castle bit for some kind of small recuperation, not out of the kingdom fully but to one of the smaller, uninhabited islands for example. Then from there things would lead onto the tough boss fight and subsequent events. I guess we could do that if you were willing to do that minor change, but obviously it is your RP and I really should've made my thoughts here clearer before, so apologies for that.

In any case, it does seem like it'll be a while before my doods meet Jack, and so my previous question still stands :')
Oh, no, don't apologize. I really don't mind it when other players give forth their ideas, and I always take them into account when plotting. I think I see where the misunderstanding came from, though. I suppose there wouldn't be any harm in allowing Jack and Cher's eventual leave of the castle to be from the help of Whiskey and his crew -- and it would actually work as a lovely surprise for Jack when he sees Whiskey again, which I see him being elated over, thus making him more than happy to take Whiskey up on his offer to give him and Cher a ride to another island, since the timing of Whiskey's arrival would be in their favor. From there, we could just progress according to my earlier plan. But Whiskey and his Abyss would be needed again for the bigger escape later on, just so you know. I'd like to use it as a plot device for later relationships between everyone's characters, if at all possible...
That all sounds absolutely fine to me, I always figured most of it would happen anyway though perhaps in a slightly different order, hence the initial confusion xD But yeah, sounds like a good frame to go by :)
I don't know. I've been waiting for Vamp to edit her post for over 5 days now. Busy school week, I guess. /shrug
I've had a busy week and so haven't really been around much, but tbh kinda forgot about this because there were no notifications for it :/ Will get a post up tonight!
Roll call time!

It's been about a week since the last post (which was mine) or any activity in general, and while I understand that people easily become busy with IRL stuff, I want to make sure that everyone is still in this. If you take the time to read this OOC post of mine, then please also take the time to reply to it with an update on your current level of commitment to the RP. Let me know if you're still in this; if you're just busy at the moment, or tell me you're gonna be taking a break for awhile -- or that you're quitting, etc. Whatever it is, I need to know and I'd appreciate it if you would TELL ME what's going on. Don't leave the GM hanging; this is how roleplays DIE, people!

I'll give you all a couple of days to respond before I start sending out private messages to better try grabbing your attention. If that, too, fails then I will be forced to start making the necessary adjustments to the current list of players and their respective characters... I think you know what that means. This is, of course, a last resort method, and I would rather it not have to be implemented... Don't let me down, guys and gals! I'm counting on you!
I'm still in, though very occupied with my own RP atm. Was kinda waiting for other people to post before replying, but nobody else did for a while... I'll get up another post this afternoon :')
I am here! I wasn't sure what I wanted my next post to be, but I think harder and have a reply at some point this weekend!
I'm still interested! Sorry for not being able to reply lately. My exam have just finished so I will have more time for this RP. I'll be able to post soon.

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I'm still interested just as much as I was when I signed up yet, as I told you I have irl stuff but sometime soon I will be able to commit again. Probably after school and my other problems get worked out (1-2 weeks)
Hey, so I have no doubt that most of you will have noticed the new forum character battle competition, essentially a best character tournament involving a role-playing fighting element. Seeing as Sava inspired me so much, I ended up putting in a ton of effort and development into all of my characters I made for this RP, and am thinking of using one for the competition, though I'm not sure on which one. So I'm asking you guys, which of my characters here is your favourite and why?

Cheers! :D
@SkyGinge Well, first off: if you're going to shorten my name, I would prefer the use of "Sav", haha. And as for which of your characters I like the most, well... it's honestly kinda hard to say this early on. Personally, I like the sound of Captain Whiskey the most. He seems to hold the most ground as far as a unique and interesting character, but I have what's on his profile and the few posts he's in thus far to work from. I think I would need to see each of your characters in action more before I could safely give you my vote, but for now, I suppose I'd say Whiskey. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Hope that helps! ^^
Okay, everyone. It's time to start posting again, I think. Summer is here and school should be ending, if it hasn't already. I expect to see some activity by the end of the week, and if I don't, then I'll have to start making some changes. Iscariot has dropped out of the RP already, so I'm not very hopeful as it is. Please don't disappoint me...
Hey, Flare. Nice post, overall, but I'm afraid I have to ask you some questions regarding the context of the later half, as I don't really understand what was going on at all... You mentioned a man suddenly altering his appearance drastically in a split second, labeling him a "monster", and then later described the other one "evaporating"? What the hell...? I feel I should mention, again, that there are no supernatural or magical elements in this world. I would certainly allow a giant of a man with insane muscles to carry off another man and crush his skull with ease, but only if that were his natural state and if the guy he killed didn't suddenly evaporate into the ether... If that wasn't what you were intending for everyone to understand, then I would appreciate it if you would rephrase your writing to better describe what you actually meant. Otherwise, simply change it to something that fits the world you are writing in, because what you have now just doesn't work with the RP in the slightest. Everything else is fine, though. Sorry to trouble you! ^^"
Yeah reading over it again, it could easily seem like magic. I'll go on and make the appropriate changes some how
Again, I've been really busy and will probably continue to be so for a few weeks, but am trying still to find the time to formulate a post.
Alright, guys and gals... My patience is running rather thin. It's been about a month since the last post and we are WELL into summer, so what gives? I expect at least one of you to post something by the end of the week (Sunday), or else I'm rebooting the story with a different group of people who will, hopefully, actually participate.
Would it be okay for me to post again so soon? I know participation is down, but I always feel selfish posting to many times..
I'm usually the same way, but when a hiatus gets this drawn out, I find it utterly ridiculous and doubt anyone would care if another went a little before their time. If you weren't the last person to post and no one else has gone within about a week's time, I say go for it.
Ok so... long story short... my grandfather has dementia and he had a stroke. He's still alive but it has definitely delayed me greatly. I am not normally thw person to go without posting as long as I have and I express my forgiveness as much as possible. I am sorry. I do have a post in the works but I need a bit longer for it.

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