The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

"i see..." nadia stood behind roarke a leaned dow seting his drink down infront of him a huging him from behind wispering."your haveing me answer most of her stuff.
He flinches as she touches his back then says back "I know. You are the deciding vote on the first one. The last one well you are the female."
"well if you hurry then the answer to the first one will be yes" she says and walks away. zara looks at him with araised eyebrow "how could YOU love HER?"
Roarke falls over he didnt have enough strengh to stand up anymore and her touching the wound hurt
he turns to her "Why! Because i care about you! Because it makes me feel horrible when you are hurt!" his voice was rising he was mad at everything at teh world not her
Nadia (beine very emotional because of the child) starts to cry and runs into her room and locks him out.she felt like she ruined his life and made him upset.
Zara walked out and looked at him she knocked 3 times and nadia let her in.after a bit zara waked back out"she said shes leaveing.."
"you made her feel like she recked your life so she will give you the house and some gold and never botherc you with anything even when your child is born." Zara says looking at him."oh and shes packing now.."

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