The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)


Three Thousand Club
Roarke sits in a dark corner of the inn cluthing a knife in his hand.

"Kill them all" kept saying the voice in his head.

Just another day at the races.

He sits there looking around for work or possibly someone who would be kind to him

He would take either one at this point.He runs his hands through his stark white hair.His

scar on his back tingling he couldn't have on of his episodes.not here.He couldnt appear weak not infront of everyone.He had yet to feel the emotion called "love" he didnt understand it but he couldnt ask a male they would laugh at him and a fenale woyld think he is hitting on her.great...

--- Merged Double Post ---

Would * my bad
name: Nadia

age: unknown

species: high elf

history: she is a run away princess from a far land in the south. she ran because her father tryed to force her into marying some one she hated so she came her to prove that love can be real.

looks:View attachment 2874
Nadia had been watching Roarke for a while.She swings her blue hair to her shoulder.She gets up from her stool and kneels next to him freash blood drips from the rags on here arm and leg.Though she smiles and takes Roarke's hand. "Hey um you ok?" her voice was calm yet slightly worried.She tilted her head taking a peek in his eyes.
roarke flinches

"I-Im " his eyes turn bright blue" yeah im fine i guess"

He was obviously lying.
She giggles "worst lier ever.come with me..i wont bite much." she says hoping to her feet still holding his hand.she tuged him lightly to follow her outside.
He blushes and spins his knife and shoves it into its sheathe "u-um" he lets himself get led outside by his hand but he still is watching everyone around him his eyes turn gray to avoid attention
Once out side she spins and looks at him."oh.." she pauses seeing his grey eyes.sratching the back of her head she thinks for a bit "now i swore you had blue eyes."
He turns his eyes the dazzaling blue they were and he runs his hands through his hair "they were"
He gets lost just looking at her and his eyes change colours continously but then he shakes his head " umm yeah thatd be nice for a change " he laughs then looks down they were still holding hands he quickl drops her hand and blushes
She looks at him for a secound then hugs him."get all lonly on me." she insisted huging him tighter then kissing him on the cheek.
blushes really deeply even his eyes glow red.. "um h-h-hi I-i'm Roarke. who are you?" he wrings his hands really nervous about her the fact that she could kill him and because she was so.. Beautiful
She smiles until Knights come and spot her "oh no I'm sorry I have to go."she turns and runs for the woods near by as they chase after her
Pulls his knives and seems to move quicker then time itself and easily drops a knife then almost teleports to another horse and stabs that one in the back "Wait! Stop!!"
he pulls his bow off his back and shoots an arrow crushing the soldiers helmet and the arrow going through his head "need some help?" Roarke laughs.
"What have I done.."she bites her lip as the rest of the knights aim there bows at him

"Stop as princess of Regar do not hurt this man."they holster they holster there bows and bow there heads.
""p-princess what?" He shoots about arrows all of them finding their marks he draws his daggers and lunges at a gaurd
"i.." in a panic and scared he would make her go back she takes off runing this time she headed straight for a crowded town and soon she was gone
"Son of a..." Roarke frowns and his eyes turn a dark red "I SCARED HER OFF ALREADY!!!" he takes a knife and plunges it into his leg "ERGH!" he runs after her

((yeah join in))

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