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er hand left Saphielle the moment it happened.It’s fear that grips her first as the walls crawled with black. The window she previously peered out of disappeared before her eyes, and then she was alone.
It was one of her nightmares. She was young again, small, naive, and helpless. This was the part where she would hear him, her father. A voice which was usually calm, filled deep with anger as he barked and chided.
But instead of the memories of knives slicing along flesh, all she heard was a single word. “Identify.”
She was terrified.
But for once, she could be scared. She was nothing but a lowly servant, a handmaiden forced to AL-Lotoy to do Saphielle’s bidding. This was a part she could easily play, a part she had to play. Lives were at stake. She wasn’t close with the people in the caravan, but the last thing she wanted was to watch them die in front of her. Helpless, once again.
Thank god Scarlett wasn’t here.
She brought a finger to her arm and pinched, not bothering to hide her flinch. She could be scared, yes. But she needed to be aware, too.
Aricia kept her hands to herself in the eyes of the darkness. She remained silent, though everything in her body screamed to speak up, to do something. Instead, Saphielle spoke first.
"I am Princess Saphielle Zayna, Heiress and Future Empress of Falin."
Aricia drew in a sharp breath, hoping they would take it as nothing more than fear instead of surprise. Saphielle wasn’t stupid, she wouldn’t stray away from the plan for no reason. She wouldn’t have said that if it wasn’t true.
Which meant Aricia was currently sitting next to The Princess of Falin.
Shock and irritation pricked at her skin. All this time in The Seal, and Aricia had no idea. She never thought much of the Ice Queen, she was just another agent to her. But no, apparently she was a goddamned heiress. Heiress to Falin no less! And of all the options, The Seal decided to send her to Al-Lotoy with teammates who were none the wiser. No one thought to warn them of what they were getting into. Instead, the information was dropped in the midst of danger, where anyone could slip up at any time.
Aricia had some complaints to share when they got back. Because they would get back. No way she would let these stupid decisions lead to her end.
“We-we have come seeking help for my lady!” She exclaimed.
She didn’t have to fake her desperation. She was nothing but a scared servant, speaking out of turn in hopes to save the Princess, and herself in the process. Istoire had seemed set on using Falin to their advantage, and so she would try.
“Those from Falin are after her, we have gone everywhere to try and escape.” She weighed the pros and cons in her mind before pushing forward onto her knees. Her skirt scraped against the seat walls in the cramped caravan.
“We have nowhere else to turn to. Please, I beg you to help us!” She glanced towards where she thought Saphielle sat. “S-Surely having the Heiress by your side would be helpful, yes?”
Aricia Belwick