[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:2 Ruins

The water-aspect is almost caught off guard as part of her body quickly dissolves into water, allowing the glaive to pass through her body. Before she can recover though, Xentair shoots off towards him and attacks. With but a single strike, he attacks the water and air aspect twice each. The Air-aspect manages to dodge both attacks by dissolving into air, but the Water-Aspect is unlucky. The flames on Xentair's weapon nullify her charms due to their nature.

"Reduce all to ash, Samael!" he whispers as the flames on his weapon turn azure. The Water-aspect screams as Xentair's daiklave lands a decisive blow on her, the flaming blade tearing into her flesh. The moment his sword touches her, the sapphire flames spreads to her body and engulfs her completely. Within moments, the terrestrial is reduced to ashes upon the floor, the armor upon her body is now slag and ash.

"Piera!" the Air aspect shouts in alarm, "You monster!" she scream, charging at Xentair with a dagger in hand. Xentair almost effortlessly deflects the strike with his shield and pushes her back.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a sin for a sin." Xentair states coldly, his visor flickering with an icy fury, "You're next."

0- Wren

1- Xentair

2- Water Aspect, Air Aspect

3- Viktor, Fire Aspect

4- Earth Aspect, Leader

5- Wood Aspect, Wren

6- Tshav, Xentair

7- Air-Aspect

8- Nimbus, Kyros,

9- Aldy
Wren is a bit irritated with herself that Xentair had to take the Dragon Blooded down instead of her, but it just meant that there was more for her to learn from her new Sifu. Next time, my blade with taste blood!
A flap of his wings carries Viktor over the heads of the crowd, and he stops, hovering just above the Terrestrial with the Fire-Aspect markings. "Let me teach you a lesson about the nature of fire, little snake. Have you ever found something you couldn't burn?"

He draws in his breath, caste mark blazing on his brow, and exhales a stream of hungry crimson flame, engulfing the Dragon-Blood, while barely singing those on either side of him. "I haven't."


22 base damage before successes, count as pure Essence for elemental defenses.

Willpower 10 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 13 / 39, 10 / 10

As his target burns to ash, Viktor gestures to his three szmiya bodyguards. "You three; I can sense a Terrestrial off by himself in that direction, Wood, I believe. Bring me his head." The demons nod, and dash off, drawing their blades.
The Fire-aspect doesn't even have time to scream before he is also reduced to ash by Baal's cleansing fire. The Immaculate Leader snarls, "Enough of this! I will cleanse this land myself!" he shouts. The Earth Aspect hesitates before staying by the leader's side, analyzing what was happening. The leader draws in breath and lets out a devastating shout directly in front of him, attacking every member of the circle.

Xentair staggers back at the force of the blow before regaining his footing.

The Immaculate leader uses Tsunami Force Shout. Roll Essence. Also, Wardragon, can you roll your Szmiya's attacks please?

0- Wren

1- Xentair

2- Water Aspect, Air Aspect

3- Viktor, Fire Aspect

4- Earth Aspect, Leader

5- Wood Aspect, Wren

6- Tshav

7- Earth Aspect, Air Aspect

8- Nimbus, Kyros,

9- Aldy, Leader
Kyros walked forward as the ground under his feet was ripped apart, leaning in to the shout as if it were little more than a stiff wind. "Come now, surely you can do better than that?" He said, laughing.

Adamant Skin Technique, 8m, to soak the damage completely.

Personal Motes: 0/25

Peripheral Motes: 39/42

Immanent Solar Glory: 30/30

Overdrive: 0/10
The air around Viktor ripples briefly, and then goes perfectly, unnaturally still. It is a bubble of perfect calm in the force of the watery scream, negating the sound waves, splitting them like a rock in a river.

Counter-Conceptual Interposition, to perfectly parry the attack. Would have used my own perfect soak, but I didn't know what the cost was since I don't know his virtues... I really need a more usable Imperfection.

Willpower 10 / 10

Personal: 28 / 28

Peripheral: 8 / 39, 10 / 10

As for the szmiya, I was sending them after one of the DBs you said were in the general area, but not part of this particular battle, so they could be handled off-screen. Still want me to roll? It'd be 8 or so attacks each, at Accuracy 16 before Excellencies.
"You really need to do better. Maybe you will in your next life," Tshav said as he chuckled, the attack having no effect on him.

Adamant Skin Technique 8m valor flaw

Personal: 25/25

Peripheral: 8/59 - 8 Committed

Overdrive: 0/20

Capacitor: 5/15

WP: 8/10

Anima effect. -1 to all attacks directed at him. +2 to difficulty of coordinated attacks against him. costs 5 wp to counteract

+2 to DVs

Dodge DV: 10

Parry DV: 9

Still miffed at the fact that she didn't even hit her target, she turns on the leader. With a blur of moonsilver, she strikes at him multiple times, hoping to take him down.

Spending 15m on 5 attacks against the leader.

26 / 9 Personal

84 / 43 Peripheral

10 / 8 Willpower




The Leader manages to avoid most of your attacks, but you score a glancing blow on your fourth strike and his body becomes clay as your strike passes cleanly through him without any damage. The Wood aspect quickly strikes at Wren, bringing back his warhammer around to crush her avian body.

Wren's attack hits with a threshold of one success. Leader's soak is 16L/19B. The Earth-aspect hits you with an attack roll of 15 successes.

0- Wren

1- Xentair

2- Water Aspect, Air Aspect

3- Viktor, Fire Aspect

4- Earth Aspect, Leader

5- Wood Aspect, Wren

6- Tshav, Xentair

7- Earth Aspect, Air Aspect

8- Nimbus, Kyros,

9- Aldy, Leader

10- Wren, Earth Aspect
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Wren's Parry DV is 18, so she blocks the incoming attack.

Attack does only ping damage of 1L, but I do get to roll my Permanent Essence to regain motes with Joy in Adversity Stance, gaining me 4 motes back.


No joy in the damage; it bounces off doing no harm

26 / 9 Personal

84 / 47 Peripheral

10 / 8 Willpower


6- Tshav, Xentair

7- Earth Aspect, Air Aspect

8- Nimbus, Kyros, Viktor

9- Aldy, Leader

10- Wren, Wood Aspect

Tshav is up next.
Tshav moves up to the leader striking him 3 times.

Buying 5 Successes using my infinite MA mastery on all attacks.

first strike -3 +5 successes


Second Strike -4 +5 successes


Third Strike -5 +5 Successes

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The leader barely manages to redirect the strikes, his anima blazing as shards of rocks orbit around him. You are quickly tiring him out.

Xentair quickly dashes strikes the Earth Aspect thrice with his daiklave. The Terrestial's eyes widen before his body dissolves into dust, the daiklave passing through his body harmlessly. But the Earth Aspect is tiring out quickly.

"Zalmn, we need to retreat!" the Earth aspect shouted, "We can't beat them!"

"Silence, you spineless worm!" the leader snarls, "We will annihilate the Anathema or else we will die to bring them down!"

The Air Aspect quickly draws back and begins to chant, his anima swirling around him like a protective gale. The Earth Aspect stands nearby, guarding his comrade while he casts.

You also begin to hear the shouts and the screams of the townspeople around you. Things are getting worse, you need to end this battle quickly!

8- Nimbus, Kyros, Viktor

9- Aldy, Zalmn

10- Wren, Wood Aspect, Earth Aspect

12- Air Aspect
Moving towards the center of the group, Kyros held his Dikalave high and swung it once, twice, three times in succession. Each swing gathered more and more golden light of Solar essence, charging high and bright in the night sky.

"Enough is enough." He said, and with a sound of thunder and fire, he brought his blade down on the group of dragon-blooded, sending out a shockwave of solar fire in all directions.

Wavecleaver Daiklave: Speed 4, Accuracy 16, Damage 9/2, Defense 9, Rate 2

+10 dice from Infinite Mastery

Making the attack unblockable and undodgeable (10m, Rising Sun Slash)

Trippling the damage successes (1m, Hungry Tiger Technique > Golden Destruction Cut)

Applying it to all enemies within 3 yards of me (3m, Peony Blossom Attack)

Total motes spent: 13 - 6 from Lion's Roar recovery = 7

Total dice rolled: 26 for 12 successes

Personal Motes: 0/25

Peripheral Motes: 32/42

Immanent Solar Glory: 30/30

Overdrive: 0/10
The leader, Wood-aspect, and Earth aspect attempt to dodge the blow, but the light of Kyros' essence finds them all the same.

You hit all three of them with 12 sux. You're lucky DB PD's are really bad...

Earth Aspect soak is 13L/16B, Wood aspect's soak is 7L/10B, Leader's soak is 16L/19B.
With a single strike, Kyros erase all three of the Dragon-Blooded from existence. Only the Air Aspect is left. She falls to her knees, in shock about what had just happened to her comrades.
Kyros leveled his blade at the Air Aspect's neck, standing over her as he allowed her to decide her own fate. "I offer you a threefold choice, Dragon-Blooded. Fight me, and be killed quickly and honorably. Surrender, and be spared and humiliated. Join me, and become powerful and wise."

(I'm assuming combat time is over)
Wren steps up next to Kyros. "Where is the Solar you were here to Hunt? We will not permit you to harm this one."
"This blasphemous place will burn anyway." the Air Aspect states, his voice monotone, "As for your choice, Demon, I will take option four." the Terrestrial directs his Anima inwards, destroying her own body and soul with her own essence. She chose to take her own life rather than tell you anything, leaving you with nothing.

"We need to move quickly, no doubt there are more enemies around." Xentair stated. Suddenly, there is a large flare of golden light in the midnight sky, as if the Sun descended upon the Earth itself. The two Solars recognize it for what it is, the birth of a new Solar.
Wren looks up in surprise. "Well. There is something you don't see every day. Lets move. We can't be the only ones that have seen that."
"That voice...What was up with that?" Tshav muttered to him self.

"Any way let us go meet the young Solar." he said relaxing bit "Stay alert we don't know where the next attack will come from."

leaving White Reaper Form. Leaving all other scene longs up as long as possible.

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