The Serpent's Cross


That guy who's not around much right now
Crew Dossiers

Dr. Jerry Palavick's Notes

Previously Documented Information

At long last, departure. People were flocking to Neptune from all over the solar system, either as part of the mass colonization, or simply to witness it.

Billions aboard each ship, billions more still came to watch them depart. Palavick hurried along, trying to get aboard before someone decided to hock his delicate, and expensive, lab equipment.

The gangly fellow was getting on in his years now, but still had some life in him. Only recently starting to bald, with hair since silvered, and wrinkles now become profound. The rest of the crew was boarding, hurrying to their respective stations before they were robbed like the lead researcher feared his own would be. It was a relief that he wasn't the only one with those thoughts. If one were to truly think about the scale of the vessels they were about to board, it was outstanding. As far as the eye could see and then some, unpainted metal, the only distinguishable feature from one to the next was their individualized emblems adorning the starboard prow. The eye... it seemed to be watching, always watching... Palavick wasn't entirely sure to think of the project as a whole, but he got plenty of funding, and material to research... presuming they found anything.
Everyone needed a hand to hold, an ear to listen, a heart to be compassionate. It was human nature to need another human, regardless of culture, upbringing, or psychological development. The ship was setting sail. People were making sure to stay close to their family and friends. Even one's colleagues had greater importance than before. A mobile home to thousands was readying to partake on an unknown journey. Even knowing the Captain better than most did not leave the doctor privy to information like where they were going or what they could possibly encounter. Doctor Noa Zahavy had heard every conspiracy theory, every idea, every nightmare from her patients.

But she knew her own nightmares. They plagued her. Noa was scared to death of this journey and truly just wanted to live out her life in a world destined for destruction. At least then, she would know what would kill her. On this ship, terribly named "The Prophet's Fate," she felt her own fate closing in and suffocating her. Sleepless nights were leaving her restless and unfocused. Thank goodness for her and her own sanity that sessions had been put on hold for the past month as preparations neared their end. The home of thousands of human beings would soon be taking off and everyone needed to buckle down.

Doctor Zahavy was already in her office/home area, tinkering around with home items and paperwork. A few boxes lay untouched, an absent mind continually forgetting that they needed unpacking. Noa was never forgetful, but on a ship headed toward a new home that could prove unwelcoming, she found her mind worrying on other, more important things.

The door to her home slid open and she found her way out into the spacious hallway and mingling with the others. Noa had family, but they were on other ships, preparing for different things. She was alone. And being alone caused her to be even more frightened. But she smiled anyway. Her full lips split across her white teeth and she greeted many, shook hands with others, and on occasion, purposely bumped into random travelers.

Noa just needed a moment to be around others and feel their anxieties as well. It made her remember that even though she was destined to put others first, she was also human and needed help sometimes, too.
The Synth approached the ship. It moved at a swift pace,under explicit orders to board the ship and report to it's post. The Synth looked like a twenty-year old man,wearing a black sleeveless shirt and red cargo pants. It wore a green scarf around its neck,and a red cap,with a blank metal plate riveted to the front of it. It moved quickly,easily navigating the crowd. It's Data Halo was coloured to signify that it was following critical orders. The Synth,which identified to the moniker of "Quote",quickly made it aboard the ship, The Prophet's Fate,and made a direct line to the bridge. The chalk-skinned Synth reached the bridge quickly,without being sidetracked by the requests of the passengers. Upon reaching the bridge,Quote immediately slid into the Synth-Interfacing Station,where Quote wil do it's job for the journey.
Mark was unhappy. Not that he was finally departing, no. He was ready to get off this blasted chunk of rock. He was hyst grumpy because he had been on duty since four that morning.

If it weren't for the coffee that pulsed through his veins, he would likely be asleep behind the cargo bay instead of actually doing his last pre-launch checkup on the engines.

But no, today was much too important of a day to miss, and so, it was gratuitous amounts of coffee and willpower that kept him on his less than steady feet.

Everything checked out of course, it always did. After all, he had given them a complete once over all day yesterday. No wonder he was so tired this morning.

Wiping fatigue and grease away from his eyes, Mark stood up. "If I get another 'favor' asked of me before this darn ship takes off I think I'll just go to sleep anyways. Looks like all I have left is to sign off the supply list before launch."

He cleaned off his hands with a rag tucked in his pants and slid into the maintenance turbolift as the door hissed shit behind him. He punched the button for the command deck and the capsule shot forward at a frightening speed towards the front of the ship
Meisha was practically frozen in front of the Prophet’s Fate’s docking bridge, looking at the immensity of the ship from the outside. She could hardly believe that she would soon be inside, not only that but she would be operating on the bridge. The fact that they were relying on her to maintain a ship like this sounded crazy at the moment, but she had been chosen. There had been plenty in her university in her same management courses, and she bet there were plenty others who actually had this as their dream job.

It was, after all, something that had been a process in the making for a long time, which made people aspire for space. Pulling her ebony hair back briefly, she reminded herself that she could do it and the moment on the platform was all she needed. The woman ascended the dock, towards the ship that would be her home for a time limit that had yet to be determined. Still, she only carried a suitcase by her side which contained a few photos, some necessary changes of clothes and a few other trinkets.

When Meisha finally boarded the ship, she first made sure she would have enough time to drop by her living quarters. The girl found that she did, and made a quick trip there to drop off the suitcase, before heading towards the bridge. That’s where her station resided and she was much closer than any of the general populace, as she was staff. Entering the room readily, the bridge was something in itself, and she was slightly astonished at the size. The only other in the room she could spot was a pale figure in a black shirt, red pats and a green scarf, the woman had glanced over him at first.

Her station was more prominent to her though, as it was to her immediate right and the seat was turned towards her in an inviting way. The girl decided that it was better to familiarize herself with things she had already seen, due to training. Spinning lightly in her chair, as she examined the dash carefully, she waited for more crew members to arrive.
Freya looked up at the gleaming ship, The Prophet's Fate and grinned. She was finally doing what she'd always dreamed of. She was going on an adventure. The massive ship spanned several thousand feet on either side of her, and it wasn't even the bigger one. From the miniature hologram pictures that were sent to her interface bracelet, the ship, The Dungeoneer, was the larger of the three. Why, Freya wasn't sure, but she was curious as to it's duties. Why they would name a colonial ship The Dungeoneer was confusing unless one were to think about what it was supposed to be doing on the journey.

Freya shuddered not wanting to think about it and looked at her interface bracelet. The small screen wasn't in hologram mode so it glowed with a dim light, numbered digits slowly counting down on the face. One would glance at it and think it was a watch, but no, it was counting down the minutes until
The Prophet's Fate took off. With a tiny sigh, Freya keyed in her interface and looked at a small map of where she was to be going. She wouldn't be boarding with the rest of the passengers toward the back of the ship. She was to be boarding near the anterior, the front of the ship. Freya didn't question the instructions and grabbed her duffel bag that had sat at her feet. She picked it up and slung it over her shoulder, grabbing her vintage Ariat cowboy boots in her other hand and made her way to her loading deck.

It was a good thing she wasn't very far from the front of the ship, or she'd have a very long walk and would have very well missed her flight. Her interface bracelt kept counting down, each digit decreasing with a tiny
ping noise, making Freya walk a bit faster. When she reached the loading deck, she was stopped by a man in uniform.

"ID please," He said holding up an eye scanner. She leaned forward and he scanned her retna. He glanced at the screen on his scanner for a moment before a loud
ding approved her being there.

"Dr. Youngblood, go on ahead." Freya grinned. She still hadn't gotten used to being called Doctor yet. She'd only gotten her Doctorate last year and at the university no one really called her Dr. youngblood, unless she was at meetings, which were few and far inbetween.

When Freya reached her livign quarters, she pressed her hand on the keypad, a scanner identifying her as the inhabitant of the quarters. The doors opened with a
whoosh lights inside flickered on. Freya stepped inside and smiled. The quarters weren't very big, but they weren't cramped either, much bigger than a dorm at the University on Mars. She set her duffel bag on the fold-out bed and her boots against the wall. With a sigh of satisfaction, she closed her eyes and smiled.

"I made it," she whispered, her head spinning with thoughts of new worlds and fresh beginnings.
Roe walked briskly through one of the thousands of hallways onboard the starship Prophet's Fate, making his was up to the command bridge. He wasn't alone either; dozens of people were quickly making their to their own stations, dodging each other and trying not to drop belongings they were carrying on their way to their living quarters. Roe himself had already been settled onboard the ship a month ago to start preparations for the launch. Four weeks of composing duty rosters, establishing emergency procedures, overseeing drills, checking equipement and weapons supplies and signing off on all manner of things, all coming to a head today.

Most ship's security officers were currently stationed in the major hallways of the ship to assist the billions of people now boarding the ship, checking IDs, making sure the flow of people moved smoothly and to step in quickly if a problem arose. Everything was running smoothly so far, Roe decided to head up to the bridge to observe the launch. If he was needed, his officers could always reach him on his communications earpiece.

Roe turned a corner in the hallway and made his way to the elevator that would take him up to the command bridge. Hitting the button, the doors made a soft hiss as it closed and quickly ascended towards the bridge. Upon entering the room, Roe took in bridge; there were only a couple of occupants, there rest of the senior staff members would most likely be elsewhere finishing last minute tasks. One of the current occupents was a young lady sitting a the communications station and the other looked like a man, but could only be the Fate's Synth, as he was plugged into the interfacing station. He wasn't sure at first glance, the red cargo pants weren't what he expected from an AI and admittedly, they threw him a little.

"Ma'am," Turning his attention from the Synth, Roe greeted the young woman, a Ms Keon, if he remembered from the senior staff files correctly, "Good to see you're readying for the launch."
It was too much for Meisha, the untouched keys under her fingertips, and the active display screens in front of her. The girl was never one for touch screens, so she made sure the keyboard was pulled out on the board before she finally gave in to start looking at the technology. Now all you could hear was the quite tapping that paused every once in a while for her eyes to zoom over the screen. It seemed she was waiting on some checks to be done, such as the actual quantity of resources. Before she could investigate the matter further, a voice sounded behind her and yellow eyes turned to meet the offending noise-maker.

It was a rather rugged looking man, and somewhat older than her as well, it took her a moment but she recognized him. Major Roe was the chief of security on deck, and she wasn’t surprised he knew her name already. Remembering his comment she noted with a smile, “I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else…” Then it was straight to business as she asked about his end of things, “Everybody check out?”
Quote was busy checking the systemns of the ship. It was certain others were doing this as well,but it felt that it was most suited for the task,considering the instantaneous proccessing speed and the direct interface. Diagnostic screens on the bridge started to light up with the Synth's results.

Reactor: Critical

Plasma: Stable

Ammunition: Fully Stocked

Atmosphere: Stable and Nominal

Food Storage: Nominal

Drinking Water Storage: Nominal

System Coolant: Optimal

The list continues for quite some time,covering all possible diagnostics. Afterwards,the Data Halo turned from red to green. "System diagnostics complete. This unit is awaiting further orders." The machine didn't bother to look at the humans in the room,it simply sat there in the station,looking forward out the bridge viewport. It spoke with the inflections of a normal human,and the voice was almost perfectly human. Almost. There were some subtle artifacts in the voice that betrayed the machine as a Synth.
KT looked at the large ship in front of her. The Prophet's Fate. It was almost unreal for her to be going on the ship now, going off into the very space she had spent years of her life dreaming about, studying until all she could see before her were million of tiny little stars and she wanted to scream or cry. Of course the screaming and crying were mostly for other reasons. KT had long got over the concept of the hugeness of the universe and all it could hold. In fact she loved the idea and the more she learned or theorized, the happier she got. Not that many people saw her being happy. Few could even tell when she was.

She got onto the ship, no hurry. She did want to get away from the others onboard. Find her area and then make sure that no one could interrupt her easily. KT liked doing her work alone, but also if anyone found out about her disease. Well she was kicked out of the military for it and although she was sure someone on the large ship had to know beside herself, her medical records or even a file from her hearing with the military about lying about her health. She was sure some had accessed to it. Those who didn't, she would never tell and those who did, she wouldn't talk to them about it. Her disease was none of anyone's business.

But she knew if she didn't take her shot soon, the feeling of numbness could begin to occur and she didn't want to drop something or fall in front of the others. So she made her way to her room and office on the ship, moving silently and with purpose.
The moment the boarding ramps sealed, a transmission played through the bridge, directly from Kurt Daniels himself.

"Prophet's Fate, begin launch procedure, things are beginning to look messy." Voices could be heard in the background, people rushing about trying to deal with what sounded like a logistics nightmare.

"Someone back on Earth, a senator I think, found an especially long piece of red tape he can catch us with, so to preserve the Cross' ambitions, you need to leave the solar system immediately, if you were to exit government controlled space, they lose any ammunition against our organization."

The message didn't loop, it simply cut out. For the head of the cross himself to send the message carried with it a powerful implication, they would have little support or chance to return in the near future.

A calculation was immediately forwarded to the bridge synth, sending them skipping toward their first Goldilocks planet, coined Asgard, at least for the time being.
Michael stood, panting, on board the Prophet's Fate. His hand was grasping against the edge of a seat, and his back was against the wall. He looked at the ramp sealed behind him, thankfully; if he had slept in for two more minutes, he would be outside the ship staring at this very same ramp in a very different situation.

It seemed they were heading out of the solar system right away, he thought as the transmission ended. Michael suddenly felt a pang of regret in his chest. It was probably a bad choice spending last night celebrating at the local bar, bragging about his new job with a ridiculous pay and talking about going to space, with real floating rocks and no-gravity and the like, to his friends. He should have been home with Abigail, really, thanking her for everything she's done for him. Maybe make her a disaster of a mac and cheese that she would have loved anyway. But no, all he could think about during his last night on Earth was to call Richard and the guys and go out to drink beer. Man, was he a jerk.

Oh well, he thought. There was no going back now. Abigail knew he loved her (hopefully) and there's no point in dwelling. With a new, more positive thought in mind, Michael set out to find his station in this oh-so-cutting-edge ship everyone was so excited about. The people around him seemed quite in awe with this whole thing. He's starting to realize that he was, too, now that he's actually looking at it. He's never on a plane before, let alone a ship like this one.

All the security seemed to already be at their station, Michael noted as he walked through hallways, a little bit lost and a little more reluctant to get to work; he'd much rather keep exploring this humongous ship. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a synth in red pants and a man--was that the chief security? Michael quickly covered his face and scurried away, knowing he was late and that Roe was ex-military. And he'd bet his savings (oh wait, there weren't any) that he wouldn't want to get in trouble the first day at work.
Huge lines of code and mathematic equations surged into the Synth's head,and began inputting them into the launch sequence just as fast as they were coming in. The launch gantry came to life,as the Synth broadcast a message throughout the entire ship. "All passengers,please brace yourselves for immediate dustoff. Seat yourselves and strap in." The gantry angled the ship upwards slightly; the ship was larger than some of the smaller countries in Europe back on Earth,so vertical certainly wasn't an option. It taken a few minutes for the ship to angle,and then,the engines roared to life. "Launching in T-Minus..." The Synth began to rattle off a countdown,from 30. "...Zero." The moment the first syllable left the broadcasting system,the ship was catapulted forward from the launch gantry. The other ships launched as well,in unison. All of the ships had Synth staff,for safety's sake. As the rear of the ship cleared the launch gantry,Quote began to alter the ship's trajectory,in order to leave the atmosphere as soon as possible. The ship began to curve upwards,and,in less than a minute,the ship cleared the atmosphere. The ship was massive enough that it generated a strong enough gravitational field to keep people's feet on the ground. But if both feet left deck...They better have some form of entertainment while they waited for their feet to touch down.

"The Prohpet's Fate has cleared Neptunes gravity well. Engaging Suiard Jump towards first waypoint in T-Minus five...Four...Thre...Two...One...Zero." Space arounf and before the ship bent and distored,and suddenly,the ship was nowhewre near Sol. It was,instead,near a different planet entirely. Asgard.
Teufel standing in the hallway inside at the Prophet’s Fate to wondering in his mind that this is his new life as a chef for the ship. However Teufel started thinking about Germany where his family was and fact his miliary career is now in shame. He start walk up the stair in the ship, in every step some memories start flashing through his eyes in his short military life, his love Tanya and campaigns that being fought. But with no tears pouring out from seeing it which made him very grimy at himself. All he see were people with sad and happy in the ship. When he got in he looked around seeing a lot of people talking, smiling to each and there was a lot of space.

He look back at planet where chine of command made their final decision on Teufel in the Mars civil war campaign which he was only soul survive in massacre. Than Face his back at the world and starts walking down the hallway to his job where the kitchen. He put his hands on his trench coat and found a half fulled photograph. He stare at it and was photograph of Tanya before the war. He stare at it for two minutes then his mind told him that "She gone and will never come back, even if you wish for it". He look at it one last time than fulled the photograph and drops on the ground leaving it there. Teufel continues to walk towards the kitchen leave the photograph on the ground.
*Security was among the first allowed to board, mostly to make sure we weren't taking any unwanted guest and that the crew and staff weren't bring aboard any illegal substances that weren't part of their SOP, I already consider the Prophet's Fate my new home and which made the security of this ship even more important to me. My sweeps included all essential areas of the ship, including Engine room, bridge and especially food, water and weapons lockers, it's my hope that the need to open the weapons lockers will never arise. I make it back to my post on the bridge just in time to strap in and secure the bridge bulkhead doors for launch and I have to say there is no better place to be during the launch, the view from the bridge...I would never say this out loud but I'd work on this ship for free just for that view. As the XO to the Chief of Security I've been on board during all the shake down flights for the Prophet's Fate but we've never left the system we've barely been out of dock for more then a few hours.*

Best damn job EVER!..I mean unlocking the bridge's main doors.
KT heard the announcement that they were taking off and she smiled a little. She was looking forward to be anywhere but back there. Back there on Earth was her old life. Now she could begin again here. It would be hard, interacting with them all. KT was not a friendly person after all, but she was going to have to sometimes. For now KT prepared herself for the ship to take off. She had no desire to have it go and have it make her crash into a wall or something. As she got ready, the idea of being in some space no one had traveled to, made her smile a little more. This was why she was here. To discover. To learn more.

KT looked out a nearby window, but let out a gasp as her arm started to feel numb. She stood, unstrapping herself not that they had made the trip, almost tripping to her things as her legs began their descent into numbess. She grabbed her needle and jabbed it into her arm and let out another gasp as the sensation of feeling returned to her limbs. She hated it. Hated it! She hated that she was like this. She had plenty of needles and medicine to be fine for years, but no matter what she would live with this condition. It was the one thing KT could not leave behind.
The Prophet's Fate has jumped out of Sol. Out of the solar system. Like, way off from Earth. The idea left Michael a little shaky. Just twenty minutes ago he was checking out of a hotel, sprinting like he was in the Olympics and cursing the time difference. Just now he was regretting not spending the night before with his sister. But now he was somewhere else, in space, and all those things already seemed far away.

Unstrapping his seatbelt, Michael got to his feet, still a little breathless from the realization that he's starting a whole new life. It was exciting, really. New places. New people. New beer? Nah.

He joined a couple of security guards in helping some people around with directions (not that he really knew what they were saying; he wasn't even sure if this was his post.) Some of the guards were still giving him accusory glances for being late, but most of them didn't seem to mind.

Michael caught sight of a short-haired woman who was getting up, just like the rest of the ship, when suddenly she paused with a surprised look on her face. Then in a single swift movement, she grabbed a needle and sunk it into her arm, and now it was Michael's turn to feel surprised.

"Ma'am?" He said, slowly approaching the woman. She wasn't a citizen, he could tell that much. Probably one of the brainiacs. No officer should be off-duty now, right? "You alright there?"
KT turned to see that someone had saw her and she sighed deeply. She was in no mood to explain what she just did or even lie about it. She could just ignore the man, but she didn't want to cause any hostility without reason. Maybe he would just go away. She could only hope he wouldn't be too curious about her action. No one needed to know about her disease who didn't already.

"I will be fine. You do not have to worry about me. But thank you for the concern," KT said, her tone cold and dismissive. She hoped he would take the hint and leave her alone.
Michael stared at her with an eyebrow raised. Having to inject a needle into an arm didn't seem like fine to him, but if she so insisted, he won't push. She's probably uncomfortable announcing her sickness to the world, anyway. Psh, just like Mom, he thought bitterly. She so wanted to keep the news of her disease to herself and look how well that turned out.

"Well, alright," he shrugged. "Tell me if you need anything. My station is right there. Probably."

Michael turned on his heel and returned to his post. Most of the people in the area seemed to know the directions now (as opposed to, say, him. Where was that map he was supposed to look at again?) The needle girl was still here. Looking at her now, he's even more sure that she's not a civilian. She looked way too cold and calculating to be just one of them. She actually reminded him a little of his old algebra teacher who called him a good-for-nothing and gave him countless of detentions. That woman kept telling him he needed to know his math or he would never go far in life. Well, I'm on one of the best ships humanity has to offer, and way off of Sol, he thought with a smug grin. ​I suppose that will be far enough, Miss Wills.
Teufel finally got to kitchen and reported in to the head chef. Head chef look at him and said "What’s your jerky name boy" Teufel reply his name to him "Sir, my name is Wilfr-" but was cut off by him and said "Ya, I know your name now. Your that gas mask army guy has a nickname as Teufel that everyone is talking about the one that is soulless animal that let his comrades die near that out city" However Teufel mind started to go nuts because of the statement that he used about him and everyone that he know on that division. But outside of him he didn’t look anger at all, however he just what his "commander" about the things about him that were nt true to him. When he finished the speaker of the ship captain say that everyone should take their seats and take off soon. The head chef look at Teufel and said "Well heartless son of a gas mask freak you should find your room the ship will be taking off soon. I will see you in kitchen when the ship is off in space." He left with a joy taunting voice, however Teufel didn’t like the way things that work up in this job. But he leaves with a sad eyes that didn’t give tears to his room.

He was walking slowly in the hallway with people looking scary of him and his gas mask however he was thinking and thinking why he was born like this in his life, he didn’t went normal school he was teach from his father for his childhood life. He doesn’t know much things about health or any of type of learning. However two things that he did learn was that his mom gave him the lesson about how to be caring to people plus forgiving them and cooking.

Teufel was still confuse about why his own mother who is a military soldier giving kindness to other people. However he shack his and look out for moment and then turn seeing that a person stab herself with a needle and a security officer coming up to her and started talking for a bit. He did pick up few words man saying "You alright there?" and lady saying "I will be fine. You do not have to worry about me. But thank you for the concern,"One thing in his mind is that, that man should set away from her because she was like those guys in the 67th "The Grey Claws" elite infancy company. Teufel fought with them in a operation against the rebels on Venus Campaign before the Mars Campaign started. When they inject a needle in them they become a wrong nightmare you ever seen. Then Teufel look up and see that the man turn away back to his post and now is just looking a the lady. However Teufel didn't know why but he just walk towards to them..
"Don't worry. I can manage just fine. Still thank you," KT said. She hated it! Hated her disease for attacking her at that moment. What if they found out? What if she was put somewhere because they thought she couldn't handle it. She remembered what the military did to her when they found out. Sure they said it was mostly for lying to them from the start about her health, but KT knew it was because they thought she was not able to perform the necessary actions with her condition. Sure it did hinder her and now KT was happy to have gone back to her real passion of astronomy. Still. She was not weak. Being a girl already cast her a certain way.

She noticed someone else come over and bit her tongue so as not to yell at everyone. "Hello," her tone still cold. "Can we help you?"

He walk towards them he try to stop his legs from moving toward them but it was moving by it own , however few things are going in his mind "Why I am walking towards to them is there a reason why I’m walking towards them?" Then The woman notice him and said with a cold tone "Hello, can I help you?" He stop look at her from few meters away from her and think what in mind he wanted to say like "No ma’am I was just walking through". However it didn’t come out like the way he wanted to say"Yes, I was wondering if you’re a retire 67th "The Gray Claws" member and also i think you should stop using needles for a type of self defend in a way. It may destroy your body's system and mind for hours...or even years."

He feel very grimy about himself and stupid didn’t know why he just said that to her, also the fact that there a security guy who was just standing there. One thing for sure he knows that he has a 20% chance living from what he said because when someone mess The Grey Claws with their needles the person will face their death in two second.
KT just stared at the man for a moment, not sure how to respond at first. She had the urge to just ignore this comments and go to her room. Maybe to her station. Studying space right now as they were no longer in the normal space everyone knew, was tempting. But she didn't want to be known as the ***** on board either.

"I have never retired from the military." The truth. She was kicked out of it. Dismissed in a way she wish she could do to the men near her. "Nor am I injecting myself for pleasure or some kind of...self defense did you say? It is medicine." Did he think her some kind of junkie? She wished it was the case. But only the injection would stop the paralyze and only for so long. If she could stop taking it she would.
When Teufel hear her say that "she never retire from the military" it made him feel that he want to kill himself for saying that to her. However she also say that it was medicine which was in the needle which was another miss understanding. He look at her think that maybe she using that medicine to heal from a gas attack on Mar's moon? It was only common thing that happen to many companys in that area of the campaign from attacks which was lunch by rebels.

However looking at the lady and said to her "I’m sorry for miss understanding ma’- I-I mean Captain" He give her a salute and also the security personal too but also the fact he himself not a miliary soldier anymore. He want to cry in his gas mask but couldn’t from the fact that his habit. He starts walking away from them and try to find his room.
Michael stared at the guy in gas mask, torn between laughing and making a remark about how he never met normal people. First the needle girl, then this gas mask guy. Does it take being some sort of mad scientist to get on this ship?

He quickly returned the salute before the gas mask guy walked away. Casting the needle girl a strange look (maybe he really should learn her name), he found himself trying to imagine her as a junkie, and it was so ridiculous he almost felt bad. Surely the security wouldn't let anything like that get through. Unless the said security was him. He never seemed to do a good job when it came to things like this. As much as Michael hated all the rules and regulations in the military, he sorely missed the battlefield. He missed being able to take down enemies. He missed being good at something. Of course, the job here offered a much better pay, and it wasn't like he was going anywhere in the military.

"Hey," he said, finding himself approaching the needle girl again, who after all this time still looked as cold as ever. "I didn't catch your name last time. I'm Michael Jasik," he didn't bother sticking his hand out. Too formal for his liking. It was a whole new ship and a whole new life, after all. He could do with fewer formalities and more friends, although this one didn't seem to share his point of view, judging from her cold stare and ever there frown. "Wanna grab some lunch from the cafeteria? Or dinner. I don't know. Do they use Earth time on this thing?" As if to prove his point, his stomach growled. He didn't eat before coming to the ship, having woken up late. Surely he deserved a quick trip to the kitchen. There was a lot of security officers here; nobody was going to miss him.

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