The Serpent's Cross

"It's okay. And no Captain. I am a civilian. Just here as a professional astronomer. Still the confusion is fine," KT said, warming just a little bit. She didn't mind the mix-up or his misunderstanding. KT was use to people not understanding her disease. Still she had no inclination on really going into detail. She just wanted to go and lay down. But the previous man had come back, this time introducing himself.

"I am
Kathleen Mirth Tracheal, but most call me KT."
"Right. Nice to meet you, Kathleen," he said. "So, professional astronomer, huh? Pretty fancy stuff. You know, my sister wanted to be an astronomer too, when she was younger. Of course, she also wanted to be a painter, an engineer and a ballerina. She ended up teaching kindergarten kids, which is alright. You could do a lot worse in the poorer part of Earth." And I wanted to be an doctor when I was eight. Just how ridiculous is that? "You think there will be aliens out there? You know, like in the movies? Tentacles and all that." To be honest, talking to an astronomer made him a little nervous. They're really smart and all, and he knew he was dumb, at best.

Michael's stomach growled. "I think I'm heading to the cafeteria. You coming?"
Whatever the lady said to him, he did not hear when he left he was still feeling bad for miss understanding . However Teufel started look for his room which took at least around 2-9 minutes to find his room. When he enter the room it was like a size of a closet room how with a closet in it and also in their was a telephone on the table which was beating little badly. However he found a letter on the table, which was from the jerky head chef. Teufel know that the letter will be full of trash in the letter, but he still opening it and read it, than rip the letter like a wild cat ripping a ball of wool in pieces. He stand their for couple of minutes than start open his bag up taking out government papers, flag of his division, family history photograph book, personal journal, and even a clock. He Started place his things on the room like the flag on the right side of his bed, government papers and family photograph on the table. However when he reach to his personal journal he stop than open the book. He flip the pages of his journal remembering the begin when he join the army, he flip some more page tell his first battle, then another Venus, Section 4 (Saturn's moon) and...Mars campaigns. But there was section of the journal which was before the Mars campaign and was something he can't that easy, so he starts reading his own enter log

-Unknown month- Top secret operation Day 1 "Before accident with myself"

We land a the ice planet or moon which I don’t why we were transport here but with almost all the U.S.AG (Union Scandinavia army group) were here. My comrade Dag was wondering the same thing he took at his little computer even do he is a nerd tech and start go through look at the computer list, and told me that operation has "75 corps in this planet against one Brigade of rebels?" which also got me wondering against one small group of rebels? "Why would high command send us to fight a brigade of rebels? Are they different from the rebels that we fight against on Venus?" However my friend told me that this are same rebels that we fought on Venus who use gas attack methods and kill many lives in the planet. However every oberfahnrich (CO) and few of leutnant (Second lieutenant) were planing and map a lot of the things in the area. Then my feidwebel (sergeant) told me and comrades that we were moving out in 0008 hours. However we did move out only got around 4km away from landing point, there was so much snow that one thing odd about is there was flower growing through the snow. I still can’t believe it so cold below I don’t know like -75c! and however the flower was red with four clover and one black spot in the middle. I didn’t know why but I take off my helmet and place it on my chest and give a salute to the flower. It was weird, it feel that there was a person that die here on the planet. However we had to stop at the area anyways. This will end of my log need to find somewhere warm to sleep this is very cold here.

-Stabsefreiter (Staff lance Corporal) Wilfred Werner

Then telephone ring Teufel pick up, he answering it with a fast 'Okay Sir!' ends it, he gets up then start to walkout saying to himself "Well time for me to start going working now" leaving his room and left the door unlock to rush out to kitchen.
Roe nodded his head in confirmation of Ms Keon's questions. "Yes, so far everything is going smoothly. I haven't recieved aby reports of attempts to sneak onboard, or of any confrontations."

"Let's hope we can take off without any hicc-" He was interrupted then by a transmission from Kurt Daniels, the director of the Serpent's Cross himself. Roe really shouldn't have spoken too soon. Although frankly, the last minute attempt at stopping the collonizing ships did not surprise him; many people were unhappy with an undertaking such as this, but seeing as it was a privately funded venture, there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. 'Or so they thought,' Roe thought to himself as the message ended.

As soon as it finished Roe, sent his own instructions out to all the security comms. "This Roe to all security personell, the ship will be departing Venus and will be heading out of the solar system immeadiately after," As he spoke, Roe walked over to his own station inside the bridge and sat down for the launch, "Everyone should be at their stations by now, make sure you and other crew personell are braced for the Jump."

The Synth began it's countdown, and in 30 seconds the Prophet's Fate detached itself from the docking port, climbing steeply through Venus' atmosphere and continuing until it had reached a distance safe enough to engage the Suiard drive. Looking out the viewport, Jonah watched as the space outside seemed to stretch and distort before retaking shape, only now it was different. The stars had all changed, and ahead of them was a blue-grey planet.

"Asgard," Roe said quietly as he unfastened himself from his seat and stood up. "Well now," Roe huffed, having had his moment of awe, "to work."
"The final communications buoy for this jump has been dispatched. Momentum will carry it to a stable geosynchronous orbit around Asgard." A message went through the Synth's proccessors. "Attention hangar crew. Doctor Palavick has ordered a reconnisance drone be launched to the surface." The Synth began to move the vessel away from Asgard,manouvering the ship to sta behind the nearest natural sattelite,in an attempt to minimize an possible impact on the environment below. The Synth reviewed the passenger roster,and quickly found someone of interest,Ms. Tracheal. The Synth sent a text message to her PDA.

"Ms. Tracheal,this is Quote,the Bridge Synth. We realize that you have a significant nervous system condition,and it requires medication. We would like to ensure that you stay as healthy as possible,and request that you report to the nearest pharmacy on board the ship to set up a restock plan for your medication. Thank you for your time,and your willingness to participate in the Serpent's Cross Endeavour."
Roe had given her confirmation that his job had went over well, and Meisha let a pleased smile grace her face as she checked it off. Just in time too, as diagnostic results arrived in her computer, courtesy of the bridge synth, who probably updated the rest of the computers as well. Her keen eyes scanned through them again quickly, all while listening to Roe’s wishes before take-off. The man was cut-off by the captain itself, and with the notice to prepare for launch, she buckled up and set straight to work.

It was now that she was in her element, checking things as they turned on, and readying others as the ship captain explained their situation. There was no turning back now, and for some reason that suited her just fine, she felt like she belonged behind the desk. As the synth started counting down, she shifted her keyboard in and held onto her arm rests, the ship had started to angle so it could launch properly. Then it launched, and she watched as specific lights went up on the power units, and other the others checked out as well.

There was a mere moment of zero gravity that she felt when her stomach flipped, but other than that, the ship continued to rise without fault. It was soon enough that they were in space, and she looked around, not seeing anything surprising, but they were still in their own solar system. As if the synth had read her thoughts, he started another countdown for the Suiard drive and she carefully opened the screen, this time opting to use her fingers. The girl watched it lock onto a point, and then when the synth reached zero, the ship jumped.

It was a little bit discomforting when she looked around again, the jump putting an odd taste in her mouth and some overall confusion. The planet was Asgard, and she could pinpoint it through the windshield, but the big ship didn’t dare go any closer. Doing another run on system check, she found them to all be okay, and looked up from her station at the mention of a drone. It’d probably be best…
KT was tired of her current conversatio and the other person she talked to, the one who had misunderstood what she had did. She was going to have to plan to do this elsewhere, not wanting anyone else on board to know her business or know that she was not entirely...healthy. As long as the captain knew and the doctor, she should be fine. No one else had to know.

KT knew that wasn't the complete truth. There may be times when one of the crew had to inject for her in case she was unable, but she was going to be sure that did not happen. Not yet at least. She wanted to be able to trust these people more.

"I have to go," she told the remaining man. "But thank you for talking with me." She turned her station and to begin her work. Once she arrived, she brought out her PDA and saw that she had a messaged, she read it and nodded. Of course the synth knew too. But she knew she should listen. At least it didn't say it in front of anyone else. For that she was glad. She set a reminder to do that later. For now she had work to do.
Roe stood with his hands clasped behind his back as he watched the live feed from the drone displayed on an area of the viewport's screen. His attention was riveted, not only because this could provide the first glimps of alien life any human had ever seen, but also to guage whether or not that life was dangerous.

The first few minutes of the drone's journey showed only vegetation, with no visable sign of sentient life. When they did catch the first sight of the first organism of Asgard, it wasn't very pretty nor did it seem to be overly friendly either.

Immeadiately, Roe's mind went into a threat assessment. Two legs, meaning it could possibly be at least as fast on it's feet as a human, protective shell, multiple jaws, and what is it drooling?- Roe's thought process was interupted when the creature suddenly fell into a tree. The reason wasn't apparent until a humanoid creature stepped forward.

'An attack?' Roe thought to himself, as the humanoid began carvin pieces from the dead animal, he noticed some kind of weapon protruding from the forehead of the downed creature.

This new alien - 'Well, technically we're the alien's I suppose,' - looked very human-like so it was a little less obvious what it's strengths would be. It was observant though, Roe noted, it noticed the drone relatively quickly. It must've been watching closer than it was letting on though, when the drove moved slightly the creature attacked it and the feed cut off. It seemed humanoid possessed a much more dangerous attribute than the other creature: intelligence.

"Quote, please send a copy of the drone's transmission to my tablet, my XO's too," Roe wanted to be able to go over the video again.

"Nixon," Roe called his executive officer, "What do you think of this?" The man's skills from his history as a detective should prove very usefull in determining what kind of threat these creatures might pose. Of course, they might very well turn out to be peacful, but if it didn't...
*Step slightly in front of Roe and gives the creature a quick study* Sir my keen instincts are telling me I have no freaking idea what to make of this, but how about we not provoke it further, perhaps launch another drone but lets make sure this one keeps it's distance need someone from the science team to check out those scans. Wouldn't hurt to rally the ship's troops and have them on standby though just in case.

*Rewinding the feed and studying the creature movements closer* Attacking the smaller creature is just primal survival instincts but the drone that was tactical if you asked me. Still I could be wrong so don't how me to that. *Presses the comm button* We need this feed reviewed asap and send it to the Troopers we need tactical options if we have to engage this creature or others like it. *I know that's not gonna make the science geeks happy, a new lifeform and I'm asking for ways to kill it but it's sort of what needs to be done to protect this ship's security*

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