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Finished [The See - Frontier] A Helping Hand. Part 3: Bargaining.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be the third and final part of three relatively short ones. The first one was about Ryan arriving back home to explain what happened to his girlfriend. The second one was about journeying to the destination. This third part will be about getting unmaimed after arriving.

What to expect in character:
Ryan sets off into a journey into the See to get unmaimed from loosing a hand during a failed tribulation attempt and having previously prepared for the journey that took him on a long trip through the See he finally arrives to meet with the one that might be able to fix him up. He'll just have to convince her.

Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

As arduous and tiring as the trip through the See had been, with its various dangers, traps and long periods of bad weather, the group eventually made it to their destination. A place that Tisiphone had only introduced as 'The Healing Garden'.


“Right, before we enter, a few final notes.” She said, stopping at a distance, with their destination in sight. “The one living in this area is a dryad. All these gardens are her home, with the house merely being build for guests. She tends to be a rather nice person, but don't let your guards down. She will be testing you in her own ways.”

With that, Tisiphone continued on into the garden. As the rest would follow (Ethel and Aileen included), they would spot someone folk working in the garden.



A bird was digging through the dirt with her claws, seeming to till the soil through it.



A fox was carefully burning down certain plants through some fire magic, likely targetting the weeds, little by little to avoid damaging the surrounding plants.

Amice Bellamy


Finally, a small and young looking gnome was working to plant new seeds. Digging holes and carefully dropping seeds in them, after which she'd drag over a bucket of water that she could barely carry herself to water it.




“Hath we arriveth in heaventh?” Ethel asked, confused as to how drastically the scenery had seemingly changed.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“We actually made it... finally. It's so pretty here... it reminds me of Sootspire Mountain. Our little secret area.” Aileen would state to Ryan, her eyes tearing up a bit after they'd finally arrived at their destination after such a long and harsh journey through dangerous lands.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan held the urge to drop to his knees and flop down. Tisiphone finally said it. They made it. As much as the sights were pretty and fascinating, Ryan was tired, and his enthusiasm was low as a result. At least in some ways. The exhaustion eased the tension he had prior to embarking on this trip. Ryan treaded carefully to avoid stepping on something or someone that could turn this into a terrible time. Seeing a bird, a fox, and a... tiny human, tending to a garden with all the care and precision in the world.

Ryan's mild reaction grew when he saw Aileen. "All thanks to your initiative. I appreciate it. A lot. I won't waste the chance you... all of you, have given me." He wrapped his sole arm around her, holding her close as they walked wherever Tisiphone would direct them to. Having learned to follow her instructions to the point. To the best of their capabilities, that is.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

She smiled, tired but satisfied. She hugged him back firmly. “It's only natural, no? To do this much... but I feel like I could sleep for an entire day...” She looked around. She wanted to ask Tisiphone what they should do next, but the Fae was gone. “Ehm... what should we do now?” She had no clue what would be 'rude' or 'normal' or 'expected' or anything like that.




Ethel wasn't going to be too much use here. As bravely as she'd put in some fighting during their trip prior, she had now taken off some armour, laid down a bed of grass and was solidly asleep.

Amice Bellamy


It was the gnome that eventually called out. “Ehm... are you three also here for miss Eirlys?” She didn't dare approach them, but she seemed rather curious.
Ryan Kylieth

"I have no idea, honestly" Ryan admitted. Without Tisiphone there to guide them, Ryan felt that he should tread with the utmost care. He certainly didn't want trouble after the arduous journey that brought them here.

Trying to find a clue as to what to do, but finding none, made the tiny human addressing them a very welcome surprise. Ryan stayed quiet for a moment, trying to recall if the name the fairy said was mentioned by Tisiphone. It didn't ring any bells. "I apologize. I'm not really sure. A guide brought us here. She should be able to answer your question..."
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“O... right.” She realised Ryan had no clue either and honestly... looking at Ethel... She just sat down in the grass for a bit, then lied back a bit and... was sleeping mere moments after. Exhaustion from the long trip having caught up with her as well.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“A guide?” She looked around. “I think I saw a woman head towards miss Eirlys, but I'd not be able to go ask, because not everyone can go there. It's a ehhh {closed off} ehmm... not {accessible} ehhh no-go-garden place.” She tried explaining in broken common with Sylvan mixed in.

She then looked at Ethel and Aileen. “Why are they sleeping there? Do they not like beds? Are you also going to sleep here? There are beds there.” She'd point at the house.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan shook his head at the sight of Aileen dozing off next to Ethel. Not because he was mad. But because he felt more indebted by the second. His focus gravitated back to the fairy. Which Ryan had to take a second to process her somewhat broken Common. Exhaustion took its toll. Ryan knelt down and did his best to answer "...Yes, that's probably her. Her name is Tisiphone. And she went with, Eirlys, you said?"

Ryan then followed her glance, aimed towards his two exhausted companions "They do. But they are not used to travels like the one we took to this place. They are tired. Maybe I'll take them there if I get permission." Ryan then sighed "I am tired, too. But that can wait. I came to request the help of a friend of our guide, probably this Eirlys you spoke of". Ryan spoke slowly, and chose his words as carefully as he could. Attempting to not confuse the fairy.

While waiting for an answer, Ryan took a look around. Seeing if there was something else that stood out. Like the animalistic fae tending to the garden.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Hmhm! Yes. Miss Eirlys is the lady that rules the eh... Healing Garden.” She struggled a bit to try translate that name.

She'd nod at being explained the others weren't used to it. “We had to travel really far as well! Though Tahmuras carried me for a few bits.” She admitted.

“Per... mission?” She'd ask. “I don't think you can ask now, as she is in the no-go-garden bit.” She tried to explain.



Luckily enough, the bird decided to help out. “I'm afraid your question will have to wait, as lady Eirlys seems to have gone to forbidden parts of the Garden with the lady you arrived with. However, if you're accepted into these gardens, I can safely say you'd be allowed to use the house and its facilities as well. There should be enough beds and some washing facilities.”



“Heh, you guys sure look like you need 'em.” The fox would add. “Are you gonna try drag the armoured gal to a bed? If so, I wanna see.” He'd state, with a smirk, she seemed really heavy in full armour.

“Tahmuras, be nice.” The crane would warn him.

Amice Bellamy


“I can try help!” The gnome would offer, which was debatable, given her size. “Also, mister, are you here for your arm? What happened to it? Or are you here for your eye? It looks a bit... off.” (Considering Ryan had sacrificed the eye-patch, his fake eye would be visible between the strands of hair.) “Or are you here for one of them? Or are you just here for the flowers? Also, where do you come from? I'm from the See!” Now that her companions were near, it seemed the gnome was a lot less shy and more eager to talk.

As for what Ryan spotted; the garden was gorgeous and seemed like a small paradise on earth. There didn't seem to be any others, other than the current few and a whole lot of insects and some smaller animals (the non-sentient type). It also looked like none of the buildings were locked up, as the windows and doors were even slightly opened.
Ryan Kylieth

"That is fine. We came all the way here. Waiting a bit more won't hurt" he answered to the fairy. Then the talking animals joined the conversation. Ryan nodded at the majestic bird's answer, who confirmed the fairy's statement. As for the smug fox, his snarky remark didn't really irk Ryan "No, no. He has a point". If anything, it made him realize the truth in what he was saying. With a prolonged exhale, Ryan dropped backwards. Kneeling was starting to tire him.

Ryan couldn't help but faintly smile at the small one's offer to help. He made no comment on it, however, opting to let her continue talking. Who knew? He might learn something from listening to these three. The conversation took a bit of a personal turn. To the point he was reminded his crystaline eye was in plain view, as much as he tried to hide it with his hair. He reflexively brought a hand to his face, but quickly dropped it.

"I know it might be hard to believe, but my eye is fine. It's been like that since... since I have memory." Ryan pensively stated. "I'm from Southern Ryke. A town named Stonewall, to be precise. I am the local blacksmith... Or at least, one of them." He glanced towards Aileen for a moment to elaborate, and then turned back to the faes. "I am here because I gambled with my life. I went to a dangerous place, following the promise of getting a precious material. Something to help the development of my community in a way that my skills would allow." He then sighed. "Needless to say, I failed. And I was lucky I managed to survive and somebody found me and treated my wounds in time. But..." Ryan used his hand to pull his clothes off his stump and the curse mark. "This is beyond a medic's knowledge. So here I am."

Ryan leaned back on his arm and looked around. He thought of scanning the area more thoroughly, but settled with simply observing the garden. Distract himself away from the exhaustion by taking in the beautiful and peaceful scenery.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/



The fox was a tad surprised at Ryan somehow defending him, against being berated by Asuka for being rude. “Hmmm. If you're not gonna bite, I'll feel like a bully. I can show you where they keep the wheelbarrow later, if needed. It's not the greatest, but it'd do the job, if you wanna move her.” He'd theorise gesturing at Ethel with nis snoute, trying to be a bit nicer. “Although it looks like you might need it yourself.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice, on the other hand, was fascinated by the answers.

“Since you have your mem-or-ry? Like your eh... past thoughts? Did you not always have that?” She asked, confused. “Stonewall! I know that name! That's where the miss Legendary Craftswoman made us our Cat Tail Lists!” She called out in surprise. “Right?”



“Indeed it is.” The bird backed up her. “Amanda Steelhaven, I believe was the lady's name.”

“You gambled with your life? What's gamble?” She asked. “I lost my finger and toe because miss Legendary Craftswoman wanted us to kill goblins, but they... they... they...” She got stuck, trying to continue, but past trauma being too overwhelming to do so.

“Shht, it's alright dear.” The bird hushed, gently putting a wing on the girl's head, which seemed to calm her down a bit. “I don't know much about curses either, but that looks like a strong one. Even so, lady Eirlys should be able to deal with it, should you be able to earn her goodwill.”

“Either way, we'll just leave you three be for now, I don't think it'll rain.” She'd state, indicating they'd just let them sleep were they were, as that seemed to be what was going down at this rate.
Ryan Kylieth

"I'd appreciate that. Thank you, sir." Ryan answered as he offered a faint smile at the fox. Then the small one appeared to grow comfortable to him. Not that Ryan minded, he was too tired to feel self-conscious. As shown with his eye. "I guess you could call them past thoughts... And no, it's not common for humans to have clear memories, past thoughts, of their infancy. Their childhood. When they are just born." Ryan struggled to think of a simple word for it, so three attempts in the dark would have to do for now.

Ryan's body perked up slightly at the title the little one remembered his town for. As much as he hated to admit it, the fact that Amanda is the more renowned worker of Stonewall, and not by a small margin from the sound of it, struck a nerve. Has it been always like that? The words were drowned out by his own racing thoughts. Silently containing his discomfort, Ryan didn't catch another word until the bird decided to leave him be. "...Thank you, madam." he absentmindedly stated.

Ryan thought of getting Aileen and Ethel on a bed. But tempering his mind took the last bit of fight he had in him. He laid back, thinking to take a few minutes of rest. But in a matter of seconds, he was laid out on the ground, fast asleep.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/

When Ryan woke up, he'd realise two things. Aileen (and should he care to look, Ethel) were gone. A blanket was now covering him. Then he'd also feel two things. Everything was a little itchy due to moss, but otherwise he'd had what might be the best rest of his life, despite having slept outside.

As he opened his eyes, it was if the garden itself greeted him. The flowers in bloom, insects fluttering around, the sun-rays gently illuminating all of it. Perhaps he'd died and gone to paradise? The scent of food coming from the house on the ground would snap him out of it. Were those... pancakes?!? It definitely smelled like them.

In the distance, he'd spot someone... greenish? Looking at him, though before he could make out more features, the figure disappeared deeper into the gardens again.

Should he decide to enter the house, he'd spot everyone (Aileen, Ethel, Amice, Asuka, Tahmuras and even Tisiphone) around a table in the middle of the room, with on top of it, the source of the scent that might've lured him over. It was indeed pancakes.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan slowly opened his eyes. Aside from the itchiness he was feeling, he felt like new. Sleeping on the ground somehow revitalized him immensely. All the built up exhaustion from the trip was gone. No wonder this place was called The Healing Garden. After the shock was gone, he sat up. Wondering at which point a blanket was put on him. As he enjoyed the pleasing calm of the garden, he noticed the gaze set on him. He thought of a way to greet said gaze, but as soon as it appeared, it was gone.

With a mental shrug, Ryan got to his feet. Carefully folding the blanket to avoid dirtying it further. As he gently held it, The smith made it to the house from where the sweet scent appeared to be coming from. He entered, only to be hit with the smell of pancakes even harder. The sight was somewhat strange. Like he had missed a lot while sleeping. How long did he stay asleep? He just stared blankly at the group, unsure of what to say.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“Oh! You're up! Good morning!” Aileen noticed him first. “Do you want some pancakes as well? I've baked more than enough for everyone!” She'd proudly proclaim.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“They are really yummy!” The gnome would call out, as she seemed to be eating like she was at least 8 times bigger.




“It giveth life!” The knight confirmed.



“Seems like you never had to drag 'em in if you just went to sleep out outside as well, ey? Clever lad.” The fox grinned. “Can you hand me another pancake lass? Don't be shy on the syrup now!” The fox 'asked' looking at Aileen.



“Please don't mind them being rowdy, it's been rare for us to eat like this.” The latter probably due to two of them having no limbs to cook with and the third being a kid.


The one that stood out most, keeping perfect table-manners and all, was the Elf. She was also the one that addressed him most seriously. “I've spoken with Eirlys. She's saying she'll wish to observe your for a while, before deciding whether or not to aid you. However, if she does, she will guarantee you safe passage back to the portal.”

She stood up. “Which means my work here is done and I can head back to my previous duties.” She looked at Aileen. “Thank you for the meal.” With that, it looked like she was planning to leave.
Ryan Kylieth

"Good morning" Ryan replied to Aileen, slowly, his mind becoming fully awake as the image before him was processed. "Sure, I'll eat a couple... Thank you." A smile etched on Ryan's face. It was an endearing sight. "I just was very tired, mister" He answered to Tahmuras while chortling. And then turned to the crane "It's alright. I don't blame you. Aileen is an amazing cook".

When Tisiphone addressed him, Ryan's mind focused instantly, knowing her words were of importance. He carefully considered everything their guide just said. After a few moments of consideration, the smith nodded. "I understand. Thank you very much, Lady Tisiphone. I appreciate the help you gave us. A lot." He hesitated for a moment, before moving out of Tisiphone's way. Will they really be okay without her? What if he fails? What if they get lost? Ryan shook the insecurity off his head for now. One step at a time.

Considering their guide's statement, Ryan assumed the eyes he felt on him when he woke up were Eirlys'. He wondered what exactly would she be looking for in him. He took the free seat and would take Aileen's food with a smile. While not as well-mannered as Tisiphone, Ryan did take his time eating. Having one arm helped his eating pace quite a bit.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Aileen would hand him a plate with some pancakes, still warm. She's smile, then blush. “Oh, I'm not that great...” She'd mumble. “These just ended up really well.”



“You can say that again.” He'd chuckle at Ryan's mention of being tired. “You've been out for like... the whole night and most of the day?” He stated, as it was already afternoon again, the day after. “Not like these two didn't wake up much earlier. Looks like the See's really worn you out 'ey?”



She'd bow her beak. “Thank you for understanding.”


She'd leave after a simple nod. If he'd see her again, it'd probably be her revisiting him back in Stonewall to come claim her rewards of free and quality equipment.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Hey mister, do you know what this sweet stuff is made off?” The gnome asked, showing him the bottle of syrup, which seemed like some sort of See version of maple syrup.



“Amice, don't bother the other guests now.” The crane would speak up again. “You should instead thank miss Aileen for making us breakfast.”

“Thank you miss Aileen!”
Ryan Kylieth

"Sure, let's go with that" Ryan said with a smile, not wanting to fluster her much in front of others. He took a pause to answer to the magical creatures. First he nodded to the crane in acknowledgement, and then turned to the fox "Yes, it has been rough. Then again, I don't travel much."

The little one asked him an interesting question. Ryan took a bite of a pancake with syrup on it. "If this is the same as back home, then the syrup comes from tree sap. It does taste pretty similar." Ryan then smiled when the crane corrected her small and young companion. Seeing a talking crane tending motherly to a tiny... person, was as endearing as it was foreign.

Ryan considered asking the trio what brought them here, until he remembered the little one had a rough time trying to share yesterday. So for now, he decided to start with introductions. "I am Ryan. Ryan Kylieth."
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/



She'd take in Ryan's admission of not travelling much. “Then starting a journey in the See must be particularly difficult.” It was sort-off respectable they'd made it all the way here, although their guide had seem competent, which likely aided them a lot.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Tree sap? Wooowww...” She uttered, the idea that this taste sweet stuff came out of of trees was wild to her. “Do all trees have this?” She asked next, wondering if they were all hiding this sugary treat.

As for introductions, it seemed they were doing those again, so Amice followed suit. “I am Amice Bellamy, I am a gnome, I am nine and one and six years old!” She'd introduce herself.

“I'm Asuka.” The bid would introduce herself.



“Thamuras.” The fox would add.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Aileen was next to speak up. “Ehm, does any of you know how to meet with miss Eirlys, to ask her to heal Ryan?” She was met with silence, until the Fox eventually spoke up again.

“Honestly, no, we were told to just spent time here until she'd come for us, so that's what we've been doing. Apparently how we spent our time here depends on if we can bargain for her aid or not, though how that works is beyond us as well.” Amice and Asuka didn't look like they had much to add.

Aileen would just look at Ryan. “What do you think we should do? We can't even give her the gift if she won't even meet with us, right?”

OOC: Now would be a good time to make a plan (IC and OOC) on how Ryan would want to spent his time there for the coming day(s) in an attempt to see if they can win over Eirlys's favour enough to meet with her.
Ryan Kylieth

"Not really. Just some kinds of trees have sap that can be turned into syrup." He offered a smile to the girl, endeared by the child-like curiosity. Ryan then turned to the crane "Indeed. We were lucky to have such a great guide. I hope I can get back in shape soon so that I can properly pay her back for her help." He glanced to his right as he spoke. He really needs his arm back. He owes many people now. If not, then he hoped to at least learn how to forge with just one hand, much like his father-in-law.

The faes then introduced themselves to Ryan. One of his eyebrows raised slightly to Amice's. Was gnome mind development that slow? She was very much a child who at the very least was 16.

With that aside, Aileen brought the main topic of interest back to the conversation. Ryan listened to the conversation very intently. He nodded to Tahmuras, and ruminated his words for a moment. "...Do you know what is inside the tree house... Or in the rest of the garden, for that matter?" Ryan moved his eyes in its general direction, but abstained himself from using his super sight yet again.

Ryan would finish his pancakes while heeding the answer. Then would slowly stand up. "Allow me to clean the dishes." Ryan didn't know much about gardening, or cooking, or cleaning, but just sitting around and doing nothing was surely a bad look. And thus, cleaning the table seemed like an alright start.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“I see!” She'd reply, although that instantly gave her another question. “How do you know which ones have the sap?”



“The tree-house is about the same as this hut. It's probably there for if multiple groups of guests arrive.” The bird answered.



“Though the hollow of the tree is just a really big storage. Seeds, bulbs, gardening tools, fertiliser. It's chock-full of almost anything you'd need for a garden.” The fox added.

“The rest of the garden has many flowers and plants!” The gnome added, very insightfully so, of course.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

As he was off to do the dishes, Aileen would join him. Doing them one-handed wasn't going to be easy. She also wanted to ask something. “We're being tested, right now, right? I think... Hmmm...” She wasn't sure how to put it. “You know how they say, you take care of me, I take care of you? Like that? What if it's like that as well? You know?” She tried to hint at something, to see if he'd reach the same conclusion.
Ryan Kylieth

"That's a good question, Amice". Ryan smiled yet again "The person who first found out... was lucky. But after that, people just look for the same kind of trees". Curiosity was such a nice thing to witness, at least to Ryan. So he found the "young" fae's questions quite entertaining.

When Aileen slid in to help, it came as a huge help. Not only for the task at hand, but also to bounce his ideas off her. "I'm sure of it. When I woke up, something was giving me the impression I was being watched. It wouldn't shock me if it was the healer's work". Then Ryan pondered on Aileen's thoughts, before glancing at her "People here are very connected with nature. So maybe, if we show respect and care for their green friends, they'll be more inclined to care for us... Maybe. Was that what you were thinking about?" Ryan asked, noticeably focused on both Aileen and the topic. He had to be.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

She'd nod upon hearing Ryan's sagely wisdom. “So... if they only tried the same trees after, there might still be other types of trees left that have the sweet stuff?” That seemed like it might be fun to try find out. People should go ask more trees to share their sap.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

She was a tad surprised upon what Ryan said. “I don't think I've seen or felt like that at all, but then again, I'm not here for being healed... If it was their work, then it does seem you're being tested or something.” She'd nod, hoping that assumption was going to help them forwards.

She lit up when he reached the same conclusion. “Exactly! It's called the healing garden, yet we're just told to stay here without having any clue what to do or whom to approach, yet it's stocked with many gardening supplies. Perhaps this 'healing garden's' way of bargaining for its aid is by having us take care of it first, right?” That was her own line of thought.

Aileen would whisper next. “Besides, even the fox, bird and gnome were doing that. So if they think it'll work, it should work for us as well, right?”

OOC: This will be the last round. Feel free to give some global write-up of how Ryan would spent his time gardening (assume it takes around 4-5 days) and/or have him go through any last interactions. I'll write up the ending scene afterwards.
Ryan Kylieth

Before leaving the faes to go tidy up, Ryan answered to Amice's last question. "There might be, yes. Just be careful if you choose to try." He glanced at Asuka and Tahmuras as he gave the warning to Amice.

~Back to Aileen and the dishes~

Ryan meditated on Aileen's thoughts. Before nodding in agreement. "i first thought to help Amice... But I'm sure leaving that to someone who actually knows how to treat wounds is better."

With that said, Ryan finished cleaning the breakfast aftermath with the help of Aileen. Then asked for advice from the faes on how to tend to a garden. With the advice in mind, Ryan worked on the colorful plants all over the garden to the best of his ability with limited knowledge and a missing limb. He continued until light started to dim. From there, he took a bath and went to sleep.

The next few days, Ryan developed a kind of routine. Wake up early, clean the house, tend to the garden, taking breaks to eat and rest his overworked arm, continue to help in the garden, bathing, and going to bed. He took a few hours off one of the days in the garden to clean and check on their provisions. It was kind of refreshing after the big pain that was to come all the way here.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

She couldn't help herself from chuckling at the idea of helping Amice. “She's rather adorable, isn't she? So innocent. Although I don't think we could help her. She's probably hear to get healed as well.” She figured.

Even with only one arm, Ryan proved to try his best. Putting in the hours and effort. For the next few days, it looked like nothing changed. Yet on the dawn of the fifth morning, he'd have an odd 'dream'... or perhaps it wasn't a dream and he'd been summoned instead, as it all seemed highly realistic. The vague green figure he'd seen before now had a much clearer shape and appearance.



“Thank you for taking care of my garden, young Human.” She'd state, her voice sounding like it was the wind blowing through a collection of leaves. “As the you have tended to the garden, the garden has tended to you.” She added, as he would suddenly see his arm was back to how it use to be. At some point during his time here, S-grade healing magic had done its work. The maiming gone and the curse broken. “Return now, with my blessing, and your journey back shall not be arduous.” She promised as well. Which seemed to be all, as she was gone again.

When he woke up the next morning, he would see it wasn't just a dream, as he was indeed healed. He could also still faintly smell the grass on him, even though he'd bathed the evening prior. He wouldn't spot the gnome or her two Fae companions, only a note reading 'we're okay, but asked to go, good luck!' in a barely legible handwriting. It seemed the gnome, too, had managed to obtain the healing she'd searched for.

The journey back was, as promised, far easier. Together with Aileen, Ethel and the horse, they managed to make it back to the portal, from where they could travel right back to Ryken and visit Stonewall again. He'd still have some promises to deliver upon, at some point, but for now, he'd succeeded his tasks. In the pockets of his coat, he'd later find a parting gift as well.

The End

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore

Standing Grade A from:
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade C from:

Standing Grade D from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade E from:
Amice Bellamy

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
After a long and arduous journey, Ryan ends up in the Healing Gardens. Upon chatting with someone else that is there for healing, Amice Bellamy and her two companions, he gets lost on what to do to bargain for his healing. In the end, he realises the trick might be to tend to the gardens, which is correct, as the NPC that rules these gardens (Eirlys) appears to him in a vision and he finds himself [umaimed] afterwards as a result.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
The goal bargaining to get unmaimed was accomplished.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
The Healing Garden is a place hidden away in one of the many vast stretches of dense forests in the See of Chearon. It is a place where many come to find healing, especially for more severe injuries, yet the journey there is arduous and difficult. In order to 'bargain' for being healed, the person in question can stay in a cabin dedicated for guests whilst they figure out what is expected of them. Many find themselves working in the gardens, doing simple house chores or repairing the buildings. Once someone's character has been proven worthy of healing, they will meet the garden's master Eirlys, a powerful Dryad, whom will heal their injuries and/or curses and gives them the promises of a safer journey back. Should they be deemed unworthy, they will one day wake up to find themselves outside of the Gardens, unable to enter them again and having to face even more hardships on their return journey.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • RPer name. Rev IX
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Amice Bellamy
  • RPer name. Elvario
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • Title: Remove [Maimed] title.
  • Title: [Healing Gardener] – Character has been healed through working in the garden of a mystical Dryad, located deep within the See of Chearon.
  • Link to relevant post. Post
  • Character name. Amice Bellamy
  • Title: [Healing Gardener] – Character has been healed through working in the garden of a mystical Dryad, located deep within the See of Chearon.
  • Link to relevant post. Post

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • Asset: [Magical Seeds] – Upon being in contact with soil, colourful flowers sprout and bloom for a short period, after which they vanish in an array of petals.
  • Justification: A simple, but hopefully fun, item to memorise being healed by choosing to help out with gardening in the Healing Gardens.
  • Link to relevant post. Post.
  • Character name. Amice Bellamy
  • Asset: [Magical Seeds] – Upon being in contact with soil, colourful flowers sprout and bloom for a short period, after which they vanish in an array of petals.
  • Justification: A simple, but hopefully fun, item to memorise being healed by choosing to help out with gardening in the Healing Gardens.
  • Link to relevant post. Post.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)
Not applicable.

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • None spotted.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Ryan is unmaimed and ready to return to Stonewall. Whilst the Healing Garden and its master might not ask him for any more repayment, those that helped him get there have yet to cash in on favours in return.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
The earlier mentioned [Magical Seeds].

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Rev IX agreed on me narrating a three-parter for the unmaiming and use the ability to create an NPC capable of healing A/S grade injuries for it in his stead. This was the last part of said trilogy. Possibly future RP's might be held to have Ryan pay back some favours owed to the used NPC's.
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