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Graded [The See - Frontier] A Helping Hand. Part 2: Journeying.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be the second part of three relatively short ones. The first one was about Ryan arriving back home to explain what happened to his girlfriend. The second is about journeying to the destination. The third will be about getting unmaimed after arriving.

What to expect in character:
Ryan sets off into a journey into the See to get unmaimed from loosing a hand during a failed tribulation attempt and having previously prepared for the journey with his girlfriend.

Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

It was a few days later, at the break of dawn, that Lady Tisiphone had arrived. By now, Ryan and Aileen had managed to get all their planned supplies in order and had been allowed to borrow Laverne, Hestia's horse, for the journey. A fair few of the villagers had already come to see them off.


Aileen was holding Laverne's reigns. She looked a tad nervous, as she hadn't travelled far outside of the barony before. The plan was to use the nearest portal to get into the specific region of the See they'd need to be at, from where lady Tisiphone would guide them to whom they believed would be able to cure Ryan.




Ethel was carrying a pretty large back-pack, filled to the brim with who-knows-whats, as she seemed ready and eager to start moving out.


Controversially, lady Tisiphone wasn't carrying anything other than her armour and weapon. “Let us hasten and attempt to not take longer than necessary” She stated, as she seemed willing to help, but unwilling to do so at a slower pace than necessary. “I've heard some of the story from my son already, but I'd like for you to relay the details of your story whilst we walk to the portal.” She asked, clearly wanting Ryan to recap how he got cursed while on the move.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days– 18 days.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments.
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Last edited by a moderator:
Ryan Kylieth

Minutes passed, hours passed, days passed. In a blink, the day of leaving for the See was upon them. After making the alchemical supplies he deemed enough, Ryan dedicated his time to acquire the items he and Aileen had noted down, as well as practicing shooting with his remaining hand. Though he put effort into it, all he could manage was shooting effectively at four meters at best. Quickly reloading was way out of the question. So he didn't bother going armed. It was great that he made many ornamented swords for his military deal, in preparation for a lengthy adventure. So he wasn't still out of that job.

Upon Tisiphone's instruction, Ryan nodded and waved the few villagers who came to see them off. He set the question of why would they see them off aside and focused on their first steps ahead.

The elegant warrior asked for a summary of the situation as soon as they hit the road. Ryan glanced over her way and back to the road. "A merchant that passed by Stonewall, told me about a place where you could find a rare material with incredible properties. He did warn me that the path to it was very dangerous. I didn't pay too much thought to it and went anyway. It was a strange tower, certainly not a natural structure. Inside, there were awfully dangerous rooms. I passed a few of them. The place nearly killed me in the final room I managed to get to. I woke up after who knows how long in a nearby village. Bruised, beaten, and lacking an arm. And instead of an arm, I had this circle stuck on me."

“A strange tower? Do you recall what nation it was in?” She asked. At the rest of his story, she was silent for a bit. “It sounds like you were put on trial and proven unworthy. The person we're going to visit will wish to know why you believe the punishment for being unworthy should be lifted. Take your time to consider what your answer will be.” She ended up instructing him.

As they arrived at the portal, Tisiphone went ahead to arrange some things with those operating it. It didn't take long for the group to go through the portal afterwards. The experience warping them and their surroundings, making it feel like a jumbled and disorienting mess, until they'd leave it somewhere entirely else.

Remote Portal Location
See of Chearon, ???
From: Fantasy Vines by jjpeabody on DeviantArt



AI/edited version based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Aileen was quick to run a few steps to some nearby bushes, before her stomach turned inside out. “Ugh...” She coughed after. “I didn't think portals would be that horrible.”




“I shallth neigh be besthed by... thee magicks!!!” Ethel called out, though she seemed dizzy from the experience. It didn't take her long to trip over some roots and faceplant into the soil.


Meanwhile, Tisiophone was busy calming the horse, as it had clearly not enjoyed the portal experience either. “We're lucky this area is still available. This should put us a whole lot closer to where we need to be. That said, we're in the See now. Be polite and remember; a Human life here is barely worth more than a mosquito's, whilst my species is a lover of trickery.” With those cold warnings in the air, she'd get ready to get a move on, waiting on the others to gather their bearings whilst continuing to calm Laverne.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan meditated on Tisiphone's question. After some mental struggle, he sighed. "I am not quite sure on where it was. I barely remember how I got there, but I don't think I left Ryke." Ryan then nodded to the elf's recommendation. "Why I wasn't worthy..." Ryan repeated under his breath.

They arrived to the portal without much issue. Surprisingly fast, too. The trip was quite unpleasant, to say the least. Ethel and Aileen didn't handle it too well. Not that Ryan was better off. The sensory overload his eyes got was hellish. Ryan stumbled towards a nearby tree and leaned against it, closing his eyes to try to regain sight stability. His sight components slowly realigned to a bearable degree. Shaking his head, Ryan opened his eyes and incorporated himself. He didn't puke or fall so that was something. "Are you two alright?" He asked the soldier and the smith.

"Duly noted". Ryan dryly stated. "Okay, let's get going" He said to himself. The real trip began here.
Remote Portal Location
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://www.deviantart.com/jjpeabody/art/Fantasy-Vines-413937068



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“I'll... I'll be fine. Just give me a moment... first time portal experience...” She mumbled, trying to regain her barrings. Taking some deep breaths and rinsing her mouth with water, she eventually recovered. “I'm not looking forwards to a return trip...” She mumbled.




“Mumphfuhth, muththt!” She'd call out, still face-planted into the soil... before managing to pry herself loose. “These magic hath neigh defeateth me and mine!” She claimed, getting up and ready to move out, though still seeming a tad dizzy.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg


The group of them was led onto a small path, with Tisiphone leading and Aileen guiding the horse. Ethel was just following along, closing the ranks and checking their backs. “Try not to touch too much. Some flowers are poisonous.” Tisiphone warned them.

That said, as the were moving further, a slight sound of singing could be heard in the distance. “Sirens... Already. We'll likely hear them more often. As well as possibly some Nymphs and Satyrs later on.” She clicked her tongue. “Does any of you have something to plug your ears with? You'd be better off not hearing their song. At least not if we want this over with quick and easy.”

Even from afar, the party would start to feel a desire to start heading for the source of the song, somewhere far off the path and into the forest.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 18 days.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments.
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan didn't have comfort words to spare to neither Aileen, nor Ethel. He was busy enough trying not to send his breakfast back up. After feeling his insides not churning anymore, after a while of traveling, he acknowledged the sobering warning of their guide. While he busied himself, checking his clothes were covering him well enough to repel poison from touching his skin some extent, Tisiphone noticed yet another danger looming. The smooth and calm echoes of a distant singing voice apparently was not his curse acting up. Sirens. Ryan paused to think for a moment, before acting upon the warrior's suggestion. In an epiphany, Ryan started rummaging through the supplies with a delicate touch.

After a few moments, he produced a multi-layered leaf wrapper. Ryan carefully opened it, then extended his hand at Aileen. "Please hold it open for me", he asked with a sense of urgency. Their safety was no joke for Ryan. "It's made to temporarily seal small wounds, but might as well". Ryan took a bit of the thick ointment and plugged his ears with it. The orchestra conducted by the nature around him, mellowed down to a deep whisper, after a few moments of adding ointment here and there to fully seal the ear, that is. He nodded, and then gestured to Aileen to let him do the same to her. He would also offer it to Ethel, with a stern stare should she protest, and Tisiphone. He had the feeling she would refuse, but trying didn't hurt.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg

Ryan's plan worked, using about a fifth of the ointments he'd brought for sealing and healing wounds to instead seal his ear's and offering it to Aileen and Ethel as well.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“Oh! Great thinking!” She'd reply, surprised at the idea, but helping out immediately.




Even Ethel was wise enough to agree, removing her helmet to seal her ears, before putting it back on.


As expected, Tisiphone did not need such things, likely having other ways of dealing with it. With their ears sealed, they'd walk in silence for a good four hours. They'd occasionally hear some singing pierce through, but not loud enough to pull them away from the safer paths they were walking on.

Combined with the previous travel time, it was slowly getting dark by the time Tisiphone gestured to them, pointing at their ears. A sign they could take out the emergency ear-plugs. “I take it you'll be needing to rest soon?” She asked. Considering none of them had skills that enhanced their endurance much, Aileen, Ethel and Ryan himself would indeed be rather exhausted after a long day of walking, first to the portal, then along the long and winding path in the See.

“Although this place isn't totally safe, it's the closest we'll get to it. I'd suggest making up your camp here. I can put up some basic wards, but the rest is up you.” She'd state, as she'd head off to check some things in their surroundings, presumable setting up a 'ward' of sorts.

Assuming they'd have eaten some of their rations through-out the trip to keep up energy, they'd be down to 17 days left of rations. That said... “Ehm... do you know how to set up a camp?” Aileen asked.

Meanwhile, Ethel had not registered the fact that they could unplug their ears yet and was silently staring at a tree, presumably wondering why they'd stopped. Or wondering if she should challenge that particular tree to a duel. Either way was plausible with Ethel.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 17 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Ryan Kylieth

The idea of his went as ideally as it could go. Satisfied and relieved, Ryan silently followed Tisiphone for the next hours of their travel. After said hours had passed, Ryan sighed. Relieved of being both safe enough for the elf to tell them to remove the plugs, and to hear it was time to camp. While Ryan has done some traveling, none of it was as perilous or physically taxing. A road fit for carriages felt like a distant dream. With a nod, he started looking around for a nice place to set up camp nearby.

"I'll take care of that. Thank you." Ryan answered to their guide. After a moment of thought, he asked something in return as well "...Lady Tisiphone, will standing guard be needed, or will your wards do?" He glanced towards Aileen and Ethel and then down to his missing arm as he spoke. He'd try his best if needed, but there wasn't much he could do lacking his gun, not to mention his arm. But he still has his eyes, right?

With Tisiphone off to set up wards, Ryan turned to Aileen. "I do... at least something basic with what I asked." Ryan started to set up the tents, asking Aileen for help with a thing or two as he did. Ryan would ask Tisiphone about the temperature where they were setting camp to know if a fire was needed (if that wasn't offensive to the locals or something of that nature), or any other precautions needed to camp here as safely as possible.

At some point, Ryan would notice Ethel sizing up a tree, of all things. He stood near her, placing a hand on her shoulder. And he did his best to avoid getting accidentally attacked by the peculiar guard. Helping her to hear again and then checking again with Tisiphone. Double checking that everything was in order
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg


“Standing guard... does any of you have the ability to see through illusions and detect invisible foes? If so, it would be worthwhile. If not, it won't do much.” She would reply to him.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“Alright, we got this!” She stated, as they did, with knowledge and hands combined, they'd get the tents down for a camp. A fire was discouraged, as it'd draw too much attention and didn't get all that cold.




Upon noticing Ryan and hearing again, she would point at the tree. “Doest thou seeth? The three hath eyes!” She stated, as she pointed at what most definetly looked like an ordinary tree. At first sight at least. Then again, this was Ethel he was talking too.

“A tree with eyes?” She'd ask from a distance, wondering what was up with that. If anything. Sadly enough Tisiphone was still out and about to place wards.
Ryan Kylieth

Somewhat disappointed, Ryan answered "My eyes are good, but not that good. I've never tested them against magic barriers." After Tisiphone left, and Aileen helped him pitch the tents, he focused on the potentially delusional guard. "We'll ask Lady Tisiphone once she comes back." Ryan took a mental note of the tree Ethel was staring at, and then stood near Aileen, waiting for the seasoned warrior's return.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg


“Them I'm afraid the wards are the best option for you to rely upon.” She would've replied to Ryan.

As for when she returned, and Aileen (and/or Ryan) asked about it, she would observe the tree herself. “Seems like it might be an Entling. An offshoot branch of a more powerful Ent living in these woods. I'd suggest not cutting down any trees in this area.” With that as her conclusion, they were ready to try to prepare some dinner and spent the night.

As he went to sleep, however, Ryan would soon find his dreams invaded the some of the See's inhabitants. Hazy, colourful images of humanoid looking creatures, walking around in the corners of his mind. Yet one of them stood out more clearly. It was a visage of what seemed to be a young boy, about the age of seven. Before he could try to see more within his dreams, however, he woke up from someone calling out to them.

“We should pack up and leave.” It was Tisiphone's voice. “Any longer and we'll overstay our welcome here.” There was some sense of urgency there.

That said, they had barely packed up camp when it started to rain... and not just a little bit. It was pouring down, getting everyone and everything soaked in no-time.




“I believest me and mine is drowneth aboveth water...” Ethel mumbled.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Aileen seemed a bit discouraged by the bad weather as well. “Perhaps it'll clear up soon?” She stated, hopeful, yet perhaps unrealistic. They hadn't really brought anything to help against the bad weather either.

For better or worse, Ryan would also be able to pick up on movements all around them. As if something, or somethings, were following them at a distance.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 17 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan took note of Tisiphone's advice about the wood and went about his night. Strange visions stalking his dreams aside, he did wake up with a bad gut feeling. This feeling was echoed by the urgent tone of Tisiphone, even if she didn't outright say things weren't looking good. Ryan did his best to pack as fast as he could, but the downpour wasn't kind enough to wait on them.

Ryan irately mumbled something under his breath, when he saw all the goods receiving their share of water. Curse his lack of foresight, he admonished himself again and again as they slowly moved under the torrential rain.

"...Optimism never hurts." Ryan answered, worried about the two not-so-veteran travelers. A few moments later, Ryan picked up on something that put him quite on edge. "Uh, Lady Tisiphone. Can you sense that?" He inquired, now sharing the sense of urgency even further.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg


Out of the entire group, the only relatively dry one was Tisiphone, as she had a small area around her that seemed to guard her from rain (Control Environment), though considering she still had mud covering her armour, it wasn't perfect. When Ryan asked her about what he senses, she would continue to look straight ahead. “Boggearts. The types in these parts can be rather territorial. However, for now they are just ensuring we're passing through, rather than staying here. Don't look at them and they should be harmless.”



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“Ah-chuu!” She sneezed in the background as she shivered. Getting soaked by the rain whilst walking for hours had gotten her rather tired, cold and worn-out. “Can we take a break soon?” She asked.

“No. We'll have to get out of the Boggeart's territory first.”

“How much further is that...?” She asked, a tad concerned.

“I must admit that I don't know.” That wasn't a very hopeful answer.




“Shouldst I challengeth thee Boggearts?” She asked.

“No. We should be able to defeat them with relative ease, but it be wrong to attack them on their own grounds...” She thought for a moment. “Perhaps if you were to leave a peace offering, they would allow us to rest for a moment. That said, the type of offerings they accept can differ wildly based on the specific subspecies and the region, so I wouldn't know what to recommend.”

It seemed like they had three options. Keep on marching through the rain and hope to leave the Boggeart's area soon, maybe seeing if they had something to ease their muscles or help keep up their body temperature among their supplies to keep going a bit easier. The second to see if anything they'd brought would be able to appease the Boggearts enough to be able to take a break without angering them. The third to discard Tisiphone's wishes and fight them. They didn't sound like they were strong opponents. Perhaps a fourth option was possible, should Ryan have another brilliant idea. Yet standing still to discuss it seemed like a bad move, as they would immediately begin to hear the sounds of creatures stalking them starting to surround their group.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 17 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Ryan Kylieth

Admittedly, Ryan started to panic as things started to pile up. That said, he couldn't quite back off the situation now. No matter how he looked a it. And even then, he wasn't willing to simply shut down and be swallowed by whatever lurked these forests or the ones beyond. That said, while marginally more accustomed to travel than Aileen, he was still faring better than her. She clearly was tired, pushing her much more might be dangerous. Ryan mulled on what they should do.

Ryan went through a quick review of his travel companions. Tisiphone hailed from this place, she had plenty of years of experience as a traveler and as a warrior. It was clear she needed no assistance, but it was clear she wouldn't offer much more than the agreed deal they had stated. That said, if things got worse, Ryan would try to bargain with her about the weapon she wanted made. That was only for a life or death situation, as it wasn't assured she would do more, no matter how much he bargained, as his smithing was still an "if". Until he had his arm back, at the very least. Then there was Ethel. While she seemed to be doing well, she even offered engaging whatever these boggearts are. And despite her peculiar personality, she was a trained Stonewall guard, so he hoped she could keep the pace on her own.

And then there was Aileen.

Her comments and tone clearly signaled she was growing dangerously tired, and Ryan should have planned for it. Fearing she would collapse at any moment if they didn't take a break in the very near future, Ryan took action. "Ethel, I hope you can keep going..." Ryan affirmed out of empathy, as he didn't want to risk her either. Even if she was here out of her own persistence, it was Ryan who agreed. Ryan took out a length of rope, and with calculated measuring, loosely wrapped it around his body.

The result was a makeshift harness to carry a person on his back with reduced effort. It took him longer than he would've liked due to the rain, his maiming, and marching as he did it, but it was done after a few minutes of struggle. Ryan paced up to be in front of Aileen and knelt, opening the harness as best as he could so that she sat in it properly. "Quick, hop on! I'll carry you the rest of the way." And while he spoke with conviction, he could only hope his body kept up with his words.
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Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg




“Naturally! For I areth Ethel, the great marcherer of See foresteth, traverserer of rougheth terraineth!” She gave Ryan the vote of confidence. For what it was worth, she did, in fact, keep up really well. All the training Ezekiel had pushed her through was paying off dividends.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

She looked at Ryan, confused, as he offered to carry her. She was growing rather tired, but that'd be a bad idea. Luckily, she had another plan. She pointed at the horse. “Can you help me get on?” She didn't think Laverne would mind carrying a bit of extra weight for the last leg of their trip. Or so she hoped.


Assuming he would help out Aileen, they'd be able to keep going. Until Tisiphone finally started to slow down. “They're slowing down, suggesting we're at the edge of their territory. Just a bit more to be safe.” She would state. 'A bit more' ended up being another good hour of walking, as it was already dark and they'd had to eat on the move.

“We should be good to make a camp here.” Tisiphone stated.

Ethel just... face-planted the dirt, allowing herself to fall down and not moving much. Perhaps already asleep or at the very least totally unwilling to move another muscle.

Ryan would likely feel the same. Soaked to the bone, covered in mud and exhausted from non-stop walking for a full day without any breaks. That said, exhausted as he was as well, he seemed to be the only one left who might come up with some plans to ensure their next morning would be a slightly smoother start than if they were to let things be as they were.

“Should we make up camp?” She asked, clearly not looking forwards to doing more than just falling down asleep right then and there like Ethel was doing. “The moss doesn't look so bad now...” She mumbled.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 16 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies.
Ryan Kylieth

It would seem that Ryan's concern of the horse carrying more weight was unneeded. Adding Aileen to its back didn't bother him much, if at all. After the grueling last leg of the day's journey, Ryan didn't really want much other than resting. Seeing as Aileen was fully spent, Ryan took it upon himself to set up camp. Admittedly, it looked sloppy, but it'd get job done.

"Lady Tisiphone, do you think the weather will be as bad tomorrow?" Ryan explained that if they had time, Ryan's ointments could aid to relieve the muscle pain. He hoped it was, so that the spent trio had the time to recover their muscles from their efforts that remained to be done to arrive at their destination. They wouldn't have much left of it, but it's the best Ryan's mind could come up with.

"Oh, and do you think we could stop by a water source soon? So we can clean our supplies... If it's not offensive, that is."
Ryan was on the brink of sleeping where he stood. But did his best to throw a few ideas at the expert before collapsing in his tent.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Explain what happened to Aileen. | Figure out what to bring, who to bring and how to prepare.

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg


“Likely so.” She stated, regarding the weather. “Try to get as much rest as you can.” She suggested. As for the water, she shook her head. “I'm afraid not, there aren't any rivers or pools here with clean and 'free' enough water.”

With that bad news settled in, they'd fall asleep during rain and wake up during rain. Still soaked and cold. That said, they did bring cleaning supplies and energising brew, as well as extra nutritions, which was able to get them going again in the morning.

It was almost night again, with both Etheal and Aileen struggling onwards without saying much and Tisiphone by default not saying a lot, as it as still raining and raining...

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/05/28/24/33/1000_F_528243313_DYiXUdhto6pdoS8Vcx5IhiXHyM0N8awN.jpg

They'd arrive at some ruins before long, as Tisiphone halted. “We'll want to pay our respects to the spirits of this area.” She'd state, as she headed over to the ruins, chanting something in Sylvan before opening up an [Pocket Dimension] and placing down some sort of charm.

“If you have anything to offer as a gift, that should be enough. They tend to like gems the most, but if you don't have those, charms or small trinkets might do. If you don't have that either, they might even accept food, although they can be fickle about it.”




“I shalt asketh thee for they respect!” Ethel proclaimed, heading off to put down a metal figurine of a knight that looked oddly much like herself. Why she had it? Nobody knew.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Aileen looked at Ryan, tired eyes, wondering where Ethel had found the energy from after they'd been going and living in near-constant rain for so long. “What should we offer?” She'd ask, as she'd head to the horse to rummage through what they'd brought. The wine might be a tad too valuable to get rid off already, though it might be their best shot..? She wasn't sure. “Oh, here.” She'd state, throwing him some more nutrition bars, the things they got from Saffron. “We'll need to keep up our energy, right?” It was clear she was trying to stay strong, somehow having succeeded at it for most of the day.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 15 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron) (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith) (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies. (used 1/5, left 4/5)
Last edited:
Ryan Kylieth

After yet another grueling day of walking, Ryan was quite tired. He didn't want to show much of it, though. These four were doing him a huge favor by merely coming with him. He'd be sure to thoroughly thank them once he gets back to Stonewall. He noticed Aileen had been doing the same once he stopped zoning out. "Ah!... Yes. That sounds good." In his somewhat dazed state, he wasn't sure if Aileen wanted the bars to be their offering or if she wanted him to eat up.

After a few seconds of mental struggle, Ryan knelt in front of the other offerings "This is from Aileen. And..." Ryan did hear Tisiphone, but he struggled way more than Aileen thinking of a proper offering. He then realized he might have something.

"...This is from me." Ryan brought his hands to his face and took off his eyepatch. Despite no longer controlling his headaches, it was still something that held significance to him. Hence why he still wore it all the time. At this point, it was more of a charm than anything. Which worked out perfectly for what they needed to do here. He stood up, and quickly fixed his hair to hide his vibrant gray eye. "Will that do, Lady Tisiphone?"
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth

Somewhere in the See
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/...-night-in-a-forest-generate-ai-free-photo.jpg



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

Even Aileen probably wasn't sure if she wanted the bars for eating or offering, but in the end, it ended up as an offering. She'd just tiredly nod. That would do. Perhaps... hopefully.

As Ryan put down his eyepatch, however, three items started to glow brightly. The charm that Tisiphone had placed down, the knightly figurine Ethel had point down and (perhaps brightest of all) the eyepatch itself. Before his eyes, they'd sudden catch fire, a green flame devouring them all...

As the rain stopped and the sun started to shine.


“That should answer your question.” She'd say, though if he were to listen carefully, he could hear a sigh of relief in there.

The rest of their journey went by relatively easy. They had some encounters with the wild-life, wolves and even a few small monsters that somehow managed to roam these bits, but lady Tisiphone managed to deal with most of them. Even Ethel actually managed to show surprising resilience by holding back whatever slipped past Tisiphone.

It'd take them another 6 days, before they'd finally make it to their destination.

OOC: Next RP will hopefully be up tomorrow, after this IC time-skip.

  • Fairy Wine + Descriptions
  • Torches
  • Rations + water – 7 days14 days – 9 days left.
    • Dried fruits. Nuts. Hard bread stuff.
  • Backpacks.
  • Bedrolls.
  • Mess kits.
  • Tinder boxes. / Fire starters.
  • Rope.
  • Blacksmith tools.
  • Tents.
  • Extra nutritions. (Saffron) (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Energizing brew. (Gwenith) (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Horse, Laverne (Hestia)
  • Ointments (used 1/5, left 4/5)
  • Light emitters.
  • Irritating solutions.
  • Cleaning supplies. (used 1/5, left 4/5)

The End

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore

Standing Grade A from:
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade C from:

Standing Grade D from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade E from:
Amice Bellamy

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
After preparing for the journey in a previous trip, Ryan meets someone wishing to help him as a guide (NPC, Tisiphone) and sets out on his journey to find the place that can heal him in the See, along with his his girlfriend (NPC, Aileen) and one of the trainee knights (NPC, Ethel). They end up in a random portal location in the See, travel through along a long and desolate path, have to avoid being lured off the path by Sirens, nearly got into a fight with Boggearts, paid their respects to some of the Spirits, then arrived at their destination; the Healing Gardens.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
The goal finishing the journey towards where he would be able to get unmaimed was accomplished.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
Nation of Origin is The See of Chearon for both;

Boggearts are small nature spirits. They tend to be rather territorial and might become aggressive when looked at (direct eye contact). Individually, they're not much of a threat, but in larger groups their numbers and poisonous claws might wear someone down in a fight. So long as someone doesn't look directly at them and leaves their territory quickly enough, they aren't likely to become aggressive. The exception to this are Boggearts that have become corrupted and turned into [Monster]ous Plague Boggearts like most of the ones on the first continent. Image Link to Regular Boggearts

Poisonflower Portal a surprisingly desolate portal, located between some tree branches. Its location is seemingly in the 'middle of nowhere' and can't be accessed without a guide. Yet to those 'in the know' there are many paths to be taken from there. It owes its name to the many dangerous poisonous flowers growing in its immediate vicinity.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • RPer name. Rev IX
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • Title: [Weary Traveller] - Character has gone through on a long and rough journey. They'll be better prepared for the long road ahead the next time they set out on a long journey.
  • Link to relevant post. Post

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Ryan Kylieth
  • Asset: Travelling supplies
  • Justification: Making use of his ties to some of the citizens in the barony (and promising to later deliver on favours owed as an artisan) to get some items (non-graded/free, mostly for flavour/lore).
  • Link to relevant post. Post.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)
Not applicable.

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • Maiming wasn't mentioned, but that got fixed already.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
A fair few people came together to help out Ryan and those involved in offering aid might request some aid of him in return at a later date, should he successfully get unmaimed.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
The earlier mentioned travelling supplies (though mostly as flavour).

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Rev IX agreed on me narrating a three-parter for the unmaiming and use the ability to create an NPC capable of healing A/S grade injuries for it in his stead. The next parts is soon to follow (or rather, also finished by the time of adding this in).
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

Bogarts were noteworthy. Kinda wondering what purpose this rp served rather than a 2 part rp. I'm guessing whatever come next will be the healing and the drama that'll go into it. Assume the character has the resources to make the trip. Lush forest full of stuff to make the journey on alone before any additional aid.




Elvario - 11pts (narrator)

Ryan - 20pts
optional title acquired [Weary Traveler] - character has come a long way, which doesn't mean as much in a world of portals, but still, quite a distance has been covered for this character.

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