In Bhaal's name.
Since we now have five people ready to participate, do you guys want to set up some sort of posting order?
Another possibility might be that everyone waits for at least two people to post after them or for 24 hours to pass (whichever is sooner) before posting again. Do y'all think that would help keep things organized as things pick up, or would y'all prefer we left it as it is?
If we organised it a little bit, we'd be able to make sure no one rushed ahead. And all the characters would be acting at roughly the same time of day. You know, it breaks the immersion a bit if one minute a character is getting ready to turn in for the night, and someone else is enjoying the noon breeze at the same time.
So yeah, maybe the rule of two-posts-or-24-hours. It seems sensible, and will hopefully mean important plot points won't happen when all of us aren't ready for it.