The Second Griffon War (Casual Thread - All welcome!)


One Thousand Club
This thread will be open alongside the main thread. All are welcome to RP here, whether they signed up for the main thread or not!

It had been one day since the griffon emissary arrived from Griffonstone. He had been accompanied by 10 heavily equipped soldiers, and tensions were high within Equestria at the moment. However, for now at least there was no war raging and things remained much the same as they always had been, although with a spark of fear in the air…
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Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Ever since the griffon emissary and his bodyguards had arrived, Luna had made one very clear rule for her daughters to follow; stick with Gunnolf at all times. Luna had grown to trust the large wolf, and had entrusted Salacia and Silvanus into his care for the moment. Just until the emissary and his guards left, and then things would be back to normal hopefully. She wasn't about to let her children just wander around unattended while possibly hostile griffons were inside of the capital city.

"... I'm bored." Silva complained after the third hour of riding on Gunnolf's head. She slid down his nose and landed on the ground with a thump. Salacia was riding on his back as well (though she isn't my character and I won't control her further).
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf had heard about the meeting that was happening between the princesses and the griffin emissary. He also wasn't stupid enough to not realize what was going to happen; war, that thing ponies had gone into many times before he had even been born. The idea that he was going to possibly see a massive amount of death and destruction from the fighting between Equestria and Griffinstone was disturbing to him. He was a predator, but he had always kept his hunting in check to not chase all the prey off or kill them all off.

This went against those normal rules that were set upon the hunter.

He regarded Silvanus with a roll of his eyes. "That I cannot help you with," he replied shortly. He had been laying in the shade of a tree in the gardens, looking towards where the throne room was. "You may go play, but don't leave my sight."
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Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Silvanus rolled around on the grass for a moment before concentrating on the ground in front of her. The fillies horn took on a bright green glow and a moment later a large rose sprouted from the ground... Large enough for a big wolf! She took the rose, stripped it of thorns, and then stuck it above Gunnolf's ear. "Pretty wolfy!" She exclaimed, before going back to rolling around on the ground.

She quickly grew bored of that too. "... I want candy, Mr. Wolf. Can you buy me some please?" She asked while looking over at him with a smile
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf raised an eyebrow at the rose placed behind his ear but said nothing about it. He was too busy feeling old from being called 'Mr Wolf.' Jeez, he was a toddler compared to the company that was typically around him nowadays. Damnit.

He just sighed and hung his head. "I don't have any money. I am a wolf, not a pony. Unless you already have some, we cannot have any candy."
Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Silvanus seems to be deep in thought. She was scratching her chin with a hoof, just like Luna does, and was staring off into nothingness. After a few minutes she slaps the ground happily and hops onto her hooves. "That's okay wolfy! Do you know why it's okay?" She asks rhetorically, answering before Gunnolf even has the chance too. "Cus I'm a princess! If I just go to the store and ask for candy, they gotta give it to me!"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Set down from the meeting chamber door Aether waddled along now. She was set loose on the world and it would tremble in fear at the depredations of the white-fluff....ore just you know not care at all. She was totally lost and walking in circles.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
He stared the little filly down blankly. She probably wasn't supposed to abuse her privileges as a princess like that, and the store owners would most likely be too frightened to actually disobey her. Not to mention with him standing right there outside looking in, or standing in there with her, barely fitting into the building. Ponies didn't exactly construct those stores with wolves as large as a small house in mind. This was going to be a problem.

"... You're not supposed to go around and demand things from ponies like that because you're a princess." He stated. "Why don't you go ask one of the guards for some bits and then we can go buy some candy? I'm sure they'd be willing to spare a small amount for you."
Avedon Avedon
Trixie had been following Avedon to work that day when she noticed that he was carrying his daughter to the throne room. She knew what was going on today, more or less, and just shook her head when she saw him set her down. From the other side of the room, Trixie called out quietly to Aether, "Aether! Come here right now! We can't be here!"

The mare was waving a hoof to make Aether follow her.

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
"... But I'm a princess, I can do whatever I want..." Silvanus says with a sigh and a shake of her head. Why did someone always have to destroy her plans? "I guess you're right. Let's go find a guard..." She says before waddling off, expecting Gunnolf to follow her with Salacia still on his back.

The first guard they encounter has no money on them, which makes Silvanus get rather grumpy. Luckily the second guard did, and he freely gave it up because he was a nice person and also probably felt like he had no choice in the matter.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
"I can't? Oh noooo...." she said in her sad monotone way, slowly fading away from existence under the belief that she couldn't be there as she toddled over to Trixie, returnign to normal at the last second as she made a little slow-motion leap towards the cyan mare
"What are you doing here miss Trixie?"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf chuckled softly at her pouting and stood up to walk after her. Since he was so considerably larger, he had to take slow steps so he didn't overtake her, or accidentally step on her. That was another problem he ran into a lot; every pony was so much smaller than him, especially fillies, that he had to be so careful to not accidentally hit them or anything. A small annoyance but something he was used to by now.

When the first guard had no money, he briefly apologized and gave a quick 'thank-you' before moving on. When the second guard had some spare money to give, he dipped his head and gave his thanks once more, lowering his head down to Silvanus so she could climb back on. "Come on, let's go into town and get some candy."

When and if she had climbed onto his back, he made his way out of the castle grounds and into the city of Canterlot. Ponies around them gave Gunnolf very odd looks, he very rarely left the castle unless he was escorting Silvanus or Salacia, who usually simply had guards accompanying them. He only ventured out on his own perhaps once or twice before coming back only a few minutes later due to feeling awkward. Silv would have had to provide him instructions to one because, well, he knew of no store locations in the city and could not read.

After they had found one, he just sat down and leaned over far enough that he could spy in through the window.
Avedon Avedon
"Making sure your fool of a father doesn't get in trouble by bringing you to a state meeting." Trixie said blandly, though with a smile on her face. She caught the young girl and set her on her back, before walking out of the palace and down the main road. "Is there anywhere you want to go, Aether?"

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Silvanus quickly disappears inside the store and orders some snacks for herself and Salacia. She would get a snack for Gunnolf too, but honestly she didn't know what a wolf would even eat candy-wise. She comes out with a chocolate bar large enough for her and her sister to split, and she gives 1/4 of it to Salacia.

The other 3/4 was hers. She was awesome at sharing.
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Aether was disturbingly light. She felt like a giant cotton-ball only even softer. "I got told to go to Tartarus by someone once. Why not there?"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
He just waited patiently, watching her close from where he could. It was a bit difficult due to the amount of aisles between her and him. That annoyed him a bit but was nothing he could feasibly control. At least, not without absolutely trashing the store accidentally. He couldn't imagine Luna would be too thrilled with him, especially now of all times.

He offered to her a ride once more and began his trek back up to the castle.
Silver and Arc had made their way to the general area where the emissary was. Neither of them had a chance yet to rendez-vous with the princesses, so as it stood they were not there on official business. However, they'd done their best to get as close as possible.

"A taste of modern diplomacy," Arc said with a smile. "It's nice that there's peace."

"You can feel it, can't you?" Silver said to his friend. "The spark of war in the air. It seems inevitable. I do not need to know the diplomatic situation currently to tell that all is not well."

"Well, you're rarely wrong about these matters," Arc said with a pat on Silver's back. "So maybe it is inevitable. As it stands, we should enjoy the peace while it lasts, should we not?" Silver narrowed his eyes, and Arc rolled his own. "Mmm, well you be paranoid if you like. I'm going to do more research on the modern world."
Avedon Avedon
"... Tartarus isn't somewhere you want to go, dear. If they told you to go there, they were actually asking you to die." Trixie reaches back with a hoof and pats the child gently. "How about we go down to one of the toy stores? I'll buy you some kind of small animal. Do you like rats?"

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
And soon enough they were right back where they started. Normally they'd hang out in the castle, but that was completely off limits today. Nobody was allowed in, not even Salacia and Silvanus... Simply because they might cause a problem by accident due to being dumb kids. Silvanus once again rolled off Gunnolf's head and onto the ground, eating her chocolate bar happily. "Thanks Mr. Wolfy..." She said in between bites. She held up the massive chocolate bar and offered him some.

Assailant Assailant
The castle gates was as close as the two could get. It was completely locked down, and six elite guards made sure that nobody entered the main gate. Two more elite guards were positioned at every other possible entrance. This was an incredibly important ordeal and nobody would be allowed in for a long time.

At the entrance to the stone road leading up to the castle were two guards. One was completely not noteworthy, but the other was a beautiful bat pony. She had golden eyes, light gray fur, a purple mane, fangs, and bat-like wings. Bat ponies had only existed for around 1000 years, so there's a good chance that neither Silver nor Arc had ever seen one. "Greetings gentlecolts." She said in greeting. "Castle is off limits. Is there something I can help you with?"
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
"Not really. Theyre too crunchy...I have to chew too much..." she said her little wings flapped and she pretended to fly on Trixies back, giggling now and then in her emotionless way
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf laid back down, looking over to make sure Salacia was still on his back and nudged the other filly with his nose lightly before laying his head down on his paws. "You're welcome." He replied quietly, closing his eyes and resting. He would be off doing something else, but unfortunately, he was also very bored. Watching two fillies wasn't the most fun job in the world but one he took seriously still. His ears were pricked and listening intently to his surroundings.
Both Arc and Silver stared at the bat pony. For a few moments, neither of them said anything as they tried to gather what they were looking at. "That's a very... unique body type," Arc said. Immediately, their warning signs flared up that this might be dangerous. Both of them instinctively prepared for a fight, though they both new that it was doubtful that this... pony... would be guarding an embassy on behalf of the princesses without being trustworthy... especially with so many watching.

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Avedon Avedon
"I meant as a pet!" Trixie snapped back at the girl angrily, before just shaking her head and sighing. "I didn't mean I wanted to get you a rat to eat, I mean I wanted to get you one to play with. Haven't you ever owned a pet before?"

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
"Gunnolf watch this!" Silva said in a voice which sounded like things were about to get a whole lot less boring.

Her horn took on a green glow, though brighter than before. Much brighter. "I wanna see how much magic I can hold!" She said cheerfully, completely unaware of how completely stupid and dangerous that was. Her horn got increasingly brighter, to the point of being blinding... And then she lost control of it. Her horn began to crackle and spark, and a line of green energy much like Luna had used on the purple worm shot from her horn and into the sky.

"Ahh!" She cried out, before instinctively pointing her horn downwards at the ground. Her magic collided with it, erupting that part of the earth for a few seconds... And when all was said and done, her horn was no longer glowing.

The ground began to shift as it rose up, forming some type of creature made of stone. After several seconds a large earth elemental stood there, roughly 15 feet in height and not moving at all.

Assailant Assailant
The bat pony paused and looked at them both, squinting in disbelief. She then looked back at her wings and sighed. "... What, you've never seen a bat pony before?! I know we are rare, but come on! Unless, perhaps, you're not from around here?" She asks with a tilt of her head. It was fairly obvious that they had just insulted her. "Then again, every other pony around here hates us anyway so feel free to do the same."
Arc nodded. "Uh... yeah, you can say we're new to this place... in a way." He was slowly getting over the shock, though Silver seemed wary still. "But no, we've never seen a... bat pony before. We've never even heard of one." Arc shook his head. "How could a species such as that evolve from ponykind in just 1000 years... evolution of that kind takes millions of years..." He whispered to himself in confusion. He then paused. "We didn't come across as... rude... did we?"

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Gunnolf blinked his eyes open at being told to watch something... only to see Silv doing something retarded. He lifted his head up, looking around the gardens worriedly. Were unicorns - or alicorns - supposed to be trying to do that? How much magic could they summon even? What about Salacia?

He quickly stood up and backed away from her, narrowly avoiding the beam of magic she just unleashed and watching the... whatever it was pop up from the ground. He stared, confused. The funny thing was that it was only a little bit taller than him.

"Um..." he paused. "What did you just do?"

Assailant Assailant Dreamweaver Dreamweaver
Out of absolutely fucking nowhere, a bright purple hippogriff came flying down from the sky, directly where the main town of Canterlot would be. She was holding a little box in her beak. It was obviously well-kept, considering how shiny and how stainless the little thing was. Why a lunchbox would be well taken care of, nobody would know, and nobody should question it. She was a clean freak.

"Hey, Relly," she said softly, giving the bat pony a light nuzzle and dropping the box down next to her. "You forgot your lunch. Decided to bring you for you."
When the hippogriff appeared, Arc and Silver both jumped. Swiftly, a spell shone from Arc's horn while Silver unsheathed his sword. They both took a battle stance, but when it became clear the creature was friends with the guard, the two sighed and slowly put away their respective weapons, calming down.

Dreamweaver Dreamweaver Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Avedon Avedon
Trixie had no answer for that. She just shook her head and said, "... I guess. Pets are still cute though."

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
"I dunno..." Silvanus said with a shrug of her shoulders. Something inside of her had simply told her to point that beam of magic at the ground and then this happened. She had absolutely no idea how she managed to create this creature... But she loved it!

"I'm gonna name you... Rocky!" She said happily, before flying up and landing on the earth elementals head. It just stood there.

Dumbledoof Dumbledoof
Assailant Assailant
"Well, my kind is rare. You're forgiven." She says just as the purple hippogriff lands beside them both. She sees the unicorns horn light up and the other one draw his sword, and as such steps in front of Starstreak and draws her own twin daggers. "Not recommended." She said bluntly. The guard to the other side unsheathed their own weapon, and with a simple call another 12 guards could be here at a moments notice. On a day like today, tensions were high and guards were everywhere. And despite Aurelia being a filthy bat pony, she was still one of them.

She sheathes her daggers only after they sheath their own blades, and nods her head. "That's better." She states, before looking over and taking the lunchbox from Starstreak. "Thank you. I intended to get it on my lunch, but this saves me some time. How goes the train?"

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