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Futuristic THE SEA (Lore based, Futuristic RP, OPEN & ACCEPTING)

Sinking gravity tugged at each footstep pressing into the moist ground dimly lit from above, the fluorescent shine painted the deep ebony with naturalistic coloring. Chiaro had been moving along within the creepily silent darkness for what was an eternity now, perhaps the lack of vision nagged at her mind more then the chill of actually seeing something. The palm light in had was her only solace, feeble as the device was with it’s inferior light expanse, it was her lifeline at the moment.

While she moved at an almost sloth like speed, being careful not to stumble, trip or otherwise hinder herself any more than that blunder of a landing already had, Chiaro battled with the need to speed up or break from this inky veil in the swiftest manner possible. The sounds of this place, were in the least to the young woman “unnatural”, the noise echoing from the monumental trunks, rustling in whatever heaven's hung above her head, even mere crunches of leaves under her heels seemed to unnerve the woman. The cold had a dank moisture to it, almost as if she was slinking about in the bowels of a monstrous creature, everything felt alive.

The canvassing light in hand washed over rocks, discarded branches clawed and molded in the starting processes of decomposition, verdant foliage scattered about clung to the saturated dirt in a mosaic fashion. Another reason for her pace was pessimistic curiosity, as if these anomalous objects, wondrous as they were, would burst to life in a frenzy. Walking in this monotonous shade began to obstruct the woman’s already one sided vision, a strict line of sight to the lightened ground kept her attention as her peripheral began to dim.

It seemed as though something was happening to the ground at her feet, either the palm light was getting brighter or, ”....Light…!?” She managed to murmur with an elated breath, hopefully her eyes hadn’t gone bad from the stress, but the elation was met with optimism as she looked up and noted a faint graying to the unsaturated dark. The coloring wasn’t strong and seemed to be dampened by a haze of some kind, but her body couldn’t be more light at the moment. The silhouette of her figure showed against the fog as she walked on, her gaze lifted from the forest floor, jumping from the mist stained air to the almost bluish hue the trunks began to take on.

Something caught her eye however, a fleck of pure light dotted a lone trunk, inching close she marveled at the revelation of seeing untainted light once again. In that moment however, she felt her ankles break with an agitation as if they had be pulled, coupled with a haggard sound of something in the distance. A sinking feeling began to gnaw at her stomach and her legs moved in tune with her mind, backing away from the already distant cry. Chirao’s pace picked up as did her breathing in a different direction, although the ink was lifting something much more terrifying clouded her thoughts, creatures….things or beings much more adept to this place were near.



Shutting the door to Wally's residence, Law's face immediately dropped from a cheerful smile into a grimace. He grumbled to himself during his walk back, the delay to the expedition eating away at him.

"Delayed to hell! I have to get down there. How the hell am I going to get down there? The strings I'll have to pull now just to make this abysmal descent...."

He pressed his identification against the keycode to his home, rushing past the parting doors without so much as a glance towards to his wife. She hardly peeked at him, remaining focused on dusting off the counter top, indifferent to the exasperation and curses that accompanied his limp body, shuffling through books at his desk, tossing them around and knocking more still off his library. His forehead sat on the cold wood of the desk with his arms over the back of his skull, completely silent now.

He reached for the phone after a few brief moments of clarity.

"Hello? North District Delegation Office? Yes, send me through to the Bishop thank you."

His fingers tapped the bristles on his chin, his leg shaking up and down impatiently. He was ready to sprint to the engineering bay after this call.

"Ah hello Moore, listen I need you to do this favour for me quickly, don't ask any questions but I need to take one of the maintenance pods out for a few days to survey the hull. Please update my profile."

Moore had begun to stammer but Law dropped the phone back onto the receiver and barged through the front door with his keys. He was sweating and shaking all over but it didn't matter anymore. He kept thinking about what it would be like to be back on Earth again, the home of his ancestors, the thoughts completely consuming him. His brain itched with anticipation, and he refused to let his desires drone on unfulfilled. The keycard opened the doors to the bay and he made his way into the equipment storage, grabbing a fusion torch and a quantum silicone scaffold case, a bag of assorted alloys normally used for quick repairs, a few fuel cells, a signal beacon and a recall bracelet. He stuffed them all into a toolbox and carried it out to the docking zone, loading up one of the pods with it.

He looked around one last time, the docking zone mostly empty at the moment. Everyone else seemed to be occupied by the intruder alert and there was no need for loaders and operators to be working the area when the Pyxis main boarding zone was out of commission, desperately seeking every specialists attention. He unlocked the cockpit's hatch and climbed in, one of the few manual lock mechanisms they had, since these pods were hardly used anymore but were useful to have around. The engine took a few minutes to start up, and within moments the automatic hull gates opened up, the pod shooting out from Pyxis, Coordinates set just around the back of the planetary ship, at the thrusters.

Law looked out to the stars, gazing at everything around him in the solace of the cockpit. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, his hand fidgeting under the control deck. When he opened them again, the pod had begun diving down, it's own thrusters disengaged, hurtling towards Earth.



Location: Somewhere in The Sea.​

"Ow...Fuck." Law stumbled out of the smoking cockpit rubbing his forehead. The ship appeared mostly intact, apart from a rupture to the guidance control systems, deep cracks in the reinforced glass and dents in atmosphere shielding at the bow. He went around the aft of the pod, fishing out his toolbox of goods and slumped against the beaten ship.

"This is it. I'm home." He felt the grass in between his fingers, taking a deep breath, watching the wind rustle through trees that reached into the heavens. His eyes spanned the everlasting horizon, bombarded by the assortment of vivid colours in contrast to the dark grey's of Pyxis. His fingers grasped at the ground repetitively, grasping the blades of grass--and flinched back at the touch of something sharp and slimy. A strange little insect stung his hand, his finger bleeding and swelling.

"Hm, this is not what I had in mind. I'll need to clean this place up. Seems like it has some pests, and clearly it's overgrown."

He got up to his feet, flicking the insect away, looking around once more in a different perspective. While it appeared wonderful, it was clearly not perfect. It had a hidden demure, a primal viciousness, an untamed wild. Perhaps not quite the Earth he had been hoping to return to. It must be why the Cardinal and the other superiors always referred to it as 'The Sea', yet it was certainly something he could turn into the place of his dreams. Already planning, he envisioned everything before him transforming into the world of his dreams, and he would be its creator, living in the land he imagined in his childhood. He focused on the strange dome that rose up in the distance past the treeline, a clear mark of intelligent design opposing the overgrowth. He picked up the toolbox, trudging on to the dome to inspect it. Hopefully there was someone there that he could gain more information about the state of the world. He already gained more from the few seconds of being on the planet than he was ever told about it on Pyxis.

"Alright, time to extract some info." He grinned, his little talent apart from his excellence in engineering.

He emerged through the treeline before the gates of the large dome, approaching it with caution, and tapping on the doors, even peaking through hoping to garner someones attention, seeking entrance.
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Law lay slumped against the gate of Seoul9, defeated and grumbling. He had expected to find entrance into the dome but was met without response at the gate. He saw a pillar of smoke through the trees and ominous rumbling. The pod was left in terrible shape, most likely exposed wire mesh sparking in the heavy oxygenated air.

Law grumbled under his breath, his head lowered under the branches as he headed in the direction of the sound. The canopy filtered out most of the light, and the dense underbrush made it difficult for him to navigate through the trees. He stumbled over a branch here and there, dropping his toolbox several feet.

"F-fffffff" He stammered cutting his delicate pale skin against a sharp branch while bending to pick it up. He scanned his arm over meticulously.

"Fuck it, I'll use the signal beacon." He pulled out a small remote-like device from the toolbox, jabbing his finger into the button, flooding the edge of the forest with light, the clearing completely lit with blinding light like that of a bright sun. He covered his eyes for a moment with his forearm and continued forward, but his body froze. He heard a creak above his head. His eyes looked at the tree trunk next to him, slowly scanning upwards, making their way up toward the creaky branch a hidden Alfar was on.
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