~The School of Hybrids~

I wouldn't know *-* first I've heard of the tree. And YAY multitasking writing an essay for school thats due in.....about 10 hours not getting much sleep tonight #MasterProcrastinator
My major *-* needs to be 4 pages double spaced font size 12 and I just started lolol. I'm too lazy, the good news is I dont require much sleep and I'm quick to wake up.
Lol I have next to zero artistic talent so that was never an option open to me. I am planning on majoring in electronic media technology and the essay just needs to be related to something in your major so....#HistoryOfTelevision.
I'm not very gifted with technology or math... or science... or geography, more of a singer/violinist/artist/actress/writer/not mathematician/ in need of science help

basically anything creative lol
Lol so you're essentially the opposite of me I'm gifted in technology I'm not very creative and have zero talent in art. We are however similar in our lack of talents with god forsaken math. Math was created by someone with immense hatred for all of humanity I swear.
Zero in art

I am pretty good with music

Great at history

Pretty good with math

Great with science

@Aelin : Do you mean Ashley?
I know I do lol I get that alot. last time i took a typing test I was something along the lines of 90 words per minute on an unfamiliar keyboard
My god dude! xD I think I can type like 50 words a minute lol

Ya I don't pay attention to much xD

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