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Fantasy The School for the Supernatural

Cedric was pretty amused to see her look so dangerous growling at the other werewolf on the couch then turn to him in the next moment with a blush and a small smile. He couldnt help but think, 'Cute.' As he gave her a smile as well. "Ive seen you before in some of my classes, we share a science and gym class." While he was mostly invisible in science as he didnt make to much of a fuss about anything she may remember him from gym, while he didnt have to much of a passion for many of the sports they during the soccer unit had easily been one of the mvp's, with quick and agile feet that got past nearly every opponenet.
"Yea I've seen you around," Hayden said a bit shyly. She glanced back up and noticed yet another Vampire walk in. Thankfully, she didn't have that much of a problem with him though she wasn't sure if it was the same way around. "Góðan morgin Rangvaldr (good morning)," Hayden spoke quietly as she addressed the man.
He looked over at the person she was speaking to, he was a interesting fellow. Older then most vampires he was a viking turned vampire. The man followed the old norse religion though many made fun of him for his weird ways and beard. It had never mattered to him, he wasent the type to discriminate people like that. He gave the man a nod and looked back at the girl. First period would start soon, still he would chat a bit longer. "What book are you reading."
" Góðan morgin Hayden. I see you have been working on your Norse a little bit. How fair you this morn? " he said, walking over to her. He apparently had gotten her interested in Norse by speaking it in his prayers, one of witch she had heard. While he had no issue with her he doubted sometimes if she felt the same, for few truly liked the company of the red bearded Norseman.
"What are you even speaking back there? It was bad enough you were speaking english but now..." Paul looked up and saw Rangvaldr "whoa... things just got interesting".
"Tired but fine," Hayden smiled slightly at him. "And I prefer to talk to people in their native tongue," she decided to add with a nod. She looked back at Cedric then down at her book. "The Shining by Stephen King. I like his work," she answered quietly before hearing the werewolf's comment. She stood up with a silent smile and walked over to him. She took the hard covered book in her hand and started hitting him as hard as she could with it, not caring who was watching. When she felt satisfied, she straightened herself and fixed her dress. "Mind your own business," she said in her sweetest voice before turning and walking back, sitting back down in her seat.
*Alexander finally reached the academy and saw some fellow students not too far from where he was,

he decided to approach them and hope that they'd be interested in making friends with a half breed like himself*

"Hey guys!!!

Whatcha all doing over there just gathered around?

is something interesting goin on??"

*He asked cheerfully as he chewed on some pocky he had packed in his messenger bag and proceeded to walk closer to the group

of students that seemed to be engaged in some sort of interesting conversation*

"You guys want any?

They're almond crunch flavor!"

*he exclaimed with joy as he offered the group some of his pocky*
"Ow, that hurts" he jumps up on his feet and points at Hayden "I'll get back at you later, for now, who the hell is this guy?!"
Cracking his knuckles Rangvaldr walked over and watch as the girl beat Paul down with a book. Grinning he deliberately towered over the prone form and asked in a rumbling deep voice. " Need i add more to your education about minding your own mind? I am Rangvaldr, the vampire viking." His axes where slung across the back of his leather overwork, his red cloak swirling around him. One was coated in silver to deal with wolves, the other had holy symbols of the Norse faith carved on them. He had discovered that they burned many Vampires same as holy objects of the other religions, thought not him.
Hayden smiled triumphantly and noticed the kid with pocky. Shaking her head, she politely declined. "No thanks. I'm not a fan of almonds. They stick to my teeth," she admitted, smiling at his spunk. She laughed lightly at the thought but soon snapped out of it as she looked down.
*he stepped back abit*


I'm Alexander!!

You guys can just call me Alex for short if you all like!"

*he said in a happy voice*

"So..im guessing that's a no on the pocky offer?

fine,more for me then!"

*he exclaimed as he gobbled down the rest of the pocky from the box*

"woah...who's the big viking guy?"
"I just wanna fight ya, big guy. Fists to fists. You look really strong and I need a good fight". A spark lights in his eyes as his muscles tense up.
"who me??

no no no,you dont wanna fight me..heheh, im all wimpy and frail!"

*he said as he twirled around and did a funny dance and noticed a book the girl was holding*

"woah is that a stephen king book???

I freakin love his work!!

have you read his compilation of short stories called everthing's eventual?"

*he asked with an excited tone as he continued his weird dance*
Hayden heard the word fight and smirked looking at the clock. Fifteen minutes. She stood up, holding her finger over her lips to Alex before shifting into her wolf form, something she had learned to do though it was painful when it wasn't a full moon. She stalked up to the other wolf and let out a warning growl to him. She felt like she could use a good fight and let off some steam and why not with her own kind.
Sighing Rangvaldr picked up the man and threw for all he was worth, strait out the door. No sense in messing up a perfectly good library. The man was small enough that he was going to make good distance down the hall as well. His immense musculature and the even greater strength being a Vampire granted him meant that he was quite possibly one of the strongest human based creatures on the planet. He drew both axes and laid them calmly upon the couch and said " I trust one of you can watch these for me. I belive the runt needs a ass kicking."
Lexie said:
"Tired but fine," Hayden smiled slightly at him. "And I prefer to talk to people in their native tongue," she decided to add with a nod. She looked back at Cedric then down at her book. "The Shining by Stephen King. I like his work," she answered quietly before hearing the werewolf's comment. She stood up with a silent smile and walked over to him. She took the hard covered book in her hand and started hitting him as hard as she could with it, not caring who was watching. When she felt satisfied, she straightened herself and fixed her dress. "Mind your own business," she said in her sweetest voice before turning and walking back, sitting back down in her seat.
((no notifactions op))

"Stephen king has many good works, i have read many of his books. But then again ive read a lot of books." He said with a small smile. He couldnt help but watch wide eye'd as she beat the crap out of the other werewolf with the book. "You know if i can be blunt that was the scariest yet strangely the hottest thing ive seen in a long time." He said as she came back. Then he saw a fight about to start between everyone. "Oh are we gonna brawl." He said with a grin. He got up with a smile that showed his fangs.
After getting up from being thrown Paul smirked "all righty! This is gonna be fun! Hey, big guy, hurry up and get out here! I still need to get you back for that!"
Hayden stepped in from of Rangvaldr and let out a low growl before turning and running off in the direction of the boy that had been thrown. She stopped in front of him and twitched her ear before shifting back. "What's wrong? Can't fight a little girl like me?" she asked sweetly with a grin.
Walking into the hall he looked down at the man. His knuckle dusters where leather, only the ring he wore was silver. The leather was printed with the same runes as his Vampire hunting ax. He had fought both sides for years, trying to stay neutral when he could. He waited to see how the girl would handle herself, ready to step in and leave a youngling in the infirmary.
"...big guuy??

The viking dude?"

*he asked with a confused look as he as next the vikings axes and stared at them for abit wondering how many lives these beautiful instruments of battle had taken*

"two..no three...no it smells like thousands of souls were taken by these two"

*he whispered to himself as he studied the axes closer*
He followed and looked at the norse viking. "I have my bets on the girl, though if she fails you go second and kick his ass then ill fight you." He said with a smirk. He seemed confident he could beat the massive viking, but he wasent underestimating him etheir. Strangely he seemed confident in his skills.
Smirking, Hayden devilishly blew him a non-meaningful kiss before swinging her leg around, sweeping the boy off his feet and immediately shifted once more, her fur streaked with red, and growled menacingly as she got ready to attack.

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