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Fantasy The School for the Supernatural

( some old myths i read. That was what stuck with me rather then what the hell the vampires where doing)
(Because that's obviously the most important thing to know.)

"You came prepared, I gotta find a way to repay you for all this food you've given me." He continued to eat at a slower pace.
"I was brought over here about 6 years. They got me when I was sleeping so I couldn't fight back or anything."
"Yeah, though it was the only way to get me to go over here without a fight and possible human casualties."
Paul slipped into his dreams, which he used to look at his fights and figure out strategies to use against his opponents and try out techniques he wasn't quite sure about. He found Rangvaldr to be very intriguing, it looked like he hadn't hurt him at all, but why?
Paul spent most of his time looking for a way to copy Rangvaldr's link to the gods or whatever. Except it'd be different, instead of just getting a weapon and stopping someone in their tracks he was going to do something probably a little more complicated.
( Hey guys the third round of battles have started! Come support my character, Orestes, with votes. He is fighting a cyborg Pirate )
( You follow the link to the page. There is a arena style thing where they are putting characters from the gallery against eachother. Mine is Orestes and i need more votes to survive)
(Thank you, I thought you'd posted it somewhere earlier so I went looking for it and eventually gave up.) 
(You are very lucky that I am on your side or I would've chosen the cyborg pirate.)

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