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Fantasy The School for the Supernatural

Nichole said"nice. You're pretty lazy huh? " laying upside down. She smiled and crossed her legs amd giggled. "you're silly. I like it."Nichole said. Rei landed on her chest and screeched again.
Paul raised his eyebrows "you're spot on about the lazy part, I'm not so sure I agree on the silly thing, though."
Nichole said"you're best friends are your bed and a couch in the library. Does that sound silly to you?" Laying on her stomach now kicking her legs back and forth.
Nichole said"rei is a living being though. We hold nice conversations. Don't we rei?" Rei gave a nod and flapped his wings. Nichole smiled at him and gave him a strawberry to nibble on.
"I'm not going to pretend I understand how you have conversations with a bat." He looked over for a second "hey can I have one of those strawberries?"
Paul caught it and, after eating the strawberry itself, tossed the little leaves into the breeze. "Thanks" he said before taking a nap of his own.

Nichole woke later and yawned getting up. she smiled and stretched popping her back. Rei woke and hid in Nichole's sweater. Nichole's hair blew some in a breeze and she looked at paul as he slept. Then wondered how he slept so still!
After a few minutes, Paul woke up as well. "This roof isn't really that comfortable, I definitely like the couch and my bed better."
Nichole said"the grass is comfy for me. And my bed. Eh oh well." She walked to the edge of the roof and jumped down. Nichole landed on her feet crouching and stood again fixing her hair.
Paul debated whether or not to follow her, if he did, he'd use up energy but if he didn't he'd just stay there on the uncomfortable roof where he'd eventually be found skipping class. He decided to jump down as well and, like Nichole, landed on his feet.
Nichole said"hey I found a nice spot in the forest if you want. Its a comfy spot." Smiling. Rei slept peacefully in Nichole's sweater. Nichole petted rei and said"comfy in there bud?" She got a screech in reply.
"A werewolf and a vampire go into the forest alone? What could possibly go wrong?" he says jokingly. "Sure, I'll come."
Nichole giggled and said"I'll race ya wolf boy." Smirking. Then ran off to the forest. She smiled as she ran. Nichole loved the speed and the wind blew her hair gracefully.
Paul did what'd he call his best effort to keep up, the fastest he was moving was a speed walk. Though so that he didn't lose sight of Nichole he started running, though not nearly as fast as her. He even kept his hands in his pocket. "Ok, she obviously doesn't share all of my values."
Nichole smiled and stopped. Then sat down in a grass humming. She laid down in the grass closing her eyes. Nice and shady. But enough sunlight.
Nichole said"the grass is comfy huh? " opening one eye. Rei poked his head out of her sweater and blinked looking around. Then climbed up a tree and hung upside down.
Nichole said"yep.I like it in here. It's quiet, peaceful, and the grass is so soft." She smiled and looked up at the clouds. "Why do you think vamps and werewolves gotta hate each other?"

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