The School For Elemental Beings


Agony's Embrace
• Name:




•Appearance (Anime if possible):



•Fear (At least one):

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):

•Other information:
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Avanelle "Ava" Crescent






(No bat wings and normal human ears)



Avanelle is a quiet girl. She stays away from people because she is awfully scared of hurting someone. She doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself, and always tries to hide when she can. When you get her to open up, you discover a caring and loyal girl. She is really soft, and will always let people go first. If she has something and that you need it, she will give it to you. She is extremely kindhearted, what is odd since her element is darkness.


Avanelle doesn't remember anything from her past. She just remembers being taken to the school by Ed.


Hurting someone with her power



~Other information~

Ava is able to cast a werewolf with her magic. That werewolf has his own personality and has been named Edmund.

She often hides in the library.


Edmund "Ed"


Ed is very over protective of Avanelle. If his master's life is threatened in any way, he will summon himself and protect Ava even if he haves to die for her. He is not afraid to kill for Ava's safety. He is like an over protective brother, what Ava doesn't seem to complain about.


Not being able to protect Avanelle


Anyone that tries to hurt Avanelle in anyway possible







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•Age: 15



•Appearance (Anime if possible):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fe1057_download(9).jpg.92d447f63fe3a9b90152a8b72fb0cbd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c11fe1057_download(9).jpg.92d447f63fe3a9b90152a8b72fb0cbd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•Personality:She's headstrong and coldhearted. She can be loving. But she is very silent.

•Bio:Her father was a Martial Arts Grandmaster. She is like a war machine. Nerds usually ask for her to protect them if they have the guts. Her parents died on the streets right infront of her eyes and she's tough.

•Fear (At least one):Spiders and being Hurt because she has no protectpr

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):None yet

•Other information:Has a crush on...Ed



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• Name: Haven

•Age: 17

•Element: Fire

•Gender: Female

•Appearance (Anime if possible):


•Personality: Haven has a lot of social anxiety around a large crowd. She warms(haha pun) up to people slowly but after she does she can be a really fun person. She gets fired up(lol pun again) over little things and is very passionate about the things she believes in to the point of fighting about it.

•Bio: She lived with her crazy mom after her dad died in a tragic accident. She was forced to learn things on her own and she is very independent now.

•Fear (At least one): Tornadoes

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): None yet

•Other information: Hai ^.^

• Name •

Winter L'

• Age •


• Element •

Air (Wind)

• Gender •


• Appearance •

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Black.png.a27a0ef9eb0826b0474815fd7376a44d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Black.png.a27a0ef9eb0826b0474815fd7376a44d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• Personality •

An oddly calm girl, unfortunately her face is usually set on a smirk. She is spontaneous as well as carefree, blunt, and sarcastic.

• Bio •

Nothing too dramatic, her growth was stunted when she was in 4th grade; now she will forever be 4'3''. She never met her family, them dying in a car-crash due to high winds, comical I know. She learned to control by herself for the most part but is still very social. Having been messed with for her height, her fists are as fast if not faster than her 'Bss Aackwards' retorts.

• Fear •

Unable to see.

(Bottom of waterbed, dark, blindness,etc.)

• Rival •

None..(So far)

• Other information •



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• Name: Carter Neil

•Age: 17

•Element: Water

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):


•Personality: Carter always seems stoic. He is the quiet kind of guy, yet he isn't the one you should call timid. He's just extremely silent. But when he's with friends, he would pipe in from time to time. So you could say that Carter's not the one to get all socialized, and he usually spends his time reading books of all sorts.

•Bio: Carter grew up like any ordinary kid, that is until when he found out that he could manipulate water. He was then ostracized by the whole neighborhood, being considered as a freak; his family rejected him, his friends abandoned him. With no where else to go, he simply ran and ran. He didn't know how far, or even how long. He just knew that he ran and ran, which seemed like forever, until he managed to find the School. The headmaster took pity on him and was then accepted to the School.

•Fear (At least one): Carter is afraid of being alone in the dark.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): None yet.

•Other information:
Name: Mai Kato

(Pronounced: Mah-e Cat-o)

Age: 16

Element: Fire

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c121adfd6_EmoNekoGirlw.gif.63612b24047f5968ba6d7c3214d5e1fe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c121adfd6_EmoNekoGirlw.gif.63612b24047f5968ba6d7c3214d5e1fe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is kind, yet has a very serious side at times. Though, she isn't one to be shy she thinks of herself as an outcast, possibly seen in other schools as so. Altogether, she can be a nice person to talk to and loves to have fun if she decides to open up to you.

Bio: When Mai was a kid, she grew up being bullied and accused of- you guessed it- being paranormal to everyone else. They thought of her as strange, and treated her just the same. Day by day she would deal with cruel behavior and bullying. The only ones that didn't treat her this way up until high school were her parents. In her freshman year, she was in a science lab and lit fire to a tool on her tray when she got frustrated, which led everyone to a much worse level of bullying. Her parents had to send her away to another school to avoid the ridicule and tend to the element she obtained but couldn't fully control.

Fear: Closed in spaces and large crowds of people(has claustrophobia), bullying, betrayal.

Rival: Anyone who tries to cause her mental or physical harm.

Other: She absolutely loves cats, which is why she is wearing cat ears under her hoodie in the appearance picture.



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  • Name - Lazlo Knox
  • Age - 16
  • Element - Wind
  • Gender - Male
  • Appearance - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/GreenGuy.jpg.c927aec4ccffc3ac0d2ac2659b28cf54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/GreenGuy.jpg.c927aec4ccffc3ac0d2ac2659b28cf54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Personality - Lazlo is coldhearted. He does not like to show any of his emotions to anyone and mostly secludes himself to his drawing book he calls "Grimoire." He does not only behave this way with other students but teachers as well. The Principle was the only person who managed to get the kid to say a sentence. "Ive lost my trust in others a long time ago, besides I see no problem with being alone..."
  • Bio - In his family, Lazlo was always the second son. His older brother outdid him at almost anything wether it being at sports, intelligence, funny, etc. and is the reason why he was never payed attention to by his parents. It was the same thing with friends, they would only betray him in the end and join his oh so perfect brother. This left the boy feeling like a shadow until he awakened his powers and for the first time he thought he could finally be loved. This was not the case, in fact things have gotten worse to the point his family now saw him as a freak and left him in this school saying "Its for your own good."
  • Fear - If he were to make friends then it would be to lose them.
  • Rivals - Everyone although this might change throughout the Rp.
  • Others - Seems to like drawing birds in the book he carries around.



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Um if I make a male, may we start?

Name:Antonio (Tony)




•Appearance (Anime if possible):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guy-sworddagger.png.da06a850902f7b9bf405cf306d7f37d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guy-sworddagger.png.da06a850902f7b9bf405cf306d7f37d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•Personality:Sensitive and silent

•Bio:Reveals later

•Fear (At least one):His little sis getting hurt and animals

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):

•Other information:



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im here

reserve as I create it

• Name: Zane Carthage

•Age: 17

•Element: Light

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):

•Personality: Very nice. always has a smile on his face. Gets angry easily. Trust issues. If you try hurting him or sticking him with anything he will probably beat the ever living shit out of you out of fear.

•Bio: When Zane was eight he was sold into the slave trade to a scientist. The scientist didn't know about Zane's talents until after buying him. For years the scientist experimented on Zane's body. Though Zane was naturally tough the things the scientist did changed him made him began the turn to his true self, a warrior of light. One night Zane was eating, the scientist came in and tried to inject Zane with a serum. With out notice Zane turned took the needle and stabbed the scientist in the head killing him instantly. Now Zane is scared of people for all his life all he knew was pain and fear. A good policeman took him in and sent him to this school where supernaturals were sent, this act of kindness introduced Zane to other emotions, like happiness.

•Fear (At least one): People trying to put needles in him, will kill ya.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): Will be soon enough

•Other information: Minorly insane

Is Demisexual, looks for comfort.
Name: Vallen Knight

•Age: 18

•Element: Smoke and ash

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible): Tall and slim with ashy coal colored hair, green eyes, pale skin usually covered in soot or ash, trails of smoke and red embers usually trail from his finger tips and sometimes from his mouth or nostrils, wears simple clothing and a leather duster with stitched in pockets and loops of leather to hold the multitude of objects he carries with him, and a stack of books tightly bound in a strap across his back.

•Personality: Intelligent and skilled and he knows it. Pretends to be aloof but is actually constantly vigilant and never trusting. Cruel at times but loves children and never swears in front of a lady.

•Bio: Vallen is from a small village of smoke and fire elementals called soot. The village was built by a group of wood workers over an underground enchanted forest, but one day caught fire and since the tree were magic they wouldn’t burn completely eventually forming the Ash and smoke elementals from burning chunks of wood and the many dead villagers. Vallen was born like all elementals of soot in the complete suffocating darkness of the burning forest, he grew up among the burning trees never breathing clean air or seeing true light beyond the consuming fire until his twelfth birthday when he was taken from the smoke and began his education. A naturally bright boy he excelled at his studies especially magic and science. When he was old enough he decided to enroll in a school far from his home to meet other elemental beings different from himself.

•Fear (At least one): Losing anything or anyone precious to him.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): none, so far.
• Name: Zeke Aswearlath

•Age: 17

•Element: Ice(Water)

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):



Zeke is a distant and cold fellow, he hates socializing with people, nor does he care for people to interact with him. He is not afraid of just walking away from you if you try to interact with him; he is usually seen by himself or with his pet, Styx. He is seen as sulky and hateful, thus earning him the nickname Mr.Gloomy from people who do know him. He hates the warmth of fires or the climate, despite the fact he wears a trench coat 24/7. Zeke is also quiet intelligent, able to process information somewhat faster then others, and thinks more logically then others. This is the only reason why he is at school, few are on par with his mind. He is surrounded by a aura(feeling) of sadness, allowing him to make people feel uneasy around him and leave him alone. His ideal environment is somewhere snowy with a book, if that isn't available to him then the library with the A.C on max. He loves the band Rolling Stones.


Zeke was born in the castles of an icy world, a place far from here... Norway to be exact. He lead a life of seclusion from the children, hating how stupid and emotional they were. He was feared for his powers, no kid would dare go near him in fear that he might freeze them, and so was kept in a secluded study for most of his time. At age 10, he finally got fed up and just straight up left one day, right in front of his parents. Zeke traveled the world, alone and secluded; everywhere he went fear followed. His parents found him at age 14, and re-took him in, hoping that he was vented out now. They hopes were misplaced, as he now didn't even bother to try and not harm people, if you talked to him, you would freeze: simple. He has now been sent here in hope that he could change for the better.

•Fear (At least one):

Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):


•Other information:


• Name: Ziel σκοτάδι (skotádi)

•Age: 18

•Element: Fire

(Half Chimera)

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):





Ziel is a gentleman, seemingly a great person: Intelligent, good looking, fun to be around. But underneath this is a person you do not want to piss off nor get in the way of. He is not one for flaunting off his powers, nor is he one to shy away from a fight IF he truly wants to. You be good to him, he will be good to you... for the most part. He likes to cause mischief from time to time, to "Spice up life" according to him. Even though he does not like flaunting off his powers, he is not only not afraid to use them, but likes to be in his Chimera form most of the time.

•Bio: Ziel hails from Greece, he studied art, literature, philosophy; truly a gentleman if you have ever seen one. His family is rich for him to take these studies, they wish for Ziel to have the best life possible. He was born with Chimeric powers, and was taught how to control and master his powers from a young age; now they just add to his appeal. His parents have paid for him to come here so he may continue his studies.

•Fear (At least one):

Fear of dying/diseases

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):


•Other information:



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