The School For Elemental Beings

Federoff said:
• Name: Zeke Aswearlath
•Age: 17

•Element: Ice(Water)

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):



Zeke is a distant and cold fellow, he hates socializing with people, nor does he care for people to interact with him. He is not afraid of just walking away from you if you try to interact with him; he is usually seen by himself or with his pet, Styx. He is seen as sulky and hateful, thus earning him the nickname Mr.Gloomy from people who do know him. He hates the warmth of fires or the climate, despite the fact he wears a trench coat 24/7. Zeke is also quiet intelligent, able to process information somewhat faster then others, and thinks more logically then others. This is the only reason why he is at school, few are on par with his mind. He is surrounded by a aura(feeling) of sadness, allowing him to make people feel uneasy around him and leave him alone. His ideal environment is somewhere snowy with a book, if that isn't available to him then the library with the A.C on max. He loves the band Rolling Stones.


Zeke was born in the castles of an icy world, a place far from here... Norway to be exact. He lead a life of seclusion from the children, hating how stupid and emotional they were. He was feared for his powers, no kid would dare go near him in fear that he might freeze them, and so was kept in a secluded study for most of his time. At age 10, he finally got fed up and just straight up left one day, right in front of his parents. Zeke traveled the world, alone and secluded; everywhere he went fear followed. His parents found him at age 14, and re-took him in, hoping that he was vented out now. They hopes were misplaced, as he now didn't even bother to try and not harm people, if you talked to him, you would freeze: simple. He has now been sent here in hope that he could change for the better.

•Fear (At least one):

Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):


•Other information:


• Name: Ziel σκοτάδι (skotádi)

•Age: 18

•Element: Fire

(Half Chimera)

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):





Ziel is a gentleman, seemingly a great person: Intelligent, good looking, fun to be around. But underneath this is a person you do not want to piss off nor get in the way of. He is not one for flaunting off his powers, nor is he one to shy away from a fight IF he truly wants to. You be good to him, he will be good to you... for the most part. He likes to cause mischief from time to time, to "Spice up life" according to him. Even though he does not like flaunting off his powers, he is not only not afraid to use them, but likes to be in his Chimera form most of the time.

•Bio: Ziel hails from Greece, he studied art, literature, philosophy; truly a gentleman if you have ever seen one. His family is rich for him to take these studies, they wish for Ziel to have the best life possible. He was born with Chimeric powers, and was taught how to control and master his powers from a young age; now they just add to his appeal. His parents have paid for him to come here so he may continue his studies.

•Fear (At least one):

Fear of dying/diseases

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):


•Other information:




(Sorry for taking time to reply)
• Name: Cadin

•Age: 16

•Element: Wind

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):

•Personality: Cadin is a guy who is quiet and caring at the same time he can't stand watching people get hurt but never really stands up for them even though he can but people still don't like infact they down right hate him.


•Fear (At least one):

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):

•Other information:

Not finished miss click sorry

• Name: Cadin

•Age: 17

•Element: wind

•Gender: male

•Appearance (Anime if possible): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imgres.jpg.ae9e8e38c93c1c8ba45dd48477318bce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imgres.jpg.ae9e8e38c93c1c8ba45dd48477318bce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•Personality:He is a quiet guy who care more than he let's on.

•Bio: Cadin used to go to a regular school until his best friend was about to be killed by a bully with a switchblade and Cadin used his powers to stop the bully and ended up breaking the bullies arm and hurting his best friend so he left and transferred schools and found a school for people like him and moved straight into the dorms trying not to be not noticed.

•Fear (At least one): Hurting people with his power, not being able to help people,dying.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): None...Yet!

•Other information: None... just none.



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[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]• Name: Cadin
•Age: 16

•Element: Wind

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):

•Personality: Cadin is a guy who is quiet and caring at the same time he can't stand watching people get hurt but never really stands up for them even though he can but people still don't like infact they down right hate him.


•Fear (At least one):

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):

•Other information:

Not finished miss click sorry

• Name: Cadin

•Age: 17

•Element: wind

•Gender: male

•Appearance (Anime if possible): View attachment 98555

•Personality:He is a quiet guy who care more than he let's on.

•Bio: Cadin used to go to a regular school until his best friend was about to be killed by a bully with a switchblade and Cadin used his powers to stop the bully and ended up breaking the bullies arm and hurting his best friend so he left and transferred schools and found a school for people like him and moved straight into the dorms trying not to be not noticed.

•Fear (At least one): Hurting people with his power, not being able to help people,dying.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): None...Yet!

•Other information: None... just none.

• Name:Thomas Kellen (T.K.)




•Appearance (Anime if possible):


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Thomas.jpg.7275c522df4ff39b049073fbf3f1454a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Thomas.jpg.7275c522df4ff39b049073fbf3f1454a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tk.jpg.591f5d12e04c32aa8b62dfd6d7fb75a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tk.jpg.591f5d12e04c32aa8b62dfd6d7fb75a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•Personality:Bi-polar and offensive

•Bio:Thomas was a great student in high school straight A student he had a wonderful mom a great little sister, but one day his mom and sister were taking a walk then a man tried to rob them. Being defenseless she decided to just do what he wanted but his sister (Her name is secret for now) ran and kicked him in the shin. He grabbed her and shot her dead, his mom screamed and ran at him he smacked her she fell back on the road and she was struck by a truck and killed instantly. During final exams the principle pulled him out of the testing area and told him the news. He went home and tried to commit suicide, the pills caused him to fall unconscious and then he awoke in a lab of sorts he got up and noticed there was something black protruding from his hands "wha...what?!" he screamed as he fell the scrambled to his feet. "water" he was really thirsty the shadows along the walls swirled and shot into the sink. Thomas felt hydrated "Did I do that?!" he said to himself. Thomas look down at his blackness on his arms and willed them to go away so they retreated in his pockets. He felt around in them but nothing was in there. He walked out of the lab and noticed he was in a small clinic not far from his school. Thomas walked out and that is were his story begins.

•Fear (At least one):Alleyways

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):None Yet

•Other information:Genius bu gets mad easily



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Name: The Jack 'of Trades

•Age: 19

•Element: Fire


•Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-1_18-12-51.jpeg.279f9500526e3b955bb4b17e8f3d8a6b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-1_18-12-51.jpeg.279f9500526e3b955bb4b17e8f3d8a6b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


•Bio: When he was little he was a test dummy for chemicals and drugs and eventually he gained tremendous power and escaped killing all in his way. Ten years later...He tried to mug two women and ended up killing both of them then ran off and this is were his story starts....

•Fear (At least one): Labs

•Rival: None yet

•Other information: N/A



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• Name: Evie "Vi" Kayla Woods

•Age: 15

•Element: Air

•Gender: Female

•Appearance (Anime if possible):



Two for somewhat reference?


Quiet, shy, intelligent, soft-spoken, gentle, timid, a little weird


Vi daydreams. A lot. It got her sent out of class a few times. She comes from an average family, except she somehow got

the rare genes on her mother's side of an elementalist

She was found by one of the teachers and invited to join, though her parents do not know about her powers nor the school's elemental side.

Vi finds it hard to make friends, but she's soo kawaii

And she can sing {yay}

•Fear (At least one):


-small enclosed spaces


-being ridiculed

-speaking in front of an audience


•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP):

Not yet }:>

•Other information:

Vi likes nicknames [emoji14]

And she's really smart it's just that she doesn't talk much like when she says something it'll be probably smart and kawaii (? I'll try)
• Name: Elytrigia Gras (Ely)

•Age: 15

•Element: Earth

•Gender: Female

•Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime-Girls-anime-10342106-1024-768.jpg.4fd479b35ee486591b48cf3b30b2d1e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime-Girls-anime-10342106-1024-768.jpg.4fd479b35ee486591b48cf3b30b2d1e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(With magic)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b10893_naturedresssayanoutaplantsartworkanimegirls1157x818wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_80.jpg.f9977737ecf91df62600cda595dbf62d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b10893_naturedresssayanoutaplantsartworkanimegirls1157x818wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_80.jpg.f9977737ecf91df62600cda595dbf62d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

•Personality: Ely is a cheerful, optimistic girl. She tries to see the good side in everything. But she is quiet and shy when it comes to associating with nature, probably because she respects and believes that every living creature is sacred.

•Bio: Her father is a hunter who fell in love with a pond spirit. They married and gave birth to Ely, who was born with Powers of Earth. As the conflicts between human and nature caused her parents to part ways, Ely was sent to this school as a baby, wrapped in a lily pad. Even though she has lived in this school her whole life, she prefers the forest behind it.

•Fear (At least one): Humans destroying the forests. Fire. (She is scarred on her ankle when she almost died once in a hillfire. )

•Rival: Almost all Fire Elementals.

•Other information: Her green squirrel, Jett, follows her almost everywhere.

(Ely daydreams of him as a boy...)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images.jpg.a6510287d8e7f15e10b4a985529bba89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images.jpg.a6510287d8e7f15e10b4a985529bba89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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• Name: Nikko Ishtar

•Age: 15

•Element: Twilight (A combination of Light and Darkness)

•Gender: Male

•Appearance (Anime if possible):

•Personality: Nikko at first appears sweet and kind, however that facade will quickly crumble to reveal his true nature as maniacal, short-tempered, flamboyant, destructive, and cruel. He is a psychopath with no regard for human life or remorse for the atrocities he commits, and revels in the suffering of others. He cracks dark jokes, breaks out into hysterical laughter upon causing mayhem, and his only joy is causing death and chaos, he also lacks self-control. His disregard of human life has developed into nihilism, declaring the lives of mortals insignificant, he finds no meaning in things like love and hope, mocking those who do. Ultimately, he seeks to destroy existence itself.

•Bio: His powers were affiliated to the Darkness when he was born. His parents were horrified, as they were both Water Elementals, When he was 10, he saw a Total Solar Eclipse, which inspired him to add the power of the Light to him as well as the Dark. After 3 years of research and practice, he eventually did, however the fusion of the polar opposite Elements in his body caused his mind to break and splinter, creating his current-day personality of endless destruction.

•Fear (At least one): Losing his powers.

•Rival (Person you really don't get along with, can develop through RP): Everyone.

•Other information:

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