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Fantasy The Rise of Heirs Closed for Now


Grade A Bitch
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • Rabweshire2.jpg
    From the outside, the snowy magnificence of Leyeborn Keep nearly over took the lone swordsmen. At last, he was in the final stretch of his journey, his supplies long since gone, and his hope having just about left him. He didn't know if what the woman had told him back in Alderwoods was true, nor if she was even trustworthy; but he had come to far to just let it go now. From what he understood of the madwoman's rambling nonsense, Leyeborn had fallen. Many wouldn't give her the time of day, the castle had withstood a thousands wars and hundreds of battles; from the Dragons tide to the Elf rebellion. The was no way it could fall. But the same was said about Aneor and Kalder. So, one unnamed warrior listened, and set off on the near week long journey with little rest. He couldn't stop, he couldn't. If Leyeborn had fallen, then the whole of Faylen could fall. With his every movement causing his body to scream in protest, the warrior continued until he reached the shattered door of Leyeborn Keep.

    The first thing to strike him was the smell. Sickly sweet and heavy with iron, the air was saturated with the scent of noble blood. Quickly, he threw aside his helmet so he could vomit until nothing but bile remained. Bodies upon bodies of the guards and help lay eviscerated. What monster would do this? As a veteran warrior, one would expect to be accustomed to the sick nature of the beast which is man. But the swordsmen couldn't help but wonder as he managed his way through the massacre; was this truly a man or...much worse? From what he could tell, the bodies were that of the castles inhabitance, none from the attacker. Was this a surprise attack? or was the manner of being who did this more powerful in a way he couldn't understand. A question he hoped to have answered if he found a survivor. And soon, he found himself running from room to room, searching. But not for a man or woman capable of speech. Echoing through the blood soaked halls was the cry of a small babe.

    Upon entering the throne room, the cry became its loudest. Falling to his knees, retching once more,the body of the King and Queen. They sat in their chairs, guts spilled out in the floor in front of them, a small moving bloody bundle was writing around in the queens arms. He now had no choice but to make for the child. It was a miracle the child had made it this long, let alone survived what ever had happened there. Carefully making his way through the mess, he reached the bundle yellow bundle. Wrapped in what appeared to be a weakened Blanket of Silence, was a baby girl. The heir to Leyeborn Keep, with the birthmark to prove it. In no time, thanks to a little magic, the two were back in Alderwoods, where the warrior collapsed from exhaustion.

    Upon his awaking, the warrior made the news of what he found in Leyeborn known, and soon, eh stories of Aneor and Kalder surfaced. Each produced an heir to their respectful throne, and each the same story of what their castles were found in. Nobody could produce and answer as to what happened. Until, a rumor that the people believed in. From the across the Black Seas, came The Righteous Imperium. At first, it seemed like a wonder opportunity. They advances in almost every form, from magical to medical. Yet the land of Faylen was imprisoned by their friends only years later, and our government taken over. The arrived at the time that Faylen was missing their most powerful leaders. The remaining Council of Kings were driven out of power or killed, along with their heirs, and the man hunt for the three remaining heirs began. The warriors that saved the children went into hiding with them, as to protect their lives. Its been nearly twenty-five years since the Imperium has taken over Faylen, and its high time they went home.

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This looks very interesting! Will it be alright to create traditions / headcanons for Kalder and Aneor or should I just go crazy? And I'm guessing it's the usual CS template? Name, appearance, age, gender, personality, backstory? Can we also play as the knights who rescued the heirs or is this restricted to the heirs only (I mean, the title kinda says it all but it doesn't hurt to ask)?
This looks very interesting! Will it be alright to create traditions / headcanons for Kalder and Aneor or should I just go crazy? And I'm guessing it's the usual CS template? Name, appearance, age, gender, personality, backstory? Can we also play as the knights who rescued the heirs or is this restricted to the heirs only (I mean, the title kinda says it all but it doesn't hurt to ask)?
You can defiantly if you're a local to either Aneor and or Kalder or the heir, it's open. As for the CS, yes, pretty much with a few added things that go with this rp. And no, you can't play as the people who rescued the knights. You can play as different people with connections to the heirs. Because the heirs aren't the sole members of the party that's gonna be forming.
You can defiantly if you're a local to either Aneor and or Kalder or the heir, it's open. As for the CS, yes, pretty much with a few added things that go with this rp. And no, you can't play as the people who rescued the knights. You can play as different people with connections to the heirs. Because the heirs aren't the sole members of the party that's gonna be forming.
So what you're saying is the Knights will be more mentors than party members.
So what you're saying is the Knights will be more mentors than party members.
Yes. The part members will not be the knights that saved the heirs. The party members will be people who want to help the heirs send the Imperium back over seas.

FireMaiden FireMaiden You want us to PM you those paragraphs of text or?
Okay, that part may not have been clear because I was pretty tired when I wrote this. A paragraph is my desisered minimum post length once the rp is up and running.

I'm down for this if you're still accepting players.
This is gonna be open until I think there's enough players, or until there's to many and things start getting confusing.

I was wondering that myself.

FireMaiden FireMaiden also how prevalent/rare is magic within your setting? Something that everyone has and can just tap into with training or is it a rare birthright?
Magic is a tricky thing in Faylen. It's something that people can tap into, and are born with natural abbilty to preform magic, but most of the common will steer clear of it, but they use it 8m their everyday lives nd don't realize it. It's gotten a bit of a bad rap, and I'll be going into this more when I post the lore page.

I always want to join these role plays but they always become full of so many players
I'll probably be closing it before that happens.
Yes. The part members will not be the knights that saved the heirs. The party members will be people who want to help the heirs send the Imperium back over seas.

Okay, that part may not have been clear because I was pretty tired when I wrote this. A paragraph is my desisered minimum post length once the rp is up and running.

This is gonna be open until I think there's enough players, or until there's to many and things start getting confusing.

Magic is a tricky thing in Faylen. It's something that people can tap into, and are born with natural abbilty to preform magic, but most of the common will steer clear of it, but they use it 8m their everyday lives nd don't realize it. It's gotten a bit of a bad rap, and I'll be going into this more when I post the lore page.

I'll probably be closing it before that happens.
Wonderful, when should we get our character sheets to you?
Having difficulty writing up Kalder. I'll post two variations, maybe, one being an heir, the other not an heir.

On another note, FireMaiden FireMaiden is it cool to have an assassin ally for our band of heir misfits?
I like the idea of an assassin character! Not all assassins have to be evil also!
I'm making her a patriotic one. I'm thinking that her family was a part of the Council of Kings and they got killed and some such, making her go into hiding. Then, goes to subscribe an "Eye for an Eye" kind of mentality, becoming an assassin and inflicting the same damage the Imperium made her go through. She's evil only at the Imperium and is known by the general Kalder populace as a woman who likes tending to her plants in her home, not knowing it's poisonous as hell.

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